Not much wait.

The ad appeared.

The TV screen went dark.

It is an outer space background board made by special effects.

Then there is a voice-over.

"Broadcast to the world: Find another place to brew heavenly wine!"

The voice is rich.

Full of spirit.

Although Lin Hao knew that the advertisement belonged to his company.

What company can you cooperate with?

What brand of liquor is it?

Zhou Ren is in charge.

He doesn't know very well.

Now at first glance.

It's actually quite fresh.

Alcoholic day.

It's not a bad name.

The screen is continuously generated with electronic information.

It's like being inside a high-tech cabin.


The screen in front of me gave a bird's-eye view of the earth.

"The basic geographical information is now disclosed as follows, Tianchun Town, 106°22' east longitude, 27°51' north latitude."

The introductory voice continued.

Then the earth is continuously enlarged.

Came to a certain city.

above a country town.

"The altitude difference can reach up to more than 700 meters. The soil quality in the valley area is excellent, which can produce high-quality sorghum and wheat. Rocks, purple sand shale, and conglomerate were formed in the Jurassic Cretaceous period, 70 million years ago."

The sound never stopped.

The screen cuts to the soil.

"Purple soil with a thickness of 50cm and good water permeability."

Cut to wheat.

"Wheat grains are plump and even, suitable for making distiller's yeast."

Cut to sorghum.

"Sorghum grains are small, the skin is thick, and it is resistant to cooking and turning."

The scene cuts to a stream.

"Water, acidity PH7.1, rich in trace elements."

Every raw material for making wine.

Here are all emphatically introduced in detail.

It sounds a bit shameless and exaggerated.

But what about advertising?

It's okay without being a little deceptive.

There is no real deal.


Things are introduced.

Immediately afterwards.

Another small town overlooking the perspective raised.

Then the screens of multiple brewing began to rotate.

"Chongyang collects water, makes sand and moistens the beams, and transmits the code of nature to every drop of Tianchun wine. It is warm in winter and hot in summer, with little rain and little wind. The average rainfall is 800-900 mm, and the average annual frost-free period is as long as 359 days, which is conducive to the growth and reproduction of wine-making microorganisms, and plays a key and unique role in the brewing of the magical quality of Tianchun wine. Since the 1960s and 1970s, there have been Numerous brewing experts have tried to replicate the production of Tianchun Liquor in many places, but all have failed.”

This paragraph is over.

The scene cuts to the city under the neon lights again.

People come and go.

There is a lot of traffic.

"Now, broadcast to the world, looking for another place to brew Tianchun wine!"

It's still the sentence at the beginning.

It's just that he said it more confidently this time.

Can't help but be thought-provoking.

Just when the viewer thought the ad would end here.

The screen flashes.

Came to the wine table.

A man raised his wine glass and said seriously: "Is this wine? This is not wine. This is a warm river. It is the muddy water that once flowed through. It is the good medicine for the dark days and the trivial things that fell into the belly." , it is the fatigue that melts the blood, it is the hot and spicy touch, and it is also the future that fills the eyes with tears!"

Say it.

That's it.

"How about this advertisement?" Lin Hao asked Yu Lanxin on the sofa.

"I feel very good."

Yu Lanxin approved and said: "From the perspective of technology, it is very attractive to talk about it, and the man's monologue at the end is the finishing touch."

"Haha, let me lend you a good word."

Lin Hao said with a smile: "After all, the customer spent a lot of money, so it's okay if the effect is not enough."

"I believe in you." Yu Lanxin said seriously.

"Why are you so nervous?"

Lin Hao took her hand and comforted her: "I'll just say that casually, if it really doesn't work, the money will not be refunded."

heard the words.

Yu Lanxin rolled her eyes instantly.

With the broadcast of Tianchun wine advertisement.

Online comments about this liquor brand are also growing rapidly.

If it is said that the promotion of Huanghua Liquor gave them the impression of "ancient brewing".

Then Tianchunjiu is the 'only one that cannot be replaced'.

It's quite detailed.

All the rules are right.

From raw materials to soil.

From environment to climate.

It's like being blessed.

It must be here.

The repeated words before and after the two sentences are actually proving this point.

That is, there is no second place in the world where Tianchun wine can be brewed.

extremely rare.

"Hiss~ Alcohol is an exception this day?"

"I've never heard of this brand. It's new? It looks so mysterious."

"It's quite mysterious. It's true that the advertisement is well done, and it's a bit real. It seems that the brewing of this wine is not bad."

"Because of the last part of the ad, I have to buy a bottle and try it. It's so good. It's not wine. How could it be wine? This is life."

"Tianchunjiu, right? I'll go downstairs and ask."

"I'll go too, and see what the price of this wine is."

"Aren't you Tony?"

