See the characters come out one by one.

It's an ordinary thing in itself.

But Xia Xiaojun soon realized something was wrong!

He originally thought that the story would revolve around the protagonist Sakuragi Flower Road to slowly unfold.

But when Rukawa Feng made an elegant and handsome layup.

It really surprised him.

It's a bit preposterous.

There is also Akagi Takenori, who is called a gorilla by Sakuragi Flower Road.

The captain of the basketball team in Shonhoku.

This big center is not easy.

In contrast, in the length of the plot.

It seems that there is no real designation of who is the protagonist.

Everyone has their own characteristics.

Xia Xiaojun finally knew what was wrong.

This "Slam Dunk".

It turned out to be a group drama.

Come to think of it.

He was stunned.

Although Xia Xiaojun hasn't watched many anime.

But definitely not less.

Especially anime about basketball.

Eighty to ninety percent of the works on the market can be said to have been roughly scanned.

in it.

He can speak for sure.

Absolutely no work is developed from the perspective of all members.

All are indirectly reflecting how powerful the protagonist is.

A brief introduction of the supporting roles in the game is almost everything.

And this "Slam Dunk".

Didn't take the usual path.

Played a different way.

Don't say it.

Xia Xiaojun was successfully hooked up by him and became interested.

The main work is not bad either.

The cherry tree flower path that has just entered the thatched cottage.

Rukawa Kaede with superb skills.

Akagi Takenori who always has a straight face.

There are also a bunch of funny boys who are always interspersed.

Just this beginning.

It's quite enjoyable to watch.

at this time.

There are also a lot of barrage in the video.


"So lovely!"

"My God, the characterization is so strong."

"The plot and details are not comparable to the garbage animation of "Basketball Boys"."

"What's more, the 'Dream Weaver' can completely beat Tao Jianzhou, okay?"

"Who said that 'Dream Weaver' doesn't know basketball, it's just fucking bullshit, the two Tao Jianzhou together are not rivals, there is no harm if there is no comparison."

"Do I think Yingmu Huadao is the strongest, why do you think this guy is a joke?"

"In terms of strength, it has to be Rukawa Kaede, so handsome, too hot, look at this layup, it's done in one go."

"Don't worry, the story has just begun, Yingmu Huadao is talented, you have to give him time to grow."

Xia Xiaojun usually doesn't like to open the barrage.

Because it will affect the viewing experience.

But this time.

He didn't turn it off.

Probably a group of people thought similarly to him.

have the same feeling.

I just want to see more.

As for the strengths of "Slam Dunk" and "Basketball Boy King" that these people often mention.

In Xia Xiaojun's opinion.

In fact, there is no need to compare at all.





"Slam Dunk" can completely crush each other.

Not even breaking a sweat.

It's not that "Basketball Boy King" is not exciting enough.

But "Slam Dunk" has broken away from the upper limit of the original theme.

At present, the two are not in the same dimension at all.

How do you compare?

Not to mention "Basketball Boy King".

It is to pull out all the basketball animations of the same theme.

You have to bow your head in front of "Slam Dunk".

Episode eight.

Episode nine.

Episode ten.

outside the door.

Even though his mother has urged him to take a bath.

But Xia Xiaojun still didn't want to move.

Just followed like a fan.

Can't look away at all.

And when Sakuragi Hanamichi and Rukawa Kaede were struggling towards their basketball dreams.


Another heavyweight came on the scene.

And this person.

It is Mitsui Shou.

This is an unlikable villain.

his appearance.

Always accompanied by violent conflict.

Audiences don't like being mixed in by a bunch of punks in competitive sports.

It's like rat droppings in a pot of porridge.

The diaphragm is extremely responsive.

So I immediately criticized it.

I also hope that Yingmu Huadao can teach him a good meal by using violence to control violence.

But soon.

Mitsui Shou's Memoirs of the Apocalypse left everyone speechless.


You can't just look at people by their appearance.

This sentence is very suitable for this character.

Mitsui Shou used to be a general in Xiangbei.

And he was favored by the captain of Xiangbei at the time and thought that he could become the ace player of Xiangbei in time.

It's just that he injured his left knee in a practice game and had to be admitted to the hospital for treatment.

even so.

His desire for basketball has not stopped.

Shortly after being hospitalized.

In the case of injuries that have not yet fully recovered.

Mitsui Shou couldn't wait to sneak back to the team to play.

As a result, the knee injury recurred midway.

It made him who was eager to join the preparation team feel frustrated and painful.

During the official game.

Mitsui Shou stood alone in the stands with a cane to watch his team's game.

Strong self-esteem and a sense of loss of glory made him sadly bid farewell to basketball and the field.

