Even if we don't talk about the exam, how can we guess the truth?


Spy World

"Indeed, betrayal from someone you helped is the most painful thing."

Lloyd said seriously.

It's like being betrayed by the organization.

If such a thing really happened, he would definitely turn evil.

So the question is.

How did my uncle keep his original heart?

He called that hellish start good.

It means that he has experienced countless tragic experiences in another world.

But he still chooses to help others.


What is his spiritual sustenance?

"Huang Hun, you are an excellent spy. Use your work to find the clues in this video."

"What is the spiritual sustenance of my uncle in the other world? It must have appeared in the video!"

After thinking for a moment,

Lloyd's eyes lit up:"Sega game!"

That's it!

In the dungeon, in order to prevent himself from going crazy, he kept muttering the content of the game!

Sega games have long become the spiritual pillar of my uncle!

This is like some well-trained soldiers in my own world.

Even if they are caught, they would rather die than surrender because of their ambitions.

How similar is my uncle's heart to them!

Although Lloyd can't understand why a mere game can bring such great power to people.

But he also sincerely admires his uncle.

"Even if they go through numerous difficulties, will they be firm in their hearts because of what they love in their hearts? Even if such people become agents, they will be the best ones."

He thought silently.

Aniya was stunned when she heard her father's voice.

To be honest, she was also frightened by her uncle's appearance at first.

But after hearing her father's words.

She stared at the orc face on the screen seriously and said:"This man is as handsome as Bonderman"


Detective Conan World

"I just checked Sega games and found that many of them are adventure themes."Mitsuihiko said

"We all know that in previous games, the protagonist, as a brave man, went through numerous hardships to save the princess."

"I think my uncle often plays this kind of game, so after traveling to another world, he also hopes to become a hero."

"That’s why he didn’t go down the evil path."

Who hasn’t dreamed of being a hero when they were young?

It’s just that my uncle has always kept this dream in his heart and has always practiced the justice of a hero.

In other words ,

"It’s not just Sega games, but also because my uncle is pure at heart and just wants to follow his favorite game characters as role models."

"I didn't have any evil intentions at all."


The world of Steins;Gate.

Hashida adjusted his glasses

"I always feel that we otakus are looked down upon."

"A otaku who has not been influenced by society will give everything for the things he likes!"

"Why can my uncle stick to his original intention? This question is really stupid."

"Of course, it was because when my uncle first crossed over, he was just a 17-year-old otaku who had never been exposed to society."

"So he is very stubborn."

"He only does things that he thinks are right. As for the darkness in people's hearts...what does it have to do with him?"

"Uncle! I would like to call you a role model in the otaku world!"

The other people in the institute were silent.

There was no way to refute it.

If anyone here knows otaku best, it is only Hashida Shi.

And what Hashida Shi said makes a lot of sense.


The audience had different opinions.

At this time, the answer was announced.

【The answer is: People who play Sega games, all abilities are increased by 10%】

【The answer is: People who like Sega games and are pure at heart, all abilities are increased by 30%】

【Answer: Because my uncle likes Sega games, he is a pure otaku at heart, and all abilities are increased by 50%】

【Now reveal the perfect answer】

【My uncle likes games and is a pure otaku at heart. He has always practiced the justice of the protagonist in the game and helped others.】

【Not only that, in order to stick to his original intention, he used magic to seal up all the memories that might make him waver.】

【Even though this magic has a certain probability of turning him into an idiot, my uncle doesn't care.】

【PS: The above are all personal opinions. 】!!!

When seeing the perfect answer, all the audience were shocked by the uncle's behavior.

Risking becoming an idiot, sealing the bad memories?

The uncle's willpower……

"I want to say sorry~"

"Me too, when I first saw my uncle, I also thought he was a very wretched person"

"I saw the title of the video and knew that my uncle was a good person, but when I saw that face, I couldn't help but think that this person was disgusting."

"Now it seems that I am the disgusting one."

"I can't do this if I'm in your shoes."

"My uncle is a real man!"


The video continues.

【Famous scene 2: Now the world is dominated by virtual anchors!】

"Indeed, now I prefer virtual anchors to real people, after all, they are very cute"

"What’s going on? Could it be that the content of this video is that a live streamer who gained millions of fans through a virtual image revealed his true appearance during a live broadcast, and then all his fans ran away?"

"If this is the case, although it is also a case of the three views following the five senses, it is not a famous scene, right? After all, we can all think of it."

"Indeed, I feel that the content of the video is likely to be very exaggerated"

"Ah, after watching the last video, I was looking forward to this video."


【Familiar apartment, familiar Fujimiya, familiar uncle】

【This time, while Jingwen was out shopping, his uncle wanted to know how Fujimiya fell in love with Jingwen.】

【However, Fujimiya did not want to be a man like his uncle.���chat】

【Then, the uncle said:"It's not okay if it's my uncle's words," and left the room. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Fujimiya felt remorseful when he saw this, and chased after him to apologize, but then he was stunned for a moment.】

【Because, when you open the door of the room, what comes into view is an elf beauty who is so beautiful that it cannot be more beautiful!】

【The other person was so beautiful that it was shocking. Even Fujimiya couldn't help blushing when he saw her.】

【Her sister stammered,"Who... who are you?"】

【The elf replied:"Jingwen's aunt"】[]

【Fujimiya was stunned for a moment, and before he could say anything more, he heard his aunt say,"Tell me what happened in the past. We are all women, so there is nothing to worry about."】

"This beginning really amazed me."

