He stretched out his hand with difficulty, hoping that his teammates would save him.

But the hand he stretched out turned into dust like sand visibly to the naked eye.

In just two seconds, a good living person was turned into dust out of thin air.


This is everyone’s intuitive feeling.

"Is that... a crushing curse?"

Mr. Weasley muttered to himself.

But there was only pride in Percy's eyes.

The other two people saw that the situation was not going well and wanted to run away, but John's eyes turned into vertical pupils.

The two people who knocked away the crowd froze, then their faces turned gray and their bodies fell down.

One is dead, the other is alive and dead.

Silverhand Manor was completely silent.

John Shiran stepped off the duel stage.

He said calmly: "I am not a murderous person."

"What they touched was the bottom line of being a wizard." John snapped his fingers and flew the parchment from the manor. "What they did was to let people re-enter the dark game."

Everyone had one in their hand and they looked at it.

The above is the shoddy performance of various industries by the three families, and what is unforgivable is that they secretly tortured Muggles for fun and conducted research on human bodies.

"I will explain the situation to the Ministry of Magic," John glanced at the people whose expressions changed and said calmly, "What we need is to protect the present better than anyone else."

In the ancient alliance, Lucius applauded.

"Sir Wick, please allow me to applaud your nobility."

His applause was like a signal, and people who were belatedly started to applaud.

The heads of the Twenty-Eight Ancient Clan also applauded in agreement.

They agreed to the killing.

And they unified the new name.

Lord Wick.

Sir John Wick.

The Ancient Alliance and the Silver Hand Alliance.

They have a common name.

Second Dynasty.

John came forward to integrate this huge dynasty.

He will not be stingy with the benefits in his hands.

The properties belonging to the three families will be distributed among the banquets during the banquet.

Mr. Weasley looked a little sad, but he didn't say anything.

As a Muggle-loving Weasley, in his opinion, the things those three families did were enough to be sent to the execution stand.

"Percy," Pierce said as he came over with a smile, "I think we could go over there and have a drink."

Of course Percy, this is Vanity Fair, you can't say no even if you don't like it.

Mr. Weasley was also taken away by the head of the Prewett family to drink with Mr. MacMillan.

John walked aside and clinked glasses with Lucius.

"Thank you for your help, Lucius."

"Your Majesty, Mr. Wick, you are so polite." Lucius glanced at Mr. Weasley and asked in a low voice, "He is Dumbledore's man. Doesn't it matter?"

John also saw Mr. Weasley who was a little uncomfortable and chuckled: "He will adapt. We are not evil. In some respects, we are even righteous."

What is justice?

He who controls the majority is justice.

In the Second Dynasty, they covered the food, clothing, housing and transportation of the entire British magical society. Even something as small as a quill was the product of the interests of the Second Dynasty.

They control more than half of the wealth in magical society.

And has the power to make life better for everyone.

This is justice!

John didn't talk nonsense. Under his control and without the suppression of pure blood, real fairness came.

The situation of killing each other disappears and his life is reduced. This is justice.


He just relied on his powerful magic power and two glorious battles. Other than that, he had not dealt with any matters in the magical world.

But John is different, his change is towards the light.

Just talking about the Little Wizards Fund is enough to turn families around the world over to him.

This is justice!

So what if Mr. Weasley isn't used to it?

He stayed in his position as the Second Ancient with peace of mind, and until he retired and until Percy came on the scene, Weasley was still the Second King's ally.

John chuckled: "We will only get stronger, Lucius."

He raised his glass and said, "Here's to a brighter tomorrow!"

The audience raised their glasses and everyone looked at the young man enthusiastically.

His youth is his greatest asset.

His youth is the greatest guarantee!

The Second Dynasty at least still has a hundred years of life!

And the passengers who board this ship will have a century of glory.

Lucius smiled too.

There were three stars on his cane, and he held up the wine glass in his other hand and said loudly: "To Sir Wick."

The second glass of wine showed Lucius' status.

The Malfoy family entered its most powerful period because of him.

And this period, as his children grow up, will become more powerful and long-lasting.

Chapter 649 Gresham, choice

The situation in Germany is unpredictable.

Previously, Yale Fanli recommended Dumbledore to the International Federation of Wizards against all opinions.

Later, a minister disappeared for a long time and did not appear, triggering a battle to seize power.

After this period of competition for power, those who were not qualified were eliminated.

The four people left are Yalefan, Lucivid, Gold, and Gresham.

Yalefan is the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, the closest thing to that position.

Lucivid has Edgar heritage and is supported by the Ancient Alliance.

Gold is the deputy minister, and he should have been the successor, but unfortunately his background is insufficient.

Gresham is strong enough, has made great achievements in the past, and is the director of the Auror Office, so he is the second strongest contender.

But now, the four people are in a stalemate.

They need an external force to break through, and Lucivid is not trying to fight for the Minister of Magic.

He was just gathering strength and waiting for the other person to speak.

At Edgar's door, a golden thread appeared.

Then the passage opens.

John came out.

He looked up at the castle and said with emotion: "Heinrich was really born with a silver spoon in his mouth."

This single-wheel building is probably only comparable to Malfoy.

John adjusted his collar and knocked on the heavy oak door.

After a while, the door was opened.

He is Edgar's butler.

Edgar doesn't like house elves, which has something to do with their participation in the house elf war.

No living thing is born willing to serve others.

Only domestication and harm engraved in the bones can turn a magical creature that is stronger than a wizard in every aspect into a servile one.

The original war must have been tragic, otherwise Edgar would not have been willing to trust the house elves for a long time.

"Mr. Wick," the butler said respectfully, "Mr. Lucivid asked me to come out to greet you."

This housekeeper is also an old acquaintance.

It was he who drove Heinrich in Durmstrang.

John nodded and walked inside.

The castle is dark.

It feels like a vampire castle.

It was raining heavily outside, and John was led by the housekeeper to Edgar's living room.

Lucivid was looking at the letter in his hand. When he saw John arriving, he smiled and said, "Sir Wick."

"Originally, you were supposed to show up at Silverhand Manor," John chuckled, "but it's better not to provoke the nerves of those in the Ministry of Magic."

"You are right," Lucivid said as he put down the letter, "Yelefan is very wary of me."

"He's a supporter of Dumbledore."

Lucivid walked to the sofa and sat down, shook his head and said: "He always thought that I had other plans for the German Ministry of Magic."

"If you want," John said casually, sitting down, "I wouldn't mind giving you a helping hand."

"Give up Durmstrang's influence?" Ludwig shook his head and said, "The gain outweighs the loss."

"I'm glad you're open-minded," John asked, folding his hands on his abdomen and rubbing the ring with his fingers, "Where are the other two?"

Yalefan is not among John's candidates, and he has been excluded just because he is a supporter of Dumbledore.

"Gald is not a suitable candidate. He is too mediocre. His ambition and lack of talent are his fatal weakness." Ludwig said.

John nodded and said thoughtfully: "It seems it can only be Gresham."

"There was a period of time when many dark wizards appeared in the German magical society." Ludwig asked a teapot to pour out black tea. "Gresham did a lot of practical things during that time, but he also offended many families."

During the time when Voldemort rose, although he did not interfere with foreign countries, his appearance made many people want to rise up.

There are people in Germany who do this.

Originally, Durmstrang had a more open attitude towards black magic, so the dark wizards began to become arrogant.

As the director of the Auror Office, Gresham was a rare young activist who arrested many people during that time.

If it weren't for that old guy from Yalefan standing in the way, Gresham would be the Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement by now.

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