
The weather vane is somewhat unclear.

However, it is difficult to tell whether a piece of work is something that is "hard to reach the level of elegance".

Time often brings out clear answers.

in the following days.

"In the Name of the Father" can be said to be a huge upset.

Fifth place is not the limit for this song.

Instead, it gets higher and higher.




He even reached first place in full view of everyone!

After fighting back and forth with "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" several times.

He firmly won the first place.

See this scene.

These people were speechless.

In their view.

There is certainly no problem with the musicality of "In the Name of the Father."

But why can fans think so?

Analyze according to the current music market form.

"In the Name of the Father" should be at the bottom of this album.

The result was that his fate changed against fate.

Became the most popular song?

Oh my God!

When did rap gain such popularity?

Do you want to stand up?

Everyone is not sure.

But the facts forced them to believe it.

"In the Name of the Father" has definitely become the focus of the album online.

The amount of attention and discussion that comes from a latecomer is terrifying.

"What do you think of the new album "As Appointed" released by Jingluo?"

The scene of a small music quiz show.

A host had an idea.

Started asking questions to live singers to gain traffic.

"It's great! Whale Luo is my favorite singer." The singer said with a smile.

"His album contains rap songs that have never been written before. You are also a rapper, what do you think of this song?" the host continued to ask.

"Well, I'm very surprised. His research on rap songs has reached a very mature level." The singer replied thoughtfully.

"Oh? Can you tell me in detail?" the host asked curiously.

"First of all, this song is extremely complete. The intro is about a minute long. It's like praying, and the transition is in the voice of an opera girl. It's very unique. After entering the main song, Whale Luo used three different singing methods, but It maintains the overall trend, is smooth and natural, and then the chorus that is full of falsetto really makes me shiver. This is the first time I have experienced the dark style arrangement of Whale Luo. He really What a genius!" the singer praised.

"But I saw on the Internet that many people have the same opinion. They say that this style of music has no connotation and is not as good as our domestic opera Nianbai. What do you think of this?" the host continued to ask sharply.

"There is no distinction between high and low in music. Before the rise of pop music, every genre was actually an attempt. There is no good or bad. The roots of rap are not in our country, but the foreign styles used. The culture does not match, and it is Exclusion is normal, but what I want to say is that our domestic rap is completely different from foreign rap."

The singer paused and explained slowly: "If nothing else, let's just talk about pronunciation. This is a huge difference. All Chinese characters are monosyllabic, so it is very difficult and demanding to pursue rhyme. High, if you don't follow the rhyme, it will be awkward to listen to the answer, but if you deliberately pursue the rhyme, the lyrics will appear stiff and unclear, but it is different in English. A word may be a single syllable, or a double syllable, or even It's multi-syllable, and you can find the rhyme by changing the stress, so the song itself is not wrong, but the form of expression may be wrong, and mutual incomprehension is not possible, so it becomes niche."

The singer said it quite right.

But after the show aired, netizens did not accept it.

Lift the bar directly.

There’s nothing to say about the popularity of Jingluo’s “In the Name of the Father”.

Because besides rap.

His words are within everyone's tolerance.

But what is the trend in the rap circle now?

Not to mention the smoky atmosphere.

Why don't they have songs in "Cuddle the Buddha's Feet"?


There is nothing wrong with the song itself.

But it would be a mistake for the singer to write for them in a bad form of expression.

Can't even wash it off.

What some people sing is not a song at all.

It's garbage.

"You idiot, look at how Whale God writes rap, and learn from it in the future so as not to pollute people's ears."

"I feel sick when I see you. I searched for you when I searched for rap. Bah!"

"The defense is very complicated. I don't have much education. I can only sing the defense. It's always a temporary defense, a temporary defense, a temporary defense, a temporary defense."

"If you have nothing to do, eat pig's feet! If you have nothing to do, just eat pig's feet! Wear a cotton-padded jacket in the summer! I'm the only one who's the best! Take a bath in the lava! Drink all you can with sulfuric acid!"

"Every time I hear this song, I get really excited. Is the singer a primary school student?"

"Haha, I'm just here to learn how you curse."

The appearance of "In the Name of the Father".

Netizens couldn't help but remember Ling Zhengyang.

The dead memory began to attack them crazily.

Everyone couldn't hold it in anymore.

He hurried over and scolded him to ease his mood.

Ling Zhengyang was speechless.

People sit at home.

The pot comes from heaven.

If you don't want to think about good things, forget it.

He never cursed anyone.

Fortunately, all the turmoil is not a bad thing for the album's sales.

When the second week is over.

"As promised" has sold 12.1 million copies.

Set a sales record again!

Late November.

