The admins were discussing something related to "Ho-Lo God" in the group of administrators.

"Bidongjia: Team leader, is it necessary to weaken this survivor?"

"Nanqie: This guy is the sponsor's special choice, requiring us to show the high level of fungal consciousness and to have a high viewership for a period of time..."

"Bidongjia: But so far, there is only one viewer in his live broadcast room"

"Nanqie: That one is the entire Wager fungus group, a unified consciousness spanning an entire galaxy"

"Nanqie: Our "Mycelium Nest" and "Deep Sea of ​​Consciousness" maps are sponsored by their group"

"Bidongjia: So what do we need to do next?"

"Nanqie : To divert the flow, the "killer" and the "fungus consciousness" must have a direct conflict, so that more people will look at him."

"Teng Qie: Why don't you try to tell him the weakness of the "fungus consciousness"? "

"Shi Calyx Qie: When arranging the props, I deliberately made the weakness so obvious, he wouldn't be unable to see it, right..."

"Teng Qie: That's right, such a large crystal, still exposed, who can't see it as a weakness..."

"Nan Qie: There's no need to rush yet, the fungus group hasn't urged, as long as the "killer" doesn't leave early, it's fine."

In fact, Cheng Xu suspected that the crystal was the opponent's core from the beginning.

But because this guy exposed his weakness so much and used it as a weapon, it was too conspicuous, and it was hard to believe that the crystal was really the core organ.

Feng Jue and Zheng Yu on the ground were almost completely swallowed by the hyphae, and the black fragments drilled into every orifice of their bodies.

As the "fungal consciousness", Hou Yang enjoyed this process very much. Each fungal filament was attached with his consciousness. When he devoured other people's bodies, he could always experience the pleasure of being in a superior position.

"I like this feeling so much... It's like I have become a higher species... Hahaha! You lowly human ants!"

"Buzz... Bang!"

A powerful crossbow arrow swept past the two dying people and hit Hou Yang's first "clone"!

The tip of the crossbow arrow directly hit the clone's chest, and a small pit was dug outside the crystal.


Hou Yang roared like a beast, threw Feng Jue and Zheng Yu to the ground, and grew a lot of hard shells around his body, waving black fungal hyphae angrily.

"Impossible! He Luoshen's spiritual network will never go wrong! There is absolutely no one here!!"

"Thorny Eggplant: I finally know what convert fanaticism is. You haven't yet connected to the real fungal consciousness..."

"Breast Eggplant: That's right, I thought the sponsor really had the power to cheat openly"

"Vine Eggplant: It's a pity that this arrow is not strong enough..."

Cheng Xu took a deep breath, adjusted the crossbow and arm crossbow in his hand, and shot two crossbow arrows at the same time, aiming at Feng Jue and Zheng Yu lying on the ground respectively.

One crossbow arrow hit the heart, and the other hit the back of the head, killing the two on the spot.

The host that lost its vitality could no longer support the survival of Hou Yang's strain, and immediately turned into dry fragments, sliding out of the orifices of the corpse and scattered all over the ground.

"Who!! Great God He Luo! Please tell me who is preventing me from evolving to a higher level!!"

Just when Cheng Xu was about to make a move, a silver fishhook suddenly fell from the sky and swung slowly beside Hou Yang...

His human-like body stared at the fishhook for a few seconds, and suddenly twitched, and a large number of hard shells suddenly burst.

"Yes... I will listen to you... You are finally willing to say a complete sentence to me..."


"Light Shadow Kill" was activated, and Cheng Xu, who was still in stealth mode, flew out like a crossbow arrow and went straight to the crystal!

After stabbing with a knife, Cheng Xu felt the hardness of the crystal, and turned to cut it with his backhand, and cut the crystal out!

"Chaoying Tu Mi" was instantly activated, and Cheng Xu stepped on the shadow and was about to escape with the crystal.

But at the moment when Cheng Xu's fingers were about to touch the crystal, he felt a trace of palpitations for no reason.

That was the killer's instinct warning him that the crystal contained extremely terrible energy and must not be touched by hand!


Cheng Xu could only use "Hundred Files" to attack again and stab the surface of the crystal.

After a successful attack, Cheng Xu quickly retreated away from that crystal.

A clone.

Instantly, a group of fragments flew out of the crystal, and a large number of black spikes rose from the soil and stabbed at the position where Cheng Xu was just now.

"I feel you! I finally feel you! Bugs!!"

Hou Yang gradually locked Cheng Xu's position based on the pressure changes from the ground. Just when he was about to launch a large-scale attack, another pressure source appeared in his perception.

"Friends... help this tired traveler..."

A man in a dirty leather coat appeared in the roundabout, with an extremely exaggerated huge backpack on his back.

"Get out of the way!!"

The furious Hou Yang swung the hyphae and smashed it directly on the body of the "Tired Traveler", smashing its body in half.

Of course, this attack was just a side job. Hou Yang's main target was Cheng Xu hiding behind the "Tired Traveler".

The "Tired Traveler", with only half of his head left, still bared his teeth and looked at Cheng Xu, whose invisibility was invalid.

"Actually... I can always see you, let's talk..."

It responded with a sharp slash, completely cutting off its head.

"You finally came out, little bug!"

The violent Hou Yang had grown several times larger than before, and the clone was also swallowed by him. He didn't know where the crystal was hidden in his body.

"I originally wanted you to submit to the great will of the fungus master, but none of you mortals really understand the beauty of collective consciousness..."

Hou Yang's new body, which was more than five meters tall, looked very intimidating, looking down at Cheng Xu.

"I will make you my strongest clone and ensure that your talent and strength will not be wasted..."

In an instant, dozens of hyphae fell from the sky and directly covered Cheng Xu's position, leaving no gap!

Relying on the power of "Shadow Dance", Cheng Xu instantly moved behind Hou Yang to avoid this overwhelming blow.

But Hou Yang, who had the mycelium, sensed Cheng Xu's whereabouts at the first moment, and the spikes that had been lying in ambush in the ground instantly shot out and stabbed Cheng Xu's abdomen!


Cheng Xu, who had just transformed from the shadow into a physical body, was stabbed by a whole row of spikes, and the powerful force directly threw him into the air.

Thanks to the soft armor and the crystal scales on the abdomen, Cheng Xu was not hurt.

"And you have such solid crystal scales... I think you are the one I'm looking for... the perfect choice!!"

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