The trip to Hogsmeade was cancelled, but that didn't stop John from leaving school without permission.

Rules never restricted him.

He was sitting in the Hog's Head Tavern, and the tavern owner Aberforth was a little confused.

If Aberforth remembered correctly, this boy should not be here today.

It's okay for your kid to skip school openly, but you actually left school openly.

And he didn't mean to hide himself at all.

After all, you are also the spy of the former principal of Hogwarts. You kid are really not afraid of me reporting you.

John glanced at Aberforth, wondering what the old man was doing with so much nonsense going on in his mind.

After waiting for a while, he saw a graceful figure in silk white robe approaching.

The person's face was wearing a white mask and was tightly covered by a cloak.

John looked at Fleur who came over and said helplessly: "You don't want to dress up like this on a whim, do you?"

"Of course," Fleur took off her mask and winked, "It's interesting, isn't it?"

"Okay, indeed." John shrugged. Tang Mi was also dressed like this at the beginning.

He saw Aberforth coming over with a wine glass and raised his hand to stop him, "No, your glass is too dirty."

Aberforth's eyes widened. You're sitting in my shop and not spending money?

Aberforth puffed his beard and stared as he was driven away.

Fleur took out the Heart of Silence and formed a magical field that could not penetrate sound.

The cautious display made John become serious too.

"Sybill Trelawney prophesied."

Fleur took out a tightly wrapped crystal ball and said, "She scared Jennifer, but she doesn't seem to remember it."

Fortunately, John had the foresight. As someone who prophesied throughout the entire Harry Potter series, he had always been cautious enough.

Taking the crystal ball, John glanced at it and nodded to Fleur.

Chapter 469 Famous Underwater Scene

Furong came to give the crystal ball. Logically speaking, this kind of thing was done by Tang Mi.

After getting the items, John saw Fleur canceling the Silent Heart.

Suddenly, Fleur sighed.

"I don't think the Weasley family is suitable for me," Fleur said.

John looked around, and after confirming that Fleur was preparing to complain to him, he smiled helplessly.

He snapped his fingers, and Aberforth, who had been paying attention here, thought he was calling him.

Just as he was about to pass, he saw John conjuring two exquisite wine glasses that were incompatible with the surrounding environment.

There was also a bottle of expensive wine that looked like it was worth enough to treat the whole pub to free drinks.

Not only does this guy not spend money, he also brings his own drinks!

Aberforth couldn't stand it any longer. How could anyone spend time in a tavern like this?

John ignored him, poured a glass of cherry blossom-colored wine for Fleur, and conjured a cherry on top.

Fleur took it and took a sip, just like opening a chat box, telling everything about what she and Bill had encountered.

John serves as a tree hole and comes with wine pouring service.

From time to time I have to echo Fleur.

For Furong's emotional experience, the summary is just one sentence.

He's a nice guy, but not a fucking nice guy.

Ron was drugged.

Harry went to find Romilda as bait to lure Ron to the principal's office.

The power of this love potion gave Harry goosebumps, and Ron was led to the principal's office without any suspicion as if he had no IQ.

Slughorn was wearing his dressing gown for sleeping, humming a tune, picking up a piece of pineapple preserves sent by a former student and putting it in his mouth, and was about to open a bottle of mead to soothe his throat.

As soon as I sat down, I heard anxious sounds coming from me.

It came from the gargoyles, and through the voice, Slughorn recognized Harry.

He opened the door and Harry walked up the spiral staircase to the door of the Headmaster's office.

"Harry," muttered Slughorn, "it's too early. I usually get up late on Saturdays."

As a principal, Slughorn didn't want anyone to interrupt his comfortable Saturday.

"Professor, I'm sorry to disturb you." Harry said as softly as possible, and there was a guy behind him who was standing on tiptoes trying to peek into the old man's room.

Harry was almost squeezed in. He said with a grimace, "But my friend Ron accidentally swallowed the love potion. Can you give him some antidote?"

"I was going to take him to Madam Pomfrey, but we're not allowed to buy anything from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, so, you know..."

Going to see Madam Pomfrey means that Professor McGonagall and the others will also know that they and others will definitely lose points.

The Weasley twins never imagined that one day their things would harm their biological brother.

"I thought you had found the antidote for him," Slughorn asked doubtfully. "Aren't you a potions expert, Harry?"

