I will eventually become a god

Chapter 160 Invincible Heart, Susanata Buddha, destroys four kingdoms by one person! (4K)

The huge body crashed to the ground, causing the entire valley to tremble. A circle of dust spread out from the center of the place where the tree dragon fell, stretching hundreds of meters away.

The belly of the tree dragon that fell to the ground began to slowly expand. It was getting bigger and bigger like an inflated balloon. The rough bark-like dragon scales were stretched open, and cracks appeared everywhere. From the cracks, the scales were stretched and thinned. skin.


With a roar of thunder, the tree dragon's belly suddenly exploded, and a large amount of golden lightning exploded from the breach, scattering in all directions.

Land, trees, mountain walls with a radius of hundreds of meters...everything touched by the scattered thunder was shattered and turned into charred black. Only one or two plants were not shattered after being hit. Instead, the whole body was filled with lightning ripples, and the body gradually transformed into a golden color, turning into a dragon thunder plant.

From the gaping hole in the tree dragon's belly, a figure wrapped in black flames and golden lightning slowly walked out.

Xue Jing stepped forward slowly, using shadow flames to eliminate the dragon thunder on his body. With the increased gravity of more than ten times, he stepped on the charred ground, leaving a deep footprint.

As the last golden lightning in his body was burned away by the black flames, he suddenly felt relaxed and his body regained its lightness.

[Kill special creatures with divinity, divinity +327]

[Currently holds divinity: 851]

"...Why didn't you tell me earlier that you still had this skill?"

The person in the mirror in the bracelet was stunned.

Xue Jing opened his palms and looked at the sharp claws of the snake-killing soldiers in his hands.

This claw no longer shines with the silvery white light it did before, but instead shows a dull pale color, unremarkable, just like an ordinary beast's claw, with nothing special about it.

"...Before I used it, I didn't know this thing was so powerful."

Xue Jing raised her eyebrows.

Although I knew that the Snake-Slaying Point Soldier could restrain the dragon species... I didn't expect that the restraining effect would be so exaggerated.

Because he himself practiced the Hidden Dragon Style, he was able to experience the restraint effect when facing natural enemies before.

But this is probably because his race is essentially human, and he has only practiced martial arts related to dragons, so the restraint effect he receives is not deep enough, and his experience is not real enough.

But this tree dragon is a pure dragon species, a complete dragon from the inside out, allowing the snake-killing tip soldiers to fully unleash their lethality.

The vitality that could almost be called immortality died on the spot after a claw of the snake-killing soldier pierced his core organ.

The person in the mirror glanced at the claws in Xue Jing's hand that had lost their silvery glory: "...This thing looks like it can no longer be used."

"Isn't this the only one you have?"

"If there's only one, I definitely won't use it on this guard dragon..."

Xue Jing smiled and took out four more silver claws from the pocket of his tactical uniform.

The person in the mirror suddenly brightened up, stood up from Xue Jing's shoulders, and began to rub his hands together excitedly, with an eager expression:

"Okay, okay! If this is the case, even a pure-blooded dragon might really have a chance..."

"This thing should be a conceptual level of supernatural power, right? Special attack on dragon species? Where did you get it?"

The man in the mirror was well-informed and could guess the characteristics of the snake-killing soldiers at a glance.

Xue Jing touched her chin: "Well... I picked it up on the road."

The person in the mirror curled his lips and hummed: "If you don't want to tell me, I won't tell you. I'm not very curious. Anyway, it's good to have hope."

"...I see, you want to use Renya, the dragon god witch, to find a way to get close to the pure-blooded dragon, and use this claw to reduce its 'blood volume' in advance...or see if you can simply Just kill it."

The person in the mirror is thoughtful.

"This method is indeed feasible to a certain extent. It depends on how far that girl Rennia can do it."

"...However, although there is currently hope that we can kill the pure-blood dragon species, it is only a hope."

"The restraint effect of this claw is very powerful. It is impeccable in terms of quality, but it is slightly lacking in quantity."

Xue Jing asked doubtfully: "How to say?"

The person in the mirror looked at the body of the tree dragon: "The power of the supernatural power contained in a claw, when it penetrated into the core organ of this guard dragon, just wiped out all its vitality."

It pointed at the sharp claw in Xue Jing's hand that had lost its silvery glory.

"The vitality of a pure-blooded dragon is more than this... If you can pierce all four remaining claws into its core organs, it should be enough to kill it."

