"What, people ran away?"

"Are you talking about it? You melon, you can't even win against a single person?"

log cabin.

The old man was so frightened that he almost dropped his crutches.

This is simply impossible!

Their Peach Blossom Island has the guardian Restrictions laid down by the ancient Power.

Only mortals who have no Cultivation Base Realm can enter this uncontested island.

And a powerful practitioner with Realm, and a Practitioner who cultivates qi and blood to give birth to true essence.

They will be blocked out of the door by that layer of Restrictions.

From ancient times to the present, there is no exception.

That's why the village chief didn't believe that this guy used some mysterious means to escape.

He must have used some cleverness, and he must have been hiding somewhere after he ran out.

"Look, look carefully! Even if you dig, dig it out for me!"

The old man clenched the crutch in his hand, and knocked on the ground vigorously:

"I believe he won't go far, he must still be around here, he must be on the island!"

Suddenly, there was a dull sound of thump, thump, thump, thump.

"This old man guessed really accurately."

Li Yongjin, who has turned into a feather, secretly thought so.

These people guessed well.

I really didn't go far, and I never thought of running away.

Originally, he had no interest in this so-called treasure house.

But now, he really wants to find out.

This is human curiosity and Li Yongjin's rebellious psychology.

After all, he was still a teenager.

A very playful young man!

The seemingly long years have actually not obliterated this point.


These villagers indiscriminately restricted his freedom in this way.

Then, why don't you teach them a profound lesson?

In other words, what is in the treasure house of Menghua Tianbao?

As for making these isolated villagers act like crazy?

Could it be that.

This is also the same thing as the eye of ascension, can it make people ascend in the daytime?

that's it,

The entire Taoyuan Village fell into a frenzy.

They really started, digging three feet to find.

One by one, they carry hoes or shovels all day long.

It was a burst of excavation for all kinds of places where people might hide.

Cellars, ravines, streams...

All kinds of places have been searched by them.

But to their despair, Li Yongjin really disappeared!

It was as if the world had evaporated.

They searched the entire Peach Blossom Island, but they never found any trace of him!

That's right, not at all.

At this time, Li Yongjin also found the treasure house they said.

It was late at night.

Leaning on crutches, the old village chief quietly left the village.

He tremblingly walked to the back mountain, and came directly outside a cave.

In the cave, there is a gate.

The gate depicts a monster with blue stripes, and there is a keyhole in the nostril, which represents the opening.

Only by finding the key to the treasure house, can this dream-like super treasure house be opened!

"Menghua Tianbao..."

"What a fascinating baby, it's a pity, I don't know who can have you!"

"Woo woo woo..."

As he spoke, the old village head who had experienced vicissitudes of life actually cried.

Weeping and crying, he said again: "I think I have heard the old people in the village mention you since I was three years old and sensible."

"It's a pity, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to see you again in this life."

"You'll see!"

Suddenly, a clear and clear youthful voice rang out behind him.

The old man was shocked and turned around abruptly.


Behind him was nothing but rotten peach blossoms all over the place.

And when he thought of what he said just now, the old man's eyes were filled with tears.

Really, will there be such a day?

If so, it might be a kind of relief for him, right?

Thinking of this, the old man bowed in the direction of the words: "Thank... thank you."


Li Yongjin left, leaving that picturesque island.

He was going to spend this lifetime to find the key to the treasure house for that small village.

After all, he also saw it,

This treasure house is destined to be a nightmare for all the people in the small village, a bondage and a shackle.

They kept saying that they had to rely on the hard work of their ancestors in exchange for the opening of Menghua's treasure house.

However, in fact, that treasure house and this Minor World seem to have reached some kind of contract.

Only by finding the key to the treasure house can the treasure house be successfully opened.

Otherwise, even Li Yongjin would not be able to enter it.

Of course, if he uses force.

Maybe, you can destroy the entire cave and go in.

But he doesn't want to,

Regarding the rules of Minor World on this side, we still have to respect first-hand.

To avoid getting squeezed out by Minor World's Heavenly Dao rules.

Then the loss outweighs the gain.

After all, if this story lacks the participation of own, it will appear much paler and weaker.

After leaving Peach Blossom Island, Li Yongjin started to understand this 【Menghua Tianbao】.

