"Let me go, this guy actually has this identity."

"Awesome, with the skin of a police officer, the crime is so flawless, no one can figure it out."

"As an anti-narcotics police officer, he actually used his power for personal gain. He was involved in both black and white. He is simply the scum among the scum."

"Now I wonder if those drugs were confiscated and then re-sold?"

"No need to think about it, for sure."

"Don't just talk about how bad this policeman is. As a killer, Wang Ziang is also a villain. There seems to be no good people in this drama."

"Why not? Qi Xiaowei, but I feel that the enemy helped her indirectly."

"That's true. Otherwise, I don't know how long she would have been abused by her parents and sister. But it's a pity that the other party shouldn't have touched her brother."

The first reversal in the film shocked everyone in their hearts.

The biggest villain actually has the most decent pass.

It can only be said that the other party is not generally strong.

Du Xiaohong and Ma Dakai also fell silent.

Speak the truth.

The two of them had no idea that Whale Luo would arrange roles like this.

The impact is somewhat moderate.

This way.

After obtaining the enemy's information.

Qi Xiaowei seemed to be a completely different person.

Wang Ziang bought her a pink dress from outside.

She didn't even look at it.


The hotel owner brought someone here.

In view of what Qi Xiaowei said to her before.

The two were kicked out.

Forced to move for the second time.

After finally settling into the new residence.

Qi Xiaowei spent all his savings.

He wanted to hire Prince Ang to avenge his brother.

However, Wang Ziang rejected her again.

Qi Xiaowei didn't understand.

He can kill those who are irrelevant.

But he was unwilling to help her take revenge.

"Revenge has no good consequences. When you kill someone, your life will change completely. You can only sleep with one eye open for the rest of your life." This was Wang Ziang's answer.

"I don't care how I sleep, Wang Ziang, I want love! Or death!" Qi Xiaowei said stubbornly and firmly.

"That's enough, I'm tired of the children's games you play." Wang Ziang continued to shake his head.

"Okay, then just play what you like once."

Qi Xiaowei said.

Loaded the revolver with three bullets.

She wants to take a gamble with Wang Ziang.

"I really hope that there is no trace of love for me deep down in your heart, because as long as there is a trace of love for me in your heart, after a few minutes, you will regret not stopping me. I love you, Wang Ziang."

Qi Xiaowei said.

He pointed the gun at his temple and prepared to pull the trigger.

Then he was rescued by Wang Ziang at the last moment.


He was not so calm in his heart.

The audience is looking forward to the gradual establishment of love between the two.

Because they are engaged without thinking too much.

However, Ma Dakai seized on the plot loopholes.

Like he said before.

If Wang Ziang and underage Qi Xiaowei did something that transcended their age in the film.

Then it is absolutely not allowed.

Regardless of the past.

Still now.

As long as some pictures are successfully implemented.

Then I am absolutely sure that this film will be nailed to the pile of shame.

Du Xiaohong next to him thought so too.

Also holding the pen and staring.

It's a pity that the subsequent development of the story was not as bad as they thought.

The affection between these two people is often on point.

No telling what really happened.

It actually left the two of them a little confused as to what to do.

It always felt like there was a wall blocking their way from time to time, interrupting their train of thought.

The plot continues.

Wang Ziang completely admitted defeat.

Decided to take Qi Xiaowei on the mission together.

But the middleman Lao Tang reminded him.

Change is not a good thing.

But Wang Ziang said he could no longer go back.

From now on.

He and Qi Xiaowei became the Gemini killer duo.

Qi Xiaowei is responsible for blocking the cat's eyes.

Lure the target to open the door.

Wang Ziang is responsible for controlling the target.

Then she was taught how to kill on the spot.


Qi Xiaowei's gun is not a real gun.

But paint bombs.

Wang Ziang didn't want her hands to be stained with blood.

Often you clear the target yourself.


They went on many missions together.

The cooperation is becoming more and more tacit.

But one time the people in the room didn't play their cards right.

Shoot directly.

Fortunately, Wang Ziang heard the sound of loading.

Pull Qi Xiaowei away in time.

The danger was successfully averted.

Then Wang Ziang simply played his favorite pull-tab game.

Explosions are art.

Pass this mission.

Wang Ziang realized that he could no longer let Qi Xiaowei take risks.

So he made a big decision.

If one day something unexpected happens to you.

He wanted to leave all the money he kept with Lao Tang to Qi Xiaowei.

To this.

Lao Tang readily agreed.

After returning.

Wang Ziang told Qi Xiaowei.

He has a solo mission next.

"Qi Xiaowei, everything has changed since I met you, so I just want to be alone for a while, and you also need some time to grow."

Wang Ziang looked at her and said something serious.

"I'm mature enough. Next, I'll just get older." Qi Xiaowei retorted directly.

"I'm just the opposite. I'm getting older, but I'm not mature enough." Wang Ziang said a little lonely.

