I will be crowned king

Chapter 1052 The beginning of gunfire

At 10:35 a.m. on December 28, the army generals who finally made up their mind assembled their troops without permission and marched towards Clovis.

An army of nearly 300,000 people attacks a city with a population of one million without any unified command and organization. Chaos and disorder are completely inevitable; although the eight generals with heavy troops are not mediocre, they also understand the unity very well. Command, the importance of orderly action, but when the situation came to an end, everyone seemed to have forgotten that there was such a thing, and focused on mobilizing their subordinates to leave as soon as possible.

Then they encountered a more difficult problem: How to explain this operation to the people below?

The generals did not need to consider this issue before, it was the War Department's headache; but now the War Department is finished, at least they have completely lost contact - no matter what happens afterwards, they can evade it by saying that they followed the orders of the War Department , all responsibilities are of course borne by the senior officials of the Army Department.

what about now?

The officers tried to repeat the old tune, propagating that the Privy Council was targeting the Army at every turn, openly shielding a traitor like the Storm Legion, and deliberately trying to go against the Army, turning them from the loyal and most loyal guards of the royal family to the lackeys of the Privy Council.

"But isn't the trial over? Even His Majesty himself has said that Anson Bach is a loyal minister. What is there to argue about?!"

Soldiers soon discovered this fatal and critical problem. The speechless officer had no way to explain. He could only angrily denounce the opponent as an "army scum", a "legion worm" and a "traitor among the soldiers", and forced his subordinates to express their stance. : "All those who don't want to lose their jobs and be thrown into begging on Clovis Street, line up! Assemble!"

Seeing their comrades who had just retorted a few words being beaten completely to pieces by their superiors with water-soaked whips, the soldiers quickly realized what choice they should make.

So eight legions and nearly 300,000 soldiers, without unified command, no specific plan, and no accurate target, began this literal "three-no mutiny" and marched toward Clovis. The city advances.

Without any prior preparation, the eight legions advanced into the city in a tacit understanding according to the previous action route to suppress the riots in the outer city. Even the order of entering the city and the numbers of the action troops were exactly the same. They were on guard against each other and the vigilant generals There was a tacit understanding at the end.

When the order to attack was issued, they immediately realized that their enemies were not just the Privy Council, but also their colleagues who were "cowardly"; no one could guarantee that no one among them would secretly reach an agreement with the Privy Council, and on the spot Betrayal or simply betray them secretly and climb up on the corpses of your own people.

No one can guarantee that others don't have this kind of thinking, because they all think so and are just hesitating whether to do it or not.

No one is a fool and really believes in the words of the "Emissary of the Holy See". These generals with military power have been prepared from the beginning: if everything goes well, then of course they will overthrow the Privy Council and welcome His Majesty to take charge; but as long as If you are frustrated, you must immediately bring order to the chaos and eradicate the rebels for His Majesty.

What, who are the rebels? Whoever is finally annihilated will be the rebel who committed the most heinous crimes and threatened His Majesty's safety!

The generals, who were making a lot of calculations in their minds, urged the army to speed up the advance, and at the same time secretly sent people to the inner city to inform Ludwig. Depending on the situation, they would cooperate with the opponent inside and outside and kill their own people.

However, they forgot a certain small premise: the last operation went smoothly because of the cooperation of the Whitehall Street police, the overall planning of the War Department, and the acquiescence from the Privy Council and the royal family to suppress the outer city where social order had not yet collapsed.

And what happens this time?

The soldiers who had just stepped into the streets of the outer city were immediately plunged into deep suspicion amidst the explosions and fires: they were not setting foot in the most prosperous metropolis in the kingdom at all, but in a war zone ravaged by natural and man-made disasters.

Accompanied by the choking smoke and soaring fireworks, citizens shouting ignorant slogans took brand-new rifles and arbitrarily attacked every shop, restaurant, and workshop in the community and streets...the roaring lead bullets. They shuttled wantonly through the streets, smashing shop doors with hammers, wooden sticks and wild laughter. Dark and dirty figures followed the bloodstains. One after another, they attacked the heavily guarded factory doors and ran towards the residents amid the wails. Neighborhoods were set on fire indiscriminately.

