I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 475: threaten

The stunned Robert panicked, and even made obvious mistakes in dodging, and almost fell into the raging fire around him.

Even so, it's still a step too late... With the slightly raised arc of the girl's mouth, the four knights of judgment who were surrounded at the same time seemed to notice something strange and spread out.

Losing the cover of his teammates, Robert, the captain, could only further distance himself from the girl and reunite with everyone.

The sneering Freya didn't pursue her as if she didn't care, and even the flames circling around her retreated quite a bit, appearing to be very harmless.

"What's going on? Everyone reports the situation!"

Robert growled angrily. Although he guessed that the situation was abnormal, it was different from the team members' refusal to obey orders - this involved his own authority as the captain.

But no one gave an answer because…

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah…!



The shrill screams exploded behind Robert's back, and he turned his head back with the boy's hole shrunk, only to see the team members holding the flag high and calling for the storm, holding their chests tightly, sweating profusely from their bodies, and their pained bodies were as violent as sifting chaff. jitter.

Almost in the blink of an eye... An unnatural, golden-red light suddenly appeared on the team member's chest, neck, hands and feet—like steel scorched by flames and a forging hammer that had been beaten fiercely.

Robert, who was startled and ready, suddenly felt some kind of burnt, smoky aroma permeating the air.




A huge explosion sounded, and a powerful Knights of Judgment, who had been entrusted by Robert with an important responsibility, was directly blown into a human-shaped torch.

His flesh and blood was burnt and carbonized at a speed visible to the naked eye... The bones were like firewood in a fireplace, broken, shattered, and eventually turned into gritty dust, scattered and scattered in the rest.

The whole process only took about half a minute, not even thirty seconds.

The shocked Robert was stunned, even forgetting that he was still fighting a blasphemous mage, forgetting that he was still scolding the team members for their incompetence and refusing to listen to the command... The whole person was immersed in the fear in front of him.

But the real fear has only just begun...




One after another, explosions sounded one after another, and the remaining judgement knights also turned into dazzling fireballs without fighting back, surrounding Robert.

When he regained some sense of reason from the panic, he finally realized that he was the only one left-except for those who ran out to deliver the letter, the entire team had been wiped out!

Unlike the judges who often perform tasks alone, although the Knights of Judgment is only a thousand people, it is still an army and is good at collective action and cooperation; on the other hand, the Knights of Judgment acting alone are different in terms of ability and level. inferior to the judges.

Feeling the hotter and hotter air around him, the terrified and uneasy Robert had only one thought left in his mind, "escape". He decisively dropped the steam gun in his arms and retreated in the opposite direction to the elf girl.

No, that's not right... The reason why Freya Mosesfield was able to kill her entire team so easily is because there should be another Blasphemy Mage besides her in Red Hand Bay... Unidentified ability, unknown, but should have a strong insight.

It was because of the information she provided that Freya was able to directly set the enemy on fire for the first time... But if she was there, how could she escape? !

The more Robert thought about it, the more frightened it became. The body strengthened by the Wild Hunt knight's blood began to become stiff and weak, and it became more and more difficult to breathe... Even the heat from the gasping in his throat made him terrified.

Looking at the back who was escaping further and further, the elf girl who had never moved her position slowly raised her right hand, and the golden-red fire light swirled at her fingertips, lingering, converging, and then...


The golden-red beam of light flashed through the ruins of Red Hand Bay and penetrated Robert's chest!

The terrified latter didn't even have time to cry out, because the lungs were already connected to the heart, and the ribs had been burned to ashes.

While still running, he continued to sprint forward by inertia, his unbalanced foot slipped, and the whole person fell into the boiling sea of ​​fire beside him.

In the blazing white flames, it disappeared without a trace.

Under the dark night sky, Freya Moses Field, who was the only one left, silently looked at the burning street, restraining the power she just released little by little.

After all, she hasn't recovered completely yet, and now she can't spend as recklessly as she did when the Beluga Harbor was attacked before; if she is a little careless, her power will start to get out of control as her emotions heat up. In this respect, the two are actually Interacting... She now has to control not only the level of her anger, but also make sure she doesn't use too much force at once.

"How do you feel, Your Majesty Freya I, can you continue to fight?"

Familiar and disgusting voices sounded in her mind, causing the sneering elf girl to frown slightly: "There is not much time, there are still hundreds of adjudication knights and tens of thousands of holy war troops, plus a steam airship waiting for us to solve it! "

"Yeah..." Fulai Yadandan said: "So instead of continuing to talk about these boring nonsense, it is better to report the information of the surrounding enemies to me as soon as possible."

"Sorry, because of someone, I'm a little worried about your state." The voice continued to tease deliberately: "Louis Bernard has left Red Hand Bay and joined the Grenadier Regiment at the West Gate, and is currently on his way to Go to the outer positions and assemble the New World Corps on standby, it is very safe...for now."

"It's not your turn to worry about my safety. Also, next time I report the information, I can just focus on the key points. Useless information will only waste my precious time-in the Royal Court of Yinsel, like you. This ignorant subject will definitely have his tongue cut off by my father!"

The elf girl said coldly, but knowing the information about the safety of the young knight softened her expression a lot, but she still refused to spare the other party lightly:

"Don't forget, I said I was going to kill you... Although I won't do anything to you for the time being because of Louis, it doesn't mean that I won't honor my promise!"

"If I find out that you have done anything wrong, take advantage of Louis' kindness to hurt him, and cause him to suffer unexplainable losses, sacrifices and humiliation... In the name of Moses Field, I will let you witness the blood of the true **** with your own eyes, Yin How terrifying is the wrath of the Sear royal family, Anson Bach!"


"Yes, yes... I understand, I understand..."

