Mori Ogai's plan went smoothly. While he was treating the leader of the Gangkuro, he successfully got in touch with a high-ranking woman named Ozaki Kouye. At the same time, he also got to know more about the internal situation of the Port Mafia. Perhaps because of his serious illness, the leader trusted Mori Ogai more and more. I express my condolences in advance. As the only personal doctor who can get close to the leader, Mori Ogai's status in the Port Mafia has also risen.

Through this period of contact, I have almost understood the leader of the Gangkuro. Arrogant and extremely self-centered, he hopes that everything is in his own hands and cannot accept anything other than what he controls.. The identity that Mori Ogai showed on the surface satisfied his vanity and desire for control. What can a small black doctor do? What's more, his children, assistants and disciples are also under his control.

So compared with other people in the port, Mori Ogai can be trusted better. Aren't people such arrogant creatures?

After a period of time, under Mori Ogai's"meticulous" treatment, the leader's illness became more and more serious.

His suspicion also increased rapidly as his illness became more serious.

Mori Ogai did not try to win over others.

He just inadvertently sowed discord, such as pretending to comfort some people after they were punished, but actually trying to flatter the leader.

Really, I sympathize with the leader.

But Mori Ogai's words are very clever.

He just used the excuse that the leader was seriously ill to ask them to be more considerate.

On the surface, he was speaking for the leader, but in fact he implied that the leader was confused.

As a result, the people below became more and more dissatisfied with the leader.

Although he would have been like this without Mori Ogai, Mori Ogai accelerated this process. The whole of Yokohama was shrouded in the shadow of the leader. I finally saw the scene in the comics in reality. But what does it have to do with me? Isn't it the leader I chose? Maybe this leader was wise and powerful when he was young, but he is old now, isn't he? Under the ravages of time, everything will change.

Dazai Osamu and I watched coldly because I knew that the"bloody rule" set off by the previous leader in the plot was about to come. Dazai Osamu had anticipated everything since the first day he stepped into this place.

Due to the leader's madness, most of the time everyone kept silent, fearing that they would offend the leader and bring trouble upon themselves.

One ordinary morning, after Mori Ogai performed a physical examination on the leader as usual, the leader suddenly wanted to go out for a walk. He asked Mori Ogai, a doctor, for his opinion. Of course, Mori Ogai did not dare to object.

""Chief, you are in good health now. You can go out for a walk. This will be more beneficial to your physical and mental health." Mori Ogai said with his eyebrows lowered.

""Good, good, good." The leader clapped his hands and walked out of the Ganghei Building in a happy mood. The people below hurriedly prepared a car for him.

"It's not a good idea for the leader to go out at this time! After all, there are so many people outside who want to kill him. What's the difference between him going out now and walking into a trap?"After the leader went out, Mori Ogai and I watched the leader's back as he walked away through the glass of the Ganghei Building.

"I'm just a doctor, how can I know so many things!" Mori Ogai shrugged innocently."Besides, the decision is made by the leader, isn't it?"

""Haha" I sneered,"Do you believe this?"

Mori Ogai smiled without saying anything.

Sure enough, the leader was attacked by hostile forces when he went out. He was slightly injured when he came back, but it was not serious. At least Mori Ogai dealt with it quickly.

But the leader was furious because of this, he felt that he was provoked.

"Check for me, who is so bold?!"

"One day, I'll give you one day! If you can't find out, you'll die!"

The leader was lying on the bed, roaring. He felt that he was becoming more and more powerless.

The head of the intelligence department agreed timidly and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead when he went out.

"Are you okay? You've worked hard. Yamaguchi-kun, the leader is also angry."Mori Ogai left and found Yamaguchi."Please be considerate. Leader. After all, such a big thing happened."

"I know that the leader is just angry. Dr. Mori, please report this to the leader. I will give you a result as soon as possible."On the surface, Yamaguchi-kun did not have any abnormalities, but a cursed spirit appeared in his body.

"He can."Mori Ogai confirmed it to me. This is something he and I often do. No one in the port mafia is simple. Everyone wears a mask. Mori Ogai can see through most people, but some old foxes are not so easy. At this time, I need to confirm it. People's expressions can be deceiving, but the curse spirits produced on their bodies will not lie.

Thanks to the leader, the Port Black Building is a curse spirit training base. Curse spirits can be seen everywhere here. They are even growing very fast.

"Oh my, that's a great help!" Mori Ogai looked at me with a smile,"By the way, doesn't it feel uncomfortable for Shiki to keep watching these?"