Qi Xiaowei didn't know what task Wang Ziang was going to perform this time.

But she could understand the other party's intention.

But the more this happens.

The more she wants to prove that she is mature enough.

So she also made a bold decision.

Wearing the same sunglasses and hat as Wang Ziang.

Then he followed the other person's appearance and came to the police station.

She wanted to seek revenge against the policeman alone.

Pretend to be a food delivery boy and get past the doorman.

Follow the other person all the way to the men's room.

But there was no one inside.

Huang Wenjun, the male lead villain, was hiding behind the door and looking at her like this.


The two looked at each other.

However, the critical moment has truly come.

Qi Xiaowei didn't even dare to draw a gun.

After Huang Wenjun took a pill.

A twisted twitch made Qi Xiaowei's back feel cold.

In the face of real death.

The previous determination to die has long been replaced by fear.

"What are you doing?"

"Kill him instead."

"After practicing so many times, you can't even hold a gun. Are you going to take revenge alone?"

"Isn't this just sending someone's head thousands of miles away?"

"I'm really convinced by Qi Xiaowei."

"I really don't have any courage."

"Isn't this a trick to Prince Ang?"

"The other party will definitely come to save her."

There was controversy among the audience.

They all felt angry at Qi Xiaowei's operation.

If you don't have the courage.

Just stay at home and you'll be fine.

You didn't even take out your gun when you came.

Isn't this taking the initiative to send warmth to the villain?

How could such a thing be done?

Just like an idiot.

Fortunately, news from Huang Wenjun's younger brother interrupted their confrontation.

It is said that many younger brothers were killed by a professional killer.

And one of his subordinates.

It was the murderer who killed Qi Xiaowei's younger brother.

A switch of shots.

In an instant, Wang Ziang's mission was revealed.

Qi Xiaowei suddenly understood.

But Huang Wenjun was a little panicked at the moment.

It was decided to temporarily detain Qi Xiaowei.

On the other side, Wang Ziang returned home after killing everyone.

I saw Qi Xiaowei’s message.

At this moment he no longer cared about the killer's code.

Go straight to the police station.

He blatantly killed all the guards.

Rescued Qi Xiaowei.

After returning home.

Qi Xiaowei confessed to Wang Ziang again.

And put on that pink skirt and slowly approached.

All viewers felt that something would happen naturally between the two of them after the hero saved the beauty.

Du Xiaohong and Ma Dakai even thought about the vocabulary.

Ready to put pen to paper again.

But Wang Ziang seemed to be addicted to playing with them.

Rejected again and again

This scene.

The corners of both of their mouths twitched.

On the big screen.

Wang Ziang slowly explained the reason.

It turned out many years ago.

He once fell in love with a rich girl.

But the girl's father firmly opposed their being together.

The girl still refused to stop him and secretly dated him.

But the father actually shot his daughter to death.

And there was no legal sanction.

So Wang Ziang used a sniper rifle to avenge his girlfriend.

Then he ran away overnight.

Finally defected to Laotang.

That was his first murder.

Only 19 years old.

From then on, he embarked on the path of no return as a killer.

Never had contact with a girl again.

After listening to his words.

Qi Xiaowei also calmed down.

In the end, the two of them did nothing.

Spent the night peacefully.

It seemed like everything was settled.

But little did they know that a crisis was coming.

one day.

Qi Xiaowei went out shopping happily.

But he was held hostage by Huang Wenjun's people in the corridor.

It turns out that the middleman Lao Tang betrayed Wang Ziang.

Fortunately, Qi Xiaowei is resourceful.

Deliberately knocking on the wrong signal.

Wait until a group of people enter the house.

The prince asked him to catch a turtle in an urn.

However, Huang Wenjun's official status is indeed excellent.

Soon a large number of police officers were brought in to surround the entire building.

Wang Ziang picked up the ax and smashed open the vent.

But he didn't go with Qi Xiaowei.

Instead, he was prepared to die.

However, he is only human.

Not God.

There is no way one person can withstand the huge firepower.

Even though countless viewers in the theater hoped that he could escape.

It's a pity that the moment I saw the light.

Still, Huang Wenjun succeeded in sneak attack from behind.

bad guy

Going to win?

Countless people felt incredible.

next moment.

The dying Wang Ziang handed something to Huang Wenjun.

Wait until he releases his hand.

Found it to be a pull tab.

"Damn it!"

Huang Wenjun's expression changed drastically.

But he had nowhere to escape.

The violent explosion drowned him in the hotel.

Prince Ang died.

But he still successfully avenged Qi Xiaowei.

Here the director still did not deliberately exaggerate a large number of action scenes.

But the atmosphere created.

But it made many people's eyes turn red.

Heroic movies often give the protagonist a happy ending.

But Wang Ziang was obviously not among them.

perish together.

This is his end.


Many viewers were speechless.

Du Xiaohong and Ma Dakai also trembled in their hearts.

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