
"Poach her Zefak?"

"No, what about the follow-up?"

"Oh my god, I just realized that there are only a dozen or so episodes updated? Why not all of them?"

"What happened? Didn't the system send everything out?"

"Something is wrong, something is very wrong. Everyone, it seems like this anime is going to be updated weekly, right?"

"What did you say? Weekly update?"

"No way?"

See the end of the plot.

There are no new episode connections.

The barrage exploded immediately.

Everyone speculated and speculated.

There is no better explanation.

It's official here.

No reply either.

It's obviously not their fault.

Then everyone's thoughts were unified on the word "weekly update".

All right.

for this model.

People are actually quite used to it.

Because 80% of anime works on the market are updated once a week or more than once a week.

But ‘Dream Weaver’ is different.

Judging from his past works.

It's always a big show.

There is no such thing as appetizing.

It was always until they were satisfied with seeing it in one go.

The past few years have been no exception.

But this time.

It has changed.

Such a huge gap.

This made everyone unable to accept it.

It's not that I blame him.

It's just a habit formed.

It changed all of a sudden.

The feeling of not adapting is very strong.

But some of the comic fans reacted later.

Because there must be a reason why the 'Dream Weaver' did this.

And the reason?

You can probably guess it.

It’s just that this anime is quite long.

Than wait a long time before it airs.

This kind of weekly update is obviously more satisfying to their appetite.

If you look at it this way.

completely fine.

The comments section is a mess.

Most people immediately criticized the episode number issue.

This is not enough.

That's not pleasant.

Until the emotions are vented.

They just talked about the anime again.

"The plot was a bit delayed at the beginning, but it looked okay."

"It doesn't seem to be a single protagonist. I prefer to understand it as multiple protagonists. It should be unfolded from a team perspective."

"Zuo Ming's kiss made me a little panicked. I was a little confused about the author's intention. But don't let him suddenly dress up as a woman later on, right?"

“After reading them all, I can only say that the level of ‘Dream Weaver’ is still online.”

"The battle scenes are okay, and the laughs are enough. If you stick to it, there is definitely hope that it will become a masterpiece later on."

"I just want to know if Naruto's character will darken in the later period. Such a silly character is really hard to fit in."

"You can't help but strengthen Sasuke. He's so strong that he can compete with Kakashi. He has unlimited potential and his IQ is online."

Although there are only a dozen episodes.

But enough information points have been released inside.

For example, this world is composed of five major countries.

They are the Kingdom of Fire, the Kingdom of Water, the Kingdom of Wind, the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Thunder.

Wars and conflicts often occur between these countries.

The ninjas are the main force of these countries.


Militia organizations and the like.

There are also levels of ninja.

There are currently four.

Jounin, especially jounin, chuunin and genin.


The combat system is interesting.

Chakra plus ninjutsu.

It is composed of attribute values ​​and skills.

Attribute values ​​determine combat intensity.

Skills determine how you fight.

Then these two work together to determine the strength and excitement of the battle.


This anime is relatively rigorous in maintaining combat power and worldview capabilities.

at this time.

In a group of authors.

There is a comfort feast going on.

"Lao Luo, don't be sad, everything will be fine."

"There are only a dozen episodes, not much. You have a good chance of winning."

"Hold on, you can win the 'Dream Weaver', and you will be admired by thousands of people."

"Whether I can fly or not depends on this month."

"I bet you'll be perfectly safe for a week."

"I bet on five days."

"Haha, then I'll choose three days."

Facing everyone’s ridicule.

Luo Zaizhong was speechless for a while.

Release the work within one month with ‘Dream Weaver’.

This is definitely something that no anime author wants to experience.

But the other party is here.

Can't stop it.

Fortunately, this work has been changed to weekly updates.

The explosive power is not that strong.

He always felt like he had a chance to hold on.

at present.

Anime is on the popular list of the month.

His work "Cangyuan World" is currently ranked third.

Refreshed it.


Luo Zaizhong was overjoyed.

This ranking is not low.

If you rush to the first place.

Then you can earn it yourself.

But look at "Naruto" below.

This anime that was just released has already made it into the top ten.


Luo Zaizhong was extremely shocked when he saw it.


This work of the other party was only launched today.

It's only been a few hours.

too fast.

Are you on a rocket ride?

It would be fine if the episodes were complete.

It’s not surprising that he can do this with the popularity of ‘Dream Weaver’.

But how could the beginning of a dozen or so episodes be so attractive?

Are the fans going crazy?

"I'll go, it's a bit fierce. 'Dream Weaver' is eighth. It's over. Lao Luo has no chance. At this rate, everyone has guessed wrong. There is no need for three days. I'll take two days. No, maybe I can’t hold on for two days.”

At this time.

Someone in the group sent a message again.

Luo Zaizhong was stunned.

