The weather was very bad, but the weather was very bad.

Cheng Xu felt that there was something surrounding him, releasing malice without restraint.

In the endless vortex, Cheng Xu suddenly woke up and found that he was still in the fortress, and the surroundings were very safe.

It started raining outside at some point, and there were bursts of thunder.

Cheng Xu checked the time, and it was still five and a half hours before dawn.

Roselle's notice said twenty-four minutes ago.

"Survivors! Tonight's lottery has been opened!"

"You have drawn——"


"The thunderstorm will never stop before dawn! At the same time, a lovely lady in red will be strengthened, please don't have conflicts with her!"

Seeing this, Cheng Xu suddenly realized that the sound of rain he heard was not the clacking sound of rain hitting the roof...

That crisp thumping sound was more like someone holding an umbrella outside...

Cheng Xu's fortress was not strengthened in any way, and the walls did not prevent ghosts from infiltrating.

If the "red umbrella" outside was really strengthened, Cheng Xu would not be able to stop it.

Cheng Xu's brain began to work rapidly, and finally decided on a plan.

In order to avoid seeing the face of the female ghost directly, he opened the chat group, opened the survivor group and the administrator group together, and filled his field of vision.

Then, he put on a mask to prevent himself from overreacting to the smell of the female ghost.

Then, Cheng Xu chose the most comfortable position to lie down, leaning against the quilt, casually browsing the content of the group chat.

But in fact, the ghost girl's attention was not on Cheng Xu at this time. What was left at his door was just a strengthened spirit of "Red Umbrella".

At this moment, she was attracted by the voice of "Musician" and wandered outside his house for a long time, unwilling to leave.

"Musician"'s real name is Zhou Ruozhi. He was born in a musical family and was forced by his family to learn various musical instruments since he was a child.

But he is not proficient in any of them, and none of them is particularly good at them. His skills are complicated.

When he was dragged into the survival game, the awakened profession was very suitable for his ability, and he could use music to achieve various effects.

The first few skills were used for self-protection. He could hide himself with music and even rely on sound to stun the enemy for a short time, which made him live well in the first stage.

In the second stage, he had just awakened the skills related to mind control and conducted an experiment with the "Mud Disguiser" next to his home.

The experimental results were unexpectedly good. The melody of the music successfully caused confusion among the monsters, and they devoured each other.

As a result, his excessive high profile also caused unnecessary consequences. More monsters began to gather, including the "Red Umbrella".

When the rainy night rule came, the "Red Umbrella" annoyed by the thunder began to roar like crazy, split into many individuals, and hunted those who still dared to stare at her.

But when she came to the door of the "musician" Zhou Ruozhi, she was swept away by a voice with a strong mind control effect, and completely forgot her inner anger.

She stopped wandering and sat on the second-floor platform of Zhou Ruozhi's house, hugging her knees and listening carefully to the music.

Of course, Zhou Ruozhi didn't know what the female ghost was going to do. He was just startled and instinctively released his strongest skills.

His music can touch the soul, so it also consumes mental value, especially his latest awakening "D Major Serenade", which has a terrifying consumption of 1 mental value per minute.

Although Zhou Ruozhi's previous level upgrades had greatly increased his spirit value, the current spirit value limit was 240 points, three times that of Cheng Xu.

But after a night of consumption, it was about to fall to the critical line of 50%.

Zhou Ruozhi held the violin and played a serenade in the night of thunder and rain. His expression had begun to become trance, and his fingers began to twitch.

He didn't know how long he had to hold on. The clothes wet by the rain gradually appeared with bright red spots. That was his nosebleed.

"Boom... Kacha!"

A burst of thunder flashed, Zhou Ruozhi's bow shook, breaking many bowstrings, and the music stopped suddenly.

The figure of the female ghost disappeared at the same time, but the stench of her corpse still existed.

Zhou Ruozhi felt a phantom appear in front of his eyes. In a trance, time quickly flowed back and he returned to his student days.

He saw the one who always sat next to him in the band.

The girl saw the veins on her face and her charming eyes...

"Can you see me?"

"Of course I can."

"Then are you willing to keep looking at me?"

"I've already lost an opportunity, this time I won't refuse... I do!"


Zhou Ruozhi hugged the ghost girl, and his whole body began to be stained with blood red, and his white shirt turned into a strong scarlet.

A few seconds later, his body lost consciousness, slowly fell down, and fell beside his violin.

"Get up, dear, let's go hunt those who hinder our happiness..."


Cheng Xu, who was checking the administrator group, was suddenly overwhelmed by a large number of chat records. The administrators seemed to be discussing the scene just now.

"Nanqie: I don't know if it's worth sacrificing a "musician" for a temporary peak in the live broadcast."

"Bidongqie: Can we sell special clips like "Ghost Bride and Musician" later? After all, some viewers love this."

"Shuiqie: Indeed, but will these two have another chance to appear in the future?"

"Nanqie: It depends on the audience's response. If it is appropriate, we can consider returning."

"Citianqie: It must be on a rainy night with thunder and lightning, and let the "musician" play another song..."

"Tengqie: Wait a minute, they seem to be going for the killer kid!"

"Kaxiqie: Ohhhh, the live broadcast viewing volume has reached a new high and is still increasing!"

"Nanqie: It's simply a walking program effect..."

As soon as the administrator group finished speaking, Cheng Xu heard a melodious music.

Although he didn't have a systematic understanding of classical music, Cheng Xu had listened to a lot of songs to fight against the neighbors who were renovating while typing.

The floating and cheerful music made Cheng Xu feel very familiar...

"Humorous song..."

The strengthened "Red Umbrella" was the first to enter Cheng Xu's fortress. Zhou Ruozhi stood beside her and was slowly plucking the strings.

The floating and revolving melody lingered in Cheng Xu's ears. The originally light and pleasant melody should have made people feel relaxed, but the face of the female ghost tore the soft part of the song to pieces.

"Red Umbrella" came close to Cheng Xu's ear and asked in a tone that was almost whispering: "Can you see me..."

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