"Often the better the advertisement means the more rubbish the product, I don't believe it so much."

"Buy a bottle and try it out, what can you do?"

"That's right, don't you know if it's good or bad after you buy a bottle and try it, why are you still guessing here?"

It was admired.

Some people hesitate.

Some people disdain.

It can be said to be the appearance of all living beings.

But under the trend of curiosity.

Many people still plan to taste this wine.

It's okay not to watch ads.

This eloquent explanation plus copywriting brainwashing.

It's like a caterpillar crawling back and forth in their hearts.

how to say.


Just want to verify.

See if this wine is really as good as it is advertised.

So they rushed towards the surrounding tobacco hotels or shopping malls.

"Boss, do you have Tianchun wine? Have a bottle."

"How many degrees?"

"A high degree, a low degree is called wine."

"53-degree fine wine, 988 yuan."

"How much?????"


"Boss, forget it, I may not be used to the high alcohol, let's go low."


"Boss, is there any Tianchun wine?"

"Yes, what kind do you want?"

"Give me a cheap one first, by the way, is this wine good for the boss?"

"I don't know. This wine has just been released, so I took a few bottles to try."

"Just listed? Is it reliable?"

"I don't know, I haven't tried it yet, I'll see the feedback later."

"Okay, how much is this bottle?"

"388 yuan."


"Bring me a case of Sky Wine."

"One box?"

"Yes, a box."

"Okay, height?"


"5928 yuan."

"Ahem, cough, cough, it's so expensive."

"The price of this wine is high, why don't you change it to another brand?"

"No, that's it, I want it."


have eaten.

Lin Hao and Yu Lanxin also came to a nearby supermarket.

Planning to stock up on the fridge.

when taking something.

Just passed the wine area.

I saw a lot of people gathered around here.

He was pointing at the exclusive shelf for Tianchun Liquor.

"Is this the Tianchun Bar you saw on TV?"

"I saw the advertisement too, is this wine okay to drink?"

"I don't know. The new ones are quite expensive anyway."

"If you look at the meaning of the advertisement, the price is actually okay, after all, the production conditions are harsh."

"Hey, it must be fake. I have never heard of Tianchun Town."

"There really is such a place, look at the place of production, that's where it is."

"I searched on the Internet before, and Tianchun Town has a long history, and it is a place dedicated to wine making."

"So, I really have to try it."

"Not really."

A few men left.

The shelf was suddenly empty.

Not a moment.

One after another, people continued.

Lin Hao felt that the heat was not bad.

I didn't care too much.

After he and Yu Lanxin came back from shopping around the fruit section.

But he was surprised.

I saw the whole shelf of Tianchun wine here.

It is already empty.

There are many people around.


A chubby middle-aged man stuck his neck and shouted loudly: "Waiter, what's going on, is this wine still in stock?"

"I'm sorry sir, I just checked with the warehouse, and Tianchun Wine is out of stock."

After the waiter came in a hurry, he apologized and said, "Why don't you go to another place to see?"

hear this.

Another person was puzzled and said, "No, in a supermarket as big as yours, why do you only have this little stock in stock? If you say you don't have it, you don't have it?"


The waiter continued: "It is indeed gone, sorry everyone."

Although everyone is dissatisfied.

But it's not the same now.

They had to leave depressedly.

But that doesn't mean they've given up.

Supermarkets do not.

There are also smoking hotels.

Smoke hotel does not.

There is also an online store.

In short.

There are many channels.

They must be available.

The price positioning of Tianchun Liquor is not low.

It stands to reason that it shouldn't sell so fast.

But only one day passed.

Distributors across the country are showing signs of shortages.


This is not caused by shortage of supply.

It's because Tianchun Liquor is a newly listed brand.

Major dealers lack confidence in it.

Plus the price is so high.

So there are not many purchases.

It might be better in a big supermarket.

It's like an offline smoking hotel.

That's a real mix of good and bad.

The slightly larger ones may enter a few boxes to test the water.

The ones that are small don't even dare to touch them.

Tobacco and alcohol.

It's actually the same thing as eating.

Some people like to eat green vegetables.

Some people like to eat meat.

Some people like spicy.

Some people like it light.

Everyone has different tastes.

So the support for the brand is also different.

And a new dish was developed.

Before eating.

It will not be recognized.

Doing it well will indeed improve the appearance of the dishes.

But you have to try it to know if it is your favorite.

Runs do not meet taste buds.


It has to be verified.

And for new brands.

Some dealers have always been more cautious.

They won't be swayed by hype advertising.

Instead, I plan to see the market reaction first.

People love to drink.

Then they turn around and make more points.

People don't like to drink.

Then they can stop the loss in time.

The best of both worlds.

Why not do it?

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