That's when Death Note sales started to trend down.

Lin Hao's Côte d'Azur company has officially announced its opening.

Now, the time has entered May.

On the side of Xinhe Building, the renovations on the 13th and 14th floors have been completed one after another, and there are no problems in the follow-up inspection and acceptance.

At the same time, all the equipment for foreign trade has also arrived.

The foreign factory is responsible for coordinating personnel to install.

In short, after a burst of busy work, these high-end electronic equipments are almost all debugged and can be used directly.

With the final payment of these two batches settled, and the purchase of some daily office supplies, Lin Hao really has no money in his hands.

If it weren't for the somewhat continuous income from the Gundam online store for him to withdraw at any time, even the salaries of the people under him would hardly be able to pay.

Although it is the day when the company opened.

But it's really nothing sensational.

Except that Du Fei sent someone to send a few pairs of large flower baskets to celebrate, there were not many people from this circle present, and it was deserted.

After all, Lin Hao has been working behind the scenes, and there are not many personnel exchanges, which are very limited.

It's just that he thinks this kind of atmosphere is quite good, even if there are too many people, it will be messy, and he has to be busy with all kinds of coping and tiring.

Randomly find someone in the office to go downstairs and set up a few firecrackers.

In this way, even if it is celebrating the opening of the business.

The reason for choosing to open now.

It's not because all the decoration and equipment are in place.

It was the recruitment work that had been done before, and so far, there had been considerable progress.

The new producer from the music department is called Fang Zhenhai.

I also worked in other companies of the same type before, and then I started my own business after earning some money.

The result is self-evident, the failure is a mess, and if I go back, I won't want it anymore, and I happened to come here when I was desperate.

Lin Hao looked at the other party's resume, he had indeed participated in many works, and had some ability, so he left it for the other party.

Except for him.

There are also Shen Li, the manager of the artist department, and Shi Hongchao, the manager of the sales department.

The former is a strong woman in her thirties, and her resume is not bad, while the latter is older, and she works steadily, without rushing.

During the period, add some scattered and just-needed talents.

There are 18 people in total.

The office locations of these 18 people are arranged on the 13th floor.

Lin Hao renovated this floor into a music studio, including a recording studio, artist lounge, tea bar, small meeting room, etc.

The 14th floor is temporarily a combination of canteen and activity room.

Although the number of personnel is now recruited in sevens and eighties, but in terms of business, there is still no way to start.

To sum up, there are two reasons.

One is that the company has just been established and cannot get orders. In this regard, Shi Hongchao has just taken over, and it is difficult to start, so he needs to be given some time.

The second is that the company currently has no artists. Although the office system framework is basically complete, how can it be called an entertainment company without artists?

So, Shen Li approached Lin Hao to discuss this issue.

"I think we can try to poach some well-known singers from other companies, so as to improve our company's reputation as soon as possible."

This is Shen Li's initial thoughts.

As a newly established company, there are not many options available.

Although it doesn't sound very glorious, the effect is definitely good.

And with a few well-established singers to open up the market, the company can also develop its business as soon as possible.

It's killing two birds with one stone.

"No, it's too much investment." Lin Hao shook his head and refused when he heard the words.

Not to mention whether he can afford to give the other party a good contract treatment, even the liquidated damages, he can't afford to pay at present.

Unless it is the kind of singer whose contract is about to expire who is willing to take the initiative to come and develop, but this possibility is basically impossible.

"Then why don't we sign some newcomers and cultivate them slowly?" Shen Li continued.

She didn't underestimate the boss because of her age.

I am just a commenter, not a decision maker, and there is nothing to refute in this regard.

Since the first plan is not accepted, there is a second plan, but this one seems a little more common.

In the moment.

It's an impossible solution.


Lin Hao was startled immediately.

Needless to say, Shen Li's suggestion actually coincided with what he had in mind.

After all, from his point of view, the rookie still has a great advantage.

A complete blank sheet of paper is easy to draw, and has low requirements and is easy to cultivate. Compared with famous singers, the price/performance ratio is very prominent.

Of course, there are also shortcomings, that is, the problem of skill, but this aspect can be balanced by other methods.

For example.


After reading this, he nodded and said, "Okay, you can continue."

Seeing that her boss was interested in this proposal, Shen Li was only able to express her own thoughts.

For newcomers, the fastest way is to recruit directly from major music academies.

How do the outstanding newcomers from the major music companies come here every year? More than half of them pick out the good seedlings from here.

