I will eventually become a god

Chapter 169 Explosive Harvest, New Divine Skills, Dragon Cherry Seeds! (4K)

Seeing the Futu Knife dissipated in the wind, with no handle left behind, Xue Jing gently closed her eyes, and her body fell freely in the air, towards the earth.

At the moment of rebirth, Xue Jing instantly understood the meaning of Futu Dao.

It wants - martyrdom.

The tangible and perishable sword body is transformed into the invisible and immortal sword intention.

Xue Jing understood its meaning, respected its wishes, and turned its tangible body into the secret of his "Heavenly Sword" - Ying Man Yue.

The word "Futu" originally means the moon is setting in the west.

But it finally violated the destiny contained in its name and turned into an eternal and immortal secret in Xue Jing's hands, a full moon that will never set in the west.

This is the first secret-level martial arts killing move that Xue Jing has learned.

He also didn't expect that he would get the secret of Tianyi Sword before Hidden Dragon Style's 'finishing touch'.

"You...you're not dead!?"

Until now, the person in the mirror stood up from Xue Jing's shoulders in excitement.

"What the hell is going on? You really almost scared me to death!"

Xue Jing smiled, opened her eyes, and said casually:

"I forgot to tell you, I also have a third god-given ability...Resurrection Armor."

Man in the Mirror:"……"

"You should have told me earlier!"

It complained loudly.

"What's going on with the power god that was given to you? Why can it give you so many completely unrelated secrets?"

"It loves you too much."

Xue Jing: "The son chosen by God, that's what it is."

The person in the mirror shook his head: "I don't understand."

Then it couldn't help but laugh.

"But, that's great...I knew this kid wouldn't stop here."

"In this way, I can leave this border area and gain real freedom after I get out."

"We all have a bright future!"

Xue Jing laughed: "Yes, congratulations to you."

He was filled with joy at the moment when he personally killed a monster that was completely impossible to defeat.

Xue Jing was also happy that the man in the mirror, a divine relic that provided him with a lot of information and was of great help, could get what he wanted.

At this time, the sky across the entire junction suddenly looked like a mirror, filled with dense cracks and making a clicking sound.

"Huh? This is it?"

Xue Jing said doubtfully.

The man in the mirror smiled and said: "You killed the pure-blood dragon species as the core creature, and the 'flaw' attached to the core of the mirror world was also shattered by you."

"This is the phenomenon that occurs when the 'reflection blend' is released."

"If it were a pure mirror world, the entire world would be shattered at this time, but at the junction, it would only strip away the specificity of the mirror world itself."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sky like a broken mirror was completely shattered, scattering countless light spots.

But nothing has changed at the junction itself.

But Xue Jing had a vague feeling, as if some kind of restraint originally wrapped around her body was gradually dissipated.

"From now on, this junction is 'dead'. From now on, there will be no sudden changes. It will remain the same, allowing the creatures in the junction to develop on their own."


The body of the pure-blooded dragon fell to the ground, and its huge mass raised a mushroom cloud of dust.

Xue Jing, who was free-falling, followed him. When he was about to land, he used the remaining shadow flames of the blue strips to activate several thin plates, buffered them for a few times, and landed steadily.

After taking a deep breath, Xue Jing opened the panel expectantly.

The first thing that catches the eye is undoubtedly the divine harvest.

[Kill special creatures with divinity, divinity +2568]

Two thousand five! !

Xue Jing clenched her fist hard and suppressed the excitement in her heart.

This number, even for him who has obtained a large amount of divinity in the junction area, can't help but feel that it is very huge.

But he knew that this was just an appetizer!

[...Fitness experience value +3039 (reached the upper limit)]

[You have overcome the huge power gap and successfully killed the juvenile pure-blood dragon species. Your sense of accomplishment makes you extremely happy, and your health experience value is +4060]

[...Running experience value +2930]

[...aiming experience value +3306]

[...Fighting experience value +3658]

[...Hidden Dragon Ruyijin experience value +4681]

[...Visualization·True experience value +3511]

[You resurrected from the death battle, watched the stunning view of the full moon of cherry blossoms, and had an epiphany under the martyrdom of the Futu Sword, and your combat experience value was +6633]

[...Swimming experience value +1566]

[...acting experience value +1357]

[Health preservation upgraded to Lv10 (278/?)]

[Visualization·True promotion to Lv7 (1499/9000)]

[Soldier attack increased to Lv9 (4888/8000)]

[Swimming upgraded to Lv6 (499/3000)]

[Acting skill upgraded to Lv6 (912/3000)]

[The conditions for sublimation of "Soldier Strike" have been detected...]

[Insufficient conditions, sublimation failed]

[Sublimation conditions:

One,? ? ? ? ?