In order to get clear information, he specially established an intelligence organization called Darknet.

In order to strengthen the power of the dark net, Li Yongjin made full use of the power of Pin Xixi in his previous life.

You can get a piece of information for free by pulling people in and hacking with a knife.

Using this kind of viral marketing has really achieved good results.

With more and more people joining, Li Yongjin also has many capable people and strangers under his command.

It's just that he hides his own information well.

Even people in the dark net don't know who their dark net master is.

The interaction of their information all depends on codes and a dark web.

Three years later, Li Yongjin's dark web has become popular.

He finally issued an order.

Find a key to the treasury called Menghua Tianbao, at all costs!

Even if it turns the dark web into darkness!

As soon as this order came out, the entire dark web suddenly boiled.

This is the first order issued by the master of the dark net after the dark net became one of the top ten forces in the mainland.

All of a sudden, relevant information about Menghua Tianbao flowed instantly on the dark web.

Just half a day later, thick stacks of files accumulated on Li Yongjin's desk.

Only then did Li Yongjin know that it was a long time ago.

The name of Menghua Tianbao has already spread throughout the mainland.

It's just because no one can find the location of Peach Blossom Island.

Naturally, it is impossible to freeze the specific location of the treasure house.


In the dossier, a short sentence attracted Li Yongjin's attention.

"In the unowned domain of Menghua Continent, the key to the treasure house appeared eight hundred years ago."

"The last place it appeared was: Black Flood Sea!"


No man's land.

Black flood sea.

When Li Yongjin came here, he keenly sensed the extremely rich Monster Qi around him.

"Hey, what a strong demon power!"

He frowned slightly, and at the same time felt a strong sense of excitement.

As the saying goes,

Yu Haisheng looked at Haisheng from the ground, and there was a dragon cutting the dragon.

A man is a man, he is born like this!

In my previous life, there are still many regrets that have not been completed.

So how heroic you can be in this life, how heroic you have to be!

Slaying a dragon is quite rare.

Since he hadn't done it, so what if he tried it?

The black sea water kept churning.

With all kinds of fishy winds, they rushed towards the face, giving people a strong discomfort.

After Li Yongjin came here, his first reaction was to find out, is there a dragon here?

So, he yelled towards the sea: "Hey, that black loach. Listen, don't hide, I've seen you... come out!"

After a while, Hei Jiaohai didn't respond.

Li Yongjin lost his patience.

With a direct palm swing, the force of nature exploded.

The originally calm sea suddenly became violent.

The sea water parted towards the two sides, unable to heal for a long time under the influence of the force of nature.

From the outside, it looks like a center point for Hei Jiaohai.

"Hey, where did the yellow-haired boy come from, can't he find death?"

"Then Lord Jiao, I will fulfill you, and see if Lord Jiao doesn't tear you into eighteen pieces!"


Under the Black Sea, there was a mournful roar.

Faced with such a provocation, the black dragon finally couldn't bear it anymore!

In the face of scolding, it didn't even intend to care about it.

But now, how dare that kid do it?

Its penance was interrupted, and I don't know how many Cultivation Bases were scattered.

If this didn't kill that guy, he wouldn't be relieved at all!

However, five minutes later.

The black dragon transformed into Daoist with first-born black horns, and came to Li Yongjin with a flattering smile on his face.

He smiled respectfully and said, "My lord, do you have any orders?"

Looking at the black flood dragon Daoist, that bruised nose and swollen face.

Li Yongjin asked blankly: "I just came to ask, have you seen a key here?"


Hei Jiao shook his head, expressing that he didn't know what the key was.

"Okay, then have you heard of Menghua Tianbao?"

Hearing these four words, Hei Jiao laughed loudly: "Young master, you don't know something."

"As far as I know, this Menghua Tianbao is a scam left over from a long time ago."

"It is also the biggest scam in the current continent!"


Li Yongjin was surprised: "If it's a scam, why is the whole continent flocking to it, and even going crazy?"

Anyway, this treasure house has also caused thousands of waves.

If Hei Jiao said it out, wouldn't everyone be drunk and wake up alone?

And if this is a scam, then who is the person behind it?

What will be his purpose?