"But that's just an ideal situation."

The person in the mirror sat on Xue Jing's shoulder again and thought:

"Pure-blood dragons are very capable in all aspects, and their speed and reaction are very fast. It is difficult for you to get close to its core organs. It would be good if you can hurt its body."

"In addition, there are two guard dragons that you have to take into account. If you want to kill them, you also need to use your claws... Otherwise, with their vitality, you will be dragged to death."

Xue Jing thought for a while and said: "Then beat each one half to death first, and then stab it to death with your claws. In this case, you should only consume one to kill two guard dragons, saving one." ”

The man in the mirror nodded, "The remaining three... are not enough, but if used properly, they should be able to greatly reduce the vitality and combat power of that pure-blood dragon."

"At that time, it will be up to you... Even a pure-blooded dragon whose combat power is greatly weakened will be a difficult challenge for you."

Xue Jing smiled and said, "I'll try my best."

Perhaps the continuous victories along the way cultivated an invincible mentality... He was clearly facing a terrifying monster that was unprecedented and far superior to him, but he didn't feel the slightest fear in his heart.

It was as calm as going out to the supermarket instead of facing a pure-blood dragon, without any fear at all.

He didn't know whether this mentality was good or bad.

Fear is an emotion that has both negative and positive effects.

Excess self-confidence also has advantages and disadvantages.

However, so far, it seems that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

At least he won't make any operational mistakes due to inner instability during the battle.

"Only with an invincible heart can you wield an invincible fist..."

Xue Jing stared at his palms that were clenched into fists.

"The heart that believes is your magic!"

Xue Jing wandered in the valley of the tree dragon's territory, scanning the surroundings with his eyes. From time to time he would squat down and open the cracks in the rocks, as if he was looking for something.

"What are you looking for?" the man in the mirror asked.

Xue Jing raised her hand and pushed hard, using her strength to lift a large rock open, and said: "Dragon Thunder Plant."

"I have to try my best to maximize the combat power that I can increase now..."

As he said that, Xue Jing's eyes moved and he looked towards a small forest in the distance.

In the gaps between the trees and weeds, he vaguely saw a bit of gold.

With one step of his feet, he disappeared from the spot.

Not long after, he entered the small forest and quickly found the source of the golden color.

A golden flower that looks like a lotus is blooming between the roots of a big tree.

Xue Jing reached out and touched the corolla, the plant contract was activated, and a 'deed seal' suddenly appeared on the golden lotus flower.

With a thought, Xue Jing made the golden lotus that had completed the contract grow in reverse, retracting all its petals and roots, and curled up into a golden seed. Xue Jing picked up the seed and put it in her pocket.

Opening the panel and taking a look, the skill name of [Plant Contract] became a little dim again.

"The more, the better. I need as many dragon thunder plants as possible to deal with the dragon thunder."

Xue Jing thought for a while, clicked on the [Plant Deed] to upgrade, and spent 800 points of divinity.

[Plant Deed Level 5 (51/1200)]

Seeing that the skill name turned pale gold again, Xue Jing nodded.

"Keep looking."

Three hours later.

Xue Jing stood on the bank of a river, looking upstream at the huge dragon that was leaning on the ground, lowering its head and drinking water leisurely.

It has the same rough bark-like dragon scales as the fat tree dragon, and a slender and huge body nearly twenty meters long. Different from the tree dragon, this guard dragon has round lumps all over its body. The colorful flower crowns look quite scary.

Xue Jing took a deep breath and reached for the chest pocket of the tactical uniform.

Immediately, he took out... a large handful of seeds.

The seeds vary in size, the largest is as big as a walnut, and the smallest is about the size of a grain of rice. There are more than a dozen in total.

What they have in common is that all the seeds are golden in color.

"Then, let's try the effect."

Xue Jing raised her foot and assumed a posture like throwing a baseball. After accumulating a little strength, she threw it fiercely at the Corolla Dragon!

It has reached Lv8, close to Lv9 [Aiming], and the accuracy is needless to say.

More than a dozen seeds cover every part of the Corolla Dragon's body very skillfully.

The moment the seeds hit the Corolla Dragon, Xue Jing reached out and snapped her fingers.


In an instant, a scalp-numbing scene appeared.

Countless thick golden roots, golden vines, golden flowers, golden thorns, golden leaves...


