As expected, things turned out as I said. Jingzi's ability could repair the body, but not the spirit.

As if mocking everyone's efforts, the war situation gradually worsened. The interval between treating soldiers changed from once every three days to once a day, and then to two or three times a day. They could no longer be said to be going to the battlefield to fight, but to stand there and be attacked. If it were an ordinary army, they would have abandoned their position and retreated long ago.

But they did not retreat, because Jingzi was here.


Destruction, and then regeneration, over and over again.

Mori Ogai stopped the nurse holding the syringe: No painkillers. The effect of the drug will last until the end of the treatment, which will prevent them from going to the battlefield immediately.

Although I knew that Mori Ogai would do this, I was still shocked and scared when this scene happened. This person has completely regarded soldiers as tools.

The young man who bowed his head and held a book, his long and thick eyelashes drooped, and the sunlight gently outlined the contours of his eyebrows. And now-- low-level monsters are swarming everywhere in the base, giving birth, exorcising, giving birth, exorcising, just like the lives of the soldiers who are wandering on the edge of death, everything is devastated.

"I don't want to cure him."Yosano Akiko said

"Are you going to let his injuries get worse??"

"That's right, so just let him go back to the rear to heal.""Oh... I understand. You want him to escape from this battlefield. It's such a headache. Based on my position, I have to order you now, but I can't resist the girl's request.--"Mori Ogai smiled brightly and squatted down to meet Yosano's eyes."Wait!" I noticed something was wrong. As expected, the next second after he spoke, Mori Ogai's face turned completely horrified."But you are the exception"

"Cure him for me."

The country will perish. This reason was unacceptable to Akiko. She burst into tears of anger from her eyes."I don't want it. I just want to save the lives I can see!"

Don't do this, Akiko! Mori Ogai will never stop for you. He will only force you to get treatment! I wanted to stop these two people, but I was a step too late.

It was an extremely sharp and piercing gunshot that almost took the girl's heart away. With that gunshot, as if it came from the spirit and chest, a very abrupt scream,

Yosano's scream broke out from the painful squeezing and friction.

The man was shot by Mori Ogai."Okay, he's going to die like this."

Akiko collapsed and activated her special ability to rescue the soldier.

"Enough, Dr. Mori. Give him painkillers. I hugged the collapsed Jingzi and looked at the devil."Your plan will not be affected. I will go to the battlefield for this soldier."

"Jingzi, don't cry. Go and have some rest!" I lowered my head and comforted Jingzi in my arms

"But……"Jingzi seemed to want to say something, but I interrupted her and said,"Jingzi, listen to me, you are very tired now. You need to rest." I looked into her eyes and she gave in to my gaze.

After Jingzi went back to rest, Mori Ogai came to find me.

""Don't act on impulse. I will let the soldier rest, but you don't have to go to the battlefield. You are still young and can't replace him." Mori Ogai said to me with his signature smile.

"Doctor Mori, did you make a mistake? I am never here for this country, I am here only for Akiko.

" I looked at Mori Ogai coldly,"If it were not for Akiko, you would have been killed by me before Akiko agreed to your request.

The reason why I said I went for that soldier is because I found that you are a person who pursues extreme profit maximization.

If I am not mistaken, you handed over Akiko's information to some senior officials on the first day she stepped into this place, just for your so-called plan.


"……, Shiki is really smart. Yes, that's right. The plan will be implemented whether I am there or not."Mori Ogai was silent for a while and said,"There is no other way, this is all for victory."

"I don't care what you do, whether we win or lose this war. Akiko must be fine, or I will kill you." I pulled out the dagger and put it on Mori Ogai's neck,"You know it's easy to use you as a scapegoat." The fierce killing intent emanated from Ryougi Shiki's body, and Mori Ogai realized that the girl in front of him really wanted to kill him.

"Don't get excited, Shiki." Mori Ogai's expression remained unchanged,"Akira is an important person to me, I won't let anything happen to her. Can you put the knife down?"

""Ha." Ryougi Shiki sneered,"You'd better keep your word." He took the dagger off and turned away.

Just when Mori Ogai thought that the matter was over, the dagger came through the air and Mori Ogai dodged quickly. But he was still hit in the arm.

"This is a gift in return for what you just did, Dr. Mori. Ryougi Shiki left without looking back..

"This is really……"Mori Ogai covered his injured arm and smiled helplessly.

"Master, do you need a bandage?" Alice came over and helped Mori Ogai who had fallen to the ground.

"Alice, please.."Mori Ogai was supported by Alice and walked into the medical room

"Are all kids these days so bad-tempered?"Mori Ogai recalled the scene of Ryougi Shiki threatening him on his way back to the medical room,"Akiko is, Shiki is too. There's really nothing I can do."

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