Chapter 320 The Wizengamot and Sir Merlin

The Wizengamot and the Order of Merlin basically have similar members.

Become a member of the Order of Merlin, and there is a high chance that you will be drawn into a member of the Wizengamot.

A Wizengamot is not necessarily a member of the Order of Merlin, but a member of the Order of Merlin must be a Wizengamot.

The Wizengamot is the organization primarily responsible for awarding the Order of Merlin.

This organization is similar to a court in the wizarding world, and is occasionally used for academic exchanges.

This was the situation John faced now, and he stood there calmly.

At a glance, there were about a dozen Wizengamot members.

The difference is that they replaced them with medals.

He saw an 'acquaintance'. When Harry was interrogated last time, those people supported Harry's defense of innocence.

The eldest was a woman, Gsilda Marchbain, a woman with extensive educational qualifications.

If there are no accidents, this year's O.W.L. exam will also be administered by this old woman.

Not only the current examiner, but also the future examiner.

John nodded slightly towards everyone. He did not sit down, but raised his eyebrows and asked, "What questions do you need me to answer now?"

There was a hint of arrogance in his words that made some people frown unfavorably.

"Half a year ago, Mr. Damo Alex Belby was going to publish an article."

A man with a beard commonly seen in movies and TV series Ah San said: "We have several questions about that article, which we need to answer by asking the original author."

He was still polite and didn't directly say that John was rubbing off on that paper.

John chuckled and said, "I'm happy to answer your questions."

After the words fell, a middle-aged man who wrapped himself like a rice dumpling spoke first, "In this article, I mentioned about the cracking of the blood magic curse and the refining of the blood magic potion. About the blood magic potion..."

The man said a lot, he was a potions master, he was wrapped like a rice dumpling because he was covered in scabies.

The bearded man who spoke became angry and shouted: "Belmus, stop talking nonsense and get to the point!"

Belmus shrank his neck and looked very funny. He muttered a few words and said, "Okay, I know. I want to ask about the refining of the blood demon potion and its inspiration."

After asking, everyone looked at John.

John smiled: "I need to admit one thing. Alex Damo was the producer of the original version of the Blood Demon Potion."

Bellmus and the people next to him whispered to each other. They thought John had given up.

"But," John changed the topic and said unhurriedly, "I have made some suggestions for subsequent improvements."

"At first, the birth of the Blood Demon Potion was just the interest of the two of us. You must admit that breaking those seemingly unsolvable curses gives people a sense of accomplishment."

John said, pacing back and forth in the venue.

From the initial conception of the blood magic potion, to the improvement of the wolfsbane potion, to the changes John added to it later.

Everyone's expressions changed from contempt at the beginning to attention and seriousness later.

After knowing that the original version was just an improved version of the Wolfsbane potion, even Marchban, an old man who had proctored Dumbledore's exams, couldn't help but look dull.

They all looked at the paper in their hands, which was copied using a copy spell.

They are all big guys in one field, and they can see that the only similarity between this thing and Wolfsbane Potion is that it has the same author.

This is not a small suggestion, I almost made it again.

After John finished talking about the preparation of the blood magic potion, he looked at them again.

Belmus's eyes were frighteningly bright, and he shouted to the bearded wizard: "Let me tell you, Basba, he is a genius."

He is a member of the Potion Masters Alliance, and like Damo Alex, has corresponded with John.

He was also the one who most believed that this magical Hogwarts student was not adulterated. The bearded Busba yelled angrily: "Shut up."

Basba's expression when he looked at John changed, and he asked seriously: "We have never had a real case regarding the three levels required to break the blood curse: finding, cracking, and repairing."

"With all due respect," John said with a well-placed smile, "we have a substantial case."


They started to commotion, Basba was no longer calm, and his voice was a little off-key, "You mean, you cured one?"

"Precisely," John nodded slowly, "Yes."

Let alone Basba, the centenarian man Machibandu shouted: "We need witnesses."


John was actually reluctant to let Nagini appear in such a scene, but Damo Alex wrote a letter to Nagini behind his back.

When Nagini found out, she volunteered to attend the place.

As the words fell, a woman in a wheelchair came in slowly from the outside.

That young appearance made some people uneasy.


Damo Alex tidied up his clothes and walked out calmly.

He said to those people, "I think it's time for me to come out."

Among them, some people asked Nagini questions from time to time, and Nagini answered them calmly.

