The story background of "Fullmetal Alchemist" is set in a country where alchemy is quite advanced.

A whole new worldview.

A brand new training system architecture.

as well as

Brand new dual protagonist mode.

A short opening stage.

It has lifted the spirits of countless comic fans.

There is no doubt about it.

This work continues the powerful creativity of "Dream Weaver" after "Spell Return".

Once again, it brought them a different visual and sensory experience.

Everyone's eyes are full of enthusiasm and expectation.

The plot slowly begins.

The first story is about two twin brothers trying to resurrect their mother.

The biggest taboo in alchemy was carried out——refining the human body!

But it’s because I’m still young and don’t know much about it.

The two brothers suffered backlash while refining it.

The results were disastrous.

The younger brother became an armored man with only a soul.

The elder brother lost his right arm and left leg.

Donating blood directly stained a large area of ​​the floor red.

Experienced this.

for a long time afterwards.

Both brothers fell into isolation.

Until one day.

A leader came from the military.

In other words, he wanted to recruit these two outstanding alchemists to be used by the country.

And provide them with feasible options to recover their bodies.

Hope was rekindled in their hearts.

And to get back everything they lost.

The brothers then embarked on a journey to retrieve their bodies.

"Don't tell me, it's quite interesting. They are actually two protagonists."

"This should be the first time that Dream Weaver has made such a bold change."

"Brothers, I'm thinking about a question. Will the two protagonists ruin the plot?"

"It feels okay. My brother has become an armored man. Can he be removed from the protagonist group from the side? After all, he no longer has a normal body."

"It is probably that Dream Weaver did this deliberately to enhance the sense of immersion. After all, it is really contradictory to create two protagonists."

"The alchemy here is a bit interesting. I really like this new system. There is also a very meaningful introduction: 35 liters of water, 20 kilograms of carbon, 4 liters of ammonia, 1.5 kilograms of lime, 800 grams of phosphorus, 250 grams of salt, 100 grams of saltpeter, 80 grams of sulfur, 7.5 grams of fluorine, 3 grams of silicon, 5 grams of iron, and appropriate amounts of fifteen elements. If calculated based on a standard adult, this is the human body By the way, all these constituent materials can be bought in the market with only a small amount of money, which shows how worthless human beings are."

"The rules of alchemy include exchange of equal value. In order to obtain something, you need to exchange it at the same price. It feels more like magic to me."

It is different from most anime on the market.

Most of the characters in "Fullmetal Alchemist" are ordinary 'alchemical scientists'.

No matter how powerful ordinary people are.

There is no way to use any physical skills or qigong.

They are all normal people.

Just know how to borrow the laws of the world.

The experience of the two brothers is just a small prologue.

In this work, Lin Hao did not copy his previous life.

Instead, it sorted out all the messy timeline.

Let’s start right from the root.

This way, comic fans will see it more clearly.

The screen flashed.

Switched to a kingdom called Kesel.

within this country.

There was a young slave.

He has no name or surname.

Code number 23.

this day.

His master draws his blood to begin an experiment.

A part of the 'truth' in the 'door of truth' was refined through alchemy.

Because part of this ‘truth’ cannot survive in the human world.

So he was locked in a flask.

Commonly known as the 'little man in the flask'.

And it is this little thing.

It completely changed the fate of No. 23 and all mankind for hundreds of years.

Because the Flask Man is part of the ‘truth’.

So it understands all the knowledge of truth in this world.

It took the initiative to give No. 23 a name.

It's called Hohenheim.

and gave him a good suggestion.

"If you remain as illiterate as you are now and don't change the status quo, you will be trapped in this flask for the rest of your life like me, and you will have to be a slave for the rest of your life. Are you willing to do that?"

This sentence stimulated Hohenheim.

Are you willing?

Of course he wasn't willing to give in.

So in the days to come.

Hohenheim began to spend his spare time learning to read like crazy.

And worship his master as his teacher.

He further became his assistant.

Under the guidance of the master.

Hohenheim soon became a qualified alchemist.

Gradually gained fame and status.

To this.

He was very grateful to the Flask Man.

Officially because of its reminder of the year.

This allowed me to live the good life I have today.

The flask villain was also very grateful to Hohenheim.

Because it came to this world through Hohenheim's blood.

Looking at the sunset.

