

The wind, the wind.

At this moment, a strong wind suddenly blew up on the top of Xiaochong Mountain.

The young man also opened his arms.

His eyes opened slightly, as if caught in a long memory.

This is a state that only old people who have gone through vicissitudes of life will have.

It is very uncommon in this kind of youth.

Very uncommon.

"Uncle Huang, do you know? There was once an old friend who said that I was not worthy of that sword—and then, I killed him ninety-nine times!"

"In the end, he never had a chance to admit his mistake."

"In my opinion, it's not enough for that old man to die a hundred times!"

"Now do you think that I am worthy of that sentence——Jian Lai?"


His tone was very calm.

It was as bland as plain water diluted 10,000 times.

However, in the ears of children, it seemed so frightening.

The young man has been reincarnated ninety-nine times, and this is his hundredth life now.

He knew these things originally.

But today, he just knew for the first time.

It turned out that the young man chased and killed a person who also Samsara ninety-nine times.

Samsara will not stop until he kills others until he is immortal.

Just to prove that sentence.

In the end, am I worthy of the sword?

This is simply perverted!

Regardless of you Samsara Baishi, I want to kill you too!

"Now, my long-cherished wish is over, and it's time to ascend."

To this, the child nodded,

There is no wavering in my heart about whether the youth can succeed.

Yes, it's time for him to ascend.

He should have gone to heaven long ago!

The next moment, the youth said:




The sword really came.

Sword Qi, as mighty as a canopy of sky, enveloped the entire Eye of Ascension in an instant.

With the young man's whisper.

It seems that famous swords all over the world are responding.

And the object of their response is the strongest sword master in the heavens!

The eye of the cave, beyond the sea.

Countless Tianjiao raised their heads in surprise.

Among them, the one from Cangtian Sword Sect held down his own saber hard.

"Hey, what's going on?"

She frowned, and said coldly: "Qianjue, calm down!"

Qian Jue is her sword.

It was she who used the essence and soul to warm the twin Mother-Child swords that had been raised for three thousand years.

In the entire Ethereal Continent, there is no one of the top twin swords!

On weekdays, communicate with her.

Once she uses swordsmanship, she can even give the opponent a three-on-one feeling by herself.

In the eyes of everyone, she is a very difficult sword cultivator.

Dao heart is extremely firm and extremely lethal, and it is also one of the targets that the Tianjiao present do not want to provoke.

But now,

Her sword actually moved!

He even wanted to follow other swords to meet some kind of existence together.

This shocked her and made her feel bad.

"Ah, my sword!"

Just when the sword girl was upset, one of the people present with the sword Tianjiao exclaimed.

His saber turned into a rainbow light and fled to the east.

Go to meet its master and ascend to the throne of God!

The momentum of this sword has intensified even after leaving that Tianjiao.

In the end, it turned into a very bright morning star, and began to act as a guide, guiding and calling on more famous swords to abandon darkness and turn to light.

It seems to be saying that there is no future in mixing with you.

Ya shit on you.

Tianjiao suddenly spat out a mouthful of reverse blood, his Dao heart collapsed.

Then, a golden Sword Ray appeared in the eastern sky.

The endless Sword Qi canopy, after it appeared, automatically separated the two ends.

It seems to be welcoming, their master.


Just when everyone was surprised.

In the north, slowly came a little donkey.

An old man riding a donkey upside down held a child about seven or eight years old in his arms.

"Hey, it seems that it's not too early or too late, it's just right."

The old man took off the flagon from his waist and took a sip.

"Master Master, look at the sky, how handsome!"

The child clapped his hands and looked like he was jumping for joy.

In his eyes, such a cool picture is rare.

"Handsome, isn't it? Your Master...can't either."

"But little beggar, this is your real opponent next - Ye Jianlai. Go ahead and borrow some light from him."

The old man stroked his beard, and there was a green light in his dark green pupils.

He held a long sheep whip, and waved it along with the endless Sword Qi in the sky.

It seems that he is directing a certain movement with a certain rhythm.

"Master Master, is this the sword?"

"No, this is called ascension!"

The old man pampered his head and took off his tiger hat.

In this way, it looks a little more mature.


The child's eyes were full of light: "So handsome, what should I call him, Ye Jianshen?"

"No, maybe you should call him... Sword God of the Hundred Worlds."

The old man seemed to see through everything: "His current age is 1,800 years old, but if you count the age of Samsara's century, he is actually more than 390,000 years old now."

"Three hundred and ninety thousand..."

The child exclaimed, "It's so long."

"You can live such a long time in the future." The old man smiled very kindly, and rubbed his head again.

The tone is full of confidence, as if determined to win.

"Mr. Zhang."

The child tilted his head again and asked, "You often say that everyone in the world pursues ascension, so why don't those old grandpas who really need them fight for it?"

The old grandpa in his mouth.

Naturally, those super old monsters from top forces.

They have been tossing all their lives, don't they just want to ascend?

Why, can't anyone be seen at the scene?

"They...they can't fight!"

The old man pouted and explained very patiently:

"For the eye of ascension, only those who are under 10,000 years old are eligible to fight for it. But you have to know that an ordinary purple mansion cultivator can live for ten thousand years."

"Those old monsters, it's not that they don't want to ascend, but they have already been eliminated."

"Furthermore, those ascenders are the symbol of Sect's right to speak and heritage. Every time there is an ascender, they will have more light on their faces."

"If there are ascenders with Sect or forces, they will usually leave a few tokens before ascension. If the Sect forces need it, they can use the tokens to invite them to the lower realm."


The old man talked a lot, and concluded: "This is called Karma! Borrowing the light of Sect, you have to repay the fruit of the reward in the future!"

The child nodded: "I understand, no wonder those big Sects are so excited, they immediately asked their good babies to come down the mountain!"

"Mr. Zhang, you always say that I can ascend, is it now?"


Old man Zhang put the flagon on and wiped his mouth beautifully: "Just today!"

Just today.

As his words fell, the sword curtain in the sky froze instantly.

Because, a young man walked out with Sword Ray.

He said:

"Today, I, Ye Jianlai, call out to the heavens in the body of a hundred generations."

"I have a sword, which can prove ascension!"

I have a sword, which can prove ascension.

I have a sword,

a sword...

At this moment, these words resounded in the entire cultivation world at the same time.

And the echoes continue, for a long time.

Almost everyone looked up at the same moment in a daze.

Witness together, the birth of a new legend in Misty Continent.

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