Although the list of "Sword God" was a bit rushed in time, Lin Hao did not stop his pace of chasing dramas because of this.

At least he didn't even have the desire to register and download during work, and even after get off work, he put all this matter behind him.

Zhao Jing, who puts together Gunpla in all odds and ends, has a desire to create recently.

During the period of working as Lin Hao's assistant, the stimulation of brain holes was quite strong.

For example, the Mobile Suit Gundam and Death Note she participated in basically have nothing to do with these popular comics on the market.

And she's now focusing on finding inspiration that breaks away from popular themes.

She also asked Lin Hao for his opinion on this.

The latter happened to have no creation plans for new works recently, so he naturally expressed his full support.

In addition, and promised that if her new work is published, she must buy it and read it.

Believe it or not, Zhao Jing would come up with a theme every day for him to have a look at.

Sports such as football, basketball, and badminton, sci-fi interstellar travel, and even the concept of some superheroes are about to be born.

To be honest, Lin Hao was taken aback by her thoughts, and once wondered if this woman also received signals from other worlds.

Each single is a very capable subject.

He didn't intentionally suppress the other party's thoughts, but extended his thumb to express his admiration.

Although I provided some unconstrained ideas, this woman was really inspired.

able to get his affirmation.

Zhao Jing is a little proud.

It's a pity that her ideas are only empty and formal, and there is no bubble in the plot, so that a simple opening chapter can't be drawn.

The biggest performance art right now is holding back every day in the living room with my toes clasped.

Lin Hao couldn't help with this.

Creation is a journey she needs to walk alone.

And I am the kind of person who is blessed by nature, if I really want to say it, I might not be as good as the other party.

Every morning, Lin Hao still goes for a run as usual.

However, in the process of running in the past few days, I found a few old men who are nearly a hundred years old practicing Tai Chi in the park.

Lin Hao, who was more curious about this aspect, would stand behind a few uncles from time to time to learn a few tricks.

Because of the rigidity of the body, they often learn to be different.

At this time, the uncle who saw him practicing would not be able to help teaching him.

Lin Hao just smiled perfunctorily.

He didn't really want to learn, but he just wanted to feel it.

I remember that some people used to say that practicing this thing is good for the body, and it was nothing more than joining in the fun.

Seeing that the elders wanted to keep him to expand the team, Lin Hao stopped coming.

He hasn't been to the company much these days, and there is nothing that requires him to be there.

There are only a few singers, including two newcomers, Shen Li can handle it all by herself, and if there is an emergency, she will call him.

To put it bluntly, Lin Hao now rests whenever he wants.

The privilege of being a boss is a bit towards corruption.

At noon that day, he called Zhou Ren out to sit down with him when he had nothing to do, had a simple lunch, and asked him how he was doing.

It's okay not to mention it.

Mentioning it, Zhou Ren started bragging.

Speaking of which, he has been doing quite well recently. Since he left, he has independently completed a few small lists of advertising copywriting.

Money, not too much.

But following this trend, the car can be picked up immediately.

It stands to reason that Zhou Ren could have bought this car when he finished the coconut milk commercial last time.

He just didn't want to spend all of it, and wanted to save some of it to supplement his family, and would send money to his parents every month.

Lin Hao understands this very well. After a person grows up, he often thinks more about his family than about himself.

Now he is doing the same.

Even if I bought a house and a car for my parents, I still send money to my family every month.

The purpose is to hope that parents can improve the quality of life.

At the same time, Zhou Ren was also complaining to him about his resignation, and now he was left by himself, but in fact, it was meaningless except to make money.

Gao Ying and Lin Chao are not as chatty as before.

Everyone is busy every day, and the leisure time during the newcomer period can no longer be felt.

Lin Hao nodded.

In the advertising department, the pressure is still quite high.

You can actually feel it during the rookie period, but even if you have a positive attitude at that time, it is difficult to get started directly.

Now that it has been cultivated, it is natural to integrate it. It is normal to spend a little brain and energy.

"By the way, you haven't told me when I will find you."

Zhou Ren patted his belly, hiccupped and leaned back on the chair and asked, "And how is your business doing? Have you made any money?"

"It's okay, I originally wanted to call you over, but now the plan has changed."

Lin Hao was also full, and the two of them came to show off the barbecue. They ordered a bit too much, and there was still a lot left.

"What do you mean?" Zhou Ren asked puzzled.

"Let's do it again, how about we open an advertising studio directly after you become a teacher?" Lin Hao asked with a smile.

