Old pear trees are not good, in every sense of the word.

Really can not.

When Li Yongjin proposed to chat with the old Lishu alone.

The old pear tree smiled brightly.

That smile is like a daisy in spring.

Splendid and beautiful.

On my territory, can we still chat with you?

The only fly in the ointment is that the conversation doesn't last long.

After only about three minutes,

The limping old pear tree held up its branches, and called each other very kindly.

"Well, if you come to play later, you will be my brother from now on."

After the old pear tree finished talking, it seemed that he had regained his senses.

Knowing how to spit out people's words, that's called a straight word, and it looks like a well-educated old tree.

It appears that the conversation was successful.

I successfully influenced this old guy who was lost again.

Li Yongjin thought so.

Suddenly I felt that reading more "The Analects of Confucius" was still very beneficial.

You can better influence others, so that you can get a full sense of accomplishment.


"Li big brother, what did you say to that old pervert, Old Lishu?"

Just leaving the Pear Clan's territory like this, Taoyao still didn't realize it.

Originally thought, this would be a nightmare for own.

But after waking up from this nightmare, everything is still so beautiful.

Hearing this, Li Yongjin played with an unpretentious iron ax in his hand.

Shaking his head and laughing: "It's nothing, it's just to show affection and reason to it, to make it realize that it's wrong for such an old cow to eat young grass."

"From now on, you don't have to worry about it anymore. That old pear tree will no longer have unreasonable thoughts about you."

Tao Yao suddenly jumped three feet high: "That's really great, then it can finally go to Haitang Aunt with peace of mind. You don't know, Haitang Aunt has a special liking for that old pervert..."

"The two of them are truly a match made in heaven."

Begonia Aunt?

Tsk tsk, what kind of saddle does a horse match?


Li Yongjin couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"Ah, what are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered something funny."


Tao Yao just responded and didn't ask any more questions.

At this point, Li Yongjin likes this little peach blossom very much.

It never gets to the bottom of it, and it doesn't make people feel troubled at all.


Leaving Peach Blossom City, they were on the road.

Go to the destination of this trip, the most mysterious corner of secret realm.

"My grandmother is almost omnipotent, and all creatures here respect it as the Tongtian vine. If you have any questions, you can ask it."

"So far, none of the doubts in this world can stop him."

"He can answer all the problems of this world from ancient times to the present."


Taoyao began to chatter, and began to popularize the Tongtian vine to Li Yongjin.

It was extremely detailed, almost telling Li Yongjin everything it knew.

I was afraid that Li Yongjin would neglect his grandmother and make His Majesty angry.

Although my lord, I have never lost my temper in front of it.

But Li Yongjin is really different from ordinary people,

Tao Yao didn't know what would happen when they met.

"Well, I understand, like... an encyclopedia."

Li Yongjin originally wanted to say "living fossil", but after thinking about it, he changed the word.

Just when I have a question to ask, basic courtesy is still required.

"However, grandma has always attached great importance to principles. There are a few taboos you must remember."

Tao Yao was still worried, and said very seriously: "Actually, it's only three o'clock."

"First point, you must never wear purple clothes."

The first one made Li Yongjin frown.

"What a strange agreement, but I don't have purple clothes, so you can rest assured."

But he still nodded, indicating that he remembered.

Tao Yao also nodded: "Okay, the second point, you are not allowed to tamper with anything there, unless you get His consent."

Li Yongjin didn't hesitate at all: "Of course, it's up to you."

"The third point, when asking questions, you must be sincere. He pays attention to sincerity and spirit."

"Also, when you ask a question, you must never look up, and you must not speak loudly."

After Taoyao finished speaking, she looked at Li Yongjin expectantly.

Want to know his reaction.

If we say, Li Yongjin's reaction is very strange.

Then it will not take Li Yongjin there, lest it will lose its life in time.

In Tianshou secret realm, grandma is invincible.

All the creatures here dare not challenge His authority.

Who knows, but Li Yongjin chanted in a serious manner: "I understand, I understand, everything is mysterious and mysterious, it's so wonderful."

Don't dare to speak loudly, for fear of frightening the heavenly beings.

Before meeting, this Tongtian vine gave Li Yongjin a lot of mysterious colors.

Now, he is more and more curious.

Such a principled vine, if someone breaks his principles.

What should He do?

Of course, such a law-abiding and nice gentleman would not do this.

Take it as it is, give Xiao Taohua a face.

"Okay, since you have agreed, there is no problem."

Tao Yao clapped her hands happily, regaining her vigor and color.

Finally, I can see its grandmother again.

Today is the first day to be happy.

"Then, there are only a few details left."

"My grandmother used to say...everything has value. Everything you want must be exchanged for things."

"This, you can also understand?"

It believed that since even the three principles could be understood.

Li Yongjin must understand the rules of equivalent substitution.

As a result, Li Yongjin really didn't understand.

I thought it was a free answer, but you asked me for money?

Then what the hell are you, aren't you bullying honest people?

Therefore, Li Yongjin shook his head resolutely: "Whether you want money or not, you want to die. I really can't understand how such a big vine is so greedy for money!"

For own poor, Li Yongjin is very good.

He knew that he definitely couldn't come up with something that could impress the old vine!

This trip is still in vain!

In the end, Taoyao laughed and said, "Where are you thinking? No matter worldly wealth or spiritual treasures in this world, he doesn't care at all!"

"Then what does he want?"

Now, it was Li Yongjin's turn to be puzzled.

Is it fatal?

Tao Yao quickly explained: "Don't worry, He is very talkative, and will only look at your wealthiest things. Generally, as long as you have a part of that thing on you, you will never take more!"

After Taoyao finished speaking, Li Yongjin was speechless.

Come on, it's really terrible!

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