From a musical perspective.

"Uncommon Words" is actually not that great.

The words don't rhyme.

The song is not tactful.

It's like connecting the previous music creation techniques with the next.

There was no sign of it at all.

It's quite suspicious of copying it mechanically.

to be honest.

Isn’t it just a stack of seemingly complex fonts?


However, it is such a piece that is different from the mainstream form.

But it brought a lot of novelty to the fans.

Maybe you don’t quite recognize these words at first.

Then I wanted to learn something.

But learn it.

Found out it's not that simple.

You will be somewhat dissatisfied.

Then choose to face the difficulties.


This song will be sung by everyone.

Based on a "rare word" point.


It all depends on the fans to slowly push it.


It suddenly became popular.

You listen, I listen, everyone listens.

You learn and I learn and everyone learns.

Just like the aunts chasing after the square dance.

It instantly attracted the attention of countless fans.

The sensation was huge.

"I learned it three times before singing the cover. I admire the creator very much. He promotes the breadth and depth of our Chinese writing. This song is really the best among the best."

"Only three times? Are you kidding? I learned it five times before I could remember half of it. And I only remembered the pronunciation, but I can't even write the words."

"I'm about the same. I feel nothing wrong when I listen to Ling Zhengyang singing, but it's not easy to learn."

"I'm convinced. I didn't expect that one day I would learn Chinese songs using pinyin."

"Haha, this is the only Chinese song that notes Pinyin."

"After listening to this song, I found many unknown words. I felt like a foreigner and ashamed of my motherland."

"I keep biting my tongue while singing. Is this the case with you too?"

"No, my mouth just trembles."

The emergence of "Uncommon Words".

It’s not just an expansion of the category of songs.

It also provides a good example for the combination of entertainment and culture.

It's lyrics.

It does not allow people to understand the entire sentence and paragraph.

Instead, we simply focus on mining rare characters.

The entire song is a combination of these words plus some simple melodies.

It's quite catchy.

After the song is released.

This song "Uncommon Words" doesn't even have a catching up process.

Straight to the top of the singles chart!

It shocked many singers in the industry to the point where their jaws almost dropped.

Suddenly there was a cry.

Ling Zhengyang is the anchor singer.

Five pieces.

Take turns riding on their heads and rubbing them.

It's simply too heartbreaking.

It's okay if this guy has good songs.

He is really like a whale god and no one will argue with his high-quality works.

But what is all this mess?



Uncommon words.

Take a look.

There is no such thing as a right path.

Let people compose songs.

They all wish they could become classics handed down from generation to generation.

This is so cool.

Even if you write good music.

The lyrics also had to go in unexpected directions.

You say he was a waste.

These songs are selling well.

You said he didn't waste it.

It deviates slightly from the mainstream market works.

"I can't figure it out, why? Is God chasing after me to feed me?"

"How come these verbal songs he writes are always accepted by the public? I just don't understand. Is there capital behind it?"

"We don't rule out this possibility, but we can't push the capital away, right? That's too false."

"I really can't hear anything good about it. It's a very ordinary song. Could it be that the complicated lyrics are also a factor in its popularity?"

"That's right. There are a lot of people singing covers now."

"I really can't grasp the public's aesthetic standards now. I like Curse, I like it in passing, and now I even like uncommon words."

"Hey, the audience's ears are as hard to grasp as a girl's mind right now. I'm really speechless."

This June.

Many singers who rely on singles to make a living are really crying.

It's not just because of Ling Zhengyang's appearance.

There are many other similar anchors.

Everyone is here to grab their jobs.

‘Echo Music’ is pretty good here.

Not too seriously disturbed.

Let’s look at ‘Yunting’ again.

Both humans and ghosts can get a ranking.

This is a broken live broadcast competition of "Battle of Poison Song".

It has invaded their market resources too much.

The next few days.

As the work continues to ferment.

He has already begun to make a name for himself in entertainment variety shows.

For example, on a certain music program "Sound into the Heart".

The supporter deliberately introduced this song halfway through.

"Recently, a song called "Uncommon Words" has become popular all over the Internet. I believe everyone has heard it. There was even a topic event on Weibo called # Song Cover Challenge # because of it. Of course, I was curious to click on it before and wanted to try it, but when I sang this song, I admitted that my thinking was a bit simple. If these lyrics were not marked with pinyin, I would not know what kind of words to use. Mouth shape to deal with it.”

Speaking of which.

The host played the original song on the big screen.

And all those complicated lyrics are presented.

He wanted to try it again.

