"I also agree. The Ministry of Neon Magic will fully support this coming war."

Musashi's slightly accented voice was not funny at all.

Several ministries of magic have now expressed their approval.

The ones that were left, they started voting too.

Surprisingly, except for a few people, most people chose to participate in this battle.

The Bulgarian Minister of Magic said with a sullen face: "A bunch of lunatics."

Seeing so many people looking at him, he still couldn't resist and agreed.

This made the remaining people who did not want to join the war turn around and agree.

Passed unanimously.

The magical world might be destroyed, but they had to fight.

This is the king's command.

Purple crystals fill the so-called 'mine'.

On the island, Percy has taken over.

Neville sat on the shore, his legs crossed, the sword made by John across his knees.

"Don't you resist?" Percy came over and stood next to him.

It's also strange to say.

He and Neville were both Gryffindors, so they should have been the two people they knew best.

But in fact, the two of them are the people with the smallest social network among the stars.

One is because Percy graduated too early, and the other is because the two people have different personalities.

Percy likes power. Although people think he is very rigid, in fact, his excellence cannot be concealed.

Neville was a good friend of John when they first met.

There are too few places where the two can communicate.

Even after graduation, everyone has their own life.

"I don't like war." The sea breeze blew on Neville's face, and he looked at the horizon and said, "But war is not only killing, but also protecting."

"You are the most different of us," Percy said.

"You joined the Star Club because of friendship."

Of all the wizards, only Neville is the most like John and the closest to him.

The same swordsmanship, the same sacrifice for friends.

"Wizards must win this battle." Percy said seriously. "Only by making the Muggles feel pain will they stop blatantly attacking us."

"If you fail, promise me..."

Percy suddenly smiled, "Don't take away the title of my first sacrifice."

Neville also laughed, and he said with a smile: "Stop it, you can't take it away from me."

A black spot appeared in the sky. Malfoy piloted the Firebolt and landed quickly in front of the two of them. He said arrogantly: "Quickly give up your seat to me, let you see, those Muggle planes are not worth mentioning."

They both fell silent at the same time.

This person may be the first to die.

It's hard not to be annoyed by this mouth.

It's a pity that Malfoy didn't notice the strange expressions of the two men at all, and was still showing off his taunting ability crazily.

A firework flew into the sky and exploded, and Percy looked at it unhappily.

The Weasley twins were laughing with a firework.

As Heinrich stared at the two men, he remembered something bad.

Once upon a time, unconditional trust was exchanged for infinite suspicion.

I have tried my best to avoid being an enemy of Dumbledore, but why can't I get rid of it completely?

Maybe this is the wizard's obsession, just like he is also obsessed with being recognized by Slytherin.

Among the people he wanted to be recognized by was his former dream.

But now, the dream has collapsed.

John's heart was indescribably complicated, but more of an anger.

"You would kneel for him."

John stared at Grindelwald and said, "You should be very proud now."

"The greatest wizard, for you, would be willing to betray everything he believes in."

Grindelwald is also indescribably complicated.

Just like he told Dumbledore.

Something more powerful than the blood alliance was also restraining him at the same time.

"You owe me a duel and a life." John said to Dumbledore expressionlessly, "In exchange of equal value, you also need to pay an equal price."

What is the price of a life?

Nature is another life.

The equally powerful Dumbledore came to replace that duel.

John gave Dumbledore his final respect.

"I will kill the gods in front of everyone's attention."

Chapter 747 Grindelwald’s Seed, the War Begins

This was an act of ‘justice’ that didn’t need to be told to everyone.

In that magnificent white palace, the five corners are like sharp swords, releasing the pressure of a powerful country to the outside all the time.

"Are we going to turn it on?"

When a minister who decided on the launch of this war heard this question.

He smiled.

"They started the war first."

"And we..." He paused slightly and looked at the black man, his tone filled with arrogance and contempt for uncivilized wizards, "We are justice."


The magical world is hidden in this world, and in the eyes of the minister, they are just like those rats in the sewer.

Just as shameful.

Being able to sit in this position, he clearly knows what those wizards do.

"This is an invasion of a country." The black man hoped that he would reconsider. He said solemnly, "We know nothing about him."

But such a tone made the minister sneer.

"You know, those guys just have some magic tricks," the minister moved his fingers, "boom!"

"A city destroyed."

"That's our little trick."

"Country? Whose country? Wizards?" The minister shook his head and said, "Do they have a country?"

Yes, do wizards have a country?

They exist in various countries and are they citizens of various countries?

No no no.

They are not America's children.

Just like Mycroft said, no wizard would go to the police station to call the police.

They have their own laws, and no country would like such a group of people to go their own way in their own land like a colony.

"They are a bunch of thieves, they stole our land, our resources."

"Do you know how much land suddenly appeared in Poland?" the minister said. "They stole some land in America, they stole some land in England, they stole some land in Germany."

"They are thieves, and I don't remember the government allowing them to set up a so-called Magical Congress underneath our building."

As the black man listened, he seemed to have thought of something.

His eyes flickered when he saw this powerful guy.

Without their own land, even if they blend in and hide among the crowd, they are just a group of stowaways.

The minister's attitude made him understand that even stowaways between countries would be deported, let alone those from different races.

The minister left.

He came with an order for war to be waged.

This time it was Muggle arrogance.

They confidently feel that they only need a few planes and a few soldiers to shut up the so-called wizards.

Purple gold is beckoning to them.

And the whole world will completely follow the guidance of the lighthouse and move forward.

"Pierce," the minister said after hugging a blond man and whispering something in each other's ears, "I think we're about to get rich."

"Great, enough energy to make people salivate." The man with glasses named Pierce smiled.

"Concerning the World Security Council," the minister smiled, "I think you are the most suitable successor."

Pierce smiled and said, "Thank you."

The two shook hands and understood each other tacitly.

The seeds Grindelwald planted in the Muggle world have taken root in the most powerful country.

This is contempt for war and arrogance for wizards.

And people like them are doing the same thing in those big countries.


The Prime Minister was subjected to something akin to forced embezzlement.

"I am under huge pressure."

The Prime Minister messed up his hair with his fingers and buried his face with his oily palms.

Mycroft understood what the Prime Minister meant.

Should we follow the lighthouse to get a share of the pie, or should we stand still?

This is a very difficult thing.

"We don't know even 10% of wizards," Mycroft said, always remaining calm and graceful. "In today's information age, this is a fatal mistake."

"I know, but some people are jealous of that." The Prime Minister complained, "You know, the temptation is too great."

"With all due respect, Mr. Prime Minister," Mycroft slowly approached the Prime Minister, bent down, and whispered in his ear, "Do you really think this place is 'clean'?"

The Prime Minister was stunned at first, and then his face became stern.

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