On some level.

The power of brainstorming among netizens is terrifying.

The four judges can guess it.

They can as well.

Relying on the large number of people, the base is large.

Even the speed is not inferior at all.


The news that the man with the bandage was Yuan Zhiqi was spread by everyone.

And more and more people feel that they are inseparable after seeing it.

Identity and singing skills are so matched.

Looking at it, there is no suspense.

Yuan Zhiqi's fans also know this.

But they dare not admit it.

They are all deliberately creating false appearances.

Want to confuse.

Try not to let your idol lose the masked suspense.

Still struggling.

In a hotel.

This moment.

Yuan Zhiqi was also surfing the Internet while watching the show.

He was not surprised to see his identity guessed by netizens.

Singers who can hide from the judges may not necessarily be able to hide from netizens.

Not to mention that he didn't even hide it from the judges.

It's normal.

The only thing that may be uncomfortable is the deduction of points.

A full 50 points.

The next episode is likely to be eliminated.

the moment

You have to choose the song well.

The second singer to appear is Cat Queen.

The audience was a little unimpressed with her performance in this issue.

I even feel that it is not as bright as the treble in the first issue.

It doesn't make any sense.

I can't even arouse interest in guessing the identity.

It just passed by.

"The cat queen is not doing well this time."

"It doesn't sound good, change it."

"The original song has no feeling, and the change is nothing."

"She should be gone this issue, right?"


"There is still a replacement singer, she is basically cold."

between discussions.

The third singer plush giant enters the scene.

Did not say.

As a singer at the focus level.

Attention is high throughout.

And a ballad she brought is even more infectious.

Let countless listeners call it wonderful.

"This stuffed giant singer is really amazing."

After eating two mouthfuls of food, Mo's father couldn't help but commented: "What kind of song does it look like, and the voice is melodious, which makes people's hearts surge for a while."

"Hey, hey, you still use these words."

Mo's mother looked at Mo's father with contempt: "Stop showing off your junior high school culture, it sounds so embarrassing."

"It's embarrassing. Besides, what happened to junior high school."

Mo's father retorted: "I went to junior high school back then and it was pretty good. You think it's as good as it is now."

"Ahem. Dad described it as a bit awkward, but he's right, this stuffed giant sings very well."

Mo Xiaoyu agreed at first, but then added: "However, the original singer of this song is Wang Jiawen from our company, she is no worse than her."

Dad Mo didn't know Wang Jiawen either.

Hearing this just smiled.

Behind the plush giant.

Enter the astronauts.

Both Mo Xiaoyu and the netizens felt that the other party was not lucky enough.

In front of him was the king of singers from the previous issue.

There are replacement singers behind, ready to go.

His order of appearance.

It hurts no matter how you look at it.

Don't say it was a mistake.

The performance is not good at all.

Very harsh.

And at this moment.

The camera also happened to switch to the Darth Vader's lounge.

The other party's evaluation is quite explicit

What singing skills are average.

What opportunism.

Xiao Smart can't go far and wait for some words.

Obviously not optimistic about astronauts.

Between the lines, he didn't give any face to his peers.

"I'll go, what the hell is this black warrior, is the newcomer so crazy?"

"It's so ugly to speak."

"What the hell, he pointed at the astronauts as soon as he came up."

"It's probably a big guy."

"What's wrong with the boss? The astronauts haven't revealed their faces yet."

"It doesn't matter if it's revealed or not. Astronauts are at this age. I think there's nothing wrong with Mr. Black Samurai's comments."

Some people think that Darth Vader is pretending.

Some people thought he was just straight-tempered.

The debate continued.

mixed reviews.

But when the song is sung.

Everyone was taken aback.

Especially Mo Xiaoyu.

I didn't eat any food.

The whole person is like getting an electric shock.

Stand up straight from your seat.

Then he stared at the TV screen incredulously.

"What's the matter, what are you doing standing up?"

Mom Mo was taken aback by her actions.

Mo's father also looked over with a puzzled expression.

"It's all right."

Mo Xiaoyu stammered.

But the heart is turned upside down.

This song.

She had heard of it.

It couldn't be more familiar.

A few days ago, the boss asked her and Shan Qi to learn opera.


The second work that came out was this song.


What did she discover?

The astronaut turns out to be the boss!

Mo Xiaoyu was stunned.

She was stunned for a long time.

When sitting down again.

Mo Xiaoyu hastily picked up her phone and sent a message to Shan Qi: "Have you watched "The King of Masked Singer" yet? I'm almost scared to death."

"Looking at it, I'm not doing well. The boss actually participated in this music competition. I really didn't expect it." Shan Qi replied.

"I thought the boss wanted to enrich his singing skills and prepare for the next album." Mo Xiaoyu continued.