Although as early as the very beginning, many people in the Privy Council realized that the indiscriminate distribution of weapons would definitely cause chaos, so when organizing street community armed forces, they specially selected rich people in the area with relatively rich assets, especially real estate, as armed leaders; These property owners are the group of people who least want to see the collapse of social security, so letting them control the militia is obviously the best choice.

But the idea is one thing, but the result is another: there are always civilians who have obtained weapons who refuse to obey orders, or are assigned by their superiors to destroy the enemy's property, and then quickly provoke revenge...

So the poor killed and robbed the poor, the rich killed and plundered the rich, the rich ravaged the poor, and the poor killed the rich to vent their anger... The so-called community militia soon ceased to exist in name only; when weapons symbolizing violence were completely rampant. For a moment, all that everyone can rely on is the violence in their hands; just a look, a thought, and an impulse can make the most hard-working and hard-working good guy pull the trigger and kill and plunder without restraint.

What the first batch of troops entering the city saw was a world of purgatory where the weak preyed on the strong and killed each other.

The generals who learned of the situation were stunned at first, but soon, without any notice to each other, they immediately issued orders to the vanguard to suppress the riot - any thugs who dared to block the march and kill and loot wantonly could be killed on the spot. !

There was no need to tell each other, they immediately realized what a good excuse this was to overthrow the Privy Council and become legitimate loyal ministers of the kingdom!

"The despicable Privy Council actually distributed weapons to the mob indiscriminately, plunging the great city of Clovis into famine and chaos, threatening His Majesty's safety and shaking the foundation of the kingdom!"

"Any soldier who has seen this scene with his own eyes, can you bear to let these thugs instigated by the Privy Council ravage, destroy the most beautiful city in Clovis, and turn the kingdom's tens of millions of wealth into ashes?!"

"Those factories, shops... are all the best wealth of the kingdom, and you are soldiers of the kingdom, so those are also your wealth!"

"Soldiers, move forward! The king who protects you, send these thugs to hell and make the Privy Council pay for their atrocities!"

"Forward-!!!! Forward-!!!! Forward-!!!!"

Deafening shouts rang out in various streets, rounds of volleys opened the way for military boots, roaring artillery fire blew up the rough roadblocks of the thugs, and the saber-wielding hussars made the ridiculous "phalanx" instantly break up. It fell apart and was allowed to be slaughtered by the red and black King Clovis' flag.

Facing the standing army, Clovis's most powerful backbone, a group of thugs who had just obtained rifles were certainly no match for them. They quickly retreated and dispersed.

However, the overwhelming army did not advance as fast as they imagined. The advancement of the army line soon slowed down, and it became slower and slower.

But there is no way. The captured streets need to be occupied by separate troops, and the captured factories need to be stationed. Otherwise, the thugs who have just been dispersed will soon reappear and sweep in, cutting off the army's line from the rear and causing them ten thousand troubles. .

And as the army continues to advance into the city, the opponents it encounters also begin to gradually escalate: the closer it gets to the inner city, the lower the level of chaos in the streets and communities, and the soldiers who were still unscrupulous just now are afraid to open fire. gun.

More importantly, although the opponents are still thugs, the opponents no longer seem as incompetent as the ones they first encountered. They actually started to know how to build fortifications and organize soldiers to hide in houses and attics, facing each other. The soldiers marching along the streets concentrated their fire and fired cross-fire.

The experienced veterans immediately reacted: This is meeting a colleague.

The first thing that an army that is really good at fighting thinks of when its attack is frustrated is never how to break through the enemy's defense line, but to ensure that its flanks and rear are safe, especially without the risk of being outflanked by the enemy; so the vanguard of the standing legions immediately He chose to stop the attack and at the same time began to pass on information to his superiors and ask for the next plan.

