outside world.

Public opinion is booming.

Everyone talks about it.

About where the Côte d'Azur company will go next.

It is still a matter of concern to fans, friends and people in the industry.

Some people think that Certe d'Azur Company will understand the pros and cons and bow their heads to 'Cloud Ting' to admit their mistakes.

Relax the relationship between the two.

Then it's business as usual.

Others believe that the Côte d'Azur will not compromise easily.

Instead, they will choose to find another way out.

Because the singer 'Whale Falling' has never been afraid of anyone since his debut.

How soft can his company be?

Although the music platform "Cloud Listening" occupies about 70% of the market traffic share.

But there is still the remaining thirty percent.


Cote d'Azur would settle for the next best thing.

Just like those singers who jumped ship before.

To carry a second-tier platform with relatively not too bad traffic.

Netizens don't know the ins and outs.

It can only be a random guess.

But the people from the three major companies who were also watching the development of the situation knew it clearly.

This is no longer something that can be solved by the Cote d'Azur Company by lowering its profile.

It can be said that under their cooperation.

The other party has been completely kicked out by 'Yun Ting'.

There is absolutely no room for relaxation.

Break away from 'Cloud Listening'.

That means breaking away from the mainstream market.

The losses in all aspects are immeasurable.


They also both wanted to see how the other would resolve the dilemma.

Côte d'Azur didn't keep the group waiting long.

three days later.

All the works of all the singers under the banner have been uploaded on 'Echo Music'.

Since there is no announcement statement.

So not many people know about it.

Until Lin Hao posted a Weibo.

It can be regarded as making public opinion boil again.

"I would like to recommend a new music player to everyone——Echo Music, which contains my latest works for singers. I look forward to listening to you!"

Lin Hao didn't write too much either.

Just a few words.

But the amount of information inside is really scary.

New platform!

New product!

as expected.

The two still fell out.

"Whale God, I can only say that your company is really awesome."

"'Echo Music'? I've never heard of it, what the hell, isn't this a new platform for the cooperation of Certe d'Azur?"

"Nonsense, for sure, don't you need to think about it, download it quickly and see how it goes."

"I don't care so much. I am where the whale god is. I can't get used to listening to other people's songs except his."

"You idiot, I have long thought that 'Yun Ting' is not pleasing to the eye, so you can mess with whoever you want, go to his uncle, labor and management will not take care of you, delete numbers, delete numbers, no need."

"Fully support Whale God, just do it, nothing else."

"It's nothing to say, brothers, hurry up, download it again if you have money, and listen to new songs if you don't have money."

"Haha, the moment I saw Whale God's Weibo post, I turned over with enthusiasm, and suddenly realized that the data cable wasn't long enough, so I turned back."

"Xiuer, is that you?"

As soon as the news came out.

Lin Hao's fans should go all out after being shocked.

During the period, supporters of Ren Tang, Wang Jiawen, Shan Qi and others also attacked.

These people add up.

Not a small amount.

In an instant, a huge traffic group of tens of millions of records poured into the 'echo music' platform and began to register.

Almost crashed the server.

The technical department of the echo technology company was immediately busy.

Die-hard fans didn't say anything.

As long as it is a song written by "Whale Fall".

Don't care if you've heard it on "Cloud Listening".

Immediately said to download again.

And some ordinary fans aimed at those so-called new songs.

Open the 'Echo Music' player.

It's pretty eye-catching on the page.

The layout is fairly neat and concise.

Almost the list structure on "Cloud Listening".

All are listed here.

It's just that there are fewer people.

It does not have the unique authority of 'Cloud Listening'.

Currently there are only a few dozens of singers.

More than half of the rankings are empty.

That was really clean.


Everyone was a little confused.

This is a completely new and brand new music platform.

Doesn't it look too bleak?

"New platform?"

"The Blue Coast Company has such a big heart."

"Can this have traffic?"

"Aren't we just traffic?"

"But it's not enough."

"What are you afraid of? Believe in the whale god."

"That's right, the whale god is still afraid of no one, what a joke."

"I predict that it won't be long before this platform will rise completely."

After experiencing the initial apprehension.

Fans from all sides continued to show their support.

Everyone has the same opinion.

That is to unconditionally believe in "Whale Fall", a singer who can always perform miracles.

They have great faith.

But the outside world doesn't think so.

Especially the three major companies plus Mega Joya.

They guessed many ways and results of Côte d'Azur.

But there is no one in which the other party will choose an almost new platform for cooperation.

Really shocking.

What do you think he is trying to figure out?

Pick a secondary platform, and there are others.

At least I can make do with them.

Close the gap.

But what is this?

Give up on yourself?

Some of them couldn't figure it out.

So I deliberately opened this platform called 'Echo Music' to take a look.

for a while.

I can't laugh or cry.

Just a few resident artists and traffic.

Are you sure it's not self-destructive?

There is no hope of a comeback at all.

The decision of the boss of the Côte d'Azur company is really ridiculous.

It's like destroying these promising singers with his own hands.

What a pity.

In the office.

