As Zhou Yu appeared on the stage, the music started playing, and everyone also saw the song information that Zhou Yu would perform at the Mid-Autumn Festival Party today.

Lin Jiajia and many other viewers watching the live broadcast of tonight's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala were extremely excited after seeing Zhou Yu appear on the stage.

This time, it was Zhou Yu's first public performance on stage in many months. It can be said that starting from this year, Zhou Yu's time for public appearances has gradually decreased. Apart from appearing a few times in the past to promote the movie, it has never been seen again.

Like today, it's the first time for me to perform on stage in such a long time.

Looking at Zhou Yu wearing a blue dress on the stage, the comments were flooded by Zhou Yu's fans.

"Ahh! My husband is so handsome! I finally saw my husband perform again!"

"As we all know, the appearance of men in the country depends on me and Zhou Yu."

"Zhou Yu is still so handsome. I haven't seen him perform on stage for a long time."

"Indeed, although he has released a new album recently, he really doesn't have much time to show up now."

"So handsome! My husband will do more business in the future. Such a handsome face must not be wasted!"

Wen Shiyi sat at the scene and looked at Zhou Yu on the stage, her beautiful eyes shining with brilliance. Zhou Yu stood on the stage, completely different from what he was doing in private. He seemed to be in control of the stage. As soon as he stepped onto the stage, his whole personality changed.

Not only Wen Shiyi felt this way, but also the guests at the scene felt this way. In particular, Teacher Hu Wei and the others can clearly feel that Zhou Yu is a completely different person when he is filming and in private than when he is on stage.

Filming is a feeling, being in private is another feeling, and performing on stage is another feeling.

In other words, Zhou Yu is a completely different person at work and in private.

"This kid, I'm really looking forward to his song today."

They came late to the rehearsal before and didn't hear Zhou Yu sing during the rehearsal in the afternoon. They only came to watch tonight, that is, now.

On the stage, Zhou Yu slowly raised the microphone and started singing.

"The sleepless night drifts over

There is no hindrance to missing you

I seem to have heard that you have been suffering from insomnia recently.

A person in a daze

I like that you smile like a child

I want to be with you every day

The girl who cries when she listens to an old song

What can you do without me..."

As soon as Zhou Yu opened his mouth, the scene and the audience watching the live broadcast were instantly excited. This feeling is still as good as before. Everyone fell to their knees when he opened his mouth. Zhou Yu's singing skills are as stable as ever.

Even Lin Jiajia showed a surprised expression after hearing Zhou Yu's singing while watching the live broadcast. The previous albums I listened to were Zhou Yu’s recorded new albums, but this time I listened to Zhou Yu’s live version. The feeling seemed different again.

This live version seems even more shocking. And everyone knows that when singing live, due to various reasons on the spot, the live version definitely doesn’t sound as good as Chunxiang’s recorded songs.

But listening to Zhou Yu live didn't seem to be like this. It was like listening to him sing specifically in the studio. His singing was more contagious and penetrating.

"Let's watch the moon climb up together

You are also losing sleep thinking about your favorite

Let's watch the moon climb up together

You are also insomnia thinking about a better future

Let's watch the moon climb up together

You are also insomnia, who is waiting for whom?

Let's watch the moon climb up together

Insomnia night lover

Will I confess to you..."

The song "Watch the Moon Climb Up" brought by Zhou Yu this time is a song written and composed by Lu Hu, arranged by Dou Peng, and sung by Zhang Jie. This song was released relatively early, in 2009. It is a song in Zhang Jie's album "Time Travel Trilogy".

Although "Watch the Moon Climb Up" is a fresh piece, the creation process can be described as "hard work". This song was composed by Zhang Jie's brother Lu Lu. It was originally very R\u0026B style, but when Zhang Jie sang it, he felt that the arrangement was inappropriate. For this song, Lu Rover discussed and revised more than ten versions with producer Dou Peng. Zhang Jie himself also spent time in the recording studio "thinking" about this song over and over again. In the end, he finally came up with "ACAPELLA" - a difficult skill that almost no one in China had attempted at the time, and which required very high requirements for both arrangement, production and singing. The final result did not disappoint. Lu Rover said that in fact, many singers have asked him for this song, but he has never been willing to give it to him. He loves and cherishes this song very much. Writing a good song is a fulfillment of his music dream for him. He was relieved when his dream was fulfilled by another brother who had a dream for music. Zhang Jie finally fulfilled his dream.