As a result, his mouth turned into a hum soon.

"I believe there are many people like me who have learned some rare words through this song. These words are rare, but they are not used. Idioms such as 'lonely, worship as a model' and other idioms can still be seen often. It’s amazing to know and understand it through singing, which is both educational and entertaining.”

Can't sing.

There is no shame in supporting people.

After a few simple comments, he said: "Okay, let's move on to the next step. Let's see what the audience thinks of this song."

He finished.

A line of font appeared on the screen.

[Bald Man]: "I really can't appreciate it. I don't understand why this song is so popular? It feels very ordinary."

Seeing this, the host was startled, and after thinking for a moment, he slowly smiled and said: "This netizen's question is very pointed. I believe many viewers are more concerned about it, because this song is indeed quite controversial in the outside world, so I will explain it from my own point of view."

“First of all, with the continuous popularization of the Internet, our understanding of everything in the world is constantly expanding, and songs are a spice in people’s lives. Beautiful melodies can be heard anytime and anywhere. It’s always refreshing.”

"In terms of songs alone, the melody of "Uncommon Words" is undoubtedly acceptable to the public. Otherwise, why would everyone spread it by word of mouth? You know, whether it is a song, or a movie or TV series, once it does not meet the requirements How can it be praised by the masses? How can it become popular? Yes, this song may not be outstanding, but it can also be regarded as above average, because this song has a certain deep influence. Significance."

"Why do you say that? Because its lyrics use our country's culture, and through simple and clear tunes, it can effectively let the public understand. Children don't know how to ask adults. If adults don't understand, they will look it up in the dictionary. Others Isn’t the knowledge benefit brought by it much easier than rote memorization? Personally, it is still not easy in terms of creation. After all, being able to put a bunch of unrelated words and characters into a song is extremely popular. s song."

The host has finished explaining.

Then look at the second question.

[Da Ma Monkey]: "What kind of singer do you think Ling Zhengyang is?"

"What kind of singer do you belong to?"

The supporter paused and said: "In my opinion, he is a relatively interesting artist, with an unconventional and eclectic way of thinking. Of course, I learned these from his works. As for other personalities, I think Only through face-to-face communication can we make an interpretation.”


That's the third question, the fourth question and the fifth question.

"Now, let's take a look at the weekly rankings for June."

All answered.

The host compared the weekly singles rankings in June.

Ling Zhengyang's strength.

Not just in ‘echo music’.

Even compared to ‘Yunting’, it doesn’t fall behind at all.

sales of his five singles.

Put aside the identity of the anchor.

That's really no different from a top-tier singer.

The end of the show.

The host added: "In the past one or two decades, with the development of electronic products, computers and mobile phones have mostly been based on pinyin typing, leaving us with less time to actually write, and even some commonly used strokes have gradually become familiar in our minds. Blurred, not to mention these rare characters, I think the greatest significance of this song is to reawaken people's sense of the broad and profound Chinese characters, increase people's attention, and enhance the cultural confidence of the nation."

Côte d'Azur Company.

Inside the office.

Lin Hao didn't know that a host was praising Ling Zhengyang on TV at this time.


Even if you know it.

There won't be any big reaction.

Because no matter how people in this world understand it.

No one will understand the inner meaning of this song "Uncommon Words".

The lyrics stack up well too.

Just promote culture.

These are all very superficial things.

What makes this song really strong is its references to classics.

"Zhi punishes Zang Fu" comes from Zhuge Liang's "Chu Shi Biao".

"Qing Qing Ling Li" comes from Li Mi's "Chen Qing Biao".

"Collaboration" comes from Qian Yi's "New Book of the South".

"Walking alone" comes from Zhang Yi's "Essays on Commemoration of Cheng Yichuan".

"Enlightenment" comes from Gu Kuang's "The Road Is Difficult".

"Mianmian Guului" comes from "Mian" in "The Book of Songs".


There's no way to explain it.

So just listen to it as a divine song.

at the moment.

Lin Hao is working on Xu Sijia and Zhou Bowen's new album this year.

Half a year has almost passed by.

There are many singers in the company who have no news.

We have to rush forward.

Just in time the movie editing was finished.

Time suddenly became a lot richer.

Xu Sijia: "Heart of the Sword", "Meeting Under the Moon", "Farewell to the West Tower", "Tangli Jianxue" and "Nine Machines".

Zhou Bowen: "Love Well", "Life is Hard", "The Harder the Love", "Leave" and "Dance of Midsummer".

Take care of it properly.

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