After that, he gradually degenerated into a bad boy.

And in this violent conflict in the basketball team.

Miyagi called it "a person who is addicted to the past and cannot extricate himself".

To this.

The scarred Mitsui Shou did not explain too much.

But when his respected coach Anxi appeared.

His self-esteem and stubbornness finally couldn't hold back.

Complete breakdown.

Put your hands on the ground.

Kneeling on the ground and crying, he expressed his true feelings about basketball.

"Coach, I want to play basketball."

At this time, Mitsui was crying like a child.

He regrets it!

I really regret it!

And comic fans couldn't hold back when they saw this.

This episode shocked them too much.

"Fuck, I'm in tears."

"The prodigal son will not change his money when he returns."

"What kind of unwillingness is it to make a man cry and say this."

"I feel so sorry for Mitsui."

"What's wrong with him, he was also a person who gave everything for basketball, but he didn't get the results he deserved."

"Mitsui, a real man!"

Fans who have never played basketball before began to have mixed feelings in their hearts.

And fans who have played basketball can understand Mitsui's contradictory emotions.

Xia Xiaojun is one of them.

The last sentence "Coach, I want to play basketball" was like a knife inserted into his heart.

No matter how much you hold on.

I still felt something wet dripping from the corner of my eye.

the other side.

Fans of Tao Jianzhou originally planned to watch this "Slam Dunk" and then criticize it.

But with the deepening of the plot.

Don't talk about finding fault.

They just can't close it now.

each character.

Scene after scene.

They were so shocked that they could hardly speak.

Even if he didn't want to admit that Tao Jianzhou was defeated by the "Dream Weaver".

But I really can't find a reason.

The gap between the two works is really too big.

Big enough to be visible to the naked eye.

There is no dispute at all.

Those who know current affairs are Junjie.

Many people silently turned off the comment function.

Out of sight and out of mind.

Continue to watch the enemy's works secretly.


Many fans of Tao Jianzhou chose to quit.

Delete the previous comment.

Then he came directly to the 'Dreamweaver' lineup.

Started targeting Tao Jianzhou.

"I don't know if the buddy who said we can't eat grapes and said the grapes are sour is still here. Come, come out and have a chat."

"Those who want to hear our cries, I'm afraid I will disappoint you."

"We "Dream Weavers" don't understand basketball, so who else understands?"

"Come out, Team Zuipao, come on, tell me who is better between Tao Jianzhou and the 'Dream Weaver'."

"I really don't want to hurt your hearts, but your idol can't even match a finger of 'Dream Weaver'."

"The gap is too big, don't get involved with us in the future, okay, something like "Basketball Boy King" is not worthy at all."

After experiencing Mitsui Shou's small climax plot.

Fans of "Dreamweaver" joined forces to attack.

When the previous work was not online, it made the other party's group very proud.

If you have some achievements, you don't take people seriously.

Now it is natural to fight back.

And Tao Jianzhou's fans had already dispersed and ran away.

Now there are only a handful of people left.

They say a word.

You can say ten words here.


Not noisy at all.

It even took a few minutes for some people to send private messages.

Just do it to 99+.

I can't come back.

Many popular people almost smashed their phones.

at home.

Tao Jianzhou didn't watch the new work of "Dream Weaver" at the beginning.

Because he felt that he already had the chance to win.

But soon.

He sensed something was wrong.

Because of the "Sakura Animation Network" above.

The recommendation picture on the home page was replaced by someone else's.

How long is this.

Less than two days.

You don't care too much about yourself, do you?

So he hurriedly called his assistant and asked: "What's the matter with the recommendation picture on the homepage of Why did it change to someone else's work? Don't you know that my work is hitting a sales milestone? How can the backstage make mistakes? This kind of mistake?"

"Ahem. Teacher Tao, this is not a problem with the backstage, but the meaning of the leaders above."

The assistant was a little confused, not knowing why Tao Jianzhou had the nerve to say this, so he immediately explained as tactfully as possible: "It is said that there are too many negative news on the website."

"Negative news? What negative news?" Tao Jianzhou frowned in confusion.

"Isn't this the work of 'Dreamweaver' online?"

The assistant continued helplessly: "You know how popular he is, the website can't bear the pressure."

"Nonsense! What nonsense!"

Tao Jianming's volume suddenly increased a few degrees: "Could it be that 'Dream Weaver' was removed from the shelves because of its high popularity? What's the reason? Shouldn't the work itself speak for itself? I don't believe him. Fans can turn black and white, I have seen bullying, this is the first time."

The assistant was taken aback for a while.

What did Teacher Tao say?

What reverse black and white.

What bullying.

Now I am speaking with my works.

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