The night was almost half over, and the whole community was already in a bloodbath, with many people being devoured by monsters.

However, the remaining survivors basically understood the rules of survival on this first night. As long as they were quiet and silent, there would be no problem.

But the managers showed another state.

"Nanqie: Okay, there are two minutes left until the halfway point. Have you drawn the additional rules?"

"Bidongqie: The drawing is complete, the rule is "ferocious and violent"

"Nanqie: For the first day, it's a good thing, at least I won't draw it again later"

"Kaxiqie: Ha, when zombies and hounds learn to ram doors, I wonder how many people will suffer"

"Ruqie: Not only that, the hounds' sense of smell, the zombies' hearing, the lickers' vision, and the pseudo-human's imitation ability will all be greatly enhanced, and their hunger will also reach its peak!"

Seeing these messages, Cheng Xu's brain began to work rapidly.

He couldn't act immediately, otherwise it would only arouse the suspicion of the manager.

First of all, the most vulnerable part of this house is the window. With only two minutes left, it was too late to find reinforcement materials.

So Cheng Xu chose the best hiding area for himself, a bathroom without windows.

Facing monsters with greatly improved detection capabilities, Cheng Xu began to think about how to deal with this situation.

The anti-theft door is the biggest way for Cheng Xu to contact the outside world, especially the lower area where there is even some air leakage, which is likely to cause his own smell to escape.

Facing the hounds with enhanced sense of smell, Cheng Xu decided to block the gap of his door with cloth and sprinkle seasoning, detergent, laundry detergent and other substances on it to confuse the hounds' judgment.

As long as the hounds can't find him, the other two monsters will not pose much threat.

After all, hiding in the toilet, as long as Cheng Xu doesn't make any sound, the detection methods of zombies and lickers are completely useless!


A bell suddenly rang in the community, and all the survivors heard the sound.

A moment later, they received a notice from Roselle.

"Survivors, the results of tonight's midnight lottery have been revealed!"


"The curse you drew is "ferocious and violent"!"

"The monsters will show their madness, be prepared!"

Cheng Xu pretended to be stunned for a few seconds, then quickly ran to his sofa, pulled off the sofa cover, and blocked the bottom of the security door.

Then he ran to the kitchen, took a bottle of vinegar and a bottle of cooking wine, and poured them on the sofa cover...

Soon, the living room was filled with the smell of seasoning, which was very pungent.

Cheng Xu was still not at ease, so he went to the bathroom to get a bottle of laundry detergent and poured half a bucket.

The smell at Cheng Xu's door had become extremely strange, fragrant and sour, with a slight smell of cooking wine, diluting his human taste.

After doing all this, Cheng Xu immediately took all his weapons, ran to the bathroom, closed the door, and blocked the door hinge with a mop.

Then he spread two unused bath towels near the door crack and poured the remaining half bucket of lavender-scented laundry detergent on them.

Finally, Cheng Xu placed the crossbow beside him and sat on the side of the bathroom door, holding the hilt of the dagger in his right hand, ready to attack at any time.

He did all this before four minutes had passed, and the monsters' violent effects had just taken effect.

"Teng Qie: Damn, did you see that?! A genius! A genius who has been bound by human society for a long time!"

"Ten Calyx Qie: Okay, okay, I know you like that guy, but you don't have to praise him so much, right?"

"Tian Qie: It's worth it. This guy completed the reaction within five minutes of seeing the message and hid himself in the safest place..."

"Shui Qie: When he draws skills tomorrow, if he draws survival skills, he will probably be the champion of the initial screening."

"Teng Qie: Hehe! From now on, I will only support this guy!"

Cheng Xu sat on the floor, feeling the temperature of the floor heating, letting his breathing gradually relax to avoid being too nervous.

Less than half a minute later, Cheng Xu vaguely heard a very noisy howl coming from outside.

It sounded like a group of stray dogs gathered downstairs and they were attacking each other.

"It's started..."

In the survivor group, someone posted a photo, which was actually taken outdoors.

The photographer of the photo is standing on the branch of a big tree.

A group of zombies passed by, but they didn't seem to notice him.

Cheng Xu looked at the ID and found that it was the guy who was deceived to find weapons just now. He was not dead.

"Seeker: There are no weapons here. I searched all the bushes and found nothing. If I can go back alive tomorrow, I will definitely find all the people who deceived me one by one!"

Cheng Xu carefully observed the location in the photo and found that the guy should be near Building No. 7, not far away from him.

"I have to walk around him tomorrow to avoid being entangled by this lunatic..."

Just as Cheng Xu was checking the information, some noisy sounds appeared in the corridor, as if someone was laughing.

Cheng Xu listened carefully to those sounds and judged their movements.

Some sounds of claws touching the ground came from the corridor, accompanied by that weird low laugh, wandering around Cheng Xu.

Those sounds came from a group of corrupt hounds gathered, they were searching for humans that could be used as food.

Cheng Xu held his breath unconsciously because a hound ran to the neighbor's house next door and was sniffing near the wall behind him.

The obvious inhalation sound made Cheng Xu instinctively nervous.

After a while, Cheng Xu heard a short roar, and the hounds left.

"It seems that such measures are still useful..."


The hound downstairs of Cheng Xu suddenly roared, and a rapid sound of hoofs hitting the ground suddenly sounded in the corridor.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

A house downstairs was being hit, and the hounds had obviously found prey.

The three survivors hiding in a house were panicked, and the sound of some metal objects falling to the ground came from the room.

The sound was so loud that Cheng Xu couldn't help shaking his head.

Sure enough, this sound aroused the violent ferocity of the hounds, and they began to tear and scratch the security door.

"Help! Help!..."

The helpless survivor wailed, but this only earned him the scolding of his companions and the sniggers of the hounds outside the door.

The corrupt hounds, roaring like hyenas, finally knocked the valve of the door lock loose, and the shaking door revealed a small gap, through which the teeth of the greedy hounds could be seen.

Red corrupt pus leaked into the door, bringing a stench like hell.

The survivor, who had been frightened, did not run away, but turned his head to look at his friend, and then stretched out his hand to the hound like crazy...

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