I'm going to write a lot later.

Li Shuo's arm hurts today, so his typing speed has slowed down a lot.

At about 4:00 p.m., he had only written more than 8,000 words for both books combined.

Including the remaining manuscripts from yesterday, he published 6,000 words for each book, and left a message to readers to explain the reason.

My right hand hurts.

My arm was hit hard yesterday, so I have to buy a bottle of bruises medicine to wipe it off.

At 4:30 p.m., Li Shuo went out.

He went out to buy medicine and went back to see his father Li Xuejun.

Fang Lanying has always been reluctant for Li Xuejun to start a business.

Although he told Li Xuejun not to tell, he was still a little worried and wanted to go back to see him.

Fang Lanying and Li Xuejun are husband and wife, and they live together every day, so it is probably easy to be exposed.


When Li Shuo returned home, he found out that Fang Lanying and his father had applied for divorce.

When he returned to the Li family, in addition to his father Li Xuejun, there were Fang's mother Liu Hongmei and her daughter-in-law Lu Meijuan who came to visit.

Li Shuo simply greeted his father and the two elders, and sat aside to listen for a while.

It turned out that these two people came to act as lobbyists to persuade Li Xuejun to coax Fang Lanying back.

It was basically Liu Hongmei who was talking, and Lu Meijuan echoed on the side, and the two of them were like singing a double act.

Maybe she was a little thirsty because she talked too much, so Liu Hongmei took a sip of tea from the cup: "Xuejun, don't think your mother's words are harsh. You are already old. If you really divorce our Lanying, you are in such a bad condition."

Liu Hongmei glanced at Li Xuejun, who was wearing tattered clothes, from head to toe, and said contemptuously: "You will never find another woman in the future."

Lu Meijuan also echoed: "Brother-in-law, don't be angry with me. Women should be spoiled. Look at the one in our family. As long as I say east, he dare not say west. This is a good man!"

"Sister, she just has a bad temper. You are low-key. Can't you just coax her and reconcile the two of you? Otherwise, you are old, your financial conditions are poor, and you don't even have a house. How can you find a partner in the future? "

Faced with the long guns and short guns of the two, Li Xuejun remained indifferent: "She insisted on divorcing me, I am just fulfilling her wish, why should I bother her again."

Liu Hongmei saw that Li Xuejun was unmoved, and her mouth was dry and dry, but it didn't move. She could only look at Li Shuo on the side: "Xiao Shuo, you come and persuade your father!"

"Yes, you are his son, you can't watch him go astray!" Lu Meijuan also spoke.

Li Shuo heard this, without even raising his eyelids: "Sorry, no matter what choice my father makes, I support him."

In fact, he had long disliked Fang Lanying.

It's just that this is the marriage of the elders and it's not easy for him as a son to interfere.

Now the two are getting divorced, he is simply happy to see it.

Li Xuejun will only get better and better without Fang Lanying's oppression.

Liu Hongmei and the others: "..."

Seeing that she couldn't persuade the father and son, Liu Hongmei lost her patience and could only drag Lu Meijuan out of the house, cursing.

"You really don't know what's good for you. You don't know how to take the opportunity you're given. Do you think that no one will want our Lanying? After the divorce, she can still find someone better than you!"

"You will regret it later, Li Xuejun!"

Liu Hongmei cursed a few words at the door and didn't want to leave. It wasn't until Li Shuo came over with a gloomy face that she knew what to do and left quickly.

In their impression, Li Shuo was a mental patient. When he had a manic attack, he might kill his own people. They couldn't afford to offend him at all.

Only after Liu Hongmei and the others left did the house quiet down.

"Okay, Xiao Shuo, don't pay attention to them. Anyway, I'm going to divorce."

Li Xuejun sat on the sofa, a little depressed and determined.

After all, it was a divorce, and a family was broken up.

He hadn't told the other two children yet, so he couldn't feel good.

Li Shuo returned to the living room, poured tea into the cup, and said, "Dad, don't be too sad. I will always support you anyway."

Hearing this, Li Xuejun was silent for a moment, and finally smiled: "Forget it, let's not talk about this. I'll make you some food. After eating, I'll take you to see the company. It's almost ready. The equipment has been put in this morning."

Speaking of the company, Li Xuejun immediately seemed to have changed.

Li Shuo smiled and said, "Okay."

The father and son had a rare leisurely meal. Without Fang Lanying's expression, Li Shuo had a good appetite and ate an extra bowl.

It was seven o'clock in the evening.

The father and son came to the Guankou Industrial Concentration Zone in the adjacent area.

Li Xuejun's processing center is located here.

The father and son walked into the company, and the neatly planned site instantly

It caught my eye.

The venue is very large, at least 500 to 600 square meters, and the three devices only occupy more than 100 square meters.

There are several separate offices next to it, and computer desks and chairs are already prepared.

