When "Battle of Poison Song" enters its second week of schedule.

Ling Zhengyang is also working hard to enter the top 64.

Him now.

Today is different from the past.

After the fermentation of the previous two songs.

Currently it has attracted quite a few fans and viewers.

Weibo is paying attention to the rising trend of "唰唰唰".

There was absolutely no time left in the comment section.

There are more people who make fun of him.

But closer to the game.

There were also many cheering voices.

"Come on, Mr. Ling, you can overwhelm every audience present. Believe in yourself, you can do it."

"Keep it the same today, keep showing off, and keep giving me some freshness, okay? Gifts really don't matter."

"After watching so many competition anchors, you are still the most popular. You are more messy than Chaos. You may not be the best, but as far as the word 'poisonous song' is concerned, you are invincible."

"Get excited, get excited."

"Really, don't stop. Use your creative inspiration more and let me see your hard work."

"What color is the live broadcast room today? Can you tell me in advance? I'm afraid my little heart can't bear your wildness."

"Really, I'm really looking forward to it."


The style of painting supported by this group of people is somewhat strange.

But Ling Zhengyang felt that there was no big problem.

Cater to your own audience.

This is a sense of mission.

As for those little black spots mixed in it.


Count it as a ball.

He didn't care at all.

Six p.m.

The main race begins.

The anchor Ling Zhengyang matched with this time was called Zhen Shao.

The audience called her Xiaoshaoer.

Looks quite cute.

Dressed up like a little girl.

He also spoke with a childlike voice.

In terms of popularity, it can only be said to be average.

At least it's far worse than the previous two anchors.

As soon as we met.

The audience on Ling Zhengyang's side didn't matter.

On the contrary, Zhen Shao's fans were a little panicked.

"Oh My God!"

"Why is it Ling Zhengyang?"

"It's over, it's over. The other party has been very popular recently, so there's no chance."

“Isn’t this the master of color songs?”

"No, just a bad song like that can have 4 million viewers? Is it such an exaggeration?"

"We only have less than 2 million. It's over. The little spoon is going to be cold."

"I can't help it. His song "That Night" is so popular that my dad listens to it from time to time."

"????Brother, your dad seems to be a man with stories."

"go away."

He was suppressed so hard at the beginning of the points.

When Zhen Shao saw this, his heart sank.

But she is still very free and easy.

Since it is not dominant on the surface.

Then just do your best.

After the interaction.

This is the part of throwing numbers.

Ling Zhengyang had a rare surprise this time.

So he goes first.

have to!

Audiences on both sides started to pay attention.

On one side is anticipation.

On one side is curiosity.

Everyone wants to see what this guy wants to sing today.

After all, the previous two works are quite lethal.

As for Ling Zhengyang.

He didn't hide it from them either.

"Ahem, the song I sang today is, well, it's called "Another Night." I hope you all like it." He said with a slightly rosy face.

Hear this.

Everyone in the live broadcast room on both sides was stunned.

They all didn't believe what their ears heard.


what's the situation?

"That Night" is finished and then "Another Night" is played again?

Damn it!


Did not see it.

Your boy is a talent.

Are you going to sing a TV series instead?

After the surprise.

Many people couldn't help laughing immediately.

Don't say it.

This name is so fucking interesting!

"That night".

"Another Night".

What's behind?

"Haha, "One More Night"? Awesome! I am already in awe of the anchor's creative talent."

"Okay, I've gained a lot of experience. It turns out that I can still write songs like this. I used to be ignorant."

"Hurry up, hurry up, let me see what happens tonight."

"What the hell is "One More Night"? The next song won't be "One More Night", right? Anchor, stop hiding, how many unknown nights have you had?"

"Hahahahaha, I'm so happy. Is this a series of songs?"

"666666, I haven't fully understood "That Night" yet, why are you here for another night?"

A song title.

The barrage immediately became exciting.

And the gifts were not far behind.

Many viewers couldn't even mention how happy it was.

I almost laughed.

This way.

Zhen Shao looked confused.

The other party just said a song title.

Why are these people just going crazy?

What the hell?

Ling Zhengyang didn't explain much.

After the music starts.

He followed the rhythm and sang ecstatically.

It's raining and you cry

I'm far away and you're gone

I don’t know if one day

I can still meet you

This song is relatively flat.

Compared with the previous two songs, it is obviously down a level.

Professional or not.

The difference can be heard instantly.

But the audience.

I don’t really care about the music now.

But the lyrics.

Is it innovation?

Or take over from last time?

This is the point.