Lin Hao and Yu Lanxin have completed their training.

After everything is ready.

Officially announced.

First film this part of his gambling assassination.

It was considered as a warning to Yu Lanxin who was watching.

The plot is nothing complicated.

Just to show the professionalism of the killer.



Highlight the word 'handsome'.


Still somewhat calm.

The middle-aged Peter is a very mature and charming man in the film.

Although Lin Hao is not a young person, he is.

But it’s really not long enough.

So for this film.

He even grew a beard.

It adds some 'masculinity' to itself.

Lin Hao's first game was actually not that difficult.

It was nothing more than solving a few minor minions in a flash.

The speed is quite fast.

However, it was much more difficult to switch to Yu Lanxin.

In the original drama, the heroine wore a sexy tube top and black leather skirt to seduce the black boss and complete the assassination.

Lin Hao changed it here.

Temptation is temptation.

The clothes must not be so revealing.

No need to think about it.

In front of the camera.

Yu Lanxin was still quite nervous.

I tried several times but failed.

The body is a little stiff.

Eyes are also prone to drama.

This doesn't sound like a seasoned agent.

On the contrary, it feels a bit like a fledgling.

Lin Hao was not in a hurry.

Let her find the feeling slowly.

Mark Twain once said this.

There are only two kinds of people in the world.

The first type is people who are nervous about speaking in public.

The second type is people who pretend to be calm when speaking in public.

So it is very normal to be nervous when speaking in public.

As long as they are normal people.

There will be tension.

Instead of controlling tension.

It’s better to accept the tension.

"Keep this one and do it again."

Lin Hao looked at the camera and continued to give orders.

None of the on-site staff was impatient.

Only the second-generation young master who was kneeling on the ground smiled bitterly.

He originally thought it was a good role.

Who knew that I could kneel for two or three hours.

My knees hurt.

If anyone else would dare to abuse him like this.

You have to get angry.

But he really didn't dare to do this to the person in front of him.

Dad said it.

If he dares to cause trouble on the set.

The pocket money for the next year is gone.

He might even get beaten.

Not like a joke.

He only has one thought in his mind now.


Can you please log me off quickly?

Maybe the prayer in my heart had an effect.

After taking another shot.

Finally he heard a beautiful sound.

"Ka! It's over, transition."

The black boss returned to the west.

However, Yu Lanxin had to add a scene of jumping off a building under a green curtain.

Just synthesize it when the time comes.


Everyone moved to a villa.

This is not a built prop room.

It's a finished house that was actually purchased.

Generally speaking, just rent a movie venue.

But the subsequent shootout required the use of props and simulated guns for filming.

Many scenes are devastating.

Instead of negotiating compensation with the owner of the house.

It's better to buy it directly.

Anyway, he is not short of money.

Don't worry about damage.

Wait until the movie is finished.

Just renovate it from top to bottom.

No big deal.

During lunch break.

Yu Lanxin was very tired.

"Making a movie is not easy. Just having these people staring at me makes me uncomfortable."

She couldn't help but sighed in frustration: "I wasted too much time this morning."

"Delay is delay. What are you afraid of? Your man is the director. It's okay if we just shoot for a year or two. Besides, it's not like I can't afford them wages. Let me tell you, these people are eager to shoot more. It’s been a long time.”

Lin Hao opened the lunch box for her, stood up and poured a cup of hot water and said: "Don't put so much pressure on yourself, relax. Of course, you may not be able to do it even if I say it. You will understand after taking a few more shots. Everyone Once you get acquainted with each other, you will find that there is nothing at all, the main reason is because of the strangeness."

"Why do I feel less comfortable than the director?" Yu Lanxin thought thoughtfully.

"What, you want to be a director? That's okay. I'll write a film for you and direct it later?" Lin Haoxiao asked.

"Forget it, if these people really follow me, I'm afraid they won't be tired enough." Yu Lanxin quickly shook her head.

"Haha, who hasn't started yet? As I said before, just get used to it."

Lin Hao said: "Eat quickly, it will get cold in a while. Try to finish it early this afternoon and go home to accompany your daughter."

"By the way, it's time for Lingling to eat."

Yu Lanxin said.

I called my mother after just one video.

After being connected.

I happened to see the little one drinking milk.

Don't look at the usual amount of activity.

There was no ambiguity in sucking the pacifier.

"Look, you'll look like a foodie when you grow up." Lin Hao said with a smile.

"Have you ever said that about your daughter?" Yu Lanxin hit him angrily.

"What's wrong with foodies? When she grows up, I will let my daughter eat all day long and eat all over the world."

Lin Hao was not convinced.

In the end, Yu Lanxin got a blank look.

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