In fact, according to his thinking, there was no such plan before, and more he hoped that Zhou Ren would stare at Gundam's online flagship store.

This job is still very leisurely.

It's just that Zhou Ren has performed a little well recently, but he has changed his mind.

Yu Ting has practiced under Yu Ting's hands, and after leaving the teacher, it may not be impossible to set up a stall.

Moreover, advertising planning is quite profitable. When it comes to money, Lin Hao thinks it is necessary to do it.

"Open an advertising studio?"

Zhou Ren was taken aback by his thought, and said immediately, "Is it just the two of us?"

"What do you think, how much the two of us can do, we must recruit people." Lin Hao said speechlessly.

"Fuck, you are so brave."

Zhou Ren couldn't help but sighed, "You've only been working for a short time, and you want to start your own business."

"Nonsense, no matter how good the company's treatment conditions are, it's not as good as making more money by yourself." Lin Hao explained.

"But even if we recruit people, there is no list." Zhou Ren has already assumed the role.

"Don't worry about these things, and you will slowly figure out a solution in the future. The most important thing is that you must hurry up to improve your business level and complete a few more big orders." Lin Hao is too lazy to think so much, but if an advertising department is established, the responsible This guy must be in the human position.

It's just that the other party's current professional level needs to be improved, otherwise it will be difficult to move.

"Okay, that's right, my sister said that there will be a large-scale drama crew coming here to shoot in the past, do you want to go and see together, maybe you can get a celebrity's autograph or something." Coming out of the barbecue shop , taking a walk, Zhou Ren suddenly remembered something and said.

"Your sister works on the set?" Lin Hao asked curiously.

"No, my sister is in a film and television studio, and is responsible for doing makeup for Qunhua. She doesn't usually work much, and she doesn't earn much money."

Zhou Ren explained.

"I can't do it recently, I still have something to do."

Lin Hao thought about it, at least the opening music of "Sword God" must be done.

Then Mo Xiaoyu also had to watch the preliminary round of the national competition over there. Thinking about it this way, he was also quite busy.

"I didn't say now, and my sister didn't say when the crew will come. Forget it, I'll call you when the time comes." Zhou Ren said.

Lin Hao nodded, and drove Zhou Ren back to the company. After returning home, he simply took a nap all afternoon.

After waking up, I sat in front of the computer that I hadn't used for a long time and started to play the game.


"Sword God".

These two names still sound quite domineering, but I don't know if the style of painting is exquisite enough.

After downloading the game, Lin Hao directly registered and logged in.

It's just that he chose the character to go online. It's not a pilot film with any plot. He just received the task and then the character panel popped up.

All right.

Somewhat embarrassing.

After thinking about it, Lin Hao directly sent a message to Shi Hongchao to ask.

After a while, Shi Hongchao came back and said that Party A's lead film was still in production and hadn't been launched yet, and that there was only a text plot at present.

The file has been sent to the mailbox.

Lin Hao was slightly taken aback.

When creating the soundtrack for "Dajianghu", it was based on the entire game.

But now the other party seems to just want to narrow the scope to this pilot film, maybe it's not good to say that there are some rumored plots.

Thinking of this, he still opened the mailbox and found the file that Shi Hongchao had sent before.


The story on the text is still not as real as the picture.

People who see it just feel dizzy.

How should I put it, this text tells the regretful and hazy emotional story between the master and the apprentice.

The young apprentice joined his master's Lingtian Pavilion sect since he was a child, determined to become a sword god, eradicate evil and promote good, and become famous in the world.

The young master just smiled and didn't care about it.

It's just that after years of nurturing, the master has a certain affection for the apprentice, but because of his age and identity, he hesitates to speak.

At this time, the apprentice was all about wandering around the world, and he didn't plan to stay in the sect for a long time.

So he made a bold decision to sneak away halfway, and without being discovered, he successfully set foot in the rivers and lakes.

When he came back again, he had already achieved success and fame, but his relationship with his master was no longer the same as before, and it was no longer what it used to be.

But when the master's sect was attacked by the enemy, he was still worried, and hurriedly led everyone to help, and repelled all the enemy troops.

However, the scenes back then were already different.

In fact, the master is no longer here.


Just a lingering concern.

As for whether this longing is about love, it is not expressed in the article.

Lin Hao stubbornly believed that there were still some, otherwise he wouldn't have gone to help without hesitation, just a fool.

But it is worth affirming that things like regret are often the most attractive, and it is much deeper than a happy ending.

The man who wrote this story has something, but not much.

Because at this time, he already had a better idea in his heart.

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