The goal was so amazing that Su Wei was stunned.

“Fuck, this can also be scored? It’s amazing! Is the outside of the foot so useful?”

At this time, Salman screamed and rushed to Su Wei from the penalty area, and gave him a big bear hug.

“Boss, the outside of the foot is invincible! I can’t learn this goal in my lifetime!”

Farina and Du Jie in the frontcourt, Lobo and Pablo in the backcourt, and even goalkeeper Lux rushed over to celebrate.

The players of La Coruña were ecstatic and danced and sang around Su Wei.

Singing and dancing rap football, they have figured it out.

In the VIP stand area, Boss Lin once again said to Mendes beside him: “This Longguo Su, you must find a way to get it, no matter how much it costs, I will pay!”

“Okay.” Mendes nodded.

On the green field, the middle circle kicked off again, and there was not much time left in the game.

Valencia hastily organized an attack, and even failed to get a shot, the referee blew the whistle to end the game.

3:2, Laco defeated the Bats at home!

With this victory, Laco finally ended two consecutive draws.

After the game, when Su Wei walked off the court, he was immediately led by the staff to the billboard to accept media interviews.

“Su! Congratulations on your second goal. Can you tell us about the second goal? That goal is really amazing!”

Su Wei smiled and said, “It’s just luck. I just wanted to try, but I didn’t expect it to go in.”

“Haha… Su, you are too modest. Your heavy artillery is talked about by fans. Now they call you Dragon National Cannon!”

Su Wei said, “Thank you for the support of the fans. I will try to score more heavy artillery goals in the future!”

After the interview, he returned to the locker room.

Teammates were celebrating the victory. Seeing Su Wei coming back, Salman took the lead in shouting: “MVP!”

This is not flattery. Su Wei was indeed selected as the best player by the La Liga official tonight!

Other teammates also followed suit.



Su Wei smiled at everyone and responded: “La Coruna will win!”

Then he walked quickly to the locker, took out his mobile phone, and checked today’s sports news.

He didn’t care about MVP. Now he wanted to know the results of the games of the teams ahead of him and see how well he had completed his mission to top La Liga.

Not long after, he saw a piece of news.

Real Madrid defeated Barcelona, ​​which had been unbeaten before, 3:1 at home.

Benzema, Ronaldo, and Bale each scored a goal, and Su Wei was overjoyed.

“Yoshi lost, and La Coruna’s chances of reaching the top have greatly increased!”

Then he saw Sevilla draw 1:1 with Elche at home.

Atletico Madrid was also tied 1:1 by the Spaniards at home, and Su Wei was happier and happier.

The strong teams in this round all played poorly, and Laco’s mission to top the La Liga table might be a real possibility.

He couldn’t wait to check the real-time standings again. After defeating Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid has six wins and two losses, with 18 points, and has jumped to the top of La Liga!

Laco beat Valencia and also jumped from sixth to second, also with 18 points.

It’s just that the goal difference is not as good as Real Madrid, so it can only be ranked second.

Barcelona and Valencia did not get points in this round, and still ranked third and fourth with 17 points.

Sevilla also has 17 points, but the goal difference is less than Barcelona and Valencia, so it can only be ranked fifth.

And Atletico Madrid, the champion of last season, is temporarily ranked sixth with 16 points.

Su Wei saw this and felt a little regretful that he could not top the La Liga table even if he won Valencia.

It seems that the main task of reaching the top of La Liga is more difficult than expected!

It is difficult, but it will not make Su Wei lose confidence. At least La Coruña has not fallen behind.

In the next few games, continue to hold on tightly, maybe there is hope to complete the main task!

It stands to reason that if Valencia is defeated tonight, the league ranking will rise to second place.

Jimenez should give the whole team two days off to have a good rest.

But after the game, he only gave the players half a day off, even less than before.

Because in mid-October, La Coruña will fight on two fronts!

The King’s Cup has reached the fourth round a few days ago. As a La Liga team, La Coruña will also start the King’s Cup schedule from this round.

Three days later, on Wednesday, La Coruña will challenge its first King’s Cup opponent, Huesca, away!

Huesca is not strong, ranking in the middle of the Western Second Division this season.

La Coruña will have no problem winning if it goes all out.

But Jimenez is considering one thing, should he put too much energy into the King’s Cup?

According to his idea, Laco’s bench depth is not enough. If they fight on two fronts, it is very likely that they will lose the current league.’s advantage was ruined.

Giving up the King’s Cup is a big deal, and Jimenez dare not make a decision on his own.

On Monday morning, all the Laco players were still on vacation, and Jimenez came to Eduardo’s office.

When he entered the door, he saw Pablo was there.

The three sat on the sofa and discussed the upcoming King’s Cup schedule.

Eduardo spoke first: “What do you think about the King’s Cup on Wednesday?”

Jimenez replied: “We have another league match with Cordoba on Sunday. I advocate that we should play with a full substitute lineup in this match!”

Eduardo said: “What about returning to the home court in the next round?”

Jimenez thought for a while and said: “The King’s Cup matches are too dense. The next round will be next Wednesday, and next weekend we will go to the Bernabeu to challenge the powerful Real Madrid!”

“Now is the critical period of the league. Although our current record is not bad, if we are not careful, we may fall out of the European war zone, so…”

At this point, Jimenez plucked up the courage to say: “I It’s better to give up the King’s Cup and use substitutes in both rounds. ”

Eduardo pondered for a moment, turned to ask Pablo for his opinion: “What do you think?”

Pablo frowned slightly and said seriously: “As a player, of course I hope to win all the games, but ideals are ideals, and reality is reality. I agree with the coach’s idea. It’s still too difficult for us to fight on two fronts.”

Eduardo nodded: “Well, let’s decide it this way. Focus on the league. As for the King’s Cup, we can play wherever we can!”

The three giants of Laco were discussing Laco’s future strategy, and Su Wei was sleeping soundly in the dormitory at this time.

He was exhausted last night. After returning to the base, he didn’t even read the messages on his mobile phone and fell asleep directly.

It was not until the morning that a ringing sound woke Su Wei up. The call was from Vigreli.

Su Wei said in a daze: “Vigreli? I’m busy with competitions recently. If there is any endorsement, I’ll postpone it.”

“Su, it’s not about the endorsement, this is great news!”

Su Wei yawned and asked: “What good news is there?”

“Valencia wants to invite you to join. It is said that their boss Lin has taken a fancy to you. He is really rich. Do you want to consider joining them?”

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