"Yeah, I thought so too at the time, what a surprise." Shan Qi said.

"No, I have to post a Weibo to support it." Mo Xiaoyu said.

"Don't mess around, don't affect the boss's game." Shan Qi hurriedly persuaded.

"I sent an astronaut, should it be all right?" Mo Xiaoyu hesitated.

"The main reason is that I'm afraid that some people in the company know that the boss is an astronaut. If they post it together, is it not right?" Shan Qi analyzed.

"What you said is also reasonable, but the boss learned the opera, only the two of us know?" Mo Xiaoyu asked.

"Just in case." Shan Qi said.

"Okay." Mo Xiaoyu agreed.

The song "Red Ling" came out.

The Internet is also completely blown up.

It is ancient and opera!

Who would have thought that the astronauts would still hide this hand.

It's too flamboyant!

It's too flamboyant!

Unexpected while not saying.

This song is as amazing as the previous song "囍".

Even the quality of lyrics is much higher.

Not only took over the interpretation of the plush giant in front.

Everyone even felt that this guy was better.

Especially sharp!

What a hidden astronaut.

I really don't know how many things are still left.

"I'm going to crack up singing this song."

"When the opera comes out, it's the same as the sound of suona, which makes me tremble all over."

"Hey, this astronaut is a dark horse."

"Dark horse? I don't agree with this word. From the current point of view, this guy is hiding in all directions, and the original voice has not been exposed. His strength is definitely not low."

"That's right, I think the upstairs is right, maybe the astronaut is not a king?"

"Impossible, you are just attracted by the works, how can there be such a young king."

"Who is he, I really want to know."

"Suona is matched with an opera accent, so I don't even give a chance to guess."

"This guy is too fierce, I feel something is wrong, he is definitely not an ordinary singer."




Astronaut's body.

It seems to be surrounded by these words.

That's nothing.

Two original songs in two games.

He really dares!

However, these two songs are very attractive.

Can't fault it at the same time.

Loved by countless netizens.

Follow up.

Then go through the judges' comments.

Everyone was even more shocked.

Seems like a novel song.

It contains so many things.

From song title to content.

Simply incomprehensible!

The astronaut steps down.

The black warrior who criticized him just now came up.

People were looking forward to it at first.

However, the song performed is really not up to the effect of the astronauts just now.

It's not even a star.

"That's it?"

"Is it singing like this after playing for a long time?"

"Brother Black Warrior is a joke."

"Bring yourself to shame."

"Laughing to death, I thought it was amazing."

"Singing is good, but nothing new."

"It's just average."

At this time, most netizens chose to side with the astronauts.

Spraying the black samurai who spoke badly in front was all over his body.

But when the anime witch show is over.

When the black warrior revealed his face.

They were taken aback.

the other party's identity.

It turned out to be Huang Zhen, a first-line singer.

This is so dramatic.

Huang Zhen participated in "The King of Masked Singer".

It was eliminated after only one issue.

Definitely big news.

And get this result.

Huang Zhen's fans quit in an instant.

They couldn't accept it.

"Why is it our brother who was eliminated? What is the level of an anime witch?"

"There are also supporters of astronauts. Isn't Huang Zhen worthy of criticizing him? What kind of superiority is there to show off? Don't think it's great to come up with a good song."

"A shady one? Is Huang Zhen better than an anime witch?"

"I accept the number of votes, are you sure there is no secret operation?"

"What? Say a few words about astronauts, you bastards can't stand it? Come, come and spray."

"You sang a good song and don't know what your last name is? You can compare album sales and popularity."

"This show is definitely tricky."

The army is coming.

The comments full of gunpowder continued for a long time.

Watching the image of the program being discredited.

"The King of Masked Singer" had to come forward to explain.

"The votes counted in the program are all real, and there is no means of cheating."

The official Weibo made a statement to clarify.

But Huang Zhen's fans didn't believe it at all.

Still making a lot of noise.

Seeing so.

Zhao Jinbin also didn't ask people to make other replies.

Discuss this with a bunch of runaway fans.

It's useless to say.

As long as other netizens are not brainwashed to follow the rhythm blindly.

"The darker the environment, the harder it is to grow!"

On the cusp.


Huang Zhen spoke up.

A short inspirational essay.

But it made his fans even more crazy.

"Brother don't cry, it's better not to participate in this kind of rubbish show."

"Yes, we can't change this dark environment, but we can turn our hearts towards the light."

"You didn't lose, what you lost was the routine."

"You're not here, I will definitely not open "The King of Masked Singer" again."

"Go away, don't look at it, don't look at it."

for a while.

The crowd protested.

These words made them feel the grievance and trauma that Huang Zhen had suffered in his heart.

Feeling sorry for idols is not enough.

as a fan.

Except for typing battles.

They can only resist this so-called shady program.

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