Do you still need an assistant?

Lin Hao was taken aback when he heard this.

Is this asking him?

And Zhao Jing naturally could see that the other party had some doubts on his face.

She thought for a while, and quickly explained: "I mean, how about letting me be your assistant in the future? Help you complete this manga."

"It's not necessary, is it?" Lin Hao was a little speechless. You are a cartoonist yourself, and you can draw well. How can you be his assistant.

"Why is it unnecessary, I have to help you with coloring later." Hearing what he said, Zhao Jing became anxious.

"I have no money for you."

There is nothing to be courteous about.

Lin Hao felt it necessary to remind this woman.

"I don't want money!" Zhao Jing was almost pissed off when she heard this, she thought she was someone, she really wanted to sew this guy's mouth shut.

"No money? It's free? Are you sure?" Lin Hao didn't know what to do as his assistant without money.

"That. Naturally, there are some other small requests." Zhao Jing's face became unnatural for a while, and her tone weakened.

"What request, tell me first, and I'll listen to it." Lin Hao was suddenly wary, the money that this woman tricked him last time was quite a lot.

"Aren't you the author of this cartoon, can you add me when signing the name, just write it as an assistant." Zhao Jing promised.

"That's it?" Lin Hao felt that things were not that simple.

"Also. I have to take care of my meal." Zhao Jing said with a pitiful look: "I don't even have a job now."

"How about this, in addition to coloring, we divide the work into painting, and I will give you another 5,000 yuan a month."

Lin Hao thought about it.

Zhao Jing's painting level alone must be higher than this price.

But this woman didn't cheat him a lot, so let's use it as a tool for now.

"make a deal!"

Zhao Jing didn't know what he was thinking, so she nodded briskly and said, "But do you have to give me the plot of the story in advance?"

Lin Hao felt a headache when he heard this.

If he draws it himself, the plot is all in his head, so naturally he doesn't need to write it out.

But it was different when Zhao Jing helped him draw. He had to write the story as detailed as possible, and he couldn't tell the other party the whole process with his mouth.

Fortunately, it is not so long to present in the form of text.

Lin Hao got it done after a few extra shifts.

For the rest of the time, the two cooperated well.

After the basic characters and models are colored, there is no need to change them later.

And Zhao Jing has been completely attracted by the story of Gundam, even if Lin Hao asked her to rest, the other party is still rushing to work day and night.

Lin Hao was very helpless about this.

It stands to reason that women should not like such subjects too much.

Perhaps the emotional entanglements in it moved her?

Lin Hao, who was not sure about the situation, could only return to work temporarily.

Seeing him back, Zhou Ren was the happiest one, but there was already resentment in his eyes.

Don't forget about Gou Fugui as promised.

It's good now.

It seems that he has become Gou Fugui and has forgotten each other.

"Damn it, you've been playing pretty these days, haven't you, and you know you're coming back." As soon as he got to work, Zhou Ren rowed a chair over to Xingshi to question him.

"Don't say that, I called you." Lin Hao spread his hands and said, "Who made you fail to ask for leave? Speaking of which, it's not my fault."

"Hey, I can't help it. If sister Yu doesn't approve it, why do you feel that you are such a special case?" Zhou Ren sighed, then couldn't figure it out.

"Because of this." Lin Hao pointed to his head.

"screw you."

As Zhou Ren was talking, he took out a bunch of plans from his arms and stuffed them to him, "It just so happens that you are back, show me quickly, this is what Sister Yu gave to a few of us newcomers, and told everyone to keep trying." , I have no idea at all, and I have been worrying about it for the past two days."

"It's been such a long time, and you haven't thought of one?" Lin Hao took it over and asked.

"Why not? I have handed in several copies in the past few days, but they just won't be approved. What can I do?" Zhou Ren complained.

He originally had the idea of ​​winning by quantity, even if he gave one.

But they were all killed.

It was too shocking.

At one time, I suspected that I was just being paid in this department.

"It's hard for you." Lin Hao comforted the other party by patting him on the shoulder.

"It's useless to talk less, take a look quickly." Zhou Ren urged.

Lin Hao nodded.

For this buddy.

He has no temper at all.

It can only be turned over page by page.


He stared blankly.

"I remember that the deadline for submitting the Parkway Coconut Milk Factory has passed?" Lin Hao pointed to the plan in front of him and couldn't help asking him.

"It's been a long time ago. I don't know why, but I came here again. Our company is really popular recently. Have you heard that Kairui Automobile is also an advertising copy from our company, but I asked Brother Meng and the others, They all said no, I wonder if the outside world has made a mistake.”

Zhou Ren analyzed a wave, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that there was a problem.

When Lin Hao heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

The text is indeed written by itself.

But because of the increased treatment, the company didn't say anything.


Lin Hao said so.

Zhou Ren didn't care, but shook his head and said: "The coconut milk you see is not good. This is a big contract. It may be misplaced. It's too difficult. The simple one is in the back."

