I went viral when I attended my ex-girlfriend's wedding

Chapter 635 No big production to prove yourself

Look at it from any angle.

"The Intouchables" is definitely not a movie that can make the audience completely lose control of their emotions.

There is no twist in the whole film.

The storyline of flashbacks can also be predicted in advance based on the overall framework.

Many netizens who have watched this movie will not say that they are very surprised.

Role wise.

No matter it is Bai Delong.

It’s still Cao Mingyang.

The character set is extremely gentle.

The old rich man saw no despair except his late night gasps.

for the relationships with the people around him.

The housekeeper, assistant and daughter are all like a glimmer of light.

Neither arrogant nor impetuous.

An elegant gentleman.

And the bad boy.

Although the impression given at the beginning is not particularly good.

But take off those prejudices.

He is kind.

Have a sense of humor.

Speak directly.

And very patient.

Two people in the process of getting along.

Class and cultural conflicts exist.

But every time it’s just clicked.


I wouldn't say that there was a big quarrel between you and me because of a certain point of view.

Even if you don't understand the other party very well.

But I can accept it calmly and generously.

This tacit way of thinking.

Perhaps it was the biggest catalyst that promoted the sublimation of their friendship.

"We all know that movies with literary and artistic themes are rare in today's market. Occasionally, one or two movies appear, but they usually end up with poor box office. This is not uncommon, from "The Rising Sun" to "Dust", From ‘Dusk’ to ‘The Journey of Life’, most of them were short-lived.”

"So is it because the audience is unwilling to watch films with this type of subject matter? I think the answer is no."

“Since the vast majority of the audience dare to take out banknotes from their pockets to buy movie tickets, they have already accepted the form of the film in their hearts. I think there are two main reasons why literary and artistic films have failed one after another. One is that the screenwriter cannot express his own thoughts in the script, and the other is that the director cannot understand the screenwriter's intention. Art can be elegant, but it cannot be divorced from the audience, and "The Intouchables" illustrates this to us."

"In most cases, after a warm and peaceful plot in the movie, the story will take a sharp turn, leading to various conflicts. In the end, the characters face the conflicts and gain redemption. It can be said that this is the template that most movies are learning, until It's still being used now, but this movie is very eccentric and very restrained in expressing conflicts. Bai Delong's several emotional fluctuations are only reflected in the wandering eyes and a few beatings in the corners of his eyes, but they never explode. And what about Cao Mingyang? When he faced his mother again, he just silently took the bag from her hand. He didn't hold his head and cry, nor was he ecstatic, and he didn't even say a word of dialogue."

"This kind of restrained emotional expression is just what I like. The turbulent emotions are completely felt by myself. After watching the movie, I have been thinking about what emotions are like in real life, what emotions we want, those Are movie scenes that often involve crying and hysteria really necessary?"

"The film also expresses the word 'equality'. When we take care of someone, we always treat the other person as a weak character. This is how the terrorism of love was born. People often act like animals in the name of love. Things, more than once, men said to women, parents to children, teachers to students, seniors to juniors, I am doing this for you, but... what a fool, everyone has their own brains, why make things difficult for others? Why do you seem so righteous?"

"When I watched this movie, I became jealous three times. Once when the two were talking on the street at 4 o'clock in the middle of the night, once when the two were skydiving and flying high in the sky, and the last time when the two were facing the sea. I found that similar scenes have appeared in different movies. It may be these touching moments that make me feel that life is not bad, and at least there are a few good movies, like Cao Mingyang, to accompany me."

Some time after the movie ends.

In addition to the audience's comments.

Film critics are never absent.

Good and bad.

They have the ability to list and provide evidence better than ordinary viewers.

The analysis is also more thorough.

This article was written by a blogger named [Deep Sea].

Most comments.

The hottest.

"That's well said. This film is actually very suitable for one to watch quietly at home. It is really art."

"There's no special plot, but it makes you feel very special."

"I don't know how to express some professional words to praise this film like a blogger, but it really warmed me."

"To be honest, the overall plot of "The Intouchables" is really nothing special. But if you look at our lives, can you find anything special that is different from others? The quality of a movie is very important. To a large extent, it depends on the viewer’s perspective. Personally, I really think this film is very good, but forget it, I won’t say anything about it, and you should go see it for yourself.”

"A warm and touching light comedy. Recommendation index, five stars!"

"It's a very good movie. I watched it three times and still didn't get bored. Two people with different cultural backgrounds can perform a comedy, which makes me miss Tai Chi Tu."

"Different movies will touch different people. Maybe this one just touched my sensitive nerves. I like movies with warm tones. It's not because of lack or lack, it should be said that I agree with it."

during the initial release phase.