Ma Yanlin was also quite surprised.

He thought that after his work was removed from the shelves.

At least the Blue Coast Company will send someone over to ask about it.

The results of it.

Nothing was said.

After waiting for so many days.

The other party directly announced cooperation with the new platform.

Made a tacit understanding.

Ma Yanlin felt that the other party was a smart person.

But it's kind of stupid.

Because the partner finally selected is too small.

There is no competition at all.


Then again.

The other party does this.

It made him breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, it's better to watch the other party disappear than to see the other party become a behemoth.

Everyone was offended to death.

Do you still hope that the other party has a bright future?

Cut the weeds and root them out.

This is a legitimate business approach.

This moment.

Chen Yuanhao, who was ranked No. 1 on the sales list due to the removal of the work of the Blue Coast Company, has just downloaded 'Echo Music'.

Thanks to the withdrawal of the other party.

in a career as a professional singer.

This is the first time he has been able to sit at the top of the album sales list in a single month.

Even in the fight between you and me.

It has gradually widened the gap with the second place Peng Shaoyu.

pretty smooth.

These two days.

I saw all kinds of comments on the Internet.

He was still quite curious in his heart.

I really want to see if the Blue Coast Company can really break arms with 'Yun Ting'.

Chen Yuanhao himself admired the person 'Jingluo'.

Isn't it normal to support quietly.

Turn on the player.

On the big picture recommendation on the home page.

It was a singer named Xu Sijia.

The position of the upper left corner.

It is marked with the big characters of Côte d'Azur Company.

Needless to say.

'Whale Fall' is the new song written for her.

After Chen Yuanhao recharged.

I bought it without thinking.

Then click on the album.



"Big Fish"

"Annual Rings"

"Cool City".

He glanced at the title of the song.

Then play it directly in order.

After a while.

The music starts.

It started with the intermittent sound of the flute.

Relatively rare.

It didn't take a moment to blow it into a song.

Chen Yuanhao quickly reacted.

sort of like

Antique class.

How can you sleep without fireworks in Guanwai Field Store?

Who will add two pieces to my sleeves

On the third and fourth watch, the snow and wind continued to blow all night

It's just that the poor skinny horse didn't get a good rest


As soon as the singing came out.

Chen Yuanhao gasped.

Then his eyes widened.

Although he himself doesn't know much about this style of songs on weekdays.

But it doesn't affect his aesthetic point of view at all.

this song

the word

The artistic conception is a bit deep.

And this singer named Xu Sijia's singing is very three-dimensional.

Falling into a dream, dreaming for a few months, waking up for a few years

The past is sad and beautiful, but love is shallow

The partridge can hear the complaint and fly but can't return to the front of the hall

Who will reveal the old couplets whose red ink has faded

Listen to another paragraph.

Chen Yuanhao suddenly felt that it was a big loss for 'Yun Ting' to lose 'Jing Luo'.

No matter where such a singer is.

His works are all inviting to stop and listen.

Maybe less traffic.

But the old saying goes.

The aroma of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley.

Fans will definitely come slowly for high-quality works.

For the first time, Chen Yuanhao felt that he was taking advantage of spending money to listen to music.


I search for you thousands of times from sunrise to dusk

I am ups and downs

I search for you thousands of times and one year old

But you're never in dimly lit places

While singing the chorus.

Chen Yuanhao closed his eyes and savored the taste carefully.

An old-fashioned song.

There is always some small temperament in it.

very unique.

It can quietly penetrate into the soul of the audience.

Let the perspective instantly have a sense of time travel.

It's like being in ancient times.

"The song is really good!"

This kind of work.

If you make him sing, he can't sing.

But Chen Yuanhao really liked it.

He didn't rush to listen to the following songs.

Instead, he opened the sales ranking list and took a look.

Just for an instant.

Chen Yuanhao was completely stunned.

No. 1: "Sea of ​​Stars" - Singer: Whale Fall - Downloads: 1224055

No. 2: "Displaced Time and Space" - Singer: Whale Fall - Downloads: 1,052,145

No. 3: "Both Elegance and Popularity" - Singer: Xu Sijia - Downloads: 985524

No. 4: "The Most Dazzling National Style" - Singers: Lu Ping, Zeng Zhihao - Downloads: 605522

No. 5: "Ordinary Man" - Singer: Yang Xiaolin - Downloads: 532254

No. 6: "Skyline" - Singer: Wei Zhenping - Downloads: 401155

No. 7: "Song in the Thorns" - Singer: Ren Tang - Downloads: 394523

No. 8: "Regain" - Singer: Wang Jiawen - Downloads: 366645

No. 9: "The Last Lesson" - Singer: Zhou Bowen - Downloads: 345511

No. 10: "Go" - Singer: Shan Qi - Downloads: 342155

Within the top ten.

It is not surprising that all the singers of Weilan Company dominate the rankings.

But the two old albums of "Whale Falling" have exceeded one million downloads respectively.

And it also beat Xu Sijia's new album.


What the hell is this appeal.

It's so scary.

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