"Uh..." Harry's mind was running fast and he didn't want to say anything wrong. "I have never prepared an antidote to the love potion. Sir, by the time I prepare it, Ron may have had some serious problem."

His reason was so good that Slughorn wasn't suspicious at all.

And Harry came to him, and Slughorn, who has a collecting habit, was also very happy.

"It's his birthday, Professor," Harry begged Slughorn.

Slughorn did not hesitate and asked Harry to bring the people in.

"I hope the potion hasn't expired," Slughorn said teasingly. "You know, the longer you leave it, the stronger it gets."

Harry walked in and found that this place was different from the last Christmas party.

At the same time, unlike Dumbledore's time, there is not so much silverware here. Instead, there are two exquisite small cauldrons, as well as a photo cabinet and a material cabinet.

"You came at a great time." Slughorn took out a little emerald green liquid from the delicate little cauldron. "There is just a little left. Try the 'Universal Potion'."

He poured the potion into a small cup and handed it to Ron, who was being comforted by Harry.

"How do I look?" Ron asked wistfully.

"Very handsome," said Slughorn, "and drinking it will keep you calm when she comes."

Slughorn whispered to Harry beside him: "This is all I have, and I'm still trying to refine it."

Harry saw that the bottle looked very similar to the one John had given to Mrs. Weasley.

Ron didn't doubt his presence, so he took it and drank it directly.

This thing that Slughorn calls a 'universal potion' works quickly and immediately.

"How about it? I think it tastes like waterweed?" Slughorn asked.

Ron was released from the intoxicating drug, but his face was as bitter as if he had eaten a dozen bitter bamboo shoots.

Sitting on the sofa, Ron looked suspicious of life.

"It doesn't taste very good. Maybe we can drink something else to cheer us up."

Slughorn took out a bottle of mead and showed off: "This is what John gave me, oak-aged mead. I have to say that he is a person who knows how to figure out his preferences."

When I opened the wine, a strong and not greasy aroma wafted in.

Slughorn took out three glasses and poured wine into them.

Giving each of them a glass, he said happily: "Such a good wine, let us think of some toasts."

"Happy birthday to Mr. Weasley, and cheers to dispel the pain of disillusionment."


Slughorn laughed, and Harry also thought the old man looked much cuter, so he laughed and shouted cheers.

Just when he was about to drink it, Ron next to him had already finished it in one gulp, and then fell straight down.

Ron's limbs twitched violently, foaming at the mouth, and his eyeballs bulged out.

"Oh my God, Ralph?"


Slughorn was so frightened that he even called him the wrong name.

Harry ran over and shouted to Slughorn: "Professor! Think of a way!"

Faced with such a scene, Slughorn was stunned. He looked down at the cup in his hand and stammered: "How...but..."

Harry jumped over a low table and came to the two exquisite small cauldrons. He lowered his head and saw that there were only two drops of emerald green liquid left inside.

Not caring anymore, Harry brought over the whole cauldron.

Use one hand to pry open Ron's mouth and pour two drops of emerald green liquid into it.

Ron's body gradually stopped twitching, but the situation was still not optimistic. The dose of medicine here was too small.

Slughorn seemed to have come to his senses and asked Harry to rush the person to the school hospital.

The bottle of wine was placed on the table, still half filled with amber liquid.

John never imagined that he would be listening to Fleur telling love stories in a sleazy pub.

When Fleur finally finished speaking, John also returned to school.

He did not return to the castle immediately, but looked at the Black Lake.

After making sure that the small bag was tightly closed, he walked towards the Black Lake.

A Grindylow saw John and came to play tricks on the student.

John glanced at it, and it looked familiar to the Grindylow.

After a few seconds, Grindylow remembered something and swam into the water at twice the speed when he came in.

At the same time, the creatures in the water heard the news and fled away.

"I remember I didn't do anything."

Seeing this scene, John fell into deep thought.

I didn’t do anything in Black Lake last time.

Isn't it just to split open the black lake and scare them with the dragon's power under the water?

Other than that, he didn't do anything.

Walking towards the water, the water of the Black Lake is above your head.

John tried to communicate with the spirit of the Black Lake, but there was no response like last time.

He simply swam towards the place where he found the big octopus last time.

Not being able to go to Hogsmeade was very difficult for the restless young man.

I can only have some fun in the castle by myself.

Slytherin doesn't have the high-altitude vistas of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw to view.

Fortunately, they have a unique underwater scene, which is the most special among the four.

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