I Was Trapped on the Same Day For 100,000 Years

Chapter 25: Went to the underworld

Lin Yue loosened his muscles and bones, and now his combat strength, below the revolver mirror, couldn't hurt him at all.

Even under the detachment, the chance of hurting him is extremely small.

"Little Saint King, I want to practice sword." Jian Chi'er said suddenly.

She is now enveloped by the powerful Thunder Sword Qi in her body, and she seems to be breaking out at any time.

Lin Yue knew that her combat body was not high, and took Jian Chi'er down the mountain, "They should be back."

Outside the lord's hall, Lin Yue stood with his hands in his hands, and Yang Qing, Longlin, and Liu Wuhen arrived one after another.

"Ying Longjin, I brought it." Yang Qing worshipped fist and handed Lin Yue a golden dragon tendon.

Lin Yue nodded, and the dragon scale said, "The blood of the flame beast is here."

He took out a half-person-tall clay pot, and there was already a strong smell of blood outside.

"It's very pure." Lin Yue smelled the scent, and Liu Wuhen also took out a tall human-shaped piece of wood at this time.

"The main pole of the Tiansuo Taoist tree." Liu Wuhen said.

Lin Yue was very satisfied. Putting away three things, he ordered: "In the next time, Longlin and Yang Qing will learn from each other for three hours a day."

He looked at the other two again, "Liu Wuhen, you use Fengyin Spear and Jian Chi'er to learn from each other."

Liu Wuhen was a little surprised, "Little Saint King, don't worry, I will lower the realm and practice with her."

Lin Yue smiled, "You don't need to lower it."

Liu Wuhen was taken aback, and he looked at Jian Chi'er carefully, only to discover that her whole body exuded a sword aura that shocked him!

"Second state of sword repair!" Liu Wuhen was overjoyed, "Okay, I don't think that after Elder Yang, there is another second state of sword repair in Xianzong.

Yang Qing also looked at Jian Chi'er in shock. According to her observation, Jian Chi'er should still take a few years before she reached the threshold of the second realm.

"Little Saint King helped me break through." Jian Chi'er lowered his head and said.

Everyone looked at Lin Yue more shocked, only to see the latter shrugged, "Practice hard, everyone can make progress."

Liu Wuhen smiled. From Lin Yue's gestures, he felt a terrible energy and blood, "We really have to practice hard, otherwise, in a little bit of time, the battle of Little Saint King The force will throw us a few blocks away."

Long Lin and Yang Qing nodded one after another, and they also noticed Lin Yue's qi, blood and Yao Qi.

That is the realm of dual cultivation of Yao Qi and combat body!

The four of them practiced and left, and Lin Yue walked into the Sect Master Hall, Qin Ji was already waiting for him.

"Things are ready." On the table in front of Qin Ji, there was a dagger and a talisman.

Looking closely, there is a faint formation on the table.

Lin Yue took out Yinglongjin, Yan Beast's blood, and the trunk of Dao Tree and placed them in front of them.

Qin Ji frowned, "When will I understand what Little Saint King is thinking?"

Lin Yue smiled, "It's just a stand-in."

He didn't think it was a big deal.

For Qin Ji, it was shocked to the extreme.

I saw the tree trunk being inserted into the formation by Lin Yue, and Fulu soared into the air. Lin Yue closed his eyes and pointed on the Fulu, "This Talisman of Life and Death is of good purity."

After Lin Yue finished speaking, Qin Ji glanced at him angrily, "Naturally give the best to Little Saint King."

"You are getting more and more obedient." Lin Yue smiled, Qin Ji's face flushed indeed.

Lin Yue closed his eyes and immediately dissipated his spiritual thoughts and blended into the talisman. The formation suddenly lit up, turning out complex patterns.

Lin Yue's spirit was no longer here, and when he appeared, he had already reached a star.

This star is not a sphere, but there is a majestic river with no end in sight. The river is floating in the sky, and the river is yellowish. Upon closer inspection, there are countless souls densely packed in the river.

On the bank of the river, a waterwheel flows slowly, draws water from the river, millions of souls, flow onto the waterwheel from the river, and are sent to the shore. There is an ancient bridge on this bank with bright red flowers blooming on both sides. On one flower, there are countless teardrop-like stamens hanging down, and the stamens are blooming like tears away from people.

With confusion in the eyes of these souls, they walked up the ancient bridge along the blood flower, and the shackles under their feet rubbed against the ancient bridge, making a clank sound.

That river is called Huangquan...

That waterwheel is called Samsara...

That ancient bridge, named Naihe...

That blood flower is named Manzhushahua!

All this is like eternal movement, on the other side of the bridge, a sound of Xumi is flowing like thunder in the quiet square, echoing in the thunder.

"All sentient beings are exhausted... Fangzheng Bodhi..."

"The **** is not empty... I swear not to become a Buddha..."

The sound suddenly stopped, and a pair of eyes opened suddenly, occupying half of the sky to a huge extent. Looking at the reincarnation, this eye suddenly noticed a figure appearing on it.

The figure actually stopped on a name in Samsara, and that name was directly taken off by him. The place where the original name was, suddenly burst into a faint blue flame and began to ignite spontaneously.

In the end, the person and the name disappeared out of thin air, as if they had never appeared before.

This eye was furious, and the entire star suddenly seemed to be stunned by the force of the sky and the earth, the ghosts wailing, and the yellow springs churning.

"Who is it that changed his life?"

The voice spread throughout this cycle, the water in the yellow spring boiled, and thousands of souls trembled, but no one dared to answer.

In the Sect Master's Hall, Qin Ji looked at Lin Yue with a worried look, and breathed a sigh of relief when Lin Yue finally opened his eyes.

"Where have you been?"

As a master of divine consciousness, she naturally saw that Lin Yue's divine consciousness had gone to a second place.

"Sure enough, his divine mind is not above me, but he seems to have a certain secret method that allows his divine mind to travel freely through different time and space."

Qin Ji thought, but what she worries most now is that Lin Yue goes back to the Demon Sea. If she is left behind by that horrible existence, what should she do after Forgetting Xianzong?

Lin Yue breathed a sigh of relief, a light spot suddenly appeared on the palm of his hand, Lin Yue smiled faintly, and said, "I went to the underworld."

Qin Ji's face changed drastically, "Underworld, are you crazy?"

"That's the place of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva." Qin Ji couldn't help shuddering. "The Ksitigarbha.....in the universe, the gathering place of the souls of the dead, the lord of the underworld, is more terrifying than the Seven Demon Emperor exist!"

Qin Ji has always felt that she might not be able to touch a big person of that level in her life, because once she touches, the other person's eyes, perhaps Forget Xianzong completely disappeared!

However, the young man in front of him escaped from the hands of the Ksitigarbha King. Looking at the things in Lin Yue's hands, Qin Ji's chest rose and fell again, dare to feel that he had taken something from the underworld!

Lin Yue shrugged, "Didn't I come back? Indeed, if I slow down a bit, I will be left behind."

The more Lin smiled, Qin Ji's heart beats faster and faster, "It's fine if it's nothing, it's fine if it's nothing."

Lin Yue pierced the light spot into the trunk of the Taoist tree. Soon, the trunk shook, as if the human breath kept walking inside.

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