Early stage of album release.

It's not just Qi Zhi who is listening to the albums of these four singers from Côte d'Azur.

Other singers who released albums at the same time are also listening.

Except for Xiao Yayu and Gu Dong.

Everyone is very clear in their hearts.

Côte d'Azur singer releases album.

The column for the main lyrics and song will definitely have the word '鲸除'.

There is no second person to come.

And the singer of "Whale Falling" is like a mountain.

These little characters like them can't breathe.

Never mind if he sang it himself.

As long as his work is online.

That means others will be expelled.

this theory.

It has been verified in battle after battle over the past two years.

Each of his works is quite capable.

And it can directly fly some singers.

Such as Shan Qi, Mo Xiaoyu, Wang Jiawen, Ye Huanyu and other passer-by singers who were previously unknown.

After one or two albums of precipitation.

It helped them consolidate their popularity and status.

Now almost all of them have reached the first-line level.

It's scary to think about it.

There was even a rumor circulating in the industry.

Want to be a hit.

Want to step up to the sky.

Getting into a big company is useless.

Look for 'Whale Fall'.

He can help you achieve your dreams at the fastest speed!

Netizens send nicknames.

Human Booster!

Think about these messages.

Everyone couldn't help sighing.

Those first-line singers and heavenly kings and queens couldn't stop the attack.

What can they do?

Ling Pei and He Jun had already tasted the feeling of being crushed when they were on the rookie singles list.

Peng Shaoyu also shied away when releasing the album.

As a spectator, I have watched "Whale Falling" fight alone against the three major companies.

among them.

Mental quality is relatively good.

Maybe only Chen Yuanhao, Xiao Yayu and Gu Dong are left.

Chen Yuanhao is because the intersection between him and 'Jingluo' started from the invitation song.

There is no unnecessary hostility between the two.

to be honest.

He has never been beaten by the opponent.

So there is only sensory fear.

As for Xiao Yayu and Gu Dong.

It's the more ignorant type.


They are not stupid either.

through online reviews.

How many can guess some.

But it needs to be verified again.

See if it's a 'whale fall'.

So successively.

Ling Pei played "Wedding Invitation Street"

He Jun played "On the Moon"

Peng Shaoyu played "Twilight"

Chen Yuanhao played "Never Return"

Xiao Yayu played "If"

Gu Dong played "The Last Train"

Listen and watch again.

Not long after.

Several people became silent in unison.

They all have a similar feeling in their minds.

This September seems to be taking more than just summer away.

And take their music dreams away.




Fans are happy.

This September, although some top-notch celebrities were absent.

But the album is really much more.

I can't even hear it.

quality bar.

It has not reached the point where the dung sea is full of maggots.

A lot of eye-catching.

It is absolutely enough to pick and choose.

among them.

The dynamics of the singers of the Côte d'Azur company have always attracted more attention.

Whether it's a fan of 'Whale Fall'.

Or their own fans.

Or most passers-by fans.

The first choice is here.

Old fan Wang Jing arrived first.

Send the album news of several people to the fan group.

Then he picked out the song and listened to it.

For the works created by "Whale Falling".

She has always been unconditional support.

No audition required.

Buy it first.

Even four albums.

Not stingy at all.

As for which singer to listen to first.

She directly chose Zhou Bowen.

She followed up and watched all the programs about "I Am a Producer".

compared to the others.

Zhou Bowen's Cantonese songs are very nice.

She really likes his voice.

took a look

Then a piece of "Orphan" was played randomly.

The prelude to the song.

It was the sound of a violin.


Should be a group.

Wang Jing thought it sounded a bit diffuse.

Quite magnificent.

my sad

set off your sadness

Sorry for the embarrassment

It's good to be a lovelorn at the same time

I and you are finally matched

The beginning of the song seems to be telling slowly.

Melancholy sad track.

Wang Jing listened very comfortably.

But she couldn't understand the lyrics just by listening.

Still have to watch.

Pay attention to the combination of visual and sound.

your happiness

I will pretend to be happy

At least the voice is closer

I only blame myself for being wrong

I'm more afraid that you will start to have allergies

Zhou Bowen's voice is very charming.

Soft and delicate.

Wang Jing's heart trembled.

Suddenly I felt like I was going to be a fan.

On weekdays.

She also listened to a lot of Cantonese songs.

Can clearly distinguish what type you like.

The other party is obviously qualified.

And it's pretty good.

Orphans against lovers

Temporarily get through the ups and downs

Never be alone in the sea of ​​suffering, at least depend on each other

Pedestrians shuttle

humming for you

you are never alone

Don't care about intimacy when there is no one

The two temporarily borrow the spark

This minute seems like a partner is at least not alone

Ruo Ping subdue your storm

be harmonious as before

you need me first

The lyrics are very humble.

The humbleness is shocking.

Wang Jing didn't know if her understanding was correct.

Probably mean it.

It's like I'll be there for you when you need me.

