Xue Peisong is indeed being sprayed like a dog right now.

But there is a big benefactor sitting behind the scenes.

His points are still relatively insurmountable.

At least among the anchors Ling Zhengyang has faced so far.

This is the trickiest one.

Ling Zhengyang's fans were also under pressure for a while.

The rich immediately paid.

If you don't have money, try to squeeze some money for him.

After a busy meal.

Finally, the points awarded to Ling Zhengyang reached around 5.5 million.

It is still about 2 million short of Xue Peisong's cutoff of 7.5 million.

Although the gap has narrowed a lot.

But there is still a lot left.

At a time when everyone doesn’t know what to do.

Ling Zhengyang, however, played the soundtrack without any worries.

"This song "Itch" is for all of you."

No unnecessary words.

After introducing the song title.

The erhu, flute and guzheng were played.

It is a minor tune with a Chinese flavor.

Tactful and leisurely.

At first glance.

It will be refreshing.

However, most of the viewers in the live broadcast room were quite disappointed with this.

They really hoped that Ling Zhengyang would sing "One More Night" this time.

Completed the trilogy.

But the other party didn't do this.

Give up the so-called hot spots.

such a pity!

What a pity!

She is a touch of the setting sun

Think more, think more, who knows how to appreciate it?

She has a window with blue clouds

Just waiting for someone to share it with

Ling Zhengyang spoke.

But everyone listening to the song immediately felt something was wrong.

Goosebumps suddenly appeared all over my body.

I don’t know what evil got into this guy today.

At that moment, he suddenly changed his singing style.

Becoming a little 'fascinating'.

That's right.


If this kind of charm is expressed by a woman.

It should be all kinds of charming.

But a grown man is very talkative.

It is true that it cannot be substituted.

It sounded like a eunuch who had changed his clothes and waved to them again.

It's so irritating.

They only felt a chill coming towards them quickly.

Unable to sit still.

"I'll go, what's wrong with this guy?"

"Why do I feel that Ling Zhengyang suddenly became enchanting? Is it my imagination?"

"Brother, it's not your imagination, it's true. It scared me so much that my legs tightened."

"Haha, why are you so tight? Don't panic."

"I can't accept the sudden 'sex' from this pussy."

"The singing is too fancy."

As an audience member, Huang Zhongxin naturally saw these barrages.

But he couldn't help but frown.

That's right.

It is indeed a bit weird for this song to be performed by Ling Zhengyang.

It would be better if it was replaced by a female singer.

But that's not the main thing.

Just look at the works.

Whether it’s the intro or the verse.

The degree of completion of their creations is quite amazing.

There's really nothing to fault here.

Just like the previous songs.

Huang Zhongxin didn't understand it very much.

These tunes.

Even without those vulgar lyrics to go with it.

These are rare works on the market.

But why does Ling Zhengyang always deliberately destroy them?

Just for the victory in this poisonous song competition?

Why is this so?

She is a continuous piece of music

I wish there was someone who knew how to sing

She has eyes full of soft light

Just waiting, waiting for someone to bloom for it

The enchantment continues.

The audience who didn't eat felt tortured.

And those who ate.

It's a bit of an urge to vomit.

Shao Xiaogang didn't leave either.

The corners of his mouth twitched when he saw this guy's performance.

I have lived a long life.

What kind of songs have I never heard?

Logically speaking, it should have been normal for a long time.

But this Ling Zhengyang is really different from others.

Not only can it refresh the audience's hearing limit.

It can also cause a certain degree of critical damage to people instantly.

You will be impressed beyond measure.

Come on, be happy, you have plenty of time anyway

Come on, love, I have a lot of desires anyway

Come and wander, there are many directions anyway

Come on, come on, there's a lot to see anyway



Listening to Ling Zhengyang's songs is like opening a blind box.

You never know what kind of surprise the other person will give you later.

For example, the chorus of this song suddenly came out.

It was really a tsunami that shook the earth and shattered the mountains!

Opponent Xue Peisong's eyes widened.

His fans opened their mouths.

Huang Zhongxin was stunned.

Shao Xiaogang was stunned.

Everyone else also stood blankly on the spot.

Everyone's brain is like a comet hitting the earth.

Temporarily lost the ability to think.

Come on~~~~~

So happy~~~~~

Come on~~~~~

So pretentious~~~~~

These two lyrics.

In an instant, it swirled in the minds of countless people.

There’s no adrenaline rush whatsoever.

Instead, it made them all shiver.

They don't know if it's itchy or not.

But this song is really cool.

It's not that sexy in the traditional sense.

There is a hint of playfulness in the show.

There's a hint of frivolity hidden in the playfulness.

A little bit of spontaneity in the frivolity.

Casual yet enchanting.

He can be said to have occupied them all by himself.

"Mom, I can't do it anymore, everyone, I'm going to vomit for a while."

