I went viral when I attended my ex-girlfriend's wedding

Chapter 254 I will be responsible for you if I bring you here

I don't know if it's because he took off his shirt.

Lin Hao felt his body turn cold.

Sitting shirtless by the wall.

This coolness is getting heavier and heavier.

Even from time to time, the brain began to experience slight dizziness.

He bit the tip of his tongue.

The only way to keep yourself awake is through the pain.

The heart keeps sinking.

This is the current state.

It seems to be a sign of excessive blood loss.

The situation is worse than imagined.

One of his legs was about to lose feeling.

I thought I could wait quietly for the rescue team to arrive.

But time doesn't allow it.

Lin Hao raised his head.

not far away.

Zhao Jing has already climbed up several meters along the intricate falling rocks.

Seems like a pretty simple behavior.

But stepping down some broken stones from time to time is full of danger.

Inside the cave.

Most of it is limestone.

The hardness itself is not high.

Although it looks pretty solid when stacked together.

But in some places, it will completely shatter when touched lightly.

It's all a gamble.

"Watch your step, be careful."

Lin Hao couldn't help reminding her loudly.

Zhao Jing seemed to have never heard of it.

Climb a few boulders again.


She has already seen the gap above.

Immediately he looked happy.

"You can go out through the hole above. Although it's quite high, we can definitely climb up." Zhao Jing, who came back again, happily reported to him.

"Then what are you doing back here?"

Lin Hao was puzzled and said, "Go out first if you can."

"No, I have to take you with me." Zhao Jing said solemnly.

"Take me away? I struggle to stand up, how can I go with you?"

Lin Hao smiled wryly and said, "If you can go out, you can call the rescue team for me."

"You said that the rescue team is too busy, how can they take care of me, and this is in the mountains, even if you shout, how much time will I spend going back and forth."

Zhao Jing looked at the T-shirt on his leg that was once again stained with blood, and said, "You can't wait any longer with your current injury, we have to go out together."

"Let me try first."

Lin Hao did not refute.

In fact, Zhao Jing was right.

Delay any longer.

Your body will only get worse.

There is nothing wrong with waiting for the rescue team to arrive.

The premise is that your body can hold on.

If not.

Well than wait.

Self-help became the only option.


Lin Hao stood up strongly.

He was sweating profusely while taking a deep breath.

My whole body trembled.

The feeling of pain in the legs has been magnified many times than before.

It is a state of tension.

Now it is another state after relaxing.

He could only grit his teeth and hold on.


Zhao Jing saw his reluctance.

Hastily came over to help.

"Hurry up, move fast, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for too long." Lin Hao said decisively when he felt something began to flow out of the wound.

"I see."

Zhao Jing nodded.

The two hit it off.

Start climbing up quickly among the boulders.

Lin Hao didn't bow his head.

His calf was so painful that it was already numb.

I can feel the energy in the body disappearing little by little.

But the exit that Zhao Jing saw really had a chance.

The current cave.

Except for a circle of rock walls standing still.

The entire middle part collapsed in as if it had been hit by a nuclear bomb.

Under the devastation.

Kind of like a basin.

They were about twenty meters away from the top.

That is the height of six or seven floors.

Not too far.

But the foothold is not as regular as the stairs.

The places that can be climbed are intricate.

Stones of different sizes are stacked into various shapes.

There are bottomless ravines everywhere.

Pause every few steps.

Extremely slow.

Rao is so.

Zhao Jing also almost stepped on the air.

A huge boulder shattered before it could stand still.

If it weren't for Lin Hao's quick eyesight and quick hands.

She had already fallen into the dark gap.

"It's almost there, hold on."

The gap is getting closer.

Can be under the light.

Lin Hao's complexion was extremely pale.

Zhao Jing saw that she was very anxious.

It can only be to keep encouraging him to persist for a while.

"I try my best."

Lin Hao's hair was soaked with sweat.

He was panting heavily.

He strained his nerves to stay awake.

But the scene in front of him was getting more and more shaky.

Take another step.

It was actually black in front of my eyes.

He fell down uncontrollably.

I don't know how long it has been.

When Lin Hao regained consciousness again.

Some chatter can be heard in the ears.

Seems to be about patients and doctors.

There are also sounds that may be howling from pain.

mixed together.


He wanted to open his eyes and see.

But the eyelids seem to weigh a thousand catties.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't lift it up.

Tried several times.

Can only choose to give up.

Keep it this way.

He can only detect information with his ears.

But it's a pity.

Those arguments gradually disappeared.

The surroundings suddenly became quieter.

He felt trapped in his subconscious.

The spirit is awake.

But the body is still sleeping.

Struggled with this situation for a long time.

It wasn't until he lost consciousness again that it was over.

And this time.

Lin Hao seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

after waking up.

He could finally open his eyes.

Ever since.

