The first of three jackpots was announced.

The remaining two are undoubtedly more desirable.


After another program.

The prize watches for the next round were also taken out.

Still a big brand.

Worth over two hundred thousand.

Don't think it's too thin.

But it's no worse than those gold jewelry.

After Wei Kecheng chatted with everyone to whet their appetite.

Stop immediately.

No. 139!

Everyone looked at each other.

Then there was a shrill scream from the advertising department.

It’s a female employee again.

at last.

That’s the jackpot.

The car definitely can't be taken out.

Can't move.

So the only thing that can be taken out is cash of equivalent value.

Fully half a million.

Fifty stacks.

The neat arrangement on the table is extremely eye-catching.

It is equivalent to about three years’ salary of some high-paid employees.

"Five million!"

"Is it my turn?"

"If he wins, he will lose several years of hard work."

"The company is so willing, each one is more ruthless than the other."

"Our Côte d'Azur Company's annual meeting is absolutely top-notch among major companies."

"God, let me go up there."

"Ah!!!! I'm so nervous."

"Okay, who will win the final prize today? Let's wait and see."

Wei Kecheng announced loudly: "Get ready. Start!"

The words fell.

The numbers on the big screen scrolled.

At this moment.

Everyone's eyes widened.

Forget about the employees.

They are the leaders of various departments.

We are also very concerned about the ownership of this award.

This is not a hundred thousand.

Not two hundred thousand.

But a full five hundred thousand.

How rich do you have to be to ignore it?

Multimillionaire or billionaire?

It's impossible not to take it seriously.

If you can get this.

Can do many things.

"bring it on!"

"People die and birds face up! Let's fight!"

"I can't believe my luck has always been so bad."

"Come out!"

"Come out!"


"No. 351!"

"rely on you!"

With much anticipation.

Wei Kecheng suddenly shouted "stop".

Digital freeze.

The huge number 94 appears again!




I only saw this moment.

Everyone's brains are buzzing.

He almost fainted.

And the next moment.

They felt goosebumps all over their bodies.

I felt shocked.

It seemed like something strange had happened.

So everyone turned their heads in unison.

He looked at Zhao Yujia in the last row with dumbfounded eyes.

Mist grass!

Mist grass!

Mist grass!

Why is it still him?

It finally stopped for a few rounds.

I thought this guy had run out of luck.

How about working together to prepare big moves later?

Damn it!

Too showy, right?

"Awesome! That's awesome! You've bloodbathed our company's annual meeting."

Liu Rui couldn't close her mouth: "Once you win this grand prize, your influence in our company will almost reach its peak."

"Huh~ To be honest, I didn't expect that I would be so powerful."

Zhao Yujia took a deep breath.

Then under the watchful eyes of all the employees.

Slowly walked up to the stage to receive the award.

Another word of thanks was spoken.

Only this time the applause was not so loud.

It’s not that I don’t want to bless you.

But too heartbroken.

He already took away half a million.

He also wanted applause.

This is nothing more than murder and heart-wrenching.

The person who never received the award from beginning to end.

You can come forward and draw a consolation red envelope prize from a large cardboard box.

It ranges from one hundred yuan to one thousand yuan.

Better than nothing though.

But it can still comfort everyone's hurt hearts.


Everyone can only vent their anger on food.

People who cannot rely on the annual meeting to soar to the top.

I want to try hard to get back through eating.

But it's not that easy.

Because the space for appetite is limited.

In the end, I was just supporting myself.

The annual meeting is over.

Zhao Yujia was forced to drink several bottles of wine to avoid long nights and dreams.

Carrying my handbag, I went to the bank downstairs to deposit money.

Right during the queue.

I never expected to meet my old classmates from college.

"Who are you? Zhao Yujia?" He was the first to recognize him, and he immediately came over and asked.

"Are you Yang Xiaona?"

Although Zhao Yujia was a little tipsy.

But the brain is extremely awake at this time.

I trembled hastily.

After all, Yang Xiaona is more than just an old classmate.

She was also the goddess he had a crush on.

She still looks so good-looking now.

This couldn't help but make Zhao Yujia a little unprepared and panic.

"Long time no see. Are you working here now?" Yang Xiaona asked curiously.

"Well, it's right next to you. Are you here too?" Zhao Yujia said.

"Yes, I work as a clerk at Hongsheng Technology. What about you, which company are you in?" Yang Xiaona introduced herself.

"I'm at Côte d'Azur Company." Zhao Yujia replied without thinking.

As soon as these words came out.

The sound is small.

Everyone at the counter still heard it.

They all looked over in surprise.

Côte d'Azur Company.

It is regarded as the top entertainment company in the business district here.

One of the best in the country.

I don’t know how many young people dream of it.

It's hard to get in.

It is comparable to a compilation system.

I didn't expect this guy to be an employee there.

Yang Xiaona's expression also changed.

One of her resumes had also been submitted to Cote d'Azur.