"When a grown man sings this kind of song to me, I completely collapse."

"Huh? Are you trying to break me?"

"Brother, this is so disgusting."

"666666, when it comes to coquettishness, you have to be Ling Zhengyang. No one else can catch up."

"Looking at it this way, "That Night" and "Another Night" are still conservative."

"Good guy, you are more bottomless than I thought. I admire you so much."

After a while of silence.

The barrage exploded directly.

The original online audience was about 4.7 million.

I don’t know when it rose to 6 million.

Not to mention gifts.

As far as the eye can see.

The screen is full of big brother.

Whether you have money or not, you have to help him brush it twice.

Today they personally witnessed what it means to be astonished.

Someone once said.

Works that stir people's hearts are art.

But the word ‘tease’ also depends on the situation.

For example, right now.

Ling Zhengyang's teasing was hard to resist.

The artistic content of the songs he performed.

It's really eye-catching.

Take a look at the entire Chinese music scene.

I'm afraid I won't be able to find anyone with whom I can make friends with my humbleness.


The cow is simply broken!

"Teacher Huang, how do you like this song?"

"Yes, Teacher Huang, why don't you speak?"

"You would like to comment on it."

"It still sounds vulgar to me, and it's getting less and less pleasant to my ears."

"Damn it, I vomited everything I just ate."

"Just be satisfied, I watched the live broadcast while eating at the dinner table, and the whole family burst into tears after hearing this song."

"This is another marginal song. I'm finally convinced by it."

In Huang Zhongxin’s live broadcast room.

See him in a daze.

Netizens are constantly asking questions below.

But this time.

Huang Zhongxin did not come up to attack the opponent as before, but shook his head and said: "The "Itch" sung by Ling Zhengyang is still different from the previous three songs. It may still look so vulgar on the surface, but I want to What I’m saying is that this song is different, it has some connotations in it.”

As a music critic.

It’s not enough to just criticize or criticize a certain artist.

You have to speak based on the work.


Some people will add their own preferences in their reviews.

This is a normal thing.

But most of the time.

It still needs to be analyzed from a neutral perspective.

Huang Zhongxin did look down on Ling Zhengyang.

But this song

He really couldn't say.

Ordinary viewers may not understand.

But professionals can tell it right away.

Hear the words.

Everyone immediately became restless.

It's cheerful and artificial.

And she sang so coquettishly

Why does it have connotation?

Are you kidding me?

This song seems to them.

It's not much different from "That Night" and "Another Night".

Even the colors are similar.

Seeing everyone in disbelief.

Huang Zhongxin had no choice but to take a deep breath and explain: "If it were placed in ancient times, this song "Itch" would probably be called a pornographic song, but even if it is placed today, it can be regarded as a decadent song. "

"First of all, it's normal that you think this song is unpleasant to listen to, because the work is written from a female perspective. Ling Zhengyang can't express much emotion at all when singing. Instead, it will make you feel like you can't fit in and feel awkward. This will make you There is an invisible conflict, and you cannot try to understand it. Secondly, although the lyrics of the chorus create an illusion of marginalization and confuse the line of sight, but after you taste it carefully, you will find that this work actually has a profound meaning."

"If you really understand youth and are young and frivolous, you will understand. You will understand that this song does not say a word about youth, but every note, every word, and every chant tells the story of youth. Loneliness, helplessness, passage and squandering, that's why...it's itchy! And the lyrics 'the more it itches, the more it itches', in my opinion, it's an alternative metaphor, just like youth is confused, and the more confused, the more panicked, So that ‘the more you panic, the more you think about it, the more panic you get’, doesn’t that explain it?”

"Everyone's youth is squandering in such a vicious cycle. So what should we do at this time? Sing loudly and cherish our youth? How to cherish it, relying on simple preaching? I'm afraid it can't be done. ? This seems to be the favorite thing of those mainstream media and pop songs, and the comparison "Come on. Come on, come on, come on" is enough to show that this song is different. It is not singing about youth. Instead of squandering it, use irony to warn against the phenomenon of squandered youth. There is nothing terrible about squandering youth, but what is photographed is that you are squandering your youth for the appearance of love such as 'happiness, love, wandering, and artificiality'."

"This song also contains some elements of Chinese style. The clever thing is that it does not superimpose and collage a large number of images from ancient poems in pursuit of a 'picture sense', but uses a 'blank' technique to give the audience a lot of ideas. Room for imagination.”

"So no matter how you look at it, this song is an excellent work."

Huang Zhongxin talked a lot eloquently.

It was a direct blow to the fans.


If you say the tune is good, they will admit it.

Can we see so much through lyrics?

too exaggerated.

Isn’t everyone listening to the same song?

Why can't they feel it?

Everyone's mood is so complicated.

The work they collectively despised actually received high praise from Teacher Huang.

No matter how you look at it, it’s unreal.

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