After Lukaku got the ball with his back to the goal, he used his strong body to push away Carlos. He gently pushed the ball forward. He rushed to the small penalty area with a rumbling pace like a heavyweight tank! Diego Lopez was ready! But at this time, something unexpected happened... Carlos, who was unwilling to leave the field, first reached out and grabbed the back collar of Inter Milan's No. 9 player, and then used his foot to attack Lukaku's supporting foot. Bang—— With a loud noise, both of them fell to the ground in embarrassment. After rolling over, Lukaku, who was sitting on the ground, raised his hands and shouted: "Hey! This is a foul! Foul! I want a penalty!"


The referee blew the whistle at the first time, pointed to the penalty spot, and awarded a penalty.

Damn... Outside the penalty area, Chen Qi wiped his chin helplessly. He gave away a penalty at the beginning. Is this the beginning of hell?

Lukaku was very happy to get the penalty. After taking the ball from his teammate, he put it on the grass and slowly retreated. After hearing the whistle, he rushed out quickly and shot with his left foot without any pause!

In three seconds, the ball flew out directly from the original place!

On the right! Diego Lopez is worthy of being an experienced veteran. He judged the direction correctly and rushed to the side!

But... the ball moved too fast!

Lukaku's goal was not about angle, but absolute power and speed!


The ball went under Lopez's armpit and into the net!

Snap, snap! After scoring the first goal for the team, Lukaku rushed to the sidelines, opened his arms, closed his eyes, and calmly accepted the applause from the fans.

Lautaro, Eriksson, Barrera and others rushed over and stroked the head of the Belgian striker.

Beating his chest hard to express his joy.

On the stands, several diehard fans stood on the benches, holding a loudspeaker in their hands, and shouted: "FC, Internazionale?"

Inter fans shouted in unison, "Invincible! Invincible! Invincible!!!"

The shouts resounded through the sky.

The scene was spectacular.


After Inter scored, they did not hold back. They spread out all their players in the frontcourt and copied the Spanish pressing tactics.

They wanted to get the ball as soon as possible and disrupt the opponent's attack.


"Give it to me!"

J. Luo played with confidence in Espanyol.

Even when facing multiple people's pressure, he could remain calm and at this moment waved for the ball.

On the side, Chen Qi, who was surrounded by three people, heard it and passed the ball horizontally.

In this way, he resolved his crisis.

With a low ball control value, he really couldn't get the ball out of the crowd's pressure... He is currently practicing passing and shooting, and his two ability values ​​have reached 67 and 69!

As for the negative emotion value, it had been squandered before the game. All he got were some equipment, and no new ability entries were brought.

This game will not be easy!

You must reasonably allocate your physical energy and make good use of your abilities!

Ten minutes into the game, Chen Qi's touches on the wing were not high. He only tried to break through with the ball when he occasionally cooperated with the actions in the middle.

This is also the second point that Abelardo talked about in the locker room. Chen Qi needs to reduce his presence on the court in the early stage and not be targeted by Inter Milan players too early!

Only in this way can he, a fast winger, play his role to the greatest extent.

In the studio, Zhan Jun saw that the Spaniards had not been able to open up the situation, and couldn't help saying: "I don't know if it's because they didn't get enough rest, I always feel that the Spaniards' style of play today is a little bit lackluster, compared to the past, it's a lot lower!"


Zhang Lu smiled and said: "You mean to say that the Spaniards' attack on the right side today is not as sharp as before? To put it simply, you mean to say that Chen Qi is not in good shape today?"

"Haha, Zhang Zhi understands me."

"Inter Milan has obviously studied it. Every time Chen Qi gets the ball, at least two defensive players will be sent to defend! This kind of play may be one of the reasons for his poor condition!"

"Oh? What about the second reason?"

" may be related to the off-field. I have heard a lot of gossip about him recently..."


Zhan Jun laughed dumbly, didn't say much, just thought to himself, excessive indulgence...this is the way many young players become famous

The common problem of the players after the game is that they can't stand loneliness and like to overdraw their bodies in advance. After the game, they are very soft, can't hold the ball, and have no threat!

The two professional commentators standing in the God's perspective can see this, and how can Ashley Young, who is on the court, play a "dog skin plaster" role, not see it?

After more than ten minutes of confrontation, Ashley Young, who also joined the team in the winter window this year and transferred to Inter Milan at a super low price of 1.7 million euros, gradually relaxed.

No, this kid is not that good!

Take the ball, break through, no threat!

Pass the ball to the safety when you meet someone, what's the use of having super fast speed? Such a player is also worthy of such attention?

Ashley Young shook his head slightly, and after his teammates completed the steal, he actually abandoned Chen Qi and took the initiative to participate in the attack.

Hmm? On the bench, Conte, who was sitting peacefully, frowned and growled, "What is Ashley doing? Has he forgotten the task I gave him? Why is he participating in the attack? His task in the first half is to defend, don't you know?"

This... The assistant coach team on the chair was also confused. Some people stood up and were about to go to the sidelines to persuade him!


The situation suddenly changed!

It was Ashley Young, the old veteran who was a little too confident and lost the ball!

He didn't even have time to see what the person who stole the ball looked like.

At this moment, he raised his eyes and scanned the sky blue No. 18 jersey, and his breathing suddenly became rapid-CHEN!

Is it him? !

That's right, it's Chen Qi!

When Ashley Young abandoned him to participate in the attack, Chen Qi knew that his chance had come.

In the 23rd minute of the game, Ashley Young received the pass on the wing and was about to turn around and dribble the ball.

Chen Qi moved, rushed over quickly, and used his full-level speed, the veteran's carelessness and [Defensive Surprise] to complete a clean steal!

The ball was stolen very suddenly!

Most of Inter Milan's players hadn't reacted yet and were preparing to return to defense.

But Chen Qi had already rushed across the half court and rushed to the top of the arc!

Bastoni was so angry that he cursed, and didn't care about his teammates who were stunned. He quickly approached and wanted to defend alone!

Chen Qi was not in a hurry. He slowed down, swayed his body left and right, and his shoulders sank irregularly, making it impossible to clearly know from which direction he would complete the breakthrough!

The young Italian defender played 33 Serie A games for Inter Milan this season and was extremely experienced. After getting close, his pair of light blue eyes seemed to have found some flaws, and he immediately raised his legs and swept across...

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