And when you don't need me, I won't show up either.

Transition into emotional opposites.

It's the overwhelming sadness that's spreading.

Light in the front and light in the back.

Front-heavy and back-heavy.

Wang Jing was deeply touched.

At the same time, the worship of "Whale Falling" deepened.

His lyrics.

It's always been so meaningful.

Come to yourself.

She quickly played other songs.

Has your original wish come true?

Do we have to pay homage now?

Let the years dry and ideals never find the real me again

Look up at the starry sky

The star that accompanied me at that time

do you remember the story here

next song.

still remember from your mouth

say goodbye firm as iron

There is an illusion of scorching sun in the dark

dusk horizon

draw a farewell

love into eternal night

still remember from your eyes

tears falling heartbroken

There is an illusion of burning tears in the chaos

dusk horizon

cut off happiness

love has been disillusioned

Another song.

I stand at the intersection of memories

Collect the loneliness that runs amok in my left chest

naked loss

clear pain

I can't say tears because of the wind

I follow the arrow of fate

Reluctantly move forward into the arms of the next person

love you not enough

you want me to let go

Who knows in the secret garden of time

you never left

The more Wang Jing listened, the more she couldn't extricate herself.

Like a scholar hungry for knowledge.

Constantly flipping through books.

wander among them.

at this moment

More and more people have the same idea as Wang Jing.

for them.

Except for the combination of Lu Fan and Zeng Zhihao, Legend of Tomorrow is almost interesting.

The albums of the other three singers are not bad.

It's a song that you want to hear again and again.

Great for infinite loops.

It's too catchy.

Straight to the deepest part of the soul.

"I love it, love it, Yang Xiaolin's "Twilight", "Orchid Finger" and "Old Boy" are invincible, if you don't accept it, let's fight!"

"Wei Zhiping's "Broad Sea and Sky" and "If" are overbearing."

"Stop making trouble, "Lonely Runaway" and "The Last Train" don't match?"

"I advise you not to argue, "Wedding Invitation Street" is the strongest!"

"Watt? The Cantonese song is the strongest?"

"What's wrong with Cantonese songs, do you understand?"

"Laughing to death, it's far away, okay?"

"Could everyone please stop farting, the lyrics and music you're talking about are all written by 'Whale Falling', are they all equally good?"

"The same Der, Mandarin is the strongest."

"Hehe, Cantonese is not bad either."

Finish listening to the song.

Countless fans began to recommend their favorites.

Push and push.

The painting style has changed.

Everyone thinks what they like is the best.

Do not allow others to refute.

The results speak for themselves.

Talk to each other.

Full of gunpowder smell.

Don't look at the lyrics and music of these singers are all written by one person.


It doesn't work.

We must fight for a high and low.

Except for 'whale fall'.

That is no one will accept anyone.

Each works his own way.

album sales chart.

It was Yang Xiaolin who made the first effort.

Be the first to take the top spot.

Wei Zhenping followed closely behind.

Behind is Zhou Bowen.

The Legend of Tomorrow duo had the worst sales.


It is directly at the bottom.

Rao is so.

In this tide.

The sales of other singers who released albums at the same time became bleak in an instant.

Ling Pei and He Jun are still making money.

But after them.

Only screams remained.

Not only the meat in the pot is invisible.

You have to queue up to ask for soup.

Whether to give or not is another matter.

"Damn it! Certe d'Azur will make the list in May, and it will also make the list in September. It's still killing people."

"Why do I feel that 'Whale Falling' alone is more ruthless than the three major companies?"

"Don't give me a way to survive? If you can't beat it, you won't let me join. Is it just that?"

"Brothers, 'Whale Fall' has to release an album in November."

"Are you really speechless, three months a year?"

"Someone come and stop him quickly."

Many singers cried out.

But no one will sympathize with them.

The reality is so cruel.

The major media had no interest in reporting on this month's album sales list.

But the Côte d'Azur company came out without an announcement.

He forced them to write the manuscript.


Not much.

They all won.

Not even an opponent.

They don't know how to spark contradictions and attract people's attention.

Most can only boast.

Tired of boasting.

Just rely on the three major companies.

Why waste some heat.

And on the "Cloud Listening" album sales list.

The ranking is far from finalized.

Although the vast majority of fans feel that there will be no surprises.

But two days later.

Still something has changed.

It was quite sudden.


I don't know who leaked the news.

Some of Legend of Tomorrow's Divine Comedies began to spread out of nowhere.

Immediately afterwards.

The middle-aged and elderly attacking team made their debut.

Instantly became the most solid backing for Lu Fan and Zeng Zhihao.

They don't know how to beat the rankings.

Also won't buy the album.

I don't even know what software to use to listen to it.

But they are going to dance.

To listen to music.

Go to hello.

How to do it?

without him.

Only conscription can be used.

Ever since.

The majesty of the elders began to be manipulated in every family.

In an instant, countless people trembled.

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