The time has just entered December.

Lin Hao, who hadn't been sick for a year, suddenly developed a high fever.

Accompanied by a severe cold, runny nose, and severe throat pain, the body seemed to have suddenly lost its resistance.

There were no symptoms before the illness.

Woke up at night and suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Infusion in the hospital.

The fever subsided quickly.

But the cold and throat are not completely healed.

You can only take the medicine first to see the follow-up effect.

Due to physical reasons, he also did not go to the company, but chose to rest quietly at home.

Except for some necessary things that require standing up, most of the time I lie in bed, my head is heavy, and I am really too lazy to move.

Received a notice from workers yesterday.

It was said that the decoration of the new house was finished, and he needed to go to check and accept it.

He originally planned to go there today to take a look, but he was attacked by the virus, so he had to postpone it for a while.

After playing a little game of "The King of Kings", Zhao Jing brought him a cup of hot water and said, "Drink more water when you are sick."

Lin Hao sat up and nodded, without being polite, he took it and drank it down.

Everything else is actually fine, it's really irritating to have a throat scratched like a knife.

"What's for lunch, I'll make it for you." Zhao Jing asked.

"Don't bother, just order a takeaway." Lin Hao said in a hoarse voice. He didn't eat in the morning, and he was indeed a little hungry.

"Wait, then."

Zhao Jing put down a few words and went downstairs.

It took about half an hour or so for her to come back.

It's just that I didn't take takeaway at all, but brought a bowl of noodle soup with eggs.

There are a few green vegetables floating on it, and it smells good, and it looks quite attractive.


Zhao Jing handed him the chopsticks, and put the noodle soup on the bedside for him.

"What did you do?" Lin Hao asked with a cough.

"The delivery time is too long, I'm afraid you won't be able to wait, and you'd better eat something lighter now." Zhao Jing didn't deny it, but reminded.

"I saw you always eat instant noodles before, and I thought you couldn't cook anymore."

Lin Hao spoke with his uncomfortable throat, and the voice he said was like a 'little clip', which made him very embarrassed.

"I just don't like wasting time." Zhao Jing explained lightly.

"sorry to bother you."

After Lin Hao finished speaking, he took a bite with his chopsticks.

But soon, his face became a little strange.

"Well, is there any pickles at home?" He raised his head and couldn't help asking.

"No, what's the matter?" Zhao Jing frowned, she didn't usually eat, so how could this happen.

"It's okay, I'm just a little hungry."

Lin Hao smiled, and didn't care about the fact that the other party forgot to put salt, and immediately gobbled it up. After finishing the bowl of noodle soup, he picked up the document next to the bed and handed it to her: "This is the story of the next work. , and some pictures of characters, you can take a look first."

Zhao Jing took it curiously.

He looked down at the name.

"One Punch Man?"

She murmured softly.

Then keep scrolling backwards.

The first thing that comes out is the picture of the protagonist.

It looked so funny, she couldn't help but burst out laughing with a 'puchi'.

"Are you so special as the protagonist, with a bald head?" Zhao Jing was amused to see it, and at the same time admired his brain, it's really big.

It's just the protagonist's style of painting.

Compared with his previous works, there are two styles.

However, this kind of fighting theme is quite common.

"Normally, he has hair, but it's all gone." Lin Hao explained.

In terms of image, in fact, Saitama with hair is quite handsome, no matter which anime he puts in, he can stand up to the protagonist.

But the setting of this anime is that ability is inversely proportional to appearance.

less hair.

The stronger the power.

It belongs to the category of sword walking slant.

You must know that reducing the image value of the protagonist will dissuade the audience to a certain extent.

If you don't make a good first impression, why would others waste time on you?

And at this point, the plot of wanting to promote before suppressing plays a key role, making the "one-punch mode" more refreshing.

The protagonist template does not need the conventional form of stepping to gradually become stronger, and does not even need a high-IQ planning strategy, what is played is crushing.

The main character doesn't have to be handsome.

But you have to be strong.

This can be regarded as the characteristic of "One Punch Man".

Invincible genre.

"Okay, I got it, then you should have a good rest, I'll go down and have a look." Zhao Jing went downstairs after finishing speaking.

Wait until the other person leaves.

Lin Hao also felt a little sleepy here.

I swiped my phone for a while, then closed my eyes and fell asleep.

the other side.

Peng Shaoyu, who had been delayed for a month, finally ushered in the release date of his album, feeling quite high-spirited.

Thankfully, I listened to my agent's advice.

Take a look at the sales charts for November.

The killing is really in the dark.

The media reports are crazy.

No matter how you look at it in music news, you can't get around this battle.

And 'Whale Fall' and the three major companies are the protagonists of this battle, and the final result is that the seemingly weaker side won.

