During the emotional period.

Zhang Zhang put these two songs into his playlist.

And the sequence happens to automatically start playing the next song.

"Nothing can stop your yearning for freedom"

Guitars, drums and other instruments transition into rock and roll.

Just like the roar of thunder, the electric light gallops forward bravely.

It can be said that he is kneeling with his mouth open.

Hitting the depths of the soul.

I have been a music critic for so many years.

Zhang Zhang's vision for music is actually getting higher and higher.

It's not even an exaggeration to say it's a little harsh.

It’s rare to use such exaggerated words to describe a song.

But facing this song "Blue Lotus".

I really can't control myself.

And the more I listen to it, the more shocked I become.

"The free world in my heart is so clear and lofty, blooming with the blue lotus that never fades."

in this piece.

No grandiose words.

There is no great joy or sorrow.

Even the ups and downs between the verse and chorus are not clearly defined.

Go with the flow.

But the whole song is really like a quiet and peaceful blue lotus.

Constantly exuding the fragrance of strength and inspiration.

This shocked every extremely ordinary soul.

Let me ask.

Who has never hesitated or struggled in his life?

But as the lyrics say.

As long as the blue lotus is always blooming in your heart.

There will always be passage through those dark years.

It's really inspiring.

Finished listening to "Blue Lotus".

It's "Sudden Self".

"I heard you say that the sun rises and sets, the weather is unpredictable, and the road is full of footsteps."

Zhang Zhang's heart skipped a beat again.

The shock continues.

Six points drunk.

Three points thin.

A hint of chivalrous spirit.

Let’s not talk about the quality of the lyrics and music of this song.

It was just the free and easy feeling in Yang Xiaolin's voice.

It's not something that ordinary singers can imitate.

There is a kind of "great freedom" in returning to nature.

Then return your attention to the work itself.

The writing in this song is not shallow either.

It is separated from love and love.

It is a profound thinking and understanding about life.

Whether it’s an exploration of self-awareness.

Or cherish and be grateful for life.

It can arouse the audience's resonance and thinking.

Four collection-level songs.

This is really incredible.

Zhang Zhang clicked his tongue while looking at the fifth song "Wait a Minute".

"If time forgets to turn and if you forget to take something with you, will you still stop at the day you said you loved me?"

All right.

This piece of work didn't surprise him that much.

But the lyrics deserve some scrutiny.

It seems to be a relatively average love song.

However, visual expression is like delicate threads.

It forms a complex yet touching pattern.

People can intuitively feel the throb and emotion between life and death.

I don’t know if it’s the music or the change of vocals.

There is always a sense of rush and urgency inside.

You need to listen carefully to hear it.

Summarize it all the way.

Zhang Zhang thinks Yang Xiaolin’s album is very good.

At least among the recently released works.

Nothing can compete with that.

However, her guess was not wrong.

At this moment.

She’s not the only one lamenting the excellence of this album.

There are countless fans who can’t help themselves.

After listening to Yang Xiaolin’s latest songs.

Everyone was fascinated.

"My mom, "Exclusive Memory" sounds so good, I cried when I listened to it."

"Yang Xiaolin's voice is really one of those that is getting more and more flavorful. As soon as he opens his mouth, it makes people's thoughts spin. I really love it. I give "I Will Have You" a thumbs up."

"This song "Sudden Self" is so awesome. I play it on loop and I never tire of listening to it! My dad even asked me to come."

"Don't talk nonsense, I didn't ask you for it."

"Fuck off, are you worthy?"

"Haha, I've almost learned it. I heard you say something, looking for sheep to eat meat. I'm in love with you. You're in love with me. I'm telling you that you need to eat too much glutinous rice. When I take a straw, you're suddenly starving. I'm going to show you the cumin." It’s transparent, don’t keep the wine, how about eating up the whole pot and not having any more, you guys? Comment on it.”

"Don't be too outrageous. Did you learn it? Are you sure you didn't lose it?"

"Haha, don't make me laugh, okay buddy."

""Blue Lotus" is also great. My blood boils when I listen to it."

"There is also "Wait a Minute", which is very tearful."

It’s pretty much the same as the previous album.

The title song is still written by Whale God.

However, this time fans heard a different Yang Xiaolin.

Youth has not become a shackles for him.

Instead, it became a boost.

The songs get better and better as you taste them.

The aftertaste is melodious.

"I feel like Yang Xiaolin has a chance to challenge the King of Heaven this time, right?"


"Although there are many competitors this month, few can compare with us in terms of quality."

"It's a pity that I'm older and my audience is a bit smaller."

"You're still young? Don't look at anyone in the same age group who is more active than Yang Xiaolin."

"If it were another music company, people like Yang Xiaolin wouldn't have much development opportunities, right? The Whale God is really kind to him."