As everyone listened to Zhou Yu's singing, they gradually became immersed in his singing.

Director Li was looking at the data backstage, and the staff were very excited, even though they already knew that the live broadcast data would definitely skyrocket as soon as Zhou Yu came on the stage. But every time we see this result, everyone still becomes very excited unconsciously.

"Director Li, the number of people watching the live broadcast has skyrocketed. At the same time, it was more than twice as high as last year!"

They didn't invite Zhou Yu to last year's Mid-Autumn Festival party. At that time, Zhou Yu hadn't even released his first album. Last year's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, Zhou Yu went to the local station, but this year, because there was an invitation from the central station, the local station couldn't invite Zhou Yu even if it wanted to.

Before this, Zhou Yu had participated in many CCTV gala events. Every time Zhou Yu came on stage, the ratings and the number of viewers would skyrocket. This Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is no exception, with more than twice the number of live viewers at the same time last year!

Director Li looked at Zhou Yu's performance on the stage with a smile. This guy hadn't performed on stage for so long. Everyone was waiting for this party, so the data was naturally much higher.

As Zhou Yu sang, the song gradually came to an end.

"Let's watch the moon climb up together

You are also losing sleep thinking about your favorite

Let's watch the moon climb up together

You are also insomnia thinking about a better future

Let's watch the moon climb up together

You are also insomnia, who is waiting for whom?

Let's watch the moon climb up together

Insomnia night lover

Will I confess to you?

Let's watch the moon climb up together..."

At the end of the song, Zhou Yu bowed slightly, and the audience burst into thunderous applause.

Zhou Yu was not in a hurry to leave the stage, picked up the microphone and spoke to everyone.

"Once again I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and family reunion! Thank you!"

At this moment, the barrage is also flooding the screen like crazy.

"It sounds great! It sounds so good! This is Zhou Yu's first live performance after so long, and his skills are still so profound!"

"Indeed, I thought before that Zhou Yu had not appeared on stage to perform for so long, and there might be flaws this time, but now it seems that it is still so stable."

"I have to say that Zhou Yu is still very good, and his performance this time was very solid."

"Oh, after watching this Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, only the last song of Zhou Yu's new album is left on Sunday. Woohoo, I don't know how long it will take to hear Zhou Yu's new song again."

"Yeah, I'm going to finish listening to Zhou Yu's new album soon. He's busy with film and television right now. I don't know when he'll have to wait until next time to listen to new songs. Alas!"

Everyone was a little emotional. This time Zhou Yu came to attend the Mid-Autumn Festival Party here at CCTV, and everyone was looking forward to it. Because this is Zhou Yu's first public appearance and performance in the past few months.

Nowadays, Zhou Yu's time to appear is getting less and less, and even the speed of releasing new songs is getting slower and slower. Although a new album was just released this month, compared with the speed at which Zhou Yu released new songs last year, it is still too slow.

Everyone seems to understand that Zhou Yu is currently transitioning and is busy in the film and television industry. So if I can show up later, I will definitely have a lot less time to devote to music. After today, everyone probably won't see Zhou Yu out doing business for a long time.

For Zhou Yu's fans, they are naturally very happy to see Zhou Yu getting better and better. But at the same time, they are a little reluctant to give up. They also really want to see Zhou Yu and their idol often.

Lin Jiajia has watched Zhou Yu's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala performance. At this moment, Zhou Yu's song is already online on Penguin Music, and she has listened to it several times.

She was actually quite reluctant to give up. After Zhou Yu's appearance this time, she didn't know how long it would take to see him perform on stage next time.

So this time, Lin Jiajia listened to Zhou Yu's song "Watch the Moon Climb Up" several times and analyzed it carefully, hoping to make a good video.

"This song is fresh, simple, and beautiful. It is the first impression on people. After listening to it for the first time, I feel like I can hum along with the chorus."