Second, the level reaches Lv10

Third, the required divinity: 1000]

A series of prompts, a large amount of experience points and skill level improvements, and finally the [Soldier Strike] sublimation condition is triggered...

Like [Fitness] and [Charm], there is still a condition that is completely a question mark, and I don’t know how to achieve it.

Xue Jing didn’t bother to experience the specific situation of the strength enhancement, and immediately turned the panel to the bottom, looking at the divine skill column.

Below [Twins] [Shadow Flame] [Plant Contract], a new skill suddenly appeared!

[Dragon Horn (Not Activated): Divine Skill, 2639/500 Divine Power Required for Activation]

[Conditions have been met, do you want to activate? ]


Hmm? Dragon Horn?

Xue Jing was a little confused.

This name feels weird, and it is completely different from the names of Twins, Shadow Flame, and Plant Contract that directly show the ability. It is impossible to intuitively imagine what kind of ability it has at the first time.

Although it is very clear that it is related to "dragon"... This is also what Xue Jing expected.

The divine skill is indeed related to the source of its acquisition... Killing a pure-blooded dragon species will get [Dragon Horn].

But these don’t matter, just activate it first.

Xue Jing clicked [Yes].

[Activation Successful]

[Dragon Horn Lv1 (Divinity Required for Upgrade: 2139/100)]

[Effect: Can Transform into a Real Dragon Horn]

[Divine Avatar: Unlocked (Unlocking Condition: Divinity 2139/2000, Level Reached Lv10)]

Another simple introduction that is consistent with the previous one... It is completely impossible to understand what its function is.

After thinking about it, Xue Jing directly activated it.

"Crackle crackle——"

Instantly, the sound of electric current came from his forehead, and then, fine silver current gradually emerged, gathering more and more.

Amid the crackling sound, two "dragon horns" like solidified silver lightning appeared on Xue Jing's head.

The two lightning dragon horns were in a Z shape, with extremely sharp tips, and the surface kept fluctuating, flashing with fine silver currents, which looked extremely beautiful.

Xue Jing seemed to have realized something in his heart, and he stretched out his hand to a half-person-high stone on the ground next to him.


Amid the sound of electricity, silver lightning shot out from his hand and hit the stone.

The lightning did not disappear, but like a chain, it wrapped around the stone, and the other end was held in Xue Jing's hand.

Xue Jing raised his hand upwards, and after a slight resistance, the big stone was directly lifted up in the air by his lightning chain.

"This is--!!"

The man in the mirror widened his eyes.

"How do you still have the ability? No, this is new."

"Have you obtained the secret technique bestowed by God again?"

Xue Jing smiled: "It seems so."

He took back the silver lightning in his hand, and the stone fell back to the ground.

"So that's it. After using [Dragon Horn], you can use this silver lightning that affects 'gravity'."

Xue Jing understood in his heart.

He did not use the materialized lightning to lift the stone just now.

Instead, he used lightning to turn the 'gravity' of the stone into zero, making it float up.

"Isn't this dragon thunder?"

Thunder that affects gravity, a symbol of pure-blooded dragons being favored by heaven, dragon thunder!

Xue Jing stretched out his hand and pointed, and a silver lightning shot out from his fingertips and hit the big stone.


The stone was directly blown apart and turned into countless pieces.

"Well, the power alone is not bad, especially the attack speed is very fast."

Xue Jing nodded.

"Then next..."

Xue Jing's eyes showed expectation, and his heart sank slightly. The two lightning dragon horns on his head made crackling sounds.

The next moment, silver thunder surrounded him, as if a silver-white feather belt was wrapped around him, flickering and fluctuating with the wind. The whole person looked like an inexplicable fairy, like a god descending from heaven.

Under the influence of the silver dragon thunder, the gravity that had been bound to him since birth slowly decreased until it returned to nothing, and he was completely free of it.

So, Xue Jing flew up.

"Flying skills!"

"Finally got it!"

Xue Jing slowly rose to a height of more than ten meters, with surprise in his heart.

Flying, getting rid of the shackles of gravity, one of the ultimate dreams of mankind, was realized by him at this moment.

He did not use any alien implants, but relied entirely on himself.

This is something that cannot be achieved by simply practicing the old martial arts to any degree.

Although he had indirectly gained the ability to move in the air by relying on the shadow flame before, it was nothing compared to real flying.

This is the ultimate symbol of freedom, the dream of mankind!

Xue Jing was familiar with the influence of the dragon thunder on his own gravity in the air, and learned how to adjust it to make himself move forward, backward, left, and right...

At first, it was still unfamiliar and difficult to control, but with his current learning ability, after only a dozen minutes, he was able to control the direction skillfully and fly freely in the sky.

"It's great... but the speed is a bit slow."