Finally, they checked and came to a surprising conclusion.

This woman had been a victim of the blood curse and was cured of it.

The facts are before us, so many words are just embellishments.

The eyes they looked at John changed from disbelief at first, to shock, and then to horror.

a student.

He is not only the leader of Dharma Alex, but also the astonishing healer.

Such wisdom, such strength.

Everyone looked at him with recognition and admiration.

As for the somewhat arrogant behavior before...

A genius must always be a little arrogant.

Can young people be called young people if they are not energetic?

"John Wick."

The bearded Basba stood up, and the others followed suit.

Basba said with respect in his tone, "Your discovery has solved an impossible problem for the magical world."

"Mr. Wick, I can assure you that you will be recognized with the Order of Merlin."

After saying this, Basba bowed his head to show respect, and the others also bowed their heads.

Marchiban muttered: "The new star of Hogwarts is so dazzling, so bright."

Having proctored O.W.L. exams all their lives, March Class is particularly looking forward to this year’s exam.

She hoped to see someone even more evil than Dumbledore.

After today, John Wick's name will be bandied about.

Rather than being limited to Hogwarts.

The only pity is that the audience for Blood Demon Potion is destined not to be as wide as Wolfsbane Potion.

The Blood Curse's curse isn't that widespread either.

But even so, it is enough to obtain a second-level medal.

More importantly, this young man, he is so young.

He will be the youngest recipient of the Order of Merlin in history.

The time for the conferment was set faster than last time for Daruma Alex.

Because the audience for the blood magic potion is too small, and also because the review took half a year.

John checked Nagini's recovery.

"You have until March to get back to normal."

"You should take care of yourself at the branch first." John checked her and she was recovering well.

Nagini smiled and said, "If my appearance can get you the Order of Merlin, I think it's worth it."

John glanced at Damo Alex. The old man was swinging his cane coquettishly.

"The Order of Merlin is not as good as you," John shook his head and said helplessly, "That madman Voldemort is staring at you."

"He thought I was dead," Nagini said with a playful wink, "He probably thought you had killed me."

John destroyed the fragment of Voldemort in Nagini's body, which, in Voldemort's opinion, would not happen unless Nagini died.

So the Death Eaters who broke into the branch didn't know Nagini's identity.

"We can't guarantee whether he will have other methods." Having seen Voldemort come back from the dead, John was also wary of Voldemort's endless methods.

Pushing Nagini to the hall of the Ministry of Magic, Johnson stopped John and said warily: "Student, you should go back to school."

Nagini tugged on John's clothes, asked him to lean in and lean in, and said slyly: "Johnson is your admirer. It would be interesting to know your identity."

While recuperating abroad, the gentle eldest sister Nagini also became lively.

John shrugged. It would be really interesting for such a strong man like him to know that the person he admired was a student.

Johnson pushed Nagini away, not forgetting to be wary of his surroundings on the way.

Anyone whose eyes stayed on Nagini for three seconds would be glared at by him.

Chapter 321 Sirius and Snape

The last day of vacation has arrived.

Harry, who stayed at No. 12 Grimmauld Place, couldn't be happier.

There was another reason besides the dream that was bothering him.

In Harry and Ron's bedroom, the two of them were playing wizard chess.

Ginny and Crookshanks looked on.

They watched Harry's car fight fiercely with Ron's pawns, and Harry was excitedly pumping gas into the car.

"Harry, dear," Mrs. Weasley stuck her head in the door and called to Harry, "will you come to the kitchen for a moment?"

"Professor Snape has something to tell you."

Harry, who was still happy at first, seemed to have been poured cold water on him. He felt at a loss, as if he didn't understand.

"Professor Snape is in the kitchen. He wants to talk to you." Mrs. Weasley repeated.

Harry opened his mouth in horror and looked at several other people, who all stared at Harry in shock.

"Snape?" Harry was confused.

He didn't know what Snape could do to him, but Mrs. Weasley urged her and left.

"Why is he looking for you?" Ron was uneasy. Even though he was in the Order of the Phoenix, he was still afraid of the old bat. "You didn't do anything, did you?"

"No!" Harry said angrily, what did he do?

He tried desperately to remember what he might have done, what kind of event would have brought Snape to Grimmauld Place.

Could it be because he got a 'T' in his last potions assignment?

In the process of reminiscing, he walked outside the kitchen.

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