This is Lin Jiajia's first impression of Zhou Yu's song. It's nice and memorable, making it easy for people to remember this song. At that time, after watching Zhou Yu's performance and only listening to it once, Lin Jiajia was able to hum a few choruses along with it.

But Zhou Yu's song "Watch the Moon Climb Up" is not one of those so-called saliva songs. Instead, it gives people the same three-dimensional listening experience. It is simple but not simple.

"It is said that no song can be made without a tune. The melody of Zhou Yu's song is very simple. It seems to have also borrowed many polyphonic expression techniques from the nation, making the melody of this song more colorful..."

Lin Jiajia listened to the song and carefully analyzed Zhou Yu's song in her mind.

"Polyphony is a type of multi-part music relative to the main tune. In terms of horizontal relationship, the rhythm, intensity, intensity, climax and ups and downs of the melody line of each part are different and have their own It has its own independence; in terms of vertical relationship, the parts are unified with each other to form a good harmonic relationship. At the same time, the ascending scale here also has the feeling of the moon climbing, and the style of the arrangement is added. The elements of RNB are cross-border and fusion. The perfect combination of ethnic and Western, classical and modern makes the ears unable to stop..."

Lin Jiajia is analyzing Zhou Yu's song from a professional perspective. She is also a music graduate. Although she is not as good as those big guys, her appreciation of music is still quite high.

After all, if she didn't have some real skills, Lin Jiajia wouldn't be so popular on the Internet.

"There is also the perfect ACAPELLA, a vocal instrument. ACAPELLA originated from the church, and the choir's harmony was first called ACAPELLA. ACAPELLA firmly believes that "people" are the most exquisite and perfect sound emitters in the world. So in "Watch the Moon Climb" In the song "Come Up", you will hear many musical instruments simulated by human voices, appearing in the accompaniment in the form of foil, filling, echoing, adding flowers, etc., and forming a harmonious and complete MELODY with the main voice, harmony, finger snapping, and rhythm. Clinging to the listener’s ears…”

The more Lin Jiajia analyzed Zhou Yu's song from a professional perspective, the more surprised she became. Obviously Zhou Yu's song sounds very simple, but in this song, Zhou Yu used a lot of complex music theory in it.

This is one of the reasons why everyone says that some of Zhou Yu's songs are very simple, but often the simplest ones are the most complex.

Zhou Yu can make the simplest songs so that everyone likes them, and even make them perfect, which is the most difficult thing.

"However, ACAPELLA sounds beautiful and simple, but in fact it has very high requirements for arrangement and singing, and it is relatively troublesome to record. People who don't have certain skills dare not try it easily. Sometimes, no matter how good the singing skills are, it doesn't match the background sound. A good match is useless."

Lin Jiajia felt more and more that even though Zhou Yu hadn't performed on stage for so long, his singing skills were still very powerful and his musical skills were still behind him. Although Zhou Yu's focus this year has been on film and television, music has not been neglected at all.

"Because the song "Watch the Moon Climb Up" is a traditional Chinese pentatonic arrangement, when Zhou Yu sang, he softened his entire voice and returned to the original state of his voice, singing in the pentatonic method. By closely combining pronunciation and enunciation, focusing on the cohesion between words, and the tacit understanding between pronunciation, melody, and rhythm, we have successfully achieved a singing voice that is as pure silver as every word enunciation, rhyme, and collection. When you listen to Zhou Yu speak, you will know that this state is the closest to his speaking state. It has the unique cotton, softness and waxiness when he speaks his hometown dialect. There is nothing else in this world. What’s more natural and moving than singing that’s close to your native tongue?”

Lin Jiajia thinks this song is indeed very nice. It has a brisk love song tune and a catchy melody. It is as quiet and lovely as a serenade, making people immersed in it. Moreover, this song is quite consistent with the theme of tonight's Mid-Autumn Festival.

Zhou Yu brought a total of two songs tonight, one was "Watch the Moon Climb Up" sung by himself, and the other was the song "Hope You Live Longer" that he wrote to Wen Shiyi.

Lin Jiajia likes both of these songs. This also shows that Zhou Yu's creative ability is still so powerful.

"Then we're just waiting for the last song of the new album on Sunday." (End of chapter)

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