The popularity of "The Intouchables" is actually far less intense than the previous films.

May be affected by subject matter.

The audience is not particularly large.

During holidays.

Everyone still prefers some comedies or special effects action movies.

Even if you have full trust in the Cote d'Azur company.

But there are really not many people who are willing to choose literary films to watch for the first time.

However, this did not affect the reputation of "The Intouchables".

The drawing stage.

Eight hundred thousand people participated.

I was surprised to receive a full 9.5 points!

Quite explosive!

Netizens did not hesitate to praise.

Film critics were also very positive.

Send "Untouchable" directly to the forefront.

"Although I was aware of Whale God's scriptwriting skills, I didn't watch it. I watched a ghost movie with my girlfriend, as you know."

"Haha, me too, I took my girlfriend and picked a comedy."

"Damn, you guys are so fucked, you don't support the Whale God."

"Why should he have a girlfriend? Damn it."

"Brothers, call him a bastard."

"Don't scold, don't scold, I'll just make it up later."

"That's it, make it up, make it up,"

"It's not even possible to make up for it. Feeding dog food is a capital offense for me!"

Showing off requires distinguishing the occasion.

Otherwise, it will be a group attack scene.

It's just a period of fun and fun.

It is true that more and more people are going to the cinema to support this movie.

Go in happily.

Come out feeling comfortable.

The warmth of the plot really heals every audience.

Ratings dropped as the number of people increased.

It dropped from 9.5 to 9.3.

It seems like it’s downhill.

But because the starting point is too high.

It is still beyond the reach of many films.

As for the box office.

It cannot be said to be a crushing hit.

But I definitely made money.

44.05 million in a single day!

In a single week, it was 142 million!

And what about its cost.

There are only about 9 million.

I made a lot of money again.

Director Zhang Guanghai broke out of the industry after the small hit of "Dark Invasion".

Once again we are at the peak of our career.

Not to mention the two leading actors, Sun Wenlei and Yang Ming.

Although not as popular as starring in commercial films.

But it can definitely be regarded as reaching the sky in one step.

It's the same as usual.

A happy situation for everyone.

But there are some third-rate directors who are suffering from red eye syndrome and act like monsters.

Come out and say something sarcastic.

"It is said that Côte d'Azur is good at shooting movies that are small and broad. Could it be that they are unable to make decent blockbusters?"

"From beginning to end, Whale Luo's script was written to control costs. Is it intentional, or does it mean that you simply don't understand what a masterpiece is?"

"If a well-known director or screenwriter only relies on some niche-themed films to attract attention, then his achievements will only end there."

"I admit that Cote d'Azur has a good handle on dramas and literary films, but is it ridiculous that such a big company doesn't have a high-investment film?"

"Whale Luo is an excellent screenwriter. He has indeed helped the company make a lot of money, but he is definitely not a top-notch screenwriter."

As soon as these public opinions came out.

As a fan of Jingluo, I couldn’t stand it anymore.

Damn it.

What is the purpose of making a movie?

Isn’t it just about making money?

You don’t care if it’s a niche film or not.

Is it so difficult to admit that others are great?

"Isn't it too sour? What are the requirements for a top screenwriter? How much investment? A lot of special effects? Or are actors expensive? This is the first time I've heard of it."

"If you can't eat the grapes, you say the grapes are sour. You must have such a bad mouth."

"Typical jealous personality."

"Haha, director Zhang Jinlong made a big production with an investment of 300 million, but lost all his pants in the end. Come on, tell me, which screenwriter he and he are considered to be top-notch?"

"This theory is outrageous. All I can say is that jealousy is beyond recognition."

"Bah, you guys are also paired with me, the whale god, pointing my finger at you. What the hell are you talking about?"

The army presses the territory.

The momentum is like a rainbow.

But these directors have a tough-talking attitude.

You have.

They don't mention it.

What you don't have.

Crazy targeting.

It doesn't matter if you get scolded.

Anyway, the traffic is coming.

What loss can you suffer?

This can make some netizens very angry.

He even went to Lin Hao’s Weibo to complain.

I just didn't see it myself.

Because he is currently taking wedding photos with Yu Lanxin.

How can I find the time to read Weibo?

As a symbol of Gaul.

The 300-meter-high hollow tower is definitely a landmark building.

The view of you and me standing below is not very beautiful at all.

There is also a Love Lock Bridge below.

Many couples who take wedding photos will buy a lock.

It means locking up love.

In order to last forever.

Seeing Yu Lanxin's eyes move slightly.

Lin Hao took action.

Ordinary locks are not enough.

Lengthened and enlarged.

The cameraman and the girl all laughed.

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