I went viral when I attended my ex-girlfriend's wedding

Chapter 618 The program is officially recorded

The activity of collecting photos of five mentors is really popular.

No matter it is a student party.

Also an office worker.

Or someone else.

Within a short period of time, everyone was involved.

Popular across the country.

During this time.

Even Lin Hao's parents followed suit.

in their cognition.

It seems like I can make more money back.

The son will lose less.

The two are inexplicably connected.

"This is too difficult. I don't think the two of us can gather together in the year of the monkey. We still have to exchange with others. If we count on ourselves, we will never survive."

A few days later.

Father Lin finally understood when he looked at the three mentor portraits that lit up.

He doesn't know whether this thing fools people or not.

But it’s really not something you get casually.

"Why does it take so much effort?"

Mother Lin frowned and said, "I'll let the in-laws come back later and let them do it too, as well as Lan Xin, so there will be more people. If that doesn't work, there will still be family members."

"Pull them down. I don't think all these people together will be enough. How about just asking your son for some tricks?" Father Lin said with a crooked idea.

"Want it directly?"

Hear the words.

Lin's mother's eyes lit up.

I actually called Lin Hao.

"Hey, Mom."

When answering the phone.

Lin Hao was cleaning up the scene with a broom.

The overall layout is nearing completion.

"You can get some good-sounding photo stickers for your parents' cloud payment," Lin's mother said directly.

"Photo sticker?"

Lin Hao was stunned for a moment, then said speechlessly: "Mom, what are you thinking about? I don't have any. This is all done by the cloud payment platform. We are just a cooperative relationship and do not involve specific business relationships."

"You can't even do it?" Mother Lin said in surprise.

"It can't be done, Mom, it's all paid for by others, and the system is random, so it's impossible to cheat." Lin Hao explained with a smile.

"It's all paid for by the other party, so forget it. Mom thought something was wrong. Okay, you go ahead and do your business."

Mother Lin hung up the phone as she spoke.

Father Lin was confused when he heard this, and immediately asked: "How is it? What did my son say?"

"I can't get it, and the money is not from him, so it has nothing to do with him." Lin's mother said.

"That's it, what should we do?" Father Lin continued to ask.

"What can I do? Call your relatives to help. You can also contact your colleagues." Mother Lin ordered.

"Colleague? How old are you? Who else is doing this?"

Father Lin was very resistant.

But the next moment.

His phone vibrated.

"Old Lin, how are you doing lately? By the way, have you done any cloud payment card drawing activities these days? Who is there? Do we want to change it?"


Dad Lin.

The time for recording is getting closer and closer.

The focus of work has shifted from the scene to the players and instructors.

Song rehearsal.

There are also VCR recordings of the players.

They are all relatively urgent tasks.

Don't underestimate this thing.

Show your normal side.

It will give people a unique sense of contrast.

For example, a certain player is usually a blue-collar worker.

But when I came up, I sang more professionally than professional singers.

What will the audience think?

Are you surprised?

Shocking or not?

Isn’t this the effect of the program?

"Over at Unit 4, move the high-mounted camera back a little. It's too close. I'll give you a panoramic view. You don't need to take such a clear shot."

"The lighting team increased the brightness and reduced the colors. It doesn't need to be so fancy. Remove the red and blue. Just flash it when you go on stage. Don't use it indiscriminately."

"Pay attention to the camera positions on both sides of the stage. Don't be so stiff when actually recording. Go to the instructor's seat and the audience seat to capture the shots."

"What's wrong with the elevator? It's so slow? Can't it keep up with the music?"

"If there is any color difference in one part of the big screen, please ask the technicians to come and take a look."

Rehearsal is not only an opportunity for instructors and students to become familiar with the stage.

It is also a time to verify the results.

Nothing works.

There is a problem.

You have to do your best to improve at this time.

Lin Hao was sitting in the director's room.

One pair of eyes is really not enough to see.

Catch back and forth.

After doing this several times.

He went to Shen Li to confirm other preparations.

"As for the audience and music critics, are the admission cards ready?" Lin Hao asked.

"It's done, and it's all been sent out."

Shen Li nodded and said: "There are also security personnel. I have also familiarized them with the venue. As for the makeup artist and costume artist, they have to come on the day of recording. I will send a special car to pick them up in advance."

"Okay, don't forget it then."

Shen Li and Shi Hongchao have always been capable men.

Lin Hao was relatively reassured about them.

September 25th.


After the efforts of all staff.

"The Voice of China" finally has its first official recording session.

Four p.m.

After everything is ready.

Lin Hao is in charge of the directing room.

Shen Li personally welcomed the audience to the venue.

It's not just ordinary viewers and music critics who come to watch the show.

There are also some business leaders.

The most outstanding.