"I'm used to it, just ignore it." I followed him,"It was very uncomfortable at first, but I got used to it slowly."

Within a day, the Intelligence Department found out the person behind the attack, it was a small and unknown organization. The reason they launched the attack was simple, it was just that during a transaction, the port mafia accidentally killed the daughter of their leader. So the leader of that organization launched this attack.

The end of this incident was that the organization was uprooted. The leader was also sent to the interrogation room.

I thought the matter was over, but I underestimated the evil of human nature and overestimated my psychological endurance.

A week after the incident, the leader's car was scratched.

"Who scratched my car today?" The leader was lying on the bed, his tone cold,"Have you found out?"

The head of the intelligence department stood up tremblingly and reported:"���, is a red-haired boy."

The leader's skeleton-like body leaned on the chair, his scarlet eyes full of malice


"A child dares to challenge me?"

"You are so brave...You are so brave……"

"Red hair... what a bright color... it reminds me of something bad."

The leader of that small organization and his daughter had the same fiery red hair.

"You say... could there be a connection between the two?"

He laughed nervously. He looked at the head of the intelligence department with his poisonous eyes.

"Capture him for me, throw him into the interrogation room, cut off his limbs, and throw his body to the wild dogs."

"I will make everyone realize the consequences of disobeying me!"

""Yes, yes!" The people below answered hurriedly.

There was silence in the room for a moment, and Yamaguchi retreated at the signal of the leader.

The boy was quickly caught by the port mafia and thrown into the interrogation room as he said.

I thought the matter was over, after all, the naughty boy also paid the price for his actions. But the subsequent developments were completely beyond my expectations.

After the red-haired child was caught and tortured to death, the devil lying on the bed was still not satisfied.

"Who can be sure that no one will provoke me in the future? Maybe someone is behind him? Quick, catch all the people behind him!"

I saw Yamaguchi's cold sweat dripping from his forehead onto the carpet, leaving dark marks. His feet were also shaking. How pitiful! He had such a boss.

"No one!! No one can disobey me!"

"Anyone who provokes me must die!"

"All the red-haired children! Kill all the red-haired children in that area, no, in Yokohama! Kill them all!"

Everyone present, including me and Mori Ogai, all looked up in astonishment.

This is too outrageous! Are you kidding me? What did the other children do wrong?

Even terrorist organizations would avoid attacking children when necessary.

A man stood up. I recognized him. He was the person in charge of transportation and was very patient with children. Dazai, Alice and I had all received candy from him. He tried to persuade the leader.

"Chief, isn't this too much? The culprit has been punished. There is no need to continue.

The old man lying on the bed smiled grimly, and he looked at the other party:"Are you questioning my decision?"

"No, I am not questioning your decision. I just think it will bring unexpected losses to the port mafia."He answered calmly.


"Who! Who gave you the right to question me!? I am the leader of the port mafia, my orders are everything!"

"but……"He seemed to want to say something else, but was soon interrupted.

"Drag him away and put him in the interrogation room. The Port Mafia does not need anyone who disobeys me." The leader roared on the bed!

Such a stupid order is actually going to be executed?!

I felt like I was watching an absurd drama. I looked at Mori Ogai. After the initial shock, Mori Ogai perfectly hid his emotions. He lowered his head and said nothing.

Mori Ogai was not going to stop him.

I felt like I was entering an ice cave. How could I forget that he was the one who did not show mercy even to the point of driving Akiko and the soldiers to mental breakdown for the sake of victory in the war.

No, if this goes on, how many innocent people will die!

Absolutely not! I was about to speak when Mori Ogai suddenly grabbed me. His violet eyes stared at me coldly. When I came to my senses, the order had already been issued.

"Why?" My voice was so dry. I don't understand!

"You can't persuade the leader, and you might even get yourself into trouble. It's better to use this incident to make the leader lose more people's support."Mori Ogai analyzed calmly.

"But... they were just a group of children. They didn't do anything!" I spoke incoherently, my emotions were a little out of control, it was too outrageous,"They shouldn't have died under such a ridiculous order"

"This is the way the world is. There are no so many reasons. You can't change many things, just like you can't change the leader's idea this time. What we have to do is to choose the best solution in this bad situation.’"Mori Ogai slowly calmed me down,"You still have things to do. Now go to work! The leader is waiting for you.."

"……"I followed Mori Ogai in silence. I couldn't seem to adapt to this world. I overestimated myself.

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