Two people have different understandings of happiness.

Hohenheim wanted to find a woman, have children and start a family.

The flask villain wants to have a body that leaves this container.


Things took a turn for the better.

The old king wanted to live forever.

So I found the little flask man and asked him if there was any way to do it.

The Flask Man took this opportunity to trick the king into telling him the method of eternal life.

that's all.

The king followed the instructions of the little flask man and began to build a ditch.

Let them help build the immortal realm formation.

The uninformed people are still grateful.

And what about the king.

Then some of the people were killed secretly.

Then use their blood to complete the blood seal, a necessary condition for the formation.

After several years of precipitation.

The formation was finally built.

The king used his own blood as an introduction to open the door to the ceremony.

He thought he would live forever.

Unexpectedly, the center of the national refining formation was not under his feet at all.

All of this.

But it's all just the conspiracy of the flask villain.

It exploited the king's greed for immortality.

At the cost of half a million lives across the country.

He built a body for himself that could move freely.

And to repay Hohenheim.

He placed the center of the formation at the opponent's feet.

Seen overnight.

All the people in the country have died.

People who survived.

Just Hohenheim and the Flask Man.

Their bodies each contain the souls of 250,000 people.

Not only do they possess immortal bodies and powerful alchemy.

The blood has also become the legendary Philosopher's Stone with powerful power.

Because the Philosopher's Stone is made from human souls.

"Damn it, this little flask guy is so loyal."

"Awesome, immortality, although the price is a bit high, but isn't it invincible?"

"This little guy looks quite sinister, but that's what he means when things happen."

"The king is really miserable. If he does the most things, he will be deceived the most. He is simply a tragic figure."

"This old guy deserves what he deserves. He's so stupid. He just believes what others say. If he doesn't die, who will die? He's so brainless. With his IQ, Gong Dou Drama won't last more than three episodes."

"This little flask man is not a good thing. People all over the country have been tricked to death by him. This is a massacre."

"A true villain, a solid one."

What to do with the flask villain.

Someone is angry.

Some people are envious.

Others were dismissive.

However, the treatment of immortality is not as good as they imagined.

There are also side effects.

That is the scream of 250,000 souls all the time.

It left Hohenheim mentally tortured.

Almost collapsed.

He lived like this in confusion for hundreds of years.

Until Hohenheim met his drinking friend Granny Binako in a small town in the East.

And at a bonfire party, he met Theresa, the woman who could accompany him throughout his life.

Only then did he cheer up again.

Two people get married and have children.

Have two lovely children.

That is, the two Edward brothers before.

But Hohenheim always considered himself a monster.

So I didn't dare to touch the child.

I am afraid that my curse will affect my child's health and future.

He even dared not think that his wife and children would grow old and die before him.

His wife noticed his concern.

The next day, they found a videographer to take a family photo to record this beautiful moment.

But in the photo, Hohenheim couldn't stop crying because he held the child for the first time.

That is from this moment on.

Hohenheim no longer chooses to escape.

Instead, he plunged crazily into research.

He wants to go back to normal.

I want to live and die with my family.

I want to be a qualified husband and a competent father.

Available during research.

He unexpectedly discovered the conspiracy of the Flask Man.

The other party actually wants to restart the national formation formation again.

Realizing that the tragedy of a hundred years ago may happen again.

To protect the family.

Hohenheim left home resolutely.

It is bound to destroy the flask villain's land formation.

After he left.

Under the loving care of his wife Teresa.

The life of the two children can be considered happy.

But such time did not last long.

Teresa smiles at her children every day.

In fact, she has already become ill with her husband.

He died of illness not long after.

The two brothers suddenly became orphans.

But fortunately, they met a powerful woman behind them——Izmi.

The two worshiped each other as their disciples.

And started training under her guidance.

During this period, he even studied alchemy crazily.

As the skills become more familiar.

They began to covet the art of human body refining.

I want to use this to resurrect my mother.

The plot starts from here and connects with the beginning.

It made countless comic fans sigh.

The two brothers had a good idea.

But that's too hasty.

The cost of this wave of mistakes is indeed a bit high.

But in terms of age.

The results are understandable.

After all.

They are still just two children.

You can be forgiven for thinking naively.


One of the two protagonists is disabled.

Another one.

The body is gone.

The image is really a bit unbearable.

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