"Not just him, there is no singer in the Côte d'Azur company who didn't borrow the light of the whale god."

"In a word, whoever can cooperate with the Whale God can make money."

"No, but Cote d'Azur Company hasn't expanded much since signing the X girl group."

The term "King of Music" is not a random one.

By everyone's standards.

It is divided into two levels of concepts.

sales and influence.

Sales volume is easy to understand.

Singles don’t count.

All albums have accumulated at least over 10 million downloads.

This is a gate.

Pass this gate.

This proves that your music is accepted by most people in the market.

And what about influence.

This definition is rather vague.

Usually refers to artists who have had a wide impact in the music industry and society.

Their music resonates with the masses.

In turn, it affects people's thoughts, values ​​and culture.

Their influence extends beyond music sales.

It is also reflected in social issues, fashion trends and social media.

Let me give you an example.

Some of Xiaoxianrou’s dance songs are also selling quite well.

With the long-term support of fans.

There is a good chance that the sales volume will reach tens of millions.

But can you say they are kings?

No way?

Because the work is not deep enough.

It can only attract low-end people.

The circle is too narrow.

Tracing the source.

Selling other things.

Such as image, posture, public relations, etc.

The song itself is not that big.

But Yang Xiaolin is different.

Even though his voice is not very popular among young audiences.

But the works are all exploratory and popular.

It will not be forgotten with the passage of time.

Instead, it will be treated as a classic.

Such a comparison.

Extraordinarily vivid.

The album "Experience" shows a very tough stance.

As soon as it went online, it swept the major charts of 'Echo Music'.

Even though there were many first- and second-tier singers in the same period.

There are also kings and queens among them.

But there was no way anyone could stop him.

It flew directly over their heads.

At first, five songs including "Exclusive Memory", "I Will Have You in My Life", "Blue Lotus", "Sudden Self" and "Wait a Minute" took turns to bomb the singles hot list.

Got to the back.

"Blue Lotus" and "Sudden Self" stand out.

Anxious to each other.

The other songs just don’t fit in.

I can only follow behind and eat ashes.

"Experience" sold 1.58 million copies in less than three days.

There is no time to even build a reputation.

Killed directly!


"I knew it."

"got used to."

"Contacting the Côte d'Azur Company will lead to death."

"When will this day end?"

"Head? Without a head, unless you join, you will have no choice but to be tortured."

"I'm so worried that all my hair is gone."

"What are you worrying about? Everyone is bound to die. Don't expect too much, or you won't be too disappointed."

"This feeling of watching other people become popular is too painful."

"Calm down."

"Can't you just watch it?"

See the charts and sales.

The singers who were in the same period as Yang Xiaolin sighed one by one.

Although I don’t want to accept this scene.

But everyone has witnessed it many times.

Everyone wants to be a red flower.

But the green leaves surrounding them are actually their destination.

In terms of helping everyone match up.

Cote d'Azur has never been unreasonable.

"In the Chinese music scene, Yang Xiaolin is actually a very special existence."

"If I were to use a kind of fruit to describe this singer, he would be like durian. People who don't like it won't touch it more, but people who like it can't put it down and enjoy it. Some young people think his album is very rustic and his voice quality is very poor. It's not good enough, but fans are very familiar with the gorgeous elements in his works. People who don't like him think his singing is ugly and his singing skills are not up to standard, but those who like him are deeply obsessed with his voice and singing style."

"People who don't know him think that he is just an ordinary singer. In his early years, he was just a resident singer in a bar and had no decent achievements. But those who know him think that his journey has been quite difficult. The training in the previous few years is just for this day and night."

"In my eyes, Yang Xiaolin sings with full emotion, comfortable orchestration, and straightforward yet simple and powerful lyrics. There is a sincere emotion in his voice, which is exactly the quality that people lack. He has been able to persist for so many years and constantly polish himself. Technical musicians are very rare in the music world. Their strict requirements for music alone are worthy of our admiration. And who can not like such a capable and low-key person? I can't do it. Yes, but if you have to ask me to give you one reason why I like Yang Xiaolin, I just want to say one thing: because he is handsome!"

Is Yang Xiaolin handsome?

Go back ten years.

I'm afraid I can barely have anything to do with this word.

But now.

It doesn't really stand out.

Therefore, the word "handsome" in the article should not be literal.

It is an affirmation of his persistence.

This kind of behavior, this kind of life, this kind of effort is handsome.

Fans of Yang Xiaolin deeply agree.

He immediately said that he was a late-blooming music king!

Self-appointment is not called sealing.

But this view is not only supported by Yang Xiaolin’s fans.

It also aroused the approval of the majority of netizens.

The final word immediately!

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