I went viral when I attended my ex-girlfriend's wedding

Chapter 563: Ten memories and nine sorrows after hearing about the past


Netizens are watching "Soul Ferry" faster and faster.

Learn more and more.

For example, Gu Shengsheng.

It can no longer even move its nest.

I saw it was around three in the morning on the first day.

The first thing I do when I open my eyes the next day.

Let’s continue reading.

I didn’t even bother to wash up.

The devil was so stunned.

"What are you doing? You're just washing your face and playing around. You act like a pig all day long. How will you date someone in the future?" Gu Ma frowned when she came in to wipe the floor.

"Whatever partner, I'm pretty good myself." Gu Shengsheng said nonchalantly.

"No, how about you chewing on it every day? Look at your messy table. You didn't know how to clean it up yesterday."

Mother Gu felt a headache and said, "Why don't you follow me and your father at all? We are both very hard-working people. Why are you so lazy?"

"Am I not your biological child?" Gu Shengsheng helped analyze.

"It's not who gave birth to me. Stop talking nonsense to your mother and me. Hurry up and get rid of this pile of garbage and take out the plate." Gu's mother immediately glared.

"Mom, I'll watch two episodes first," Gu Shengsheng said.

"Hey, I can't control you anymore, right?"

Gu Ma said and picked up the mop.

Gu Shengsheng glanced at it and shuddered.

In line with the principle of 'a good man never suffers immediate losses'.

He hurriedly stepped on his fluffy slippers and ran around.

Fortunately, the workload is not heavy.

It took only a few minutes to fool him.

Then I continued to click on "Soul Ferry" and started chasing.

The plot progresses to about two-thirds.

When Xia Dongqing and others began to change from 'witnesses' to 'participants'.

The identities of the three of them were gradually revealed.


In fact, it all has to be traced back to the ancient mythology of China.

It lives in Holly's body.

In fact, it is the reincarnated soul of Emperor Chi You.

Ancient times.

God created the first humans.

At the same time, the goddess was sent down to earth to teach human beings the knowledge of survival.

But as the goddess and human beings accompany each other day and night.

A feeling developed between them.

This feeling is called ‘love’.

During this period, the goddess Kohaku fell in love with a human being.

They were unwilling to return to the land of ‘Kunlun’ where they lived at that time.

After learning about this.

God was furious.

Because the goddess is supposed to be pure and innocent.

God stubbornly believes that human beings are a blasphemy to the goddess.

So God was very angry and wanted to destroy mankind.

Chi You, the leader of mankind, led mankind to war with gods.

But Xuan Nuya deceived Chi You with her feelings.

Indirectly leading to mankind's defeat in the war with God.

So the first humans were destroyed by the flood sent by God.

Chi You also died.

But the soul keeps reincarnating.

Eventually she became Holly's sister.

Holly is regarded as the second container for Chi You's resurrection.

When Dongqing was a child, Ya wanted to kill Chiyou to avoid future troubles.

It caused a car accident.

Holly's sister died in a car accident.

Holly exists as the second container carrying Chi You's soul.

Pluto Chacha is one of the first human survivors.

Because human lifespan was very long at that time.

God imprisoned these surviving humans in the underworld of his creation.

Chacha became the King of Hades after this.

Chi You is the brother of Pluto Chacha.

This also leads to why the underworld has been paying attention to Holly's movements.

See here.

Gu Shengsheng suddenly realized.

He accidentally glanced at the direction of the barrage.

Everyone's mood is generally the same.

"Damn it, Wang Xiaoya is a spy. He was so cruel. He actually killed his whole family."

"It's not easy for holly to grow so big."

"It's his fault, he's the chosen one."

"It can only be said that Amber's open mind has deceived too many people."

"What does it have to do with Amber? Without her, there are others. Falling in love is too over the top. Who can avoid it?"

"Haha, just like the previous stories, nine out of ten conflicts are caused by love, and those in heaven and underworld are no exception."

"The theme is very clear, but I still like it to be less magical. It's actually quite good to keep the previous rhythm."

"I agree, but on the other hand, the identities of the three of them are not easy to reveal."

"The more you think about it, there is no need to end it so early. It feels like there can be many stories interspersed in the middle."

"It's not easy to write about. Love, family, friendship and some social conflicts are all inseparable. If there are too many, the novelty will be lost. This degree is quite good."

The reason why holly eyes can see ghosts.

It was also caused by Chi You's soul.

Because before my sister died.

He has no eyes.

It's a blind man.

It was mentioned earlier in the ‘Celery Picking Incident’.

Holly's previous life name was Ajin.

Be a warrior.

During a march, he met a Zhao official who had an eye problem at the time.

At that time, Ah Jin gave Zhao officials water and dry food.

It was this one move.

There was a lot of affection between the two.

Later, Ajin was cut in half by the enemy.

Zhao Li wanted to save him.

It's a pity that Ajin only has half of his body left.

He didn't want to linger.

So he gave his eyes to Zhao Li.

I hope that the other party will use new eyes to help him see his lover Caiqin and the beautiful scenery in the country.

To this.

Zhao Li accepted.

But wait until you come back from reincarnation.

He exchanged this light for Holly.

Many netizens initially thought that Zhao Li was following Ah Cha's order to restore Dongqing's eyes.