Xue Jing was moving slowly at a speed of about four or five meters per second at an altitude of dozens of meters.

This is already his current maximum speed.

He opened the panel, switched to the divine skill column, clicked on [Dragon Horn], and chose to upgrade.

[Dragon Horn Lv2]

[Dragon Horn Lv3]

[Dragon Horn Lv4 (Divine Power Required for Upgrading: 1239/800)]

It was upgraded to Lv4 in one go, spending 900 Divine Power points.

The silver thunder feathers wrapped around Xue Jing suddenly crackled, the lightning became brighter, and the person's originally slow flying speed suddenly increased.

It became close to 30 meters per second.

Although it couldn't compare to his running speed on the ground, it was still quite fast. The speed exceeds 100 kilometers per hour.

"Let's do this for the time being. Don't be in a hurry to continue improving. Keep some divinity in reserve."

Xue Jing satisfied her desire to fly and play, and her body slowly landed from the air.

With his feet on the ground, he turned the silver-white lightning dragon horns on his head into electricity and dispersed it.

"...I actually gave you a god-given secret technique from a completely different field. Who is your special god?"

The man in the mirror said dumbly.

"Is it true that he is the old master who returned from the Great Nirvana as I thought..."

Xue Jing was about to speak when his eyes suddenly moved and he looked at the corpse of the real dragon next to him.

At this time, the corpse of the real dragon, which was in tatters and covered with fine knife wounds, was collapsing toward the center at a slow but visible speed.

Xue Jing's eyes narrowed slightly: "What's going on?"

The person in the mirror said leisurely: "Don't worry, it's dead."

"...Pure-blooded dragons have no father or mother and are born from nature. After death, they will return to nature."

"Its flesh and blood will turn into nutrients and nourish the land. This area will be very fertile for decades or even hundreds of years in the future. Whatever you plant, you will have a big harvest."

"Plus, it leaves something behind."

Xue Jing asked: "What?"

Man in the mirror: "Egg."

"It should be the survival instinct that still remains after death. Its corpse will lay the last dragon egg, which will roughly inherit its own genes."

"However, pure-blooded dragons are only considered to be born from nature. The dragon eggs it lays, even if they are close to itself, are only specious, and because they are just 'embers' after death, they are even more powerful than the blood of the guardian dragon. You have to wait a little longer.”

"This dragon egg is your trophy, what do you want to do with it?"

Xue Jing thought for a while and said with a smile: "Give it to Renya, thanks to her this time."

The person in the mirror nodded, somewhat pleased:

"You are very kind... If this dragon egg is put up for auction, the guaranteed price should be around 50 million Zhuxia coins."

Xue Jing: "?"

He scratched his head: "Can I regret it?"

The person in the mirror said angrily: "Don't be so petty. Once you say something, it's hard to follow up."

Xue Jing smiled: "I'm just kidding, it's only 50 million."

He stretched out and planned to find a place to sleep.

Although after resurrecting with twins, the state was immediately full, and there was no feeling of fatigue.

But the memory of the fierce battle for several hours before was still there, and following the inertia of the memory, he still felt that it would be better to take a rest.

The sword 'Ying Man Yue' swung at the end also consumed quite a lot of mental energy. After all, it was a secret-level move.

"Huh? Wait a minute, look at its head."

The person in the mirror suddenly spoke and pointed at the dragon horns on the real dragon's corpse.

There are winding black branches wrapped around it, but the cherry blossoms that originally bloomed on the branches have all withered and decayed.

Seeing this, Xue Jing suddenly said: "By the way, I almost forgot about this."

"This is the real 'trophy'!"

Saying that, Xue Jing reached out and touched the black branch on the dragon's horn.

The finger touched, and a 'deed seal' was immediately printed on the branch.

Xue Jing opened the panel and took a look. The Level 6 Plant Deed should be close to full blue bars because all the previous seeds were destroyed.

But as soon as the branch on the dragon's horn was contracted, the name of the plant contract immediately became dim, and more than half of the blue bar was consumed!

"The more powerful the plant, the greater the consumption."

Xue Jing's eyes lit up, he pulled the branch from the dragon's head and threw it to the ground.

Then he snapped his fingers, and the branches immediately took root in place, squirming, multiplying, and growing. In a short time, they became a towering black tree dozens of meters high.

Countless silver-white cherry blossoms bloom on the branches, which is so beautiful.

A petal fell slowly at a speed of five centimeters per second and was caught in the palm of Xue Jing's hand.

"Let's call you - 'Long Ying'."

Xue Jing whispered.

After saying that, he felt something was wrong.

Hidden Dragon Style, Dragon Horn, Dragon Sakura...

"Damn, I look like a dragon cancer patient. Most of my martial arts skills are related to dragons."

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