In the basement of the parliament, An Sen, who was sitting in front of the map table, smiled wryly. His helpless eyes seemed to be looking at a girl who was obviously young, but fell in love and couldn't extricate herself.

Uh, it seems so.

Although they have awakened their bloodline and possessed power that rivals Blasphemy Mage - strictly speaking, Yinsel elves do not have the concept of "blasphemous magician", after all, they will not evolve because of their power awakening - but Freya's His heart, or his feelings for Louis have never changed, or shaken.

This is also the only reason why she would so happily agree to contain the Knights of Judgment and the Crusaders... After all, as a fugitive who was named and arrested by the Holy See, not to mention breaking up for others, even exposing her own existence is a very risky thing, even if It is also very dangerous for blasphemy mages.

No matter how strong a spellcaster is, there is only himself, and there are flaws, but the Holy See has almost endless resources and power; even if he hides in an uninhabited wilderness, it is not absolutely safe.

Sighing lightly, An Sen, who was chatting, bit the pipe he picked up, closed his eyes, and turned his attention back to the pictures and fields reflected in his mind.

From the very beginning of the battle, he covered the entire Red Hand Bay town area with his "ability" and the domain without dead ends, and then simulated the mind-reading ability of black magic through the "planning" rule, and used the pictures he saw and the information he mastered. Tell Freya seamlessly.

Because the law of "planning" naturally has the ability to collect information, the moment the ruling knights stepped into the town of Red Hand Bay, information about them began to accumulate in Anson's mind. Depending on the amount of information collected, he could still "Strengthen" Freya's conjuration magic within the range of your own domain.

At the same time, relying on the every move of the ruling knights, Anson can also split the seemingly many enemies, so that the elf girl can successfully block, without facing too many enemies at the same time, so as to avoid exposing weakness under siege , or risk falling into a hard fight.

This is Anson's plan, and it is also the way of fighting that maximizes the effect of his "planning law" in his eyes - assisting, rather than facing the enemy head-on.

After all, his purpose is only to delay the enemy's actions, not to really destroy the Knights of Judgment. If he is just blocking and restraining, he can do it with the cooperation of himself and the elf girl now, and even if the Holy War army successfully landed, it is completely possible. do it.

It's just that there is a small problem in this seemingly perfect plan... An Sen with his eyes closed slowly raised his head, focusing on the night sky in his mind, the airship floating directly above Red Hand Bay. .

Compassion...it is the only trouble that cannot be ruled out in the whole plan; Anson can limit the abilities of those judge knights with sentient ability, and can wipe out the aura she unleashes while Freya squanders her power...but only It is impossible to limit everything that the airship can observe from the top down, because that would require oneself to distort the reality in the realm on a large scale, not to mention hiding for Freya, oneself will be exposed first.

Its threat is not just as simple as being able to fly, but it turns the entire battlefield from a plane into a three-dimensional one. The enemy can use it to obtain information that was otherwise inaccessible, mobilize firepower more directly, and gather power more calmly... Attacks, large and obvious targets can also instantly reveal the location of the attacker.

If you don't solve this threat, you and Freya risk being surrounded and strangled!


Outside the Red Hand Bay Port, the Mujahideen fleet, the flagship "Watcher".

"The officers of each regiment are waiting in the cabin. The first batch of 6,000 people who are ready to land has been assembled and ready to go at any time."

Stepping onto the deck, Renault, the deputy commander of the Mujahideen Army, said with a serious expression, "Please order, His Royal Highness Leon Francois!"

With pursed lips, Xiao Laiang was lying on the side of the ship, staring intently at the Red Hand Bay, which was burning in the dark night in the distance.

In the field of vision, the Heart of Compassion is floating slowly above the town, occasionally throwing something at the ground; whenever it leaves, that area will ignite a fiercer fire than before, raising the sky and covering the sun. Black smoke.

Sighing lightly, he turned his head and looked behind him with his eyes closed: "Do you remember, just call me Laiang, we are friends."

Facing Xiao Lai'ang's sincere gaze, Leno, who had a tense face, was silent for a long time, and in the end he just nodded slightly.

"Anson Bach...he was in that town, with those heretics and false believers." Leon still stared at him: "Are we really going to fight them?"

"This is our mission, the temple... Laiang." Reno sighed: "This is not a question of whether or not you want it, but the land... We have only just gained independence, and once we violate the Holy See What will happen, Yinsel Elf has personally demonstrated it for us!"

"I know, what you care about is not being an enemy of Anson Bach, but the way the jihadists are too despicable... But even if they are despicable and shameless, it is not what we are fighting against now; if you don't accept it, Han soil will not bear it. rise!"

"You don't need to say this! But don't we have another mission, which is to bring the 40,000 people of the Mujahideen Army back to Hantu safely - even if there is a slight loss, we can't afford it!" Lai Ang said solemnly:

"We've all experienced the Battle of Vast Land, and we've all witnessed how Anson fought against the much stronger imperial army. Do you think that we can fight him without paying any price?!"

"It's not the same!" Lai Ang shook his head: "There is no comparison between the Crusaders and the Imperial Expeditionary Force at all... Even if there is, what cards does Ansen Bach have now? His most trusted Storm Legion even has If it is not here, can it be possible to create any miracles?"

"Yes... If it is him, it must be possible!"

Lai Ang's face was full of promise, and his eyes flashed with strange brilliance: "Notify the landing troops that they will delay their departure for another 30 minutes due to the chaos at night... Also! The forward troops are not allowed to organize an attack immediately after arriving at the port. , to wait for the follow-up troops to complete the assembly, and then act together."

This kind of order, which seems to be a child's temper, made Reno silent for a while, and finally he had no choice but to nod: "Okay, since you have made up your mind, then I have to..."




Before he could finish speaking, there was a sudden thunderous noise above the town of Red Hand Bay in the distance!

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