Let the power that belongs to Chi You be released in Dongqing.

But it's not just that.

He repays the favor.

Repay the kindness of one water and one meal in the previous life.

So back to that.

What is the specific identity of Zhao Li?

Achun, who traveled thousands of years just to see him once, gave the answer.

Zhao Li was originally an eminent monk.

It’s called ‘Unnamed’.

He is born with wisdom.

He has entered the realm of great virtue at a young age.

I wanted to stay behind closed doors.

But it was in troubled times.

Without any choice.

The only thing is to go out of the mountains and travel around the world.

Then he uses his own cultivation to help the world.

Once Zhao Li met a female ghost.

But she failed in order to be saved.

Later, the female ghost begged Zhao officials to take her back to her hometown.

The female ghost merged with Zhao Li's guqin into a human form and danced with Zhao Li.

In the end, Zhao Li could not control his love for her.

It ruins the practice.

at the same time.

Pluto was also moved by Zhao Li's music.

Taking advantage of Zhao Li's protection, he stole his guqin.

Zhao Li then went to pursue him.

But he never came back.

In the end, Zhao Li sold his soul and memory to Hades in order to free the female ghost.

Become a ferryman.

The guqin became mute because of the loss of her lover.

The female ghost fell into reincarnation.

Because it ruined Wuming's practice as an eminent monk.

Since then, he has been cursed for the rest of his life.

There will be no peace forever.

"Li Zhao really made me cry when I saw this."

"We obviously like each other, why are we so cruel?"

"Pluto is so fucked up for doing such rubbish."

"Damn it, Ah Xiang waited for so long, but in the end he didn't even get a single comfort from Official Zhao."

"Hey, Officer Zhao lost his memory because of her. Nothing about this damn reincarnation goes as planned."

"It's hard to calm down. Why can most people be relieved of their endings, but only Axiang is so miserable!"

See this paragraph.

Netizens really couldn’t hold it any longer.

The most painful punishment is not forgetting.

But always remember.

A thousand years of time.

That must be so long.

Why didn’t I even get a word in the end?

Gu Shengsheng burst into tears.

These plots are actually very difficult to empathize with.

Because it's not practical enough.

People and ghosts have different paths.

A bit too magical.

But the central emotion conveyed in it is very powerful.

Unable to love!

Just these four words.

The explanation is extremely clear.

Tell me whether it's uncomfortable or not.

Zhao Li is the ferryman of souls.

Represents the underworld.

Ya is the Mysterious Lady of the Nine Heavens.

Represents the heaven Kunlun.

Dongqing is an ordinary person.

Represents all living beings in the real world.

three people.

Everyone has their own position.

Beginning with Holly's birth.

Zhao Li and Ya began to fight.

Tianjie feels that Chi You in Dongqing's body is dangerous.

In order to prevent Chi You from waking up, he always wanted to kill him.

And the underworld came back to life because Zhao Li wanted to help his good brother A Jin.

At the same time, Pluto Chacha is Chi You's sister.

He didn't want to see his brother Chi You killed again.

So heaven and underworld seem to have reached an agreement.

Supervise the reincarnation of Chi You.

Prevent its resurrection.

Zhao Li and Ya have always been by Dongqing's side.

Experience all kinds of joys and sorrows together.

Holly died unexpectedly during the process.

In order to save him, Zhao Li made him his ally.

To become a real human again.

And Ya fell in love with Holly.

In the Taishan Prefecture Jun Festival Incident.

Zhao Li wanted to make Dongqing truly human.

At the same time, let Lord Taishan take away Chi You's soul.

Let it kill itself.

Zhao Li also became Dongqing's eyes.

The three people continued to love each other in another form.

"I like Li Zhao so much! In the early stage, he is mysterious and handsome. In the middle stage, he is neurotic and funny. In the later stage, he is full of affection and justice."

""Old Things" is the best and most classic episode of "Soul Ferry"! I won't accept any objection. Therefore, while the other chapters were read at double speed, only "Old Things" was the one that I seriously read at the original speed. It uses the most ordinary stories to interpret the most shocking emotions. Does anyone have the same idea as me?"

"Being able to integrate so many traditional Chinese allusions, mythological stories, cultural customs and folklore and inject my own thinking into them to give them alternative warm or terrifying interpretations, forming a unique style, the plot written by Whale God is really amazing. What kind of movie should I make? Isn't the TV series good? The CP is very good, very good, and the emotional description is very healing. It is no exaggeration to say that "Soul Ferry" has surpassed 90% of the TV series on the market."

"Be bold, 99% of the time it's okay."

"The opening lines of many stories are also well written. The writing is so beautiful. The soul is the light. I saw the souls shining in the darkness, like fish schools in the sea, swimming in the world because of desire, because of love, because of a person. Small wishes, I saw them, their tears, their dreams, their love, their souls.”

"Breaking about "Soul Ferry"! This drama does have a lot of shortcomings, but they can be ignored! I have watched them all. It seems that the crew did not have enough funds, but the plot is by no means shoddy. Every story is very touching. There will be a lot of brilliance of humanity in the suspense thriller. It seems to be about ghosts, but in fact it is about people. It will be thought-provoking and very imaginative."

"Haha, focus on the key points, insufficient funds."

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