Refreshed the page again.


Just be stunned by this little effort.

"Naruto" moved up two more places.

What is the plot?

Why is it so popular?

Luo Zaizhong was very curious.

Didn't communicate with anyone else.

Instead, I opened this anime and watched it.

As a result, five or six episodes passed easily.

He fell to the ground.

All I can say is that originality is originality.

It's not like they can compete with Ni.

They simply put forward a world view and system settings.

The gap widened by several blocks.

As ruthless as ever.

"The people on the Internet are right. It can be seen that it is a feature-length work. The plot does not progress very fast. It seems to be deliberately slowing down the pace, but it is not bloated."

"How did you get this brain? Why do you have so many ideas?"

"The youthful and passionate theme incorporates a lot of laughter. If nothing else, this one is very catchy."

"I suddenly have a good idea. The ninjas of Japan can use it. Can the vampires and werewolves of America also learn from it?"

"Hey, that's a great idea."

"It's no use just having characters, they also have ninjutsu."

"Isn't this difficult to handle? Just get it casually."

Everyone said their own things.

Luo Zaizhong had no time to care.

I've been looking at the rankings all the time.

I want to see how popular this "Naruto" can be on the first day.

Four p.m.

"Cang Yuan World" dropped to third place.

"Naruto" comes to sixth place.

Six pm.

"Cang Yuan World" is still third.

"Naruto" comes to fourth.

eight pm.

"Cang Yuan World" dropped to fourth place.

"Naruto" is already second.

It's not even ten o'clock in the evening.

"Naruto" has been crowned the champion!

This list is compiled based on various data such as the number of plays in the month, play time, number of comments and likes.

Not that day.

This means that all the top-ranked works, including my own, have accumulated data about half a month earlier than "Naruto".

However, even after being ahead for so long.

In just one day, it was overtaken.


this moment.

Everyone paying attention to this matter fell silent.

Such an outrageous operation.

It can no longer be justified by the high quality of the work.

But the popularity is off the charts.

The number of people who are willing to unconditionally support the Dream Weavers has reached a very scary base.

It's simply unimaginable.

It skipped the snowballing process.

simply put.

This is the benefit of a well-known author.

It has hidden advantages that others cannot achieve.

You are like an average author.

Basically, you have to wait for the work to ferment before it can rise.

There will be a process involved.

For example, the higher the ranking.

The exposure will be higher.

Take advantage of this gap.

This will allow many neutral comic fans to click in.

Because this represents a kind of gold content.

Directness saves them the time of searching on their own.

It cannot be said that it is completely suitable for everyone.

But it’s definitely suitable for most people.

As the saying goes, follow the crowd.

That's what I mean.

However, ‘Dream Weaver’ does not need to transition at all.

Because he is now a golden brand in the animation circle.

It's well-known.

So when his work comes out.

Many comic fans will look for it directly without caring about the content.

Then help him soar into the sky.

Unless the plot is really bad.

The collapse was extremely severe.

Causes large-scale powder removal.

Otherwise, comic fans will keep feeding him this bowl of rice.

"Naruto" is still going crazy this December.

Even if it’s just a few episodes.

Even if the first battle in the plot has not yet broken out.

But it still leaves all other works behind.

Stand out from the crowd.

Such impressive results.

But Xiao Song was so excited that he couldn't sleep well all night.

He originally thought that the popularity of the work would decrease a lot after it was changed to weekly updates.

There will be a lot of negative public opinion.

But who would have thought that these people would end up making trouble at the beginning.

It's completely the same as usual.

Think about it.

Xiao Song decided to call Mr. Lin to congratulate him.


Lin Hao was rocking his child to sleep.

The phone vibrates.

He asked Yu Lanxin to take over.

He came outside the house.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao." Lin Hao greeted with a smile.

"Mr. Lin, I didn't disturb your rest, right?" Xiao Song said.

"No, Mr. Xiao is looking for me," Lin Hao asked.

"That's right, Mr. Lin, the current data of "Naruto" has come out, and I'm here to tell you that it ranks first in the entire network!"

The ‘Four Seasons Windmill’ website is currently the largest video website in the animation industry.

His home is number one on the popularity list.

It really represents the first place in the entire network.

It's not that Xiao Song is bragging.

"Yeah, that's a good feeling."

Lin Hao just didn't look.

My heart is like a mirror.

"I have made arrangements here to send some condolences to your company's animation department. There are also gifts for you. I think they will arrive in the next two days." Xiao Song said.

"Mr. Xiao, you've spent money again, haven't you?" Lin Hao said.

"It should, it should, okay, I don't have anything else to do. Just go ahead and do your business. I won't bother you much this late at night." Xiao Song said immediately.

"Okay, thank you then." Lin Hao thanked him.

"You must be polite."

Xiao Song acted very happily.

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