This bard with ideals was the first passerby Li Yongjin met.

Kind of like...a friend.

a strange friend.

Anyway, for Li Yongjin, everything in Minor World is strange and new.

Afterwards, the bard raised his chin and asked, "Are you on the way?"

This man is so strange.

Li Yongjin secretly thought.

Obviously he hasn't asked where he is going, nor has he said where this is.

It's just weird to ask others if they are on the way.

But he still nodded and smiled and said: "By the way, if you come, you will be safe."

"They come, the security?"

The other party chewed this sentence repeatedly, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

"It makes sense, it makes sense."

Immediately, the two walked together.

Mostly silent, occasionally exchanging a few words.

Li Yongjin didn't ask the target, just followed him with his head buried.

Following this strange person, Li Yongjin also chose to be a strange person.

Perhaps, becoming also a compulsory course in life.

This way, they went from morning to afternoon.

But still did not get out of the dense forest.

At this time, the scholar was already in a state of distress, but Li Yongjin was still in high spirits.

Through the understanding along the way, Li Yongjin knows the basic situation of the world.

This place is called the Boundless Continent.

There is a huge empire nearby, the Canglan Empire.

According to the scholar, he has never seen any immortals.

I never believed in fairies.

So Li Yongjin estimated that this might be a world of low martial arts.

But not necessarily.

Maybe the Realm of the scholar is not enough, so I can't get in touch with this aspect.

Naturally, one cannot fully believe what he said.

"So, do you know where the road is?"

Suddenly, the two chatted about this topic.

"Road? The road is under your feet."

The scholar closed the book with satisfaction, as if the knowledge came from the books of sages.

Li Yongjin scoffed at the pedantry of these scholars.

"No, no, no," he shook his head, "the road is under the nose."

The scholar was surprised for a moment, then laughed.

Yeah, the road is under the nose.

The words are rough and the rationale is not rough.

Isn't this friend the best explanation for this sentence?

The way is asked.

Finally, at dusk, the two left the jungle.

The journey is all about walking, without any dexterity.

But for this slow life, Li Yongjin is unexpectedly satisfied.

This kind of Life, okay.

Anyway, no matter how you say it, it's more meaningful than spending time on the back of a black turtle, right?

Walking out of the dense forest is a small town.

The scholar was hungry, so the two came to a small tavern.

Simply eating and drinking, chatting to the ideal.

"Me? I must read, read, and read. Only reading is the right way, and only reading can make me advance step by step."

said the scholar.

Li Yongjin laughed at him for being pedantic and greedy for power.


Li Yongjin really admires this kind of person with ideals and ambitions.

Unlike him, he doesn't know what to do.

Afterwards, the scholar still showed his qualities as a bard.

"You don't understand, I have to climb up step by step, and only when I reach the highest point can the world hear my poems and sentences."

upon hearing this,

Li Yongjin narrowed his eyes in awe.

He half-understood, and pondered again: " don't have to rely on reading to climb to the highest place."

Li Yongjin smiled, still wanting to tease him.


The other party was extremely firm, and even the sound of knocking the wine glass on the table resounded loudly: "I must be studying!"

"It's the iron law," he said.


As it turns out, Li Yongjin was right.

Some people can do it without reading.

Especially, after he cut off a mountain with one finger at will.

The monarch of the empire treated him very politely and regarded him as a guest of honor.

Li Yongjin did not rely on his studies to become a national teacher of the empire.

Even the so-called book boys who followed him became officials of Yuetianjian.

The scholar finally realized his own ambition and found a world with countless books.

When he knew Li Yongjin's words had come true, he exclaimed "Sir" several times.

One mouthful of Mr. Li made Li Yongjin feel a little flustered.

"Actually, you can still call me the same as before."

"Then how can I do it? If you can come and take me to study, then you are my husband. You must bear this sir."

The other party is very firm in his heart and refuses to compromise an inch.

Seeing that he was persistent, Li Yongjin thought about his own age again.

Immediately agreed.

It turns out that I am not young anymore.

But why do I always feel that he is still the boy from before?

Superintendent of Yuetian Supervisor, this position sounds good.

But in fact, it is a recorder who guards the library.

Record the big and small things that happen in the empire every day.

However, once when reviewing records.

The monarch was surprised to see this scene.

[The first day. Nothing to do today, read a book! 】

[The second day. Nothing to do today, read a book! 】

[The third day. Nothing to do today, read a book! 】


For three full years, great changes have taken place in the empire from top to bottom.

But in the writing of Xiao Sicha of Yuetianjian, there has never been a day when something major happened.

