I went viral when I attended my ex-girlfriend's wedding

Chapter 615 The vernacular version is also popular

"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is extremely wonderful in the eyes of these professionals.

The higher the personal literary quality.

The more you can appreciate the shock brought by the content.

Forget about the current game.

Just look at the works on historical themes in recent decades.

It is definitely one of the best.

Compare other novels to it.

It's like a child wrestling with an adult.

At a disadvantage in all aspects.

I am not mocking anyone when I say this.

But fact.

No matter how good a story someone else writes.

But after all, it is just an ordinary work in the eyes of the public.

But what this work represents is a kind of literature.

It includes many comprehensive elements such as astronomy, geography, human society, historical ups and downs, etc.

Cut off the cocoon.

Covering everything.

Calling it a 'masterpiece' is not an exaggeration.

Book reviewers are not ordinary readers.

It will cause reading difficulties in upgrading classical Chinese from Xiaobai text.

No matter how they read, they can do it very smoothly.

And this kind of refined writing is even more popular among them.

I just feel that every word and sentence in it is so flowing.

There is no place where I am not happy.

at this time.

It’s not just book reviewers who are indulging.

Major literary editors also couldn’t put it down.

Read it once.

I want to read it a second time.

The more you chew, the more delicious it becomes.

Both sides rated this novel very highly.

Let "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" perform uniquely in the Writers' Cup.

However, this situation is difficult to accept for some book fans.

It’s not that they haven’t read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

But because it is too obscure to read.

It is far less easy to understand than other novels.

I almost gave up after turning a few pages.

And what about the story.

There is no protagonist either.

Progress is still slow.

It’s true that I can’t appreciate it.

Say whatever you have to say.

In the eyes of this group of people.

"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is really not as exciting as other novels.

So they don't understand these comments very much.

What about writing?

There is definitely nothing to say.

How many authors can write so many words in classical Chinese?

This is indeed commendable.

But are the others exaggerated?

And these reviewers and editors are one-sided.

Just like how bad other novels are.

"Haha, I can only say that high ratings are of no use. Votes and sales are the best proof."

"I was going to read it again just now, but after reading a few paragraphs, I couldn't stand it anymore."

"I don't know why it's not written in vernacular. It's completely inconsistent with the market. What the hell is Mr. Xizhou doing?"

"It's okay not to take this high-end route. It's a bit unnecessary."

"Actually, the story at the beginning can be read roughly, but the group drama is not interesting."

"I feel like 'Mr. Xizhou' is going to stumble this time."

It’s not like everyone is deliberately looking for trouble.

Say whatever you have to say.

Most book fans used to prefer the works of Mr. Xizhou.

This time I am also full of expectations.

But the gap between the fantasy realm and the historical realm is difficult to fill with Aiwujiwu.

It's like you've watched Long Aotian too much.

Suddenly let you read historical records.

Who can withstand this?

Therefore, many people are discouraged.

Want to support.

But I don't have that ability.

Whether you admit it or not.

It's a hit but not a crowd pleaser.

This is the current status of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

There should be no problem with ranking first in the History category on the official Writers Cup website.

However, physical sales performance was mediocre.

I can't say it's eye-catching.

But I can’t say how bad it is.

no way.

Public readers read novels just for fun.

If you increase the reading threshold for them.

Then they can turn around and find new love.

Very realistic.

Fortunately, this situation did not last long.

A week from now.

Suddenly, an old editor who planned to rectify the name of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" appeared on the Internet.

His name is Wang Yuchuan.

It seemed to be the mockery of dissatisfied netizens.

He re-wrote "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" in vernacular form and published it.

Keep updating on Weibo every day.

There was little enthusiasm at first.

But after some readers curiously clicked in.

This is incredible.

It immediately became very popular.

Don't look at it, it's just a slight change.

But it makes it easier for book fans to understand the power of this novel.

The audiences are different.

But the shocking effect is really no worse than anyone else.

If I could describe their mood in one sentence.

Probably: "This book is so scary!"

"Sorry, I apologize to Mr. Xizhou for my ignorance."

"These historical scenes and characters in the Three Kingdoms are so annoying to me. There is no protagonist in this book, but everyone is the protagonist. It's really awesome."

"After Editor Wang re-wrote it, I realized what those classical Chinese texts meant."

"A masterpiece, it's really a contemporary masterpiece."

"Oh my god, the fictional history is so real, I'm shocked."

“I’m damned for questioning ‘Mr. Xizhou’.”

"Please, Mr. Xizhou, let me go. I will never disbelieve you."

Both vernacular and classical Chinese are used.

It directly shut up all the netizens who had previously made mocking remarks.

this moment.

Many people think

I almost missed a classic.