At that time, I felt that I was a winner based on my image and academic qualifications.

But the result was still brushed off.

No reason was given.

Unexpectedly, this old classmate actually worked there.

She couldn't help but change her impression a lot.

"Awesome, great leader." Yang Xiaona couldn't help but praise.

"What a big leader, just a clerk." Zhao Yujia shook his head hurriedly.

"We haven't seen each other for a long time. Do you want anything tonight? Let's have a meal together?" Yang Xiaona suggested.


Zhao Yujia's head felt hot.

I agreed directly.

Both of them are here to handle money deposit business.

Yang Xiaona may have just received her year-end bonus.

Thousands of dollars were obtained steadily.

But it was time for Zhao Yujia to save money.

Everyone around me is Spartan.

A whole handbag of cash.

Quite rich.

Yang Xiaona naturally saw it, and when she and Zhao Yujia left the bank, she hesitated and asked, "Why did you save so much money?"

"They are all bonuses from the company, just paid out today." Zhao Yujia explained.

"It's all bonus?"

Yang Xiaona was confused.

Hundreds of thousands of bonuses?

Is Côte d'Azur so arrogant?

"Yes, our company held an annual meeting this year. There were many prizes. I won a few, so there are more." Zhao Yujia said with a smile.

Yang Xiaona nodded in surprise.

"By the way, are you married now?" She asked casually as they walked on the road.

"Married? No, as of now, I don't have a partner yet. What about you? Married?" Zhao Yujia asked.

"No, I'm still single now." Yang Xiaona said.

Zhao Yujia showed his superiority and nodded calmly.

But I was secretly happy inside.

Little did he know that the other person had the same emotion.


Lin Hao returned to Jindu again to film.

Before leaving.

The album for X girl group has been finalized.

Because the Spring Festival Gala will soon conduct a first review of the program list.

Speaking of the Spring Festival Gala.

In fact, the pressure is quite high every year.

Because the things involved are more complicated.

This is no ordinary party.

There will be many restrictions if you follow the rules.

And in recent years, as the tastes of the audience have become more and more discerning.

To be honest, the attention is not as unshakable as it used to be.

Therefore, we also hope to maintain the ratings by inviting celebrities.

CCTV serves as the central point.

The invitation is definitely stronger than other satellite TV stations.

In addition to the popular X girl group at home and abroad.

The kings and queens also invited many guests.

But even so.

There is no guarantee that someone will play in the end.

It will most likely be cut off directly.


Beijing TV Station is currently conducting internal discussions over program issues.

"As for singers, are there too many invited this time? It will compress the space for other programs." Someone in the working group looked at the program list and frowned.

"As for pop singers, my initial plan is to keep three shows."

Chief Director Hong Shaoshan said: "As for the sketches, let's also mention the number this year. The audience loves to watch them."

"Director Hong, can we remove some of the performances with national characteristics? As you said, let's do more this year that the audience will love to see."

Tao Tiguang also said: "I think in addition to singers and sketches, we can add some currently popular elements."

"For example?" Hong Shaoshan looked at him.

"Can performances such as martial arts and acrobatics be used?" Tao Tiguang said.

"No way? The risk factor is too great."

A female cadre directly denied it: "If something goes wrong, the Spring Festival Gala will become a joke to the whole country. We cannot bear this responsibility."

"That's right, stability should be the priority." Hong Shaoshan nodded.

"But these things are still the same over and over again, and the audience may not buy it." Tao Tiguang also pointed out the problem.

"Let's just add what you think first and take a look at it during the first trial." Hong Shaoshan thought about it and finally relaxed.

"By the way, Director Hong, there is one more thing." Someone reported.

"Say." Hong Shaoshan said.

"It's a budget issue. Other singers are fine. Cote d'Azur Company

"How much does it cost?" Hong Shaoshan asked.

"Based on the scope of the venue and duration, it's about 5 million." The man replied.

"Five million? It's too expensive!"

Not to mention Hong Shaoshan was stunned for a moment.

Everyone present felt incredible.

The Spring Festival Gala has never had much funding.

Inviting artists will not say what kind of announcement fee they will provide.

In addition to reimbursing the round trip fare.

Just save what you can.

Where can I get this 5 million?

It’s not that there aren’t any.

But money must be spent wisely.

It is impossible to spend so much money on a singing stage.

What about the others?

Are you just staring?

"Don't talk about 5 million, you have to consider 500,000. Director Hong, if it doesn't work, just cut it off from the X girl group." Someone immediately sneered.

But Hong Shaoshan didn't speak.

This is someone who was hired with great difficulty from the Côte d'Azur Company.

You can't just say you don't want it.

He couldn't help but look at Tao Tiguang and said, "Well, Old Tao, you should contact Mr. Lin to see if this special effect can be done."

Tao Tiguang was speechless for a moment.

Isn't this job purely offending?

But there is no way.

He nodded immediately.

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