Densely dense golden plants instantly grew crazily all over the Corolla Dragon's body, squirming, wrapping its huge body in it, and tightly binding it.

"Hiss—so disgusting." The person in the mirror with the black bracelet couldn't help but trembled and covered his hands, rubbing the goosebumps on his arms twice.

Xue Jing also found this scene a bit disgusting, but it did not affect his actions.

The black flames burned on his body, turning into a gorgeous full-covered jet-black armor, covering his entire body. A little bit of black flames dotted the armor, making him look like a death knight from the underworld.


Angry dragon roars came from the squirming golden plant mass, and at the same time the entire mass shook violently, and the Corolla Dragon struggled inside it to escape.

However, after the Plant Deed reached Level 5, the strength of the controlled plants was greatly improved. At this moment, a huge mass formed by more than a dozen Dragon Thunder plant seeds, the superimposed strength was quite outrageous. The Corolla Dragon was suddenly He was tightly bound and couldn't break free.

"The best way to destroy its vitality is to attack its core organs. First confirm where its core organs are." The man in the mirror reminded.

Xue Jing nodded, stepped towards the Corolla Dragon.

With a move of his finger, the golden plant mass automatically opened a 'single passage' for him, revealing a small piece of the Corolla Dragon's body.

He clenched his hands together, and the black flames condensed in his hands, turning into a huge spiral black drill.

"——Turn golden scales!"

With vigorous agitation, Xue Jing's armored body began to rotate at high speed, with the drill bits condensed from both hands as tips, spinning continuously on the dragon's scales.

There was a crackling sound, and the rough bark-like dragon scales could not block the strong penetration force, and were directly opened. .


The severe pain made the Corolla dragon cry out in pain. In anger, one of the red corollas on its body exploded with a popping sound, and countless light red gas flowed out from the exploded corolla.


There was a sizzling sound inside the golden plant mass, like the sound made by sulfuric acid corroding objects.

The originally solid golden plant mass suddenly began to emit smoke, and the entire mass gradually began to swell and loosen.

Immediately, the corollas on the Corolla Dragon began to explode continuously. Every time one exploded, the sizzling sound became more intense, and more and more smoke came out of the lump.

Finally, the golden plant mass gradually rotted and turned black like a towel that had been wetted. The originally strong and powerful restraints also became loose, and pieces fell off the Corolla Dragon's body and fell to the ground.

Xue Jing, who had gotten into the body of the Corolla Dragon, sensed something was wrong and stopped looking for the core organs. He immediately used Tornado Thunder to explode his foot power, ejected his whole body, quickly returned from the dug hole, and left the body of the Corolla Dragon.

The moment he left, golden lightning suddenly erupted from all over the body of the Corolla Dragon, which was freed from restraints. The intense thunder light completely covered its body, causing lightning and thunder.


Amidst the roar of the dragon, the Corolla Dragon cast its sights on the small black insect not far away, with anger in its vertical pupils.

Seeing this, Xue Jing immediately raised his palm.

More than a dozen golden seeds immediately came to his side, multiplying and growing into countless plants, intertwining with each other to form a huge golden sphere of vegetation, wrapping him in it.

The next moment, dozens of golden thunderbolts struck Xue Jing one after another.

"Boom boom boom boom——"

The Ueki sphere kept shattering under the bombardment of dragon thunder, but because it was too thick, it was not penetrated.

Seeing this, the man in the mirror became energetic:

"Very good! You have basically solved the power of dragon thunder, which is the most difficult thing for pure-blooded dragons to deal with."

"The hope of defeating the pure-blood dragon species has been greatly increased!"

Xue Jing didn't reply, but clasped his hands together and controlled the Zhimu Sphere to proliferate crazily.

Countless plants are combined with each other, the thick roots turn into the body, the vines turn into clothing, the thorns are wrapped around the body, and the petals are dotted on the limbs and head...

After a while, a golden statue of the Buddha, nearly thirty meters tall and standing with eighteen arms on its back, was formed!

Xue Jing was held on the palm of one of the arms. He focused his eyes and began to mobilize Shadow Flame with all his strength!

Countless shadow air currents were pulled away and turned into black flames, which burned all over the Buddha's body and gradually turned into a very suitable huge pitch-black armor, covering it inside.

"I've wanted to play like this for a long time."

Xue Jing said with interest.

"The Great Buddha of Susanata, one man destroyed four kingdoms!"

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