For more than three years, Si Cha almost finished reading the books of the treasury.

Hearing the monarch's report, Li Yongjin didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Anyway, you are also a majestic lord, why do you complain to my subordinates and my subordinates?

Do you still have the dignity of being a king?

As a result, Li Yongjin reluctantly took over Si Cha's reading records.

[The first day of substitute shift. Nothing happened today, I lost a book. 】

[The second day of substitute shift. Nothing happened today, I found a book. 】

[The third day of substitute shift. Nothing to do today, go to the bar to listen to the music, and reward you with a hundred taels of money. 】


Seeing such a record, the monarch completely understood.

Come on, these two people are not reliable.

Or he should find someone himself.

Under the pen of Master Guoshi,

Using the lost book as an excuse, he single-handedly crushed such a major event as the Sacred sect, which is invincible in the secular world.

Unexpectedly, just found a book.

Fortunately, the monarch had expected it a long time ago, and sent reliable officials on the spot to refill the pens.

Let's see how it is recorded in the pens of orthodox historians.

[Empire Canglan Year 1082 Bingchen Day, Sacred is mighty and invincible in the world Supreme Shangyuan Master Li Guoshi, gathered three treasures on his head, condensed the shadow of the supreme ancient beast, smashed the church of the Mountain and River God with one blow, and the world was shocked Fighting to show off the undying power of the empire...]

Although the writing was almost meaningless, it didn't write that invincible scene.

But the monarch still pinched his nose and admitted.

Compared with those two rotten goods...

Actually, it's really well written.

The heroes of the world come out of my generation, and the years of Rivers and Lakes remind me.

In the chatting and laughing of the imperial dominance, life is unbearably drunk.

In the blink of an eye, Li Yongjin has been in Rivers and Lakes for more than 60 years.

In this year, the high-spirited scholar has changed from black hair to gray hair on the temples.

Seeing that Li Yongjin had returned to his former appearance, he tremblingly raised his hand and said, "Sir, it is indeed as you said, there really are immortals in this world."

Li Yongjin smiled and said, "Actually, there is no such thing as a fairy, but I just invented it."

In his heart, a true immortal should be at ease.

And are you free and unrestrained?

He doesn't think so.

However, perhaps immortals cannot live forever.

upon hearing this,

The old scholar laughed loudly, Yingfeng laughed with tears and snot all over his face, and said: "It's a pity, I have been with Mr. for so many years, but I still haven't been able to write the greatest poem!"

Yes, the scholar was right.

He regarded himself as a bard all his life, but was trapped and died in a corner because of reading.

When he has read all the books, he is about to come to an end.

When a bard loses his sense of bard, he will naturally not be able to write the best poems.

So far, Li Yongjin is not even clear about his name.

As a scholar, I never told others.

"So, do you regret it?"

"Regret? Even though he died nine times, he still has no regrets!"

He straightened his waist with all his strength, coughed twice and said with a wry smile: "Being able to be by your side is better than me telling poems for a lifetime! Do you know why?"

Li Yongjin shook his head.

Actually he knows.

"Because I feel... I will never be able to write such a great sentence as you, sir. I feel that all my talents are insignificant in front of you."

The scholar was filled with emotion.

Although I have never traveled all over the world, I have never fulfilled my ambitions.

But he never regretted it.

Because what he learned from Li Yongjin is enough for him to follow for the rest of his life.

Li Yongjin was stunned when he heard this.

After a while, he rubbed his temples and smiled wryly: "Actually, you didn't lose to me, but to time."

Silly boy, behind me...

But there is a whole, China's thousands of years of civilization as a support.

What are you fighting with me?

Perhaps, I killed a great dream.

Li Yongjin sighed.

After a few days, the scholar left.

Only one copy of his early poems is left to the world: "Great Poetry Merit".

Li Yongjin couldn't bear to read, but he still explained to the new monarch.

It is requested that this poem be reframed and put into the Curry of the Book of Nations for future generations to read.

Perhaps the scholar's poems are as boring as his diary records.

However, if you don't open it.

Who knows?

Li Yongjin left such an epitaph on his tombstone:

I hope the world will always remember that there was such a great bard.

He is gone, and he has taken poetry with him from the world.

From then on, Li Yongjin fell in love with reading.

He began to immerse himself in the book curry of the entire continent, using his terrifying spirit to collect all the books in this world.

When he is free in the future, he can extract each book at any time and read it slowly.

Since reading is a matter, the scholar has devoted his whole life.

Of course, there is interest in it.

Perhaps, in the book.

He can meet that one again, the mysterious but never-ending great soul.

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