Compared with last year.

In addition to the change of singers.

Everything else remains the same.

Now who wants to release a song at the same time as "Whale Falling".

At least you have to weigh whether your level is enough.

The king of heaven and the queen of heaven are the most basic.

The endurance in the heart must be strong enough.

Otherwise, it is easy to be hit easily.

No. 1: "Displaced Time and Space" Downloads: 7812552

No. 2: "Embracing the Sun" Downloads: 3,852,254

No. 3: "Attraction" Downloads: 3,452,556

No. 4: "Freeze Frame" Downloads: 3,416,522

With an album sales of nearly 8 million, 'Whale Falling' is more than two Shin Shaohongs alone.

Even in the historical sales results, this album has also squeezed into the top ten, and the gap with the previous ones is still gradually narrowing.

The most speechless thing is that after the four singers made such a fuss in the market, the singer who released the album later was called a miserable one.

Behind Ai Bing, the number of downloads in the fifth place is only a mere 700,000. Although he is not a queen, his popularity is not too weak.

On weekdays, it is also a singer who has easily sold over one million.

But in the vortex of the battle between several people, they almost went straight back to their hometown.

I am terrified after thinking about it.

But there is also something to be thankful for.

After the battle in November, although there are many singers released in December, the popularity is obviously not too high.

The three major companies are all silent.

There are no blockbusters coming out.

It is estimated that after the "whale fall" and the media hit hard, it has not slowed down yet.

This is an opportunity.

You have to hold on to it.

And with the release of his album titled "Born to the Sun".

Peng Shaoyu is also always paying attention to the sales performance.

The performance of the past few days was really impressive.

It directly came to the eighth position on the sales list.

Almost approaching seventh.

It shows that most fans still agree with his work.

Peng Shaoyu himself was very excited.

It was the first time he had come to such a high position.

In the past, it was difficult to sprint to tenth, but this time the start was so high.

But soon.

His heart sank.

Because someone was chasing after him.

And it's fast.

The name of this catch-up album is called "Go".

He clicked it curiously to see who the singer was.

The next moment he was stunned.

Shan Qi.

This name is a bit familiar, I always feel like I have heard it somewhere.


he thought.

It was the young female singer who sang with "Whale Falling" before. The other party seems to be called by this name, and it seems to be quite popular recently.

Peng Shaoyu suddenly felt a little flustered.

Although not 'Whale Fall' himself.

But don't know why.

As long as I get in touch with the other party, I always feel uncomfortable, like some kind of allergic symptom.


You have to listen to it to rest assured.

What if the other party came prepared.

Think like this.

He ordered an audition.

"Fish Out of the Deep".

The name is quite thoughtful.

It begins with solo piano accompaniment.

The speed is slow, with a touch of loneliness.

The beginning of this is probably a love song, but I don't know the quality.

As if to answer his question, a delicate voice suddenly began to sing slowly.

I'm a fish trying to escape the depths

Exchange loneliness for resonance frequency

Tired of always being in the same sea

waiting for a day to die peacefully

The other party's voice was nice.

The thickness and depth of the voice are merged.

Such a condition makes me feel like singing a love song.

At least Peng Shaoyu felt ashamed of himself.

Suddenly felt a burst of irritability in my heart.

The visitor is not good.

It was hard to avoid a god.

Who would have thought that there would be another partner singer.

The situation suddenly became chaotic again.

I've seen too many deserted islands

Meeting you was an unexpected adventure

Chanting a mantra when it rains heavily

The scales have faded and I hear you whispering in my ear

The feeling of irritability is getting stronger.

The emotion of the song progresses layer by layer.

Cooperating with the originally fast rhythm, it immediately aroused a sense of resonance.

The opponent's sudden accentuation pierced through Peng Shaoyu's defense line.

I want to touch the gravel across the tide

I can see the distant sky more clearly

Sunset and Dawn Day and Night and Seasons

It's all the scenery that falls in your eyes

I want to breathe hard and walk in the wind

Falling into the sea of ​​people, feeling the intimacy of embracing each other

Names forgotten by time

So I started to believe in the meaning of life

Peng Shaoyu suddenly shuddered.

The timbres of the other party's chorus and verse began to transform.

And the damn lyrics are so beautifully written, it hurts my heart a bit.

Speak the truth.

That's a plus.

Think about the title track of your own album.

Compare the two.

I always feel that there is little chance for him to keep the eighth place.

Peng Shaoyu took a deep breath.

Can't help but get closer to the creator who wants to see the lyrics.

Wait until a familiar name emerges.


His whole body was petrified.

that day.

In the entertainer's lounge, Peng Shaoyu's voice that seemed to be crying was not crying, and the sound of smiling was not laughing.

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