The first time I saw a man was on fire, but I was still sleeping.


After being woken up by the alarm clock, Cheng Xu felt that his head was about to split, and the consequences of lack of sleep began to appear.

Cheng Xu endured the discomfort in his head, opened the files of the administrator group, and browsed the monster arrangement for tonight.

"Half-body corpse, noise bee, sickle harvester, smoke corpse, chainsaw stitched monster, abandoned baby, bell catastrophe"

These names have no annotations, Cheng Xu can only judge the abilities of these monsters by guessing.

Cheng Xu flipped through the chat records and found that someone in the administrator group was complaining about this matter.

"Shi'eqia: At least you should write a comment. I can't find data links one by one when I write a report tomorrow..."

"Shuiqia: Huh? When will our report be linked? Can't we just write the monster name on it..."

"Shi'eqia: I changed it. The leader asked me to add comments, otherwise the leader wouldn't understand."

"Shuiqia: ...How can he be a leader?"

"Citianqia: Don't talk nonsense here."

"Shuiqia: I've posted the monster directory below. I built it myself. If you need it, you can find the comments yourself, or directly post the link to the leader."

"Shuiqia: Directory file 1166"

The huge file has more than 5,000 pieces of information, each of which is extremely detailed.

And this directory also comes with a search function, which instantly relieved Cheng Xu's headache.

Then, Cheng Xu began to search for the monsters he was about to face tonight.

"Half-body corpse: F"

"A corpse with only half of its body, usually disguised as a rotten corpse, will use the tentacles entrenched in the corpse to attack humans when they approach"

"The corpse tentacles have a strong paralytic toxin, and the attacked person can only be awake for 10 seconds without any resistance"

The catalog entry also comes with many test results, as well as photos of half-body corpses, many of which are even GIFs, describing in detail how the monster killed and swallowed humans.

"As long as you don't provoke this monster, there shouldn't be any big problems."

"Noisy bee: E"

"A bee colony with huge noise will not produce toxins, but will lay eggs in human flesh. A large number of parasitic eggs will hatch within two hours and turn into larvae that can devour protein"

"These larvae will secrete a large amount of protease, dissolve human muscles, and absorb them. They will metamorphose within half an hour and grow into adults"

The photos below are all some tragically dead humans, with white maggots crawling all over their bodies.

"I hope my window is strong enough."

"Scythe Reaper: D"

"A puppet that attacks with a sickle, about 70 cm tall, with six limbs connected to the sickle, and likes to dissect human bodies from the back"

"They move very fast, and their wooden bodies are surprisingly flexible, but they are afraid of flames and blunt objects"

This entry seems to have only three simple photos, with no experimental footage.

"Smoke Corpse: E"

"A zombie without a head or arms, it spews a lot of sparks and ash from its chest, which can cause large-scale burns if touched"

"This thing is a bit fun, because they have very poor balance and no eyes, so they often fall down, and once they fall down, it is difficult to stand up again"

Sure enough, the photos of the smoke corpse are all pictures of it falling down.

"Chainsaw Stitched Monster: B"

"A medium-sized monster made up of six corpses, with three arms tied with chainsaws, slow in movement but extremely destructive"

"Due to the characteristics of the Stitched Monster, once it kills a human, their corpse will become a new part of the monster's body"

Cheng Xu checked and found that there were only six of these monsters released.

"Abandoned Baby: C"

"The vengeful spirits formed by abandoned babies have an extremely strong obsession with women, will entangle with women, and desire to get back into their wombs"

"They have more pure malice towards men. As long as they are noticed, they will chase and kill the man until they kill him completely"

"Conventional physical means have a certain effect on abandoned babies, but killing them will only cause the abandoned babies to dissipate temporarily. After an hour, the abandoned babies will reappear and continue their previous actions"

From the dozen photos of abandoned babies, these guys are still living creatures, not ghosts, and can even be locked in cages.

"No wonder the rating is only C, this one can still be dealt with..."

"The sound of the bell: A"

Cheng Xu's eyes suddenly widened, after all,

The highest level of these monsters is C-level, and Cheng Xu feels a little uneasy when an A-level monster suddenly appears.

"A ghost that can ring the bell and is extremely aggressive will attack its target crazily, and conventional physical means cannot repel it."

"When the bell rings, some sounds will appear around the affected person, either fear or temptation, in short, it will attract the attention of the affected person."

"When the affected person looks at and explores the area where the sound is located, the second stage of the influence will begin to appear, and the things represented by those sounds will gradually appear."

"Those illusory things will arouse your desire, making you want to touch or avoid them, and this feeling will gradually deepen over time."

"When the affected person touches the phantom, he will completely become her target, and then she will tear the affected person's body and soul apart."

There are no photos or other descriptions of this ghost, but even this introduction can show how dangerous she is.

Cheng Xu took another look at the distribution map and found that, by chance, this bell catastrophe was released in the garden of Building No. 2...

"Tonight...maybe it's better to sleep."

After all, when people fall asleep, they won't care about any noise, and Cheng Xu feels that his body is eager to rest.

"No matter how good things there are outside tonight, you can't go to rob them, you must not be greedy..."

Cheng Xu put the weapon beside him just in case, then moved a pillow, walked to the bathroom, closed the reinforced bathroom door, and lay in the bathtub.

A few minutes later, Cheng Xu fell asleep.

Soon, the whole community entered the second night, and the monsters began to move.

After the first day of screening, the fools and weaklings were basically eliminated, and the remaining people had some skills.

The worst ones also knew when to shut up.

Of course, some people are just lucky.

Including Zheng Tian who took a machete to seek revenge on Cheng Xu.

On the first night, this guy relied on a machete and brute force to kill four or five zombies together with two guys on the same floor.

On the second night, he planned to do the same thing again, holding the machete, standing at the door of his house, waiting for the monsters to come.

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