I saw the familiar light again.

The nurse who was helping him with the medicine couldn't help but be surprised when he saw him open his eyes: "You've finally woken up after being in a coma for two days."

"Excuse me, where is this?" Lin Hao regained consciousness and said hoarsely.

"Qianzhou City Third People's Hospital." The nurse replied.


Lin Hao was startled.


Are you saved?

Images flashed in my mind.

He suddenly thought of Zhao Jing.

Hastily looked to both sides.

It was found that the other party was not here at all.

Immediately prop up your body and get down to the ground.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

The little nurse was startled, and hurriedly held him down and said, "Your legs are not healed yet, you have to pass before you can get off the ground."

"It's okay, I have to find someone." Lin Hao said urgently.

"I know, looking for your girlfriend, right?"

The little nurse pressed his shoulder hard and explained: "Don't worry, she's upstairs in the ward, she's fine."


Lin Hao was startled when he heard this.

He didn't continue to resist.

"That's right, it's Zhao Jing, right?" the nurse asked.

"You know her?" Lin Hao was stunned.

"I didn't know each other. It's just a deep impression. I remembered it by accident. Your girlfriend is so kind to you. When the rescue team sent you two over, she said that she just carried you out of the rocks in the cave." Yes, there are extensive abrasions all over the body, but fortunately the wounds are not deep." The little nurse continued.

"What? She recited me?"

Lin Hao's complexion changed drastically.

A look of disbelief.

His heart seemed to be tightly clenched by a big hand.

Almost suffocated.

Just Zhao Jing's thin body.

Carry him out of the cave.

Even if there is not much distance left.

But it's definitely not that easy to do.

"No, I was taken aback at the time, the relationship between the two of you is really good." The little nurse said with emotion.

"Can I go and see her?" Lin Hao asked hastily.

"not now."

The little nurse shook her head and said, "You should take good care of your wound first, and wait until the sutures are almost healed before going down to the ground. If the wound is opened, it will be more troublesome."


Don't talk anymore.

People went to the bed next door to work.

And Lin Hao couldn't lie down after hearing about Zhao Jing again.

Until the nurse finished her work and left the room.

He propped himself up to sit up.

May be excessive ischemia.

My mind is still a little dizzy.

As the nurse said.

The wound on the leg is easy to open.

Lin Hao dared not take any risks.

But there is no other way.

Just saw a broom next to it.

Directly grasp the lever and unscrew it as a temporary small crutch.

There are many people in the corridor.

The nurses are simply too busy to go back and forth between the rooms.

Casualties from the earthquake are everywhere.

Look at the current situation.

Still increasing continuously.

But Lin Hao didn't have time to be sad.

When the elevator was blocked, he changed to the stairs.

Obviously only one floor away.

He insisted on walking for half an hour before arriving.

Ask about the room information of Zhao Jing at the front desk on this floor.

The destination was found quickly.

Push the door and enter.

It is also a multi-person ward.

It's much quieter here.

Certainly not those accompanied by family members next to the bed.

can be filtered directly.

Go straight in.

until the fourth bed.

Lin Hao just saw Zhao Jing who was wrapped up like rice dumplings.

Even the face.

A piece of gauze was pasted on it.

See this scene.

He was very upset.

Can't tell.

The way is unknown.

Feeling stuck in my heart like guilt.

"The injury hasn't healed yet, why did you get out of bed?" Seeing him walking over with a broom stick, Zhao Jing saw him at a glance and asked immediately.

"I'm worried about you, come and have a look." After speaking, Lin Hao sat next to her.

"There is nothing to worry about, I'm fine." Zhao Jing said carelessly.

"It's okay? Then why are you wrapped up like this?" Lin Hao asked amusedly.

"Just a few scratches, it looks like a lot, but in fact it will heal within two days." Zhao Jing didn't care.

Lin Hao didn't believe it at all.

He lifted up the edge of the gauze on her leg and looked at it.

Although visibility is poor.

But the skin was rubbed off.

The seeping blood was wiped away.

But still showing a reddish purple.

The wound is not deep.

But it can't stand the large area.

The newly grown skin will have a color difference.

Where is a day or two can be good.

Zhao Jing said so.

Just don't worry him.

"What are you doing."

Zhao Jing glared at him: "Look at my thighs, are you a hooligan?"

"Does it still hurt?" Lin Hao asked.

"It doesn't hurt much, but it's inconvenient to wrap so much gauze." Zhao Jing shook her head.

"What did the doctor say, it won't leave scars?" Lin Hao asked without answering.

"It's okay, just keep it for a while."

Zhao Jing said.

His eyes turned to the side.

"The nurse said you carried it back for me, why are you so stupid, can't you just go first?" Lin Hao said looking at her.

"I called you to Qianzhou, of course I have to be responsible for you." Zhao Jingyi said sternly.

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