Don't try to find logic and connotation in comedies.

That in itself is quite contradictory.

I'm calling you softly

How many times have I been haunted by dreams

hold your hands tightly

I want to hold it all

Listen, listen.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

The picture in my mind seemed to come out all of a sudden.

The last song "That Night" is about farewell.

This song "Another Night" is about reunion.

It seems that two people who should have drifted apart accidentally bumped into each other again.

It really came together.


Why are you holding hands again?

Their hearts jumped subconsciously.

No way.

No way.

Is this guy thinking about driving again?


I'm passionate about you

Crazy, crazy, another night

I love you and I hate you

you have forgotten me

Your smile ripples

It really fascinates me

I love you and I love you

But you have long forgotten

As soon as the chorus comes out.

The audience was all Spartan.

Even if I know that this forced dyeing workshop is good.

But the wording is really unambiguous.


crazy crazy crazy

Oh my god.

This is too exciting.

Is this a song?

Why does it feel like it’s comparable to some short videos?

"Pfft hahahahaha."

"Niu, this singing is so enjoyable."

"That night is not enough for another night, isn't it? We are so careful, can we eat it?"

"I can only say 6 extremely."

"After listening to this "One More Night", I couldn't help but want to listen to "That Night". It was just too good."

"What did you do in a crazy, passionate night? Do you dare to be more detailed? I can't imagine it."

"This is all frantic. If you are more careful, you will be 100% blocked."

"Hopefully there will be a new song, 'Night After Night,' a direct trilogy."

In the live broadcast room.


The number has soared to more than 5 million.

Plus those gifts that came out.

The points have exceeded 7 million.

Still rising crazily.

This is not only helped by the audience.

There are also some rewards from other anchors.

no way.

Among the 128 anchors remaining today.

There is no one who plays better than Ling Zhengyanghua.

The level of attention is simply too high.

And as his opponent.

Zhen Shao was not only stunned.

I was also stunned.

One face was red.

Oh my god.

How dare he sing such a song?

"Damn it, we Xiaospoon have been taught this shit badly. Anchor, please cover your ears quickly and leave it to us."

"It's such a vulgar song. How can it be so obscene? No, I have to go over and scold him."

"Wait for me, I'll go too."

"This guy has simply tainted the environment of the live broadcast industry by singing this kind of song."

"Isn't this a hooligan? I really can't stand it anymore."

Everyone was filled with indignation.

Zhen Shao didn't have time to stop the fans.

The number of people in the live broadcast room dropped by more than half.

Kill them all.

She was quite worried about a fight between the two sides.

But the next moment.

But his whole face turned dark.

I saw several high-level brand brothers on her side.

They actually started frantically shopping for gifts on the opposite side.

The banner also shouted 66666.


I thought the two families were very close.

Zhen Shao was angry when he saw it.


Go along with the crusade in your mouth.

Just go and spend money on the other party?

He looks quite serious on weekdays.

Unexpectedly, they were all old pornographic people.

What a disappointment.

"If Shaosao doesn't cry, we will accompany you."

"I really don't know what's so good about this kind of song."

"Don't be sad Spoon."

"Come on, you're the best."

"Don't give up."

"Sing well."

Although the comfort from his true fans gave Zhen Shao great encouragement.

But the gap is too big.

Still lost.

This one.

Ling Zhengyang directly entered the top 64!

In fact, the song "One More Night" was used for competition and live broadcast.

Just wait until the song comes online.

But it caused an uproar.

Ordinary listeners are fine.

But in the eyes of music critics.

Ling Zhengyang was undoubtedly declaring war on them.

They criticized the previous song "That Night" sharply and thoroughly.

His works are classified as being extremely vulgar.

I didn't expect that this guy just didn't want to make progress.

He actually came up with another song called "One More Night".

I didn't take them seriously at all.

Can this be tolerated?

"It is no exaggeration to say that this is a gangster song. The level of obscenity is beyond my imagination."

"If this kind of anchor is not banned, the Black Dragon Live Platform has a certain responsibility."

"I don't know what thoughts such a song can convey to people? One-night stand? It's simply vulgar."

"You used to always ask me what a trash song is, but now I tell you, this is it."

"This bad song seems to knock away the culture and knowledge in my body. It would be too miserable for teenagers to listen to this kind of work."

"Three views are not correct and must be removed from the shelves."

"This is no longer a song, it is completely poisoning under the guise. I don't care what the competition requirements are, but this kind of work must not be leaked."

"Ling Zhengyang, I think this person is the most despicable and vulgar artist in recent years."

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