"Now that the funds are limited, I will put three devices. After the first batch of orders are completed and the payment arrives, I will buy a few more devices to increase production."

In the office, Li Xuejun told Li Shuo about his plan and handed him a document.

"Xiao Shuo, this is for you."

Li Shuo took the document and took a look. It was a partnership contract. The content of the contract was that Li Xuejun was responsible for being the legal representative and managing production, accounting for 15% of the shares, and Li Shuo was the major shareholder, accounting for 85% of the shares.

He glanced at the contract and looked at Li Xuejun in surprise.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

He didn't expect Li Xuejun to give him this contract. He just wanted his father to fulfill his dream and open a processing center.

Li Xuejun pushed back the contract his son handed over and said with a smile: "I appreciate your kindness, but I am already old. Even if the company is established, it will be handed over to you children in the future."

"You contributed more than 500,000 yuan to open this company. Now and in the future, you will be the major shareholder. It is enough for me to keep so many shares. If you can't do it anymore, I will give some to Li Shu and Li Hao. It can be regarded as you, the elder brother, taking care of them."

Li Xuejun has never been partial to his children. In the past, he wanted Li Hao and Li Shu to take care of Li Shuo. Now that his eldest son is capable, he will also let him take care of his younger brothers and sisters.

As for why he made it clear so quickly, he was also afraid that there would be some changes in Fang Lanying's side in the future. Li Hao was spoiled by his mother since he was a child and listened to her very much.

He was afraid that Fang Lanying would ask Li Hao to come and make trouble when they divorced.

First give the shareholder to Li Shuo. He doesn't have many shares, and Fang Lanying can't make any waves.

Li Shuo could probably guess Li Xuejun's concerns, and knew that this was his father's good intention not to let him suffer.

Li Xuejun was very persistent, so he stopped shirking and took the contract.

In the future, this company will be his father's on the surface, and the big boss behind the scenes will be his son.

Li Shuo didn't expect that just by coming to see the company with his father, he would have an additional identity as a boss...

After leaving the company, Li Shuo and his father Li Xuejun went home separately.

When Li Shuo returned to his and Bai Qinning's home, it was almost nine o'clock.

The lights in the living room were on, and Bai Qinning was not in the living room.

Da Yuanzi was nowhere to be seen.

They should all be in Bai Qinning's room.

Li Shuo sat in the living room for nearly half an hour. After thinking about it, he felt that he had to apologize to Bai Qinning for what happened yesterday.

The two were just temporary couples. Even if he kissed her to prove that he was a straight man, it would be an offense to her.

It was also obvious that Bai Qinning was still angry.

Since he was angry, it was even more necessary for him to apologize to her.

After more than ten minutes of psychological preparation, Li Shuo exhaled a breath, and then, with the awareness of social death or being beaten, he walked to the door of Bai Qinning's room and raised his hand to knock on the door.

"Are you asleep?"

He greeted her and waited for a few minutes. No one came to open the door. Just as he was wondering if Bai Qinning was asleep, the door of the room came with the sound of twisting the door lock to open the door. It was obviously locked before.

Li Shuo: "..."

He is not so scary...

The door was opened from the inside, leaving only a half-person-wide gap.

Bai Qinning had finished her shower and was wearing a suspender pajamas. Her long hair was still wet. Her skin was white and moist, but her pretty face was cold. She looked up at Li Shuo and asked, "What are you doing?"

Li Shuo touched his head, turned his eyes away from the girl's beautiful face, and sincerely admitted his mistake: "I... I came here to apologize."

Bai Qinning raised her chin arrogantly, as if she didn't take this matter seriously at all, and said, "No need, I was the first to question your orientation."

After saying this generously, she narrowed her beautiful eyes and looked dangerous: "If there is a next time, I will break your legs!"

Li Shuo: "..."

He was stunned for a moment, then quickly shook his head: "There will definitely not be a next time. You like the same sex. My behavior yesterday must have made you feel very uncomfortable. I'm sorry."

Li Shuo apologized sincerely again.

Bai Qinning is a lesbian.

He knows it very well.

Bai Qinning tensed up again when she heard the words "You like the same sex", glared at Li Shuo angrily, and slammed the door shut.

So angry!

She never admitted that she likes girls!

Li Shuo: "..."

Ah, she is still angry.

He frowned and was about to turn around and leave, not bothering Bai Qinning anymore.

The door was opened from the inside again.

Bai Qinning looked at him angrily: "Don't say I like girls anymore!"

Li Shuo was a little slow to react, and nodded immediately: "Okay! I will definitely keep it a secret for you and never say it again."

He wouldn't tell anyone else anyway.

Bai Qinning was about to cry because of this guy, staring at him and scolding: "...You idiot!"

After saying that, without waiting for Li Shuo to respond, he closed the door again with a "bang", and then immediately locked it.

Li Shuo: "..."


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