The big brother who went away is back.

All fans, brothers and sisters, gathered at the mountain gate and waited.

After all, this legendary senior brother Li can give them different surprises every time he comes back.

Everyone wants to pay their respects to this living legend.

And these people have nothing to do except practice all day long.

Naturally, it hurts to be idle, so I came out for a stroll.


at this time.

Li Yongjin and his group have long been used to such big scenes.

He knew that as a celebrity, every time he left the clan and returned to the clan, he would cause a sensation.

Those mountain disciples who were on duty were bored to death, and when they saw their return, they wanted to send a hundred telegrams.

In the eyes of everyone, Li Yongjin is already a Taoist celestial being, the incarnation of Tao.

When he was still in Sect, the two Sect Leaders often took turns to lobby Li Yongjin.

Let him pass on his understanding of Taoism and a little experience in enlightenment.

As for... the final effect.

Nature is amazing.

Listening to what you say is like listening to what you say.

After a few hours, everyone found themselves listening to a bunch of nonsense and Versailles literature.

Over time, no one came to him anymore.

Well, sure enough, the path of a genius cannot be copied.

People's enlightenment is like drinking water, and it is easy to dream if we listen too much.

Let's go back to wash and sleep.

"Eldest brother, I love you!"

"Brother, fly bravely, and we will always be together."

"Eldest brother, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

I don't know who organized the support, which made Li Yongjin very helpless.

In fact, these people are a generation behind themselves.

After all, the Qingshan Sect holds a grand apprentice acceptance ceremony every ten years.

If calculated according to the actual seniority, Li Yongjin felt that he was at least their uncle.

Also called Big Brother, it is simply taking advantage of those first-time disciples!


Just when Li Yongjin was thinking wildly.

Chinchilla's hair exploded.

"Squeak~! (There is a situation)!"

Ding Cangtian also smiled leisurely from behind: "Boss, be careful, there seems to be a monster who wants to assassinate you!"

There are monsters?

In Li Yongjin's pupils, a bright golden light suddenly lit up.

But after he glanced around, he found that there were no monsters at all.

Instead, there was a tree running towards him like crazy.

Wait, a tree?

Li Yongjin stared wide-eyed, watching the sea of ​​pink flowers rush towards him.

The sea of ​​flowers seems to have life, and the peach blossoms flutter like butterflies.

The petals are connected into one piece, and it seems to have rained heavily on them.

Inexplicably, a sentence suddenly came to his mind.

red rain pouring down,

How do you dive into memories?

In the red rain, Li Yongjin felt inexplicably familiar.

That is, the smell of an old friend?


In the courtyard.

Li Yongjin stared at it.

As a heaven and earth monster, it can transform into a part of the human form.

When communicating, it can make the other party feel more comfortable.

Of course, when fighting, they will also use the power of heaven and earth to directly show their original shape to enhance their own combat effectiveness.

"Little guy, what's your name?"

Li Yongjin's words made Xiao Taojing jump very much.

"I'm not young anymore, I'm one hundred and ninety-eight years old this year!"

It was so proud that it almost stretched out its waist to show Li Yongjin its annual rings.

Li Yongjin smiled, "I'm over three thousand years old, I don't seem to remember clearly."

At this time when people are pressed by age, Li Yongjin decisively chose physical age.

In this not wanting face, he is in the same line as Qingshan Zong's Dead Tree Peak.

Xiao Taojing: "..."

Mom, I don't play anymore, I want to go home.

As a last resort, it can only accept the fact that it is still young.

Even if it is used to life and death, it has experienced a lot.

But in front of this old monster, it had no choice but to lower its proud head.

"So, what's your name?"

Li Yongjin always feels that it is not good to follow the trend, because people also have names.

In the end, Xiao Taojing just shook her head:

"I don't have a name, I haven't had a name since I was born."

"We don't call each other by name, we can tell each other."

Then, it suddenly excitedly said:

"But I came here and found that each of you has a name, so can you give me a name?"

"Sister Zhou once said that you seem to be very good at naming names."

Name it.

Li Yongjin fell silent.

In fact, he has never been good at naming such things.

When he was in Xiaokeng Town before, he refused this kind of thing.

Because he didn't think of anything, common names like Goudan Erya came out to make people laugh.

However, why does Zhou Suzhen still think that she is good at naming names?

Li Yongjin was silent for a long time, then slapped his thigh suddenly.

He figured it out: "My wife is as beautiful as me, and loves me too!"

But if this is one of the wishes of the senior sister, then Li Yongjin can make an exception and choose a name.

"Since you are a peach tree spirit, running is very strange."

Li Yongjin pondered for a moment, then said with a smile:

"I'll just call you Taoyao. I hope you can inherit the tradition of our Qingshan Sect in the future, and run away as soon as you encounter any danger."

Regarding own Sect, Li Yongjin is not stingy about own Sect.

In terms of combat effectiveness.

Tell a joke, Qingshanzong!

But in terms of life preservation, the Green Mountain Sect has become a myth.


"Tao Yao, hee hee, I like it."

Tao Yao laughed, swaying the lush branches: "I have a name, I have a name."

Li Yongjin looked at all this and sighed in his heart: "Unfortunately, you don't have your sister Zhou anymore."


"What? You lied to me, right!"

"Sister Zhou will definitely come back, she will definitely come back."

Tao Yao collapsed.

In one day, it experienced both joy and sorrow.

Li Yongjin directly and bloodily presented the truth in front of it.

After all, the Green Mountain Sect also lied to it for three years, so it doesn't make any sense to continue.

At this moment, Li Yongjin finally saw how the legendary spirit cried.

Like a child, sitting on the ground and crying.

Tears fell down one by one like broken pearls.

Like that, no one can bear to see it.

Seeing this, the Chinchilla at the side jumped to the ground and started licking it.

Tao Yao sat on the ground and kept crying, while Xiao Bai just lay there and licked.

There is a faint feeling of eating a buffet.

Li Yongjin was on the sidelines, stunned.

Good guy, you played really crazy.

Ding Cangtian began to explain: "This is the life essence of the heaven and earth spirits, and it contains extremely strong life energy."

Now, Li Yongjin understood.

This thing is of great benefit to spiritual things.

It can be seen that Taoyao's identity and origin are not simple.

Not like an ordinary dryad.

It cried for a day and a night, and a man, a mouse and a tortoise also stayed with it for a day and a night.

Of course, it doesn't count that Xiaobai is here to cook.

In the end, it couldn't cry a drop, so it stopped crying.

Tao Yao looked dry, and asked hoarsely: "Is it true that she won't come back?"

"Well, it's in Baihua Valley, I can show you there."

Li Yongjin is also very decisive.

He has experienced all this, and also experienced many life and death.

Nature is so clear,

To deal with this kind of situation, it is necessary to cut the mess quickly!

Procrastination will only make everyone more miserable.

When I saw my senior sister off, there was a video of the photo stone as a memory.

Ever since, when the facts are in front of you.

Tao Yao finally accepted.

It was silent for a long time, and Li Yongjin also stood by it.

the day passed,

january passed,

Half a year passed.

One person and one tree remained motionless.

It seems that at this moment, people have become trees.

Trees also grow into people.

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