It’s He Ruiyang, CEO of the cloud payment platform, and some senior executives.

We spent 150 million on advertising and planning fees.

Later, another 200 million yuan was invested in the Grand Prix.

350 million went in.

The effect is there.

But they also wanted to see what medicine Lin Hao Gourd sold.

So there is a layer of inspection in it.

It doesn’t matter how good the program is.

Just don't be too negative.

It is necessary to ensure that the reputation of the advertisement will not be biased by public opinion.

"Mr. Lin chose the location well, and the scenery and everything are pretty nice." He Ruiyang praised.

"You are flattering, but for this effect, our Mr. Lin did work overtime for many days. He has been very busy these days." Shen Li said slowly.

"I can only say that Mr. Lin is an excellent leader."

He Ruiyang said: "Now I think the outside world is looking forward to the broadcast of this program. The attention is very high, which is unusual."

"No, there should be some people here who are looking forward to the red envelope you give them." Shen Li said.

"Ha ha."

Bring it up.

He Ruiyang was in a very good mood.

Since the launch of the prize pool event.

His cloud platform is now a household name.

It’s still the kind that people fight to use.

It immediately blew away the competitors.

I did something I wanted to do but couldn't do before.

Not to mention how enjoyable it is.

"Please come over here, VIP seats, the distance is closer and the view is better."

Shen Li arranged it thoughtfully.

If this were replaced by some TV station column groups.

Most of the time, Party A will be nervous under the gaze of Party A’s father.

Afraid of messing up.

But who is Lin Hao?

Didn't even care about them.

Instead, he concentrated on his work.

Stare at the big screen.

Making some final preparations.

"Good guy, I've spent a lot of money. It's so luxurious here. It feels better than the TV station."

“The stage looks so high-quality and not too small.”

"It's said outside that Côte d'Azur spent 200 million yuan on production fees. It seems that they are very close to each other."

"It's awesome. Even the TV stations wouldn't dare to do this."

"The nature is different. Côte d'Azur Company has developed a lot in recent years. Mr. Lin has money."

"Then the swivel chair is placed in the wrong position? Why is it facing the auditorium?"

"It's electric, I guess it will be adjusted when the game starts."

This way.

The audience could feel the smell of money in the hall as soon as they entered the venue.

Luxury oozes from top to bottom.

It's not like that of a nouveau riche.

But the decoration is very high-end.

Quite comfortable.

Everyone took their seats.

You started talking with me.

Waited for about half an hour.

A staff member came out to announce that the show was about to start.

Keep them quiet.

Don't make loud noises during recording.

"All departments are in place and the music is ready. Start at 321!"

There is no such thing as a pilot film on set.

It is directly the opening song of the four mentors.

Following Lin Hao's instructions in the headset.

Music and lights are released together.

Brilliant visuals.

Pleasing to the ears.

It was a complete baptism for the audience.


I can only say that being expensive has its advantages.

you get what you pay for.

That’s why it’s called advanced.

It must sound and feel completely different.


The sound is not uncomfortable.

Such as dullness, dryness, frizz, imbalance, etc.

It will never happen.

High-frequency music is loose and natural.

The soundstage is vast.

The image is clear.

What about low-frequency music?

It has a certain sense of dive and weight.

can be easily presented.

Full of three-dimensional effect.

Be realistic.

Full of flavor and infectious.

The sound is so detailed that the ears can distinguish it at once.

The stage went dark.

It's bright again.

Several beams of white light dispersed and rejoined.

Electric guitar and many other soundtracks sounded slightly briskly.

After everyone listened carefully for a few seconds.

Zhou Xi, wearing a suit, walked out slowly.

The audience is very familiar with him.

These days, anyone who participates in the cloud payment platform activity prize pool.

Almost inseparable from his profile picture.

Not to mention how deep the impression was.

It's like an old friend I've known for a long time.


"Are you like me, lowering your head in the sun, sweating and working silently and hard? Are you like me, even if you are ignored, you will not give up the life you want?"

Zhou Xi spoke.

The title and lyrics of the song are also displayed on the large screen behind him.

"My future is not a dream".

Composer: Whale Falls.

Lyrics: Whale Falls.

All right.

Ever since the four mentors posted a new song announcement on Weibo two days ago, everyone has made a lot of guesses.

Now that Côte d'Azur companies dare to take selfies in variety shows.

How could Mr. Lin not participate?


This was expected.

Zhou Xi is not considered an idol regardless of his image.

But I really can't find any problems with the singing.

Very strong.

Audiences who had never known him before were immediately deeply shocked.

I just feel the rendering power is strong.

He sang for a while.

The second mentor Zhang Weifang also appeared.

"Are you like me who is busy pursuing an unexpected tenderness all day long? Are you like me who once wandered the cross streets at a loss?"

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