I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 54 I Finally Condensed Into A Longevity Fruit

The rune is very small and has a lot of text content.

Ancient texts are always concise and to the point.

Just a few symbols can express infinite thoughts.

The content is as follows:

"Colleagues of the Green Mountain Sect, I, Wang Mo, are back again. Daddy's performance this time is not bad, right? It can be regarded as taking back the face that our sect lost before!"

"Hahaha, don't be sad for me. I, Wang Mo, have acted freely and freely in my life. I have no regrets in my life and I don't need to explain to others."

"There is also Jin'er, let's take a step forward as a teacher. From now on, you have to take good care of yourself, and remember that you must not be impulsive in the future."

"Finally, remember that the way of cultivation does not happen overnight."

"There is also the matter of Xiaoyao'er, which is also his destined calamity. It has nothing to do with you. You don't have to worry about it."

"Looking back on my life, I'm only sorry for one person..."

"If you have a chance, can you give me a bouquet of flowers and say sorry?"

"Hey, I'm afraid I don't have this chance?"


Li Yongjin looked at the sentences on the brocade book and couldn't bear to read.

But he couldn't control himself and kept watching over and over again.

Looking at these words, it seems that the Master's exhortations and teachings are in my ears again.

Gradually, his eyes dimmed with tears.

Hot tears blurred his vision.

see this scene,

Hu Qingshan patted him on the shoulder lightly, and left the Sect Leader hall after a short sigh.

At this time, there is no other way but to let the person concerned calm down.

It is useless to say more.

After all, the dead cannot be brought back to life.


Under the setting sun.

A young man, a tortoise and a chrysanthemum rat walked in the barren mountains and ridges.

According to the breath of the relic left by the Master.

Led by Chinchilla, they came to a mountain that was neither high nor short.

"Squeak (right on top)!"

Xiaobai pointed to the front with a firm attitude.

As a spiritual creature, it has the function of treasure hunting.

This point has been reflected in the Green Mountain Sect's six months.

In the six months since Xiaobai came, the Qingshan sect was in a state of restlessness.

According to reports from Sect disciples, there are always various personal belongings that they have hidden and stolen.

Then, under the leadership of the Sect Law Enforcement Hall, Deadwood Peak was completely on fire.

Li Yongjin was also speechless when all the stolen goods were obtained.

Especially that, I don't know who is wearing the red underwear, which is very eye-catching.

there is only one truth!

For such a disgraceful operation,

Li Yongjin locked onto Xiaobai immediately.

Seeing the exposure of his own masterpiece, Xiaobai can only admit his own behavior.

Then Xiaobai got the nickname "White Thief".

But Li Yongjin still calls it Treasure Hunter.

Seeing this situation, Elder just smiled sarcastically.

Let Li Yongjin educate the pets, and then lead the team to leave.

"Hey, what do you want me to say about you?"

Li Yongjin hated iron and steel and scolded: "Even if you steal it, you should hide it better?"

Xiao Bai stood with his paws outstretched, his small eyes were full of doubts.

What's going on bro, aren't you going to give me a lesson?

But from then on, Xiaobai never made a move in the Qingshan Sect.


at the foot of the mountain,

Li Yongjin patted Xiaobai's head helplessly: "You are also strange, you obviously spoke quite well when we met before."

"Now, it's only squeaking..."

However, he didn't know what Xiaobai had gone through.

How did it escape from the Minor World and finally find its own?

After all, he shook his head and began to climb the mountain.

To show respect, Li Yongjin chose to climb to the summit on foot.

Holding a bunch of bright red roses in his hand, he came to the top of the mountain.

He knew that a character as flamboyant as the Master could only be represented by a bright red rose.

Soon, he came to a small soil bag.

The soil bag is a small grave, and a stone tablet stands on the grave.

There are three words written: Cangsheng Tomb.

Under the common people, there is buried the sweetheart that Master Wang Mo can't let go of in this life.

"Master, let me come and see you."

Li Yongjin put down the flowers and bowed deeply again: "Master asked me to come and see you, he said he couldn't come because he had something to do."

Then, Li Yongjin began to repeat:

"He chose Cangsheng before Cangsheng and you."

"I can save the common people, but I can't save you. He said that this is the most regrettable decision he has ever made in his life!"

In the past six months, Li Yongjin has learned all about Master's past.

Have to say, quite tasty.

On the one hand is the common people, on the other hand is the lover.

No matter which side you choose, you will regret it.

However, the world is safe and secure, and it is worthy of Tathagata and worthy of Qing?

As a monk, he shoulders the responsibility of the common people.

How can they put their personal emotions above the common people?

Therefore, this is destined to be an unsolvable problem!

Whoever comes will be wrong.

"He asked me to come and say sorry to you."

"If I have time in the future, I will come again."

"Finally, Master. I know you won't forgive him, I hope you can keep this anger forever. When you find him in your next life, let him repay it!"


Li Yongjin smiled and shook his head self-deprecatingly.

He didn't know who to say the last words to.

Perhaps, it was for the Master.

This guy Wang Mo is dull, not good at words, and he can't say anything good.

However, is there really a next life?

Who knows?

Not everyone is Ye Jianshen!


Outside the Qingshan Sect, Qingshan Town.

As a town under the jurisdiction of the Qingshan Sect, this place is backed by the Qingshan Dazong.

After Li Yongjin's name spread across the mainland, it became more and more prosperous.

After several years of construction, Qingshan Town has become a famous scene in Xuan Jiuzhou.

Many Practitioners and cultivators come here especially, and use this place as a check-in place.

After these years of development, the size of Qingshan Town has doubled several times.

There are faint signs of becoming a developed town in the center of Xuan Jiuzhou.

Outside the town, a figure in a coir raincoat appeared.

The body is thin and thin, and the whole body is shrouded in the coir raincoat.

His whereabouts are strange, and he refuses to leave his true face to the world.

"Is this the Qingshan Town?"

"Great, I finally found it!"

Along the way, I asked many passers-by.

This makes it very distressed for the autistic-phobic.

And it is always on tenterhooks, fearing that anyone will find out its true identity.

So as not to suffer unnecessary disasters.

However, I finally found it.

Coming to Qingshan Town, the Qingshan Sect is not far away.

A few more hours later, it arrived at the Green Mountain Sect.

It explained to the disciples guarding the mountain gate like this:

"Hello, I'm here to find you, sister Zhou Suzhen from Deadwood Peak."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm here to give her peaches and plums, please inform me and tell her..."

"I finally succeeded in condensing the fruit that can prolong life!"


For this agreement, it has devoted itself to preparing for so many years.

Finally, the time is right.

It's here for an appointment!

Climbing mountains, offering fruit.

It believes that with its help, sister Zhou Suzhen will be able to rejuvenate!

When the mountain gate disciples heard the words, they looked at each other in blank dismay.

Faced with such an excited figure,

Be silent.

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