In fact, 'Mr. Xizhou' still maintains his usual perversion.

It's just that they couldn't keep up with each other.


I’m so ashamed!

I wouldn't have been in this situation if I had studied for a few more years.

"Boss, please update it quickly. I want to watch the next one."

"Why do you write so slowly?"

"Hurry up."

"It's about to get exciting, don't delay."

"Are you in need of a reward or something? Hurry up and write."

"I can't sleep while waiting for you, can't we have more in one day?"

What Wang Yuchuan writes here is really not slow.

That’s 40,000 to 50,000 words a day.

The words I type are flying.

But there is no time for bookworms to be fed.

It started out fine.

Everyone kept praising him.

It's all flattery.

But it hasn’t been three days yet.

These people just want to use him as a robot.

Wang Yuchuan was speechless.

An evil idea suddenly occurred to him.


Just drop it yourself from the eunuch.

I'm afraid this group of people will be very exciting, right?

Good idea though.

But Wang Yuchuan didn't dare at all.

Because once this book is gone.

They would probably tear themselves alive.

Just write.

It can’t be said to be free.

At least the fans have increased a lot.

Hundreds of thousands and hundreds of thousands plus.

The emergence of the novice version of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" really helped 'Mr. Xizhou' a lot.

The number of votes for the Writer's Cup was originally far behind.

But now it is singing all the way.


3.5 million!


4.5 million!


He immediately left everyone behind.

Deng Weiguang was originally in the lead.

Haven't stayed long yet.

He was killed.

Under the huge waves.

There really can't be one lucky person left.

Deng Weiguang marveled at the domineering work of ‘Mr. Xizhou’ but also felt that it didn’t matter.

Anyway, all he needs to do here is keep the number one spot in the Xianxia category.

This gimmick really isn’t that important.

Compared to his gentleness and calmness.

Historical writers such as Zhang Anhuai and Qi Xiaoheng were really miserable.

It takes months or even a year or two of preparation.

He was directly crushed to pieces in front of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Such a blow.

Too heavy.

But they still can't say a word of dissatisfaction.

Because as long as you read this book Three Kingdoms.

Then everyone will be fascinated by it.

It can only be said that they were a bit unlucky.

I was sniped by 'Mr. Xizhou'.

Otherwise why would it be like this.

"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" was born.

The tough stance made the entire literary association pay close attention to this matter.

It is true that novels with historical themes have won awards in the past.

But it has not yet been said which work can completely suppress other genre masterpieces.

This is the first time this has happened.

I am really proud of the history team.

"Let's not talk about the awards for the moment. Let's talk about the selection of association members this year. There are only three places in total. Who do you think is suitable?"

On the main seat.

A man in his forties or fifties asked the group below.

"Deng Weiguang has enough qualifications, and Yao Xiuhe has no problem. As for the third place, I personally feel that 'Mr. Xizhou', that is, Mr. Lin, can be selected."

"Deng Weiguang is fine, but Yao Xiuhe feels a little worse. As for Mr. Xizhou, his qualifications are too young, right? He was selected for the Writers Cup in just one session, that's not good."

"Although qualifications are more important, we should also focus on literature. There is no doubt about the strength of 'Mr. Xizhou'."

"Yes, I think this book "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is convincing enough."

"Do you want to stop settling?"

"What's settling?"

"At present, these three people are the most suitable."

Everyone expressed their opinions.

No conclusion yet.

The selection of members of the Literary Association is no joke.

The stakes are high.

After joining, you will enjoy a series of benefits.

For example, official recommendations.

This recommendation is not something that can only be advertised outside.

Instead, it penetrates into teaching materials, lecture halls, and publications.

Serious and formal.

No matter how well you sell your novels outside.

No matter how famous it is.

But always an unorganized individual author.

Missing honorary title.

Literary associations can remedy this precisely.

So that you can legitimately become a famous writer in China.

"In that case, let these three people vote."

The leader continued to speak.

No one had any objections.

When thinking of Deng Weiguang.

Everyone raised their hands.

Then to Yao Xiuhe.

Ninety percent of people agreed.

And here is Mr. Xizhou.

Seventy percent of people agreed.

have to.

It's like all three people have settled down.

Lin Hao soon received a notice from the Literary Association.

The other party sincerely invited him to become a formal member of the association.

to be honest.

Lin Hao has no interest in this thing.

But it doesn't hurt.

So I agreed.

But I didn't pay much attention to it.

Him now.

We are currently conducting the second round of auditions with Fang Zhenhai and others.

After a preliminary review of the sample.

A large number of singers have already rushed over in person to make an on-site breakthrough.

Can you appear on the show?

It depends on this moment.

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