"To be honest, I thought it was an elf that traveled through time to look for my uncle. I never expected it was my uncle who transformed. Damn it!"

"My uncle really spent a lot of money to listen to the love story."


Another world, uncle world.

Another world


The elf blinked shyly, then covered his face.

"That guy actually turned into me?"

"He said that using transformation magic will change your heart...Isn't he aware of my feelings?"

"No, no, this, this…what should I do?"

But as he said this, the elf was suddenly stunned.

"Wait, wouldn't it be better if he actually noticed?"

"Will he come back for me?"

The elf couldn't help but look forward to it. At the same time.

"Ah? So, the protagonist of the video with the highest number of views is still my uncle?"

"Damn! If you can transform yourself into a magician, why can't you transform into a handsome man or beautiful woman from another world and play games every day? If that were the case, this account would have at least tens of millions of fans now!"

"I never thought that my first love was actually a middle-aged man. I don’t want to live anymore."

"Wait, Min-na-san, since your uncle can transform into this person, that means he has seen him in another world before, right?"

"Even if there are handsome men and beautiful women everywhere, isn't this appearance still too unreasonable?"

"She looks so good without makeup and wearing a tattered hoodie. I can't even imagine how beautiful she would be if she dressed up a little."

"Also, what is the relationship between this elf and my uncle?"


Blessings for a better world

"Oh my god, this elf is so beautiful!!"

Although her figure cannot be seen because of the hoodie she is wearing, but from the body she shows, you can tell that she is not too small.

She is beautiful and has a good figure.

"What kind of different world is this?"

Sato Kazuma was so envious

"Kazuma, what do you mean?" Aqua smiled with narrowed eyes,"Are you saying that this goddess is not pretty enough?"

Sato Kazuma said bluntly:"If you put aside the fact that you are a fool, you are indeed pretty."

Aqua is good in every way.

But because she is like a fool, people will subconsciously ignore her appearance.

Aqua pouted immediately after hearing this, and knocked on Sato Kazuma's chest with tears in her eyes:"You are too much"

"You are the idiot!"

Sato Kazuma shrugged indifferently and said,"But speaking of it, who is this elf to my uncle?"


This is the common thought of all viewers at present

"Although I've heard that elves are all very good-looking, this is too good to be true, right?"

"If there were such an elf in our world, she would definitely be the most beautiful woman in the world."

"So, what is her relationship with her uncle? Why did her uncle become like her?"

"Maybe it’s because this is the most beautiful person my uncle has ever met in the other world, so it turned out like this?"

"No, it doesn't feel that simple."

"It must be that simple. Don’t forget what happened to your uncle in the other world. How could such a beautiful elf fall in love with him?"

"That is to say"

"Anyway, keep watching, although I can roughly guess what will happen next."


The content behind it is so easy to guess.

My uncle recorded a video in the image of an elf, and it became a big hit.


Even if you can guess it, it doesn't matter.

After all, my aunt is so beautiful. Just seeing this face, they can watch it.


【Just at this time, Jingwen came back】

【When he saw the elf, he was silent for a moment and said,"Uncle"】

【The elf immediately said:"It's my aunt, she must die"】

【Seeing that his uncle was unwilling to admit it, Jingwen changed his words and said,"Speaking of Taltz"】

【When talking about his favorite game characters, my uncle immediately started to argue, but he didn't think about how an elf from another world could know so much about Sega games.】

【Jingwen confirmed the identity of the elf and said speechlessly:"Since there is such magic, can't we just change our faces when we are in another world?"】

【"Don’t make it sound so simple." My uncle started to explain:"When your body changes, your mind will also change, and you may not be able to maintain your self."】

【"Only use in extreme emergencies"】(Good)

【Jingwen held his forehead and said,"So you are using transformation magic now to listen to love stories?"】

【But then he suddenly thought that this was a good thing, and immediately changed his words:"Hurry up and record a video!"】

【My uncle didn't want to at first, but when she heard Jingwen say the name of the game, she immediately became excited.】

【After the recording was completed, my uncle wanted to watch it again in person, but Jingwen stopped him because he wanted to entertain Fujimiya.】

【My uncle thought so too, so he entertained Fujimiya for a while.】

【By the time I recalled the video, an hour had passed.】

【He clicked on the video he had just uploaded and was stunned. There was only himself in the video, and no game screen at all.】

【My uncle couldn't help but say,"This video doesn't have any game scenes at all. Who would watch this kind of video? Look at the number of views.……"】

【When he saw the number clearly, his uncle's pupils trembled:"200,000?!"】

【Jingwen raised his hands as if he had expected it:"It's completely popular!���As expected, virtual anchors are more popular than stinky uncles now! Packaging as beautiful girls is the mainstream of the times!"Big】

【My uncle was staring at the comments on the video, all of them were cute, no one was paying attention to the game】

【His face suddenly darkened, and he said,"So you are the same?" while restoring his body to its original shape.】

【So, the beautiful elf face turned into a greasy middle-aged orc face.】

【Because the picture is too impactful】

【Fujimiya instantly lost color with fear and cried,"No! Disgusting! Disgusting! Ahhhhhh!!!""】

【Jingwen clenched his fists:"Great! As expected!"】

【My uncle is sitting in front of the computer and doubting his life】

【The three of them are dancing wildly, and all have a bright future】

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