"That's all." Unexpectedly, Lin Hao decided.


Zhou Ren almost thought he heard it wrong, this coconut milk factory is a big customer.

Immediately, his eyes lit up.

Looking around, he found that no one was paying attention to him, so he bowed his head to Lin Hao and said, "Quick, tell me what's going on."

Lin Hao nodded and began to explain softly in Zhou Ren's ear.

After a while, Zhou Ren blushed and raised his head, a little suspiciously: "Is it possible to do what you said?"

"Just this one idea, whether you like it or not." Lin Hao said bluntly, and he naturally thought of the famous coconut milk brand advertising method.

"Could it be a bit too feminine?" Zhou Ren hesitated, and a picture was generated in his mind, and he always felt that something was wrong.

"You don't care which one it is, as long as it can be used or made money." Lin Hao hated iron but steel.

"Okay, when it's done, I'll arrange for you."

It seems that he has made up his mind.

Zhou Ren kicked his feet and fled the scene of the crime.

Send Zhou Ren away.

Lin Hao also began to prepare for his next copywriting creation.

Since it is going to work, you must not lie flat.

And after enjoying the special treatment that shouldn't be there, he naturally had to show something.

As for the information about the major customers, Yu Ting has already sent him to the mailbox.

Lin Hao picked and picked, but there were not many to start with.

The price given by one of the milk tea companies is not bad.

Lin Hao thought about it.

Ad words can't help appearing in my mind

The next few days.

Apart from going to work, Lin Hao draws manga with Zhao Jing, and the progress of the manga has not disappointed him.

After Zhao Jing rushed to work day and night, it was completed very quickly.

As for the publishing house.

She even volunteered.

It was directly sent to the editorial department of the old club Baihe.

Lin Hao was speechless.

She felt that the other party was a kind of revenge mentality.

Not advisable.

However, it has already been sent out, so I can only listen to it.

Baihe Editorial Department.

Since the morning, Tan Zhifei has been busy reviewing the manuscripts delivered by the author.

Because it is a hand-painted manuscript, even if it is sorted out, there is still a thick stack.

well known.

The efficiency of their editorial department has not been good recently, and it has already touched the red line.

The boss got angry a few times, and none of them ran away, and they all got a solid meal.

Regarding this, Tan Zhifei was also very helpless. He had already cut off a lot of authors in his hand, and there were not many usable ones at the moment.

The comics industry?

That's it.

Originally, the audience was not large enough, and coupled with the lack of achievements, there is nothing to say about the current situation.

Tan Zhifei also felt a pity when he thought of the termination of the contract by some good painters.

But in the face of dismal sales.

It seems unnecessary to talk about these.

Think like this.

He started to look up.

There are still quite a few authors who have contributed recently, and the general environment seems to be waking up.

It's just that there are very few that can make his eyes shine.

Most follow suit.

Most of the female authors are talking about love, while the male authors are in the genre of spawning monsters from other worlds.

From time to time, some other ones can pop up, which is quite novel.

It's just that the plot is not attractive, it's too far-fetched.

Those that catch the eye are all very vulgar routines.

There is no way.

There are only a few popular themes in the market now, but there are not many choices.


Everyone is about to throw up.

Why is the benefit of the editorial department not good?

to be honest.

Can't come up with anything new.

So Tan Zhifei not only cares about the artist, but the story is also very important.

After looking at it for a while, he only felt that his eyes were going blind.

After taking a sip of tea, an old editor across from him also raised his head, as if his waist was sore.

After stretching, the other party greeted him and said, "How is it, Old Tan, is there anything new?"

"No, most of the female writers are in the love genre, and the male authors are more inclined to fight monsters in other worlds. There are a few magic stories that are barely okay, but the drawing skills are too bad. I feel that it is difficult for readers to accept."

Tan Zhifei sighed, and couldn't help but light a cigarette for himself and take a couple of puffs. This thing is refreshing, and it can be said to be a fetish in their office.

"My side is similar, there is nothing to choose." The old editor on the opposite side also clicked a road at this time.

The two smoked at each other, and soon there was a sense of immortality in the office.

It seemed to be infected, and more and more editors who bowed their heads joined in.

"Hey, let me have a look again."

Rubbing his temples, Tan Zhifei knew he couldn't give up, otherwise they wouldn't be able to deal with the boss, so they could only look down again.


He saw a familiar name appear.

Zhao Jing.

is her?

Tan Zhifei was slightly taken aback.


He couldn't help laughing wryly.

Speaking of which, this Zhao Jing is also the author he has worked with for several years.

What the artist didn't say was that he was a best-selling manga artist before.

It's a pity that the good times don't last long, the other party seems to have no way to get out of the subject matter, and has been going around in circles.

To be honest, Tan Zhifei hoped that the other party would make a breakthrough.

But the sales volume is really unable to withstand the pressure.

It's so bleak.

So the only option is to cancel the contract.

But what does the other party mean now.

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