Except for school.

There are also many freelance musicians outside.

As long as the price is in place, you are not afraid that the other party will not come.

No matter how dissatisfied, local TV stations still have a lot of singing talent shows, all of which are newcomers with some singing ability.

It's just that our own company has no advantage in this aspect. If we really want to talk about it, the chances are not very great. The competition among various companies is too fierce.

Listen to Shen Li's analysis.

Lin Hao quickly fell into deep thought.

Although the other party said a lot, in fact, he still prefers the first one.

Recruited in the Conservatory of Music.

To put it bluntly, it is still the best way to save money.

"Then recruit from the academy first."

So, he immediately made a decision.

Shen Li nodded.

Probably figured out the intention of his boss a little bit.

It's just that she has no one under her command at present, so this kind of thing can only be done by herself.

For example, when a well-known large company recruits people, they often contact the school, and the school will come forward to negotiate first.

If you think it's okay, the two sides will make an appointment to discuss signing a contract or something.

But here is a small company that has just been established, no one will care, it is impossible for others to do this, so I can only find it myself.

The whole of Jiangning.

There are many conservatories, large and small, and she can choose just a few.

Of course, Shen Li did not recruit all kinds of students.

Often when she went to a college, she first inquired on the spot, which department had better students.

This "excellence" often means that they sing well in music, or have a certain musical talent that far surpasses others in terms of strength.

Such people do exist.

But most of them have already signed the contract.

It is normal for students and trainees to have both identities at the same time.

Especially in the Department of Pop Music, top-notch seedlings have no worries about where to go.

Occasionally, one or two exceptions can be exposed.

But when people heard that it was a little-known company, they turned around and left without saying a word, and some even almost regarded themselves as liars.

Shen Li once felt that this was the biggest challenge since her career.

Ask for money. No money.

To background background no.

All with one mouth.

But there is no way, this is the initial stage of the company's start-up, and it should have overcome difficulties.

Compared to himself, Shi Hongchao from the sales department might be more tired, and he can be scrapped if he just pulls an order.

Think here.

Her mood suddenly improved.

Exit the hallway of the Pop Music Department.

Strolling in the beautiful campus is an alternative way to decompress.

Shen Li, who was about to leave, was suddenly attracted by a play in the distance.

Couldn't help leaning over to take a look.

It turned out that several students from the opera department were playing and rehearsing a stage play.

Seeing this, her eyes lit up.

I suddenly had another idea in my heart.

The pop music department won't work, but the drama department can also try.

Although the two are fundamentally different.

But if you can sing opera well, you may not be bad at pop music.

And in Shen Li's view, there is an invisible professional advantage.

Think so.

She suddenly regained motivation.

And this momentum has also successfully recruited two new people for the company.

"Shan Qi, Mo Xiaoyu, are they all students of the drama department?" Lin Hao couldn't help being surprised when he saw the resume handed over by Shen Li.

"Mo Xiaoyu is from the opera department. Shan Qi stayed in the pop music department for a while before, and then transferred here. I found a surprise."

Shen Li explained slowly: "And these two people have a good image, and they are also good at singing."

"What about the treatment? They didn't say anything?"

Lin Hao is more concerned about this.

Currently, the company has three levels of contracts for singers.

These contracts are drawn up after modification and modification of other entertainment companies, and are divided into three levels: A, B, and C.

The highest is A-level, with a commission as high as about 15%, and the lowest is C-level, which is only 1%, but it has the blessing of commercial performances and announcements, but Lin Hao also plans to draw 70% from it , this aspect is higher than other big companies.

As for why the contract was so harsh, Lin Hao did not explain to Shen Li.


Shen Li shook her head.

What can the other party say?

Don't look at it as a small company.

But this kind of opportunity is not available to everyone.

What's more, with their current majors, it would be extremely difficult to debut in a music company.

Just as I need the potential of these two people, the two of them also need this opportunity, so how dare they pick and choose.

"That's good." Lin Hao nodded in satisfaction, he likes this kind of happy newcomer.

"By the way, Mr. Lin, do you have to hire a manager for the two of them?" Shen Li raised her head and asked.

Anyway, I'm the manager of the artist department, and now I'm going down to recruit people, so it's a bit shabby, mainly because I'm tired.

And when these two newcomers come in, they can't follow up by themselves, can they?

"Okay, I'll let them arrange it as soon as possible later." Lin Hao also understood this, and nodded immediately.

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