Doubts, infinite doubts enveloped Li Yongjin.

Things seem to be getting more and more exciting.

"Then I don't know, anyway, this is a scam, a complete scam."

Hei Jiao said, and even spat.

His tone and attitude were full of disdain.

What about Menghua Tianbao, the name is not bad.

"Whatever the scam, the key to the treasury finally appeared with you, right?"

Li Yongjin's words surprised the black dragon Daoist.

He immediately patted his head and said:

"Oh, I remember it when I heard you talking about it."

"Yes, there is. But where did I put it?"

"Let me think about it, let me think about it."

"I can definitely remember it, but after all, it's been a while."


that's it.

Heijiao thought about it for a summer, and then looked for an autumn.

Li Yongjin is also at the beach, silently accompanying him to make a summer into an autumn.

In the end, hard work is still useful, and the emperor pays off.

On this day, the black flood dragon swam up with a black token in its mouth.

Li Yongjin couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he saw the token.

This is the key you said?

I know that your treasure house is rare, but you don't have to be so perfunctory, right?

Anyway, you should also find a decent key.

"Absolutely, this is it."

Hei Jiao laughed and said, "If you can't open it, you can come back at any time."

Reaching out to not hit the smiling person, Li Yongjin finally believed it.

Holding the token, he set foot on the road to find Peach Blossom Island again.

Seven years later, his golden pupils continued to burn, and he finally found the real Peach Blossom Island.

Once again set foot on the island, Li Yongjin even felt a sense of far away.

But the fragrance is still there, and the peach blossoms are blooming innocently.

As for the villagers, forget it.

Menghua treasure house.

Li Yongjin took out the token and searched for it for a long time.

As a result, he found a groove next to the monster's head, and inserted the token.

Sure enough, the door opened slowly.

What the black flood dragon said was right, it also used its own actual actions to save its own life.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yongjin was stunned.

When he saw the so-called treasure house clearly, he couldn't help laughing a few times.

According to legend, Menghua Tianbao can change the fate of everyone.

But now, this fate has been bloody spread out.

In front of Li Yongjin's eyes, there were grain bags and wine spread out all over the floor.

The food that used to be decayed long ago and turned into the essence of a place.

Here is a huge granary.

Around the granary, there are countless farm tools.

Gold, silver and iron hoes are even more readily available.

In the innermost part, there are wooden boats and oars that are mostly rotten.

Sure enough, what Hei Jiao said was right, this was a huge scam.

But it is also the most real thing for mortals.

But who would have thought that Menghua Tianbao, which made the entire continent boil and made Menghua Minor World wonderful, was just a mortal thing?

For a false key, countless people fought and paid their lives for it.

In the end, what did they get?

Such is the terrible power of gossip!

Three people become a tiger, when there are many people who say it, it will naturally become a fact.

Li Yongjin shook his head.

Stop thinking about it.

This is a story of a treasure hunt, but it is a pity that he failed to return.

Peach Blossom Island.

In the square of Taoyuan Village, there was an extra stone tablet one morning.

There are four words written on it: Treasure Hunting Enlightenment.

On the back of the stele, there is a concise and clear guide map.

In this way, ashes return to ashes, and Menghua Tianbao returns to its original owner!

In the midst of the decay of the place, Li Yongjin was reborn.


The third life ends, and Li Yongjin wakes up again.

The experience of this life is shorter, and he almost went through the whole process very quickly.

Although this trip was short and lonely, it gave him a deep understanding.

This is an unprecedented brand new feeling in the previous two lifetimes.

When Ding Cangtian saw Li Yongjin wake up, he immediately expressed his concern: "Boss, are you still working?"

"It's not straight, I feel that it's almost time for enlightenment."

Li Yongjin stood up slowly, loosening his muscles and bones.

At this time, his temperament became much calmer.

It gives people a sense of refreshment that has been washed away.

Ding Cangtian smiled and asked: "Then, what have you realized?"

"I have realized the ignorance and troubles that ordinary people seek for themselves, and I understand a sentence even more,"

Li Yongjin looked at the constantly broken Restrictions in the distance.

Gradually, narrowing his eyes:

"Heavenly Dao Zhigong, Dao is ruthless..."

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