And the militiamen in the streets also know very well what level they are... Led by the officers of the shotgun club, they confront the standing army across the community entrance, assuming that as long as you don't pass by me, you can do whatever you want.

The war showed signs of ending at this moment.


"...The current situation is roughly like this."

In the center of the Osteria Palace Square, Fabian, the deputy commander of the legion who hurried back, looked at the map on the table and drew arrows on it with a pencil, indicating the attack route of the standing legion:

"Right now, the opponents probably haven't made up their minds yet, so the speed of advancement is sometimes fast and sometimes slow, and it's impossible to tell where the targets are - some should be heading towards the Army Department, and some don't seem to be planning to attack at all. In the inner city, some were squeezed behind by the troops in front..."

"Of course, most of the targets are still here, or the Privy Council; overthrowing the Privy Council is the only excuse and reason they can use for this mutiny; in other words, in theory, we can completely ignore the Osteria Palace Set up defenses, unless they are really fully prepared to deal with the problems they will solve after capturing His Majesty Carlos II alive, but I personally estimate that they are not."

As he spoke, Fabian did not forget to sneer with a hint of contempt: "If I were them, I would never do such a stupid thing as letting 300,000 troops attack the city - this is a serious waste, and the extra soldiers will only delay With operational efficiency, one hundred thousand people would be more than enough to capture a large city like Clovis."

"Completely agree, but that's not the trouble we need to worry about now." Anson waved his hand and brought the topic back to the topic: "So they have stopped advancing and started a confrontation with a few streets outside the inner city?"

“Not all streets are like this, but it’s basically understandable.”

Fabian nodded slightly and tapped the map on the table: "The eight legions have no coordination at all, and there is no cooperation with each other. Otherwise, several streets would have been surrounded from front to back and surrendered without a fight - - There are hundreds of people at the most, and even half an infantry battalion can't be assembled with as few as one, so there is no point in continuing to fight."

"But fortunately, the standing army has basically stopped advancing; after all, entering the outer city and entering the inner city are completely different things; there are no attackers around the streets, so there is no excuse for the soldiers to shoot; they also They are worried that once they really fall into a melee, the army may completely lose control and the situation will be completely out of their control."

"Then..." Anson suddenly lowered his voice and stared at Fabian:

"Will it get out of hand?"

The deputy commander of the legion did not answer immediately, but a meaningful smile appeared on his lips.


"This is the final warning. If you don't move away, we will shoot!"

In the middle of a remote street in the outer city, an army captain holding the flag of King Clovis shouted angrily; the choking smoke around him made his eyes burn with pain, almost to the point where he could hardly open them.

But even so, he didn't dare to close it or use anything to cover it - right behind the crude fortification in front of him, there were at least three digits of rifles protruding from their muzzles.

Behind him, his companions who maintained a neat line also raised their guns; at a distance of less than fifty steps, both sides were already aiming at each other; if there was a slight mistake, there would be a hail of bullets.

Despite this, the officer was still shouting at the top of his lungs: "Listen carefully, we are not here to fight you; on the contrary, we are here to protect you!"

"The despicable villains of the Privy Council deceived Your Majesty, distributed weapons to the general public indiscriminately, and caused thousands of thugs to appear in Clovis City out of thin air; these people are endangering the kingdom and forcing the royal family; they are Clovis Wei's moths are gangsters who make it impossible for His Majesty to govern!"

"And we, the loyal army soldiers of the Osteria royal family! We are about to perform our duties and exterminate these damn moths for His Majesty; then Your Majesty will personally take charge of his kingdom, so that every loyal subject can To have what they deserve..."

Listening to the nonsense that had long since scratched his ears, Lieutenant Colonel Crown, who was hiding in the crowd of militiamen, took a deep breath and whispered to himself in a rather helpless tone:

"I hope...that bastard who was a royal spy can keep his promise!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the muzzle of the gun was already pointed at the target, and he decisively pulled the trigger!

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