Mo Chou has no confidant in the future, who in the world does not know the king?

When Sun Siruo heard the words, his eyes lit up immediately.

This kind of brightness is a real eye-catching.

As if there is light.

And Li Yongjin, also in his eyes,

I saw the words "Unrivaled Under Heaven" in capital letters!

This is what mortals call the power of ideals and beliefs.

With this kind of thing, they will have the great courage to conquer nature.


Chayin Town.

Sun Siruo is a real super road idiot.

This time, however, he was lucky.

Didn't go wrong.

Here, indeed, was Chayin Town, and it was his primary destination.

This is the first time he has gone to the right place without going through twists and turns.

Along the way, the two walked hand in hand.

After coming here, they all noticed that something was wrong.

This place is gloomy, and there is no laughter.

All the residents passing by were numb, like walking dead.

There was no expression on their faces at all.

The walking posture is also like a zombie, quite infiltrating.

this way,

Li Yongjin was not afraid at all, nor did he show timidity.

Just like Sun Siruo, he asked everyone he met.

Greet people as soon as you see them, and don't feel annoyed because the other party doesn't respond.

Although, no response from anyone.

But it also made Sun Siruo believe in the word "confidant" that Li Yongjin said.

Why a bosom friend?

Because this person is just like me.

He is also very good at socializing and likes to make friends.

In short, it is social bullshit.

Walk around and down.

"Brother Sun, have you seen the symptoms of these people?"

Li Yongjin looked solemn,

Things are not good in small towns.

Even more serious than he imagined.

These people look normal from the outside, but behave in very abnormal ways.

It gives people a weird feeling, as if haunted.

"Outsiders say... there is a plague here."

Sun Siruo's words made Li Yongjin instinctively cover his mouth and nose.


Damn, you didn't say it earlier.

Oh, I'm a cultivator.

Oh, I follow the law.

That's fine.

Thinking of this, he put down his hand in embarrassment.

Seeing his such a big reaction.

Sun Siruo smiled and said: "Don't worry, brother Li, according to my observation, it's not the case."

Lao Sun was so sure, Li Yongjin immediately settled down.

"However, what kind of illness they got, it will take some time..."

Sun Siruo became distressed and began to scratch his thick hair:

"Give me some time, I need some time!"

"Okay, okay, don't worry."

Li Yongjin patted his shoulder lightly,

like a confidant.


The two settled down.

Where outsiders dare not come, they have no taboos.

There was no place to live inside, so they pitched camp.

Li Yongjin followed Old Man Ge and learned how to survive in the wild.

For things like making tents, it can be regarded as familiar.

It took him a few days to build a simple wooden shed.

Seeing the wooden shed, Sun Siruo couldn't help giving a thumbs up: "Brother Li is a good crafter, it seems that you are really indispensable for this trip!"

As a son of a rich family, Sun Siruo's hands-on ability is not strong.

Fortunately, his luck has always been good.

Going around and going around can always reach the place he wants to go and achieve the goal he wants.

For this ability, Li Yongjin is very envious.

This is the Chosen One!

The writing in the novel is really good, the author sincerely does not lie to me!


Half a month passed.

In the morning, the sun is warm.

Sun Siruo ran into the wooden shed excitedly, holding two unknown sacrificial vessels in his hand.

He muttered: "I found it, I finally found it!"


Li Yongjin tore off a piece of bread slowly and stuffed it into his mouth: "Then wait for me first, and finish this breakfast."

For this result, Li Yongjin is not surprised.

As an invincible traveling doctor, Sun Siruo can solve a patient as long as he finds the disease.

He said: "In fact, these people are not sick, but they all feel that they are sick, and this is where the disease lies."

"And this disease is the most difficult, because it is a heart disease..."

For these words.

Li Yongjin always nodded his head and said yes yes yes yes yes yes.

Anyway, they are all technical terms, as well as some obscure nouns.

Then he said helplessly: "Miraculous doctor Sun, in fact, you don't need to explain it to me, I don't study medicine."

"Haha, after all, you are a confidant. It's always right to tell you more."

Sun Siruo scratched his head in embarrassment, and continued to explain to Li Yongjin.

Finally, Li Yongjin saw the legendary Zhu Youshu.

I saw Sun Siruo muttering something to a spell signboard.

Then some water was sprinkled on the patient's head, which seemed to be a practice.

Finally, he stroked the patient's head and patted it seriously a few times.

Then he said as if jumping into a great god: "The god said, forgive you!"

After the whole set of comprehensive health care, the patient is really alive and well.

Seeing such a miraculous scene, Li Yongjin fell into deep thought.

He clearly saw that the golden lotus above Sun Siruo's head had thousands of strands hanging down.

The endless brilliance dissipated, and the patient was enlightened.

For healing,

Sun Siruo generously distributed the luck that should belong to him to others selflessly!

Is this... the real Zhu Youshu?

Li Yongjin didn't know.

He only knew that in his mind, this silly boy was the real number one in the world!

Just this kind of heart, just this ideal.

Sun Siruo deserved it.

After curing everyone in the town, Sun Siruo almost fell ill.

But he still found Li Yongjin, with an excited smile on his pale face: "Let's go, Brother Li, let's go to Xuanhu to help the world, and let's go to fight for justice!"

Li Yongjin smiled reluctantly, but finally nodded in agreement.

This is Sun's ideal and ambition, and he can't pour cold water on it.


In the mortal world of Wuyao Continent, a rumor began to spread.

Someone offended the Great God of Moon Cultivation, and the Great God is about to send down punishment from heaven.

Terrible natural disasters will lead to doomsday, and no one will be spared in the face of doomsday.

"Brother Li, do you know the origin of this rumor?"

Sun Siruo was very surprised, why did Haoduanduan end?

Li Yongjin shrugged: "How would I know, and it's none of my business, anyway, I didn't do it!"

He said it so firmly that he almost swore to the sky.


As the rumors progressed, more and more mortals were infected with that terrible heart disease.

Heart disease is like a plague, spreading rapidly in countless countries.

Sun Siruo treated them non-stop, day and night.

Along the way, Li Yongjin saw countless sufferings of the common people, and a lot of feelings faintly arose in his heart.

Suddenly, he also wanted to learn this Zhu Youshu.

Just to help this confidant, share some!

Anyway, he never needed these illusory lucks, so why not just split them up?

Soon, Li Yongjin also learned to wish by.

It's just that his technology sucks and makes patients restless every time.

In the end, Sun Siruo still had to intervene.


The legend of the two barefoot doctors gradually spread in the secular world.

There are two more statues of them in the ancestral halls of many towns, and believers are like weaving incense.

After ten years of tossing and turning, I don't think about it.

The two walked through the rugged mountains and witnessed countless madness falling into loneliness.

In the end, the clear and bright moon on the sea was poured into the cup together.

One day ten years later, Sun Siruo still fell ill.

He can cure thousands of people, but he still can't eliminate this disease.

No matter how hard he tried, the disaster was always one step ahead of him!

But that day, he completely realized.

Half a month later, Sun Siruo, who had just recovered from a serious illness, was not idle.

He found Li Yongjin directly, and said firmly, "I'm ready, let's